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Professor of EcoTiomics in the University of London 

Volume One 


London : 


Broadway House, 68-74 Carter Lane, EC. 

Fir'll Published. Ma\ 
Reprinted. Ma\ 19^5. 
Reprinted, 1938 
Reprinted. Febniar\ 19t6 

I. O N D O N 




Introbuction by Professor Lionel Robbins vii 

Author’s Preface to Second Edition xxi 



1. Exchange Value and its Causes. Earlier Explanations 15 

2. The Concept of IMarginal Utility 29 

3. Free Exchange and Market Value 35 

{a) The different uses of a single commodity 35 

(5) Exchange at given prices 43 

(c) Isolated exchange 49 

{d) Price formation in the open market. Exchange of two 

commodities 52 

(e) Continuation. Exchange of three or more commodities 63 

4. Objections against the Theory of MLarginal Utility. 

Exceptions to the Theory 68 

6. The Gain from Free Exchange 72 

6. Pricing under Limited Competition 83 

{a) Joint Supply and Joint Demand 83 

(6) Pricing in Retail Trade 86 

(c) Monopoly Prices 88 

7. Pricing under the Influence of Production 97 

1. Production without Capital 108 

(a) Landowners as entrepreneurs 110 

(b) The labourer (or a third party) as entrepreneur. The 

profits of the entrepreneur 124 

(c) The influence of technical inventions on rent and wages 133 



2. CapitaIiIStic Peoduction 144 

(a) The concept of capital 144 

(b) The marginal productivity of capital. Capital investment 

for a single year 147 

(c) Capital investment over a period of years 15? 

Note on Bohm-BawerFs Theory of Interest 167 

(d) Alternative treatment of the problems of interest and 

distribution 172 

(e) Controvemies concerning the theory of capital 185 

3. Tsb Interdependence op Production and Exchange. 

The Theory op Exchange- value in its Final Form 196 



1. Peopessob Cassel’s System of Economics 219 

2. Real Capital and Interest 258 

(a) Br. Gustaf Akerman’s Realhapital und Kapitalzins 258 

(b) A mathematical analysis of Br. Akerman’s problem 274 


Johan Gustaf Knnt Wicksell, the author of these lectures, 
is an economist of outstanding achievement whose work has 
not yet received in English-speaking countries the attention it 
deserves. In Scandinavia where he taught, and in Central 
Europe and Italy where he has long been read, his influence has 
. already been extensive and important. But, in other parts, 
even at the time of his death in 1926, he was probably less 
known than any other economist of commensurate rank. In 
recent years, however, largely as a result of the writings of 
Professor Hayek and Mr. J. M. Keynes, his theories concerning 
the rate of interest and the price level have become more widely 
known and his reputation is on the increase. It is safe to say 
that as the main body of his work becomes available this process 
is likely to continue. 

Wicksell was born in 1851. He was thus nine years younger 
than Marshall, three years younger than Pareto, and the exact 
contemporary of Bohm-Bawerk and Wieser. His interest in 
Economics developed comparatively late : his first important 
work, Uber Wert, Kapital und Berde, was not published until 
1893. He graduated in philosophy and mathematics, and it was 
not until after taking his second degree in 1885 that he turned 
his attention seriously to the subject which became his life-work. 
After ten years’ further study in France, Germany, Austria, and 
England he took his doctorate in economics. In 1900 he was 
appointed assistant professor of Political Economy at Lund. 
From 1904 to 1916 he held the chair in the same university. 
He died in 1926. 

^ In preparing this introduction I have been greatly helped by articles 
dealing with Wicksell and his work by Professors OhUn and Somarin, which 
appeared in the Economic Journal, vol. xxxvi, p. 503 seq., and the Zeitschnft 
fur Nationaldkonomie, Bd. ii, S. 221 seq., respectively. A succinct and well- 
documented account of WickseE’s work on the theory of Money and Capital 
and its influence on certain contemporary writers is to be found in an m yet 
unpublished thesis submitted by Mr. Solomon Adler to the University of 
London for the degree of M.Sc. (Econ.) in 1932, and a useful discussion of 
parts of this theory is to be found in l^chmann, SPudien mir Ormzproduk- 
HvUatsiheorie dea Ka^pUahinaes, 


Wicksell s central contributions to theoretical economics are 
all outlined, if not fully developed, in three books, all in German, 
which appeared in rapid succession at the commencement of 
his career in the nineties : tJhef Wcft, Kdpital und Rente, which 
appeared in 1893 ^ ; FinanztJieoretische Untersuckungen, which 
appeared in 1896 ; and GeUzins und Guterpreise, which appeared 
in 1898. In the first he developed an outline solution of the 
main problems of the pure theory of value and distribution. 
In the second he applied certain elements in this solution to 
the special problems of the theory of public finance and the 
incidence of taxation. In the third he developed his now cele- 
brated theory concerning the relationship between the money 
rate of interest and the general level of prices. His Vorlesungen 
uber NatimaloJcononm, of which the present volumes are a 
translation, were published first in Sweden in two parts, General 
Theory, and Money and Credit, in 1901 and 1906 respectively, 
and contain, with much new material, a systematic restatement 
of the main theorems of the first and the third of these earlier 

It would be a great mistake, however, to regard WickselFs 
work as an economist as limited to these four major publications. 
He published much on the population problem, played an 
active part in the discussion of public aflfairs in Sweden, and 
tliroughout his career was a regular contributor to the scientific 
journals in Sweden and elsewhere. The files of the Ekonomish 
Ttdskrift are full of lengthy articles by Wicksell, tantalizingly 
inaccessible to those of us who have not the good fortune to 
possess a sufficient knowledge of Swedish.^ The German 
periodicals contain a number of contributions, and the Economic 
J mimdl and the Qmrterly J ournal of Economics, once at least, 
each secured an important article from his pen.^ Few economists 

1 Some of the matter included in this book had been published in 
Conrad' & J ahrbilohtr in the preceding year. 

® Some of these contributions are now available in one or other of the world 
towages. The article on Profe^or Bowley’s Mathematical Economics, with 
ite discussion of the theory of* Bilateral Monopoly, appears m the Archw fur 
^oz»a?«?is^e?wfcAa/^,Bd.58,pp.252-281. Professor Hayek has included a celebrated 
article on Pn^s and the Exchanges in his Beilrage zur Qeldtheone, and two 
o&w on Dr. Gustav Akermann’s BealJcapUal urtd Kapitalzins and Prof. CasseFs 
peoiy of Social Economy ” appear in English as appendices to the present 
volume. But an English translation of a comprehensive selection of these papers 
18 still urgently to be desired. ^ ^ 

® A short list ot Wicksell’s principal contributions to foreign periodicals is 
given by Professor Ohlin, op. dt., p. 512. 



of Ms generation were more productive or — ^if those articles 
wMch are accessible in one or other of the world languages are 
any criterion — ^maintained so consistently Mgh a level. 

It is not easy in a few paragraphs to give a just view of the 
place in the Mstory of modern economic theory of Wicksell’s 
main achievements. As we have seen, he was the contemporary 
of men like Bohm-Bawerk and Pareto, whose work falls naturally 
under the headings appropriate to the so-called Schools — the 
School of Vienna, the School of Lausanne, the School of Marshall. 
But Wicksell fits into no such classification. No economist 
of similar rank has been more open to outside influences. But 
the influences were not all from one quarter. From the outset 
of his work in the nineties, he stands apart from the disputes of 
the Schools, deriving equally from the good elements in each 
of them — a pioneer of a generation wMch stands beyond these 
early factions and can perceive both the common denominator 
and the particular contribution in their respective systems. 
There is no economist whose work more strongly exemplifies 
both the element of continuity and the element of progress in 
the central tradition of theoretical Economics. Few have known 
better the works of the English classics or used them to greater 
advantage. To those brought up in the English tradition of 
post-classical Ricardian criticism his lucid reformulations of 
their doctrines must come as something of a revelation.. But 
his debt to the later schools is no less evident. In the broad 
outlmes of his value theory, the Austrian influence is strong ; 
and in Ms capital theory the influence of Bohm-Bawerk is obvious. 
But the whole is set in a framework wMch derives essentially 
from Walras, and the detail owes not a little to Wicksteed and 
to Edgeworth. In short, in spite of his dates, Wicksell is of the 
present generation. 

In all tMs, of course, he bears a strong resemblance to Edge- 
worth, our own great eclectic. There are indeed many elements 
in common in their work. Many of the problems which interested 
them were the same — distribution, public finance, the theory 
of monopoly — and they both brought to their solution that 
essential seriousness characteristic of those who are conscious 
of working with the instruments of an established scientific 
technique. But there was this important difference. Whereas 
Edgeworth’s eclecticism showed itself mainly in the analysis 



of particular problems, Wicksell’s stowed itself even more 
strongly in a tendency to synthesis. His particular investigations 
are important. But even more important are his reconstructions 
of general theory. He had the feeling for broad effects, the 
capacity for wide abstraction of the great system-makers. * But 
being a scientist and not a mere system-maker, the system he 
constructed was not specifically his own but the system common 
to the best work of the past hundred years of economic theory. 

In this respect, perhaps, he is more to be compared with 
Marshall, and more than one critic has made the comparison.^ 
But here, too, there are important differences. There can be 
little doubt that in general knowledge of the details of economic 
relationships in the modem world, Marshall was greatly WickselFs 
superior, as indeed he was the superior of most others of his 
generation. But as a systematizer of pure theory he had the 
defects of his qualities. The peculiar blend of realistic knowledge 
and theoretical insight which enabled him to present with such 
ingenuity the world as he saw it, was not necessarily conducive 
to clear presentation of abstract theoretical issues. He was 
so anxious to explain the reality he knew, to make his theory 
appear plausible, that he was apt to be impatient with refine- 
ments which, though useless for this purpose, might be fruitful 
in other connections. Moreover, as Mr. Keynes has pointed out, 
he lacked that aesthetic feeling for order and proportion which 
is essential to a theoretical synthesis on the grandest scale. 
It was just here that Wicksell excelled. There is no work in the 
whole range of modem economic literature which presents a 
clearer general view of the main significance and interrelations 
of the central propositions of economic analysis than these 
lectures. The arrangement is exemplary. The successive pro- 
positions are presented in a setting which emphasizes both their 
implications and — ^what is just as important—their limitations : 
and the whole is bmlt up in such a way that at each successive 
point in the argument attention is always focused upon the 
new elements in the problem, the rest having been satisfactorily 
disposed of at an earlier stage. In this no doubt Wicksell learnt 
much from Walras. But no^ one would contend that the 
exposition of the EUmeuls WEconomie Politique Pure, littered 

Bd ** Knut Wicksell,” Archiv fUr SozicdmssmscTuift, 



up as it is with, so much superfluous and somewhat crude 
mathematics, is a model of expository clarity. 

In certain respects, the closest comparison is with Wicksteed. 
For Wicksteed had the architechtonic instinct, and he, too, had 
derived both from Lausanne and Vienna. He had not, however, 
Wicksell’s feeling for the English classics, and the development 
of his thought was on different lines. Strongly influenced by 
Pareto’s modifications of utility theory, in later years he became 
more and more interested in the philosophical and methodological 
implications of the general theory of value. Wicksell, on the 
other hand, who was a bit "old fashioned on pure utility theory, 
turned his attention more and more to the development of 
that part of the Jevonian-Bohm-Bawerkian theory of capital, 
which, just because he rejected the classical writers so completely, 
in certain respects Wicksteed failed to comprehend ^ ; and as 
time went on his interests became more technical and practical. 
But the two supplement each other in admirable fashion. The 
subjective side of modem theory is at its best in Wicksteed, 
the objective in Wicksell ; a combination of the two covers much 
of the essential ground.^ I am not clear that Wicksteed was 
acquainted with Wicksell.^ But there is ample evidence that 
WickseU knew Wicksteed’s work and appreciated it long before 
much was thought of it in England. 

Any enumeration of Wicksell’smore outstanding contributions 
to the detail of Economic Science must commence, if it is to do 
justice to his own wishes, with his contributions to the theory 
of population. It was the reproach that his knowledge of the 
economics of the population problem was insufficient, which 
first directed his attention to scientific economics ; and thoughout 
his life, the population problem in all its aspects retained the 

^ In this connection a comparison between Wicksteed’s article on Jevons’ 
“ Theory of Political Economy ” {Works, vol. li, pp. 734-754) and the section son 
Capital Theory m Uber Wert, Kapital und Rente is very mstructive. 

^ But not all. I should be very sorry to be thought to lend any countenance 
to the view, now apparently gammg ground m somewhat unexpected quarters, 
that m undergraduate teachmg or in advanced studies we are yet m a 
position to dispense with the most thorough study of Marshall’s Frinciples, 
It would be a sad thing if the uncritical acceptance of this great work, 
which so long tended to stiffle the development of other Imes of thought 
in this country, were to be succeeded by an equally uncntical rejection of 
all the wisdom and the path-breaking mtuitions that it contams. 

® He must have been aware of Uber Wert, Kapital und Rente, for it was 
reviewed together with his own Co-ordination of the Laws of Distribution m 
the Economic Journal for June, 1894. 


strongest told on tis interest and emotions, so muct so indeed 
that in 1909 he incurred the penalty of a short term of imprison- 
ment on account of strong utterances on certain of its non- 
economic aspects — a period which he devoted to the preparation 
of a short book on this subject signed defiantly '' Ystad Prison 
In the statistical field, he did much important work on the 
mechanics of population increase, and, in the field of economic 
theory, he was one of the first systematically to develop the 
concept of an optimum population. Whether it is so easy at 
any time to assign a specific magnitude to this elusive concept 
as Wicksell himself supposed, whether indeed we really yet 
know enough about the application of the laws of returns in 
this connection to be in a position to describe it in a way which is 
theoretically satisfactory, are questions on which differences of 
opinion between reasonable men may yet legitimately arise. 
But the emphatic pronouncements in the introduction to the 
L^ures on the place of population theory in a systematic 
treatment of economic problems are a sufficient indication of the 
importance Wicksell himself attached to this part of his work. 

To the broad outlines of the theory of value Wicksell added 
little that was completely original. But he fused the main 
teachings of Walras and the early Austrians with great 
ingenuity and expository powder, giving to the philosophical 
insight and profoundity of Menger and his followers, the 
superior precision and elegance of the mathematical formula- 
tion. Seldom have the complications involved in the 
transition from pure utility theory to the theory of exchange 
and price been stated with greater clarity and exactitude. 
To more recent developments of the theory of value he was 
not very sympathetic, probably on account of the very strong 
utilitarian bias in his general view of the subject. The student 
of the theory of public finance, however, should not miss his 
discussion of the principle of justice in taxation.^ 

In the theory of production Wicksell displays much greater 
originality. His statement of the marginal productivity theory 
is one of the most satisfactory available. As Dr. Hicks has 
shown, ^ the exposition in the Lectures, with its express condition 

^ Finamiheoreiische UnterawJmngen, p. 176 8eq. Wicksell’s views in this 
spect have been developed with great ingenuity by his pupil, Prof^^sor 
E. Lindahl, in his Die OerecMigkeU der Best&mrung, 

2 Theory of Wages, p, 233. 



that the various firms concerned must be at a stage at which 
father economies of large scale production are absent, 
is immune from the strictures which have been passed by 
Pareto, Edgeworth and others on the version which is to be 
found in Wicksteed’s Co-ordination of the Laws of Distribution. 
In this he may have been indebted to Walras. But in the light 
of the discussion of the theory of distribution in liber Wert, 
Kapital und Rente, Wicksell must himself be looked upon as 
one of the founders of the marginal productivity theory. 

Most conspicuous, however, in the sphere of the theory of 
production is Wicksell’s contribution to that part which deals 
with problems of capital and interest. Here his eclecticism rises 
to the point of pure genius. By a judicious selection from the 
best elements in earlier theories he achieved a reformulation 
of this part of the theory of production from which, it is safe to 
say, all future work in this field which aspires to be taken seriously . 
must commence. It is worth examining the nature of this 
achievement in rather more detail. 

The part played in the classical system by the ingredients 
of a substantially correct theory of capital and interest is by no 
means so negligible as post-classical criticism has often assumed. 
On the one hand in the wage fund theory, on the other in the 
Ricardian modifications of the labour theory of value, particu- 
larly in the letters to McCulloch, there exist the rudiments of a 
theory in many essential respects not dissimilar from that which is 
to be found in Jevons, Bohm-Bawerk and Wicksell. In a series 
of brilliant reconstructions in the Finanztheoretische Unter- 
suchungen and elsewhere, Wicksell himself indicated the 
significance of certain aspects of the classical doctrines in this 
respect. More recently Mr. Edelberg has shown ^ how, if one is 
willing to give Ricardo the benefit of the doubt in one or two 
connections, a whole theory of capital and interest on WickseUian 
lines can be reconstructed from actual Ricardian material. 
In any case it cannot be said that important theories of capital 
and interest played a negligible part in the classical system. 
Indeed, if a choice had to be made between the classical theories 
and those modem systems which ignore the Jevonian-Bohm- 
Bawerkian reconstruction and reject the classical elements, 

^ “ The Ricardian Theory of Profits,” EcoThomica, February, 1933, 
pp. 51-74. 



there is mtich to be said for the view that the classical theories 
would be much less likely to mislead. 

But the classical system as a whole was very vulnerable. 
It was open to general attack on its theory of value. It was 
everywhere deficient on points of formulation. And these 
particular theories of capital and interest were liable to attack, 
not merely for their obvious deficiencies in this respect, but also 
for political reasons. As time went on, the wage fund doctrine 
in particular, instead of being reformulated in those minor respects 
in which it was defective, became the target of continuous and 
completely hostile criticism, some of it justified in points of 
detail, but most of it analytically erroneous and totally beside 
the point. Nothing could be more superficial — ^for instance — 
than the criticisms put forward by writers such as Walker 
and J. B. Clark of the incontrovertible proposition that wages 
, are paid out of capital. But for political reasons the classical 
theories of capital were unpopular and men jumped at any 
pretext for rejecting them. The result was that, particularly 
in English circles, much of the Economics of the fifty years after 
x870 was what Wicksell calls a KapUallose Wirtsckaftstheorie 
— an economic theory of acapitalistic production. Considerations 
of capital theory proper, save of a more or less terminological 
nature, simply disappear from the picture. Professor Taussig’s 
Wages and Captial was a gallant attempt to stem the tide — 
which incidentally carried through most of the modifications 
necessary to make the classical theory logically acceptable and 
completely disposed of the ridiculous myth that it had originated 
in selfishness and reaction. But it was in vain. When, after 
the war, Mr. Dennis Robertson and Mr. J, M. Keynes turned 
their attention to problems of fluctuation which involved similar 
considerations, the tradition of a theory of capital had so 
completely disappeared in English Political Economy that they 
had to start completely from the beginning. Nor was the 
position any better in certain continental circles. The work 
of Pareto, valuable as it is in other respects, adds little to 
kno'w ledge in this connection. It would perhaps be putting 
it too strongly to say that there is no capital in his equations 
of economic equiHbrium. But it would certainly be correct 
to say that there is no time. Now time is the essence of capital 



There was another stream of thought, however, in which the 
theorems of the classical economists were by no means altogether 
abandoned. In spite of his antipathy for Mill and his celebrated 
denunciation of his four fundamental propositions on capital '' 
— “all wrong,” as he said, Jevons had taken over into his capital 
theory important classical elements. And in Bohm-Bawerk's 
“ Positive Theory of Capital ” something very like the classical 
wage fund theory, shorn of its obvious defects of formulation, 
makes its appearance. But Jevons’ chapter on capital was only 
an outline ; and, for various reasons, the influence of Bohm-Bawerk 
was not altogether fortunate. In his critical work, he was 
undoubtedly unjust to many of his predecessors. This, where 
it did not create repulsion, created the impression of a much 
greater lack of continuity than actually existed. And in his 
positive solution, which in most important respects was sub- 
stantially correct, the emphasis and arrangement was such as 
to make understanding of the main elements much more difficult 
than need have been the case. The sections dealing with the 
element of time discount are admirably clear and have made a 
permanent mark on the discussion of the subject elsewhere. 
But the sections relating to the “ third ground ” for the existence 
of interest — ^the “ technical superiority of present goods ” — are 
developed in a mode which definitely invites criticism. What, 
as Wicksell points out, is really the central and fundamentally 
unassailable core of the Bohm-Bawerkian theory — ^the discussion 
of the influence of the varying productivity of productive 
processes of different lengths on prices, the use of the subsistence 
fund, and the formation of the rate of interest — only appears 
as a sort of practical application of these more disputable 
propositions at the very end-of the book. It is clear that many 
of Bohm’s readers never reach that last section. The result has 
been that in those parts where the oral tradition of Bohm- 
Bawerk’s seminar was not influential, it came to be thought 
that the theory of the relation of time discount to interest was 
Bbhm-Bawerk’s chief contribution. The propositions relating 
to the “ third ground ” were held to have been disposed of by 
the criticisms of Professors Fetter and Fisher ; and the most 
valuable element in the solution, therefore, what is really a 
marginal productivity theory of interest, properly stated in 
regard to the time element, tended to escape attention. 



But not with WickselL For Wicksell the productivity side 
of the question was obviously at once the more important 
and the more deserving of further elucidation. Steeped as he 
was in the literature of the classical system, he had no difficulty 
in detecting the underlying continuity between Bohm- 
Bawerk’s theory of the subsistence fund and the classical 
wage fund theory, and with his mathematical insight he 
divined, in spite of all Bohm-Bawerk's disclaimers, the 
substantial identity between the general marginal productivity 
analysis and the propositions relating to the varying produc- 
tivity of different investment periods. He was thus able 
to present an account of equilibrium of capitalistic production 
which combined all the best features of these apparently divergent 
theories, and, by invoking the methods of Walrasian analysis, 
he was able to present it in a much more general setting than 
was the case with either Jevons or Bohm-Bawerk. It is true that 
this theory itself is not complete. It was fully developed in the 
Lectures only 'for the case of circulating capital. And although 
later on, m his review of Dr. Akerman’s book (printed below as 
Appendix 2) Wicksell developed a solution for the case of capital 
of varying degrees of durability, it is obvious that this is one of 
the fields of pure analysis in which most yet remains to be done. 
But the fundamental ideas of his theory — the place of the varying 
productivity of variations in the investment period, the idea 
of interest as the difference between the marginal productivity 
of direct and indirect uses of factors of production — these 
are notions which are not likely to be superseded and which are 
fundamental as a basis for future work. 

I come finally to what is probably the best known of WickseU’s 
contributions — ^his celebrated theory concerning the relations 
between money and natural rates of interest and movements 
in the general level of prices. This is probably Wicksell’s most 
original contribution. The main propositions are certainly 
not new. As Professor Hayek has shown ^ there is a very 
considerable body of passages in the classical literature, in which, 
in one form or another, they make their appearance. But, 
apart from one isolated passage in Ricardo, which Wicksell 

and Production, chapter i, passim, « A Note on the Development of 
pp J^orced Savmg,»” QuaHerly Journal of Economics, vol. xlvii. 



says explicitly was only brought to his notice after the publication 
of his own theory, these passages are not in the most conspicuous 
or most easily accessible works, and there seems little reason 
to question that, in so far as any idea implicit in the fundamental 
notions of Economics can be so described, his main idea was 

Its influence has been far reaching. It is clear that in WickselFs 
own treatment, in certain respects — not unimportant in regard to 
practical applications — ^it is not correctly developed. It can be 
shown that the proposition that the money rate of interest 
which keeps prices stable is also the rate which clears the market 
of voluntarily accumulated capital, breaks down when the 
conditions of capital supply are either progressive or retro- 
gressive.^ It is clear that it stands in much need of refinement 
before it can be applied to the interpretation of actual conditions — 
still more as a guide to practice. The notion of a single rate, either 
natural or monetary, needs to be replaced by the idea of a 
structure of rates ; and the interrelations of these rates, and their 
relation, not merely to the stream of saving, but also to the risk 
factor, need much more study. But when aU is said by way of 
qualification, it remains true that the discovery, or rather the 
rediscovery, of the general relationship involved is one of 
the greatest single steps forward in monetary economics since 
the proper elaboration of the quantity theory. It is the key, 
not only to the more complex problems of fluctuations of 
monetary value, but also to much that is central in the general 
theory of capital and the theory of business cycles. 
Monetary theory and capital theory alike are at an impasse 
when the theory of money is limited to the simple quantity 
theory and the theory of capital is divorced from the theory 
of the money market. The value of money is said to depend 
on the quantity of money and the velocity of circulation, the 
rate of interest on the marginal productivity of extensions of 
the investment period, and the rate of time discount. The 
relations between the supply of capital and the supply of money, 
between the money rate of interest and the rates of real accumu- 
lation and investment, not to mention the relations between 

^ See Hayek, Monetary Theory and the Trade Cycle, chapter v, and Prices 
and Production^ chapter i ; also G. Myrdal, “ Der Gleichgewichtsbegriff als 
Instrument der Geldtheoretischen Analyse,” in Beitrage zur Geldtheorie, ed. 



relative prices at various stages of production and tlie rate of 
borrowing of the entrepreneurs — all these problems, whose 
solution is essential to any comprehensive theory of economic 
change, remain unexplained until this fundamental conjunction 
has been ejBfected. No doubt in this field it has been left for 
others to develop the implications of the broad principles wljich 
Wicksell laid down and even now much work still remains to 
be done. But the main credit of rediscovering these principles 
and bringing them once more into the centre of discussion must 
rest permanently with the author of these lectures. 

The present translation is based upon the third edition, 
published in Sweden after the death of the author under the 
editomhip of Professor Somarin. The two volumes into which 
it is divided, which deal with general theory and money and 
credit respectively, are to be published successively and will be 
sold separately. There have been added, as Appendices to 
Volume I, two of WickseU’s longer articles, one which adds to 
the capital theory of Book II further elucidations of the problem 
of durable capital not provided in the text, and another, which, 
in the form of a lengthy critique of Professor CassePs Theory of 
Social Economy, underlines various details of Wicksell’s general 
outlook. The inclusion of this latter must not be thought to 
imply any special endorsement by the editor of all the 
various criticisms it contains ; there are, indeed, several not 
unimportant points, notably those relating to the measurability 
of utility, where Professor Cassel still seems to me to have the 
better of the argument. But it is always good to know exactly 
where important authorities differ, and it was thought that 
anything which should elucidate the relationship of the theoretical 
systems of the two most famous Scandinavian economists of 
our time would therefore be helpful. 

Wicksell’s aim in preparing the Lectures was to provide a 
work which would not only enlighten the professional economist 
but would also serve as a textbook for students. It is with 
this end in view that the present edition has been prepared. 
It is not perhaps suited as an introduction for very young 
students who have no preliminary acquaintance with economics 
or any of the natural sciences. For such, some such work as 



Volume I of Wicksteed’s Commonsense of Political Economy is to 
be preferred. But for more advanced students (i.e. students in 
the first year of preparation for the final examination, as 
distinct from students preparing for the intermediate) and for 
readers of maturity it is admirably fitted for use as a general 
textbook. I know no single work better suited to the needs of 
any natural scientist who wishes to get a general view 
of what theoretical economics is about, and to what extent 
it is scientifically respectable. In parts the exposition is 
mathematical. But here, as in the original, the more advanced 
sections and the sections involving calculus have been printed 
in smaller type and may be omitted on first reading. The 
main argument throughout is accessible to those who have no 
mathematical competence. 

The task of editing the translation of a technical work of 
this sort is always somewhat arduous, and I am indebted to 
many friends at the London School of Economics who have 
lent assistance. The ‘final version of the text owes much to 
Dr. J. R. Hicks, who generously gave much time to the checking 
and correction of the manuscript. In addition to providing the 
translation of the Appendices, Mr. Solomon Adler gave valuable 
assistance and advice concerning the rendering of technicalities, 
and Mr. E. S. Tucker has borne the main burden of the laborious 
task of seeing the book through the press. 

Lionel Robbins. 

London School of Economics. 

April, 1934, 


The first edition of this book was a very limited one, for 
I did not wish to deprive myself of the opportunity of publishing 
a new edition and of availmg myself of the improvements which 
experience and expert criticism might suggest. Unfortunately, 
very little criticism, either public or private, has reached me ; 
but during the ten years or more in which I have been teaching 
I have naturally discovered various defects, which in this edition 
I have endeavoured to correct. By omitting the chapter on the 
theory of population, which was published a couple of years ago 
in a revised form as a Verdandi ’’ publication, it has been 
possible, without increasing the size of the work, to find space 
for certain additions, which, I hope, will increase its value and 
its usefulness. Thus the presentation of the theory of rent and 
the problem of distribution in a non-capitalistic economy has 
been expanded and, in connection with the theory of interest, 
some pages have been devoted to a resume and criticism of 
Bohm-Bawerk’s theory in its original form. Similarly, I have 
given a detailed alternative explanation ^ of the origin of interest 
and of the solution of the problem of distribution under capitalistic 
production, in which I assume that the whole of the available 
supply of current labour and land is either invested in production 
at once, at the same time, or possibly at different moments of 
time ; after which, the products mature spontaneously under 
the influence of free natural forces — ^as for instance in the 
laying down of wine for consumption, etc. Interest then appears 
in its purest form as the ‘‘marginal productivity of waiting’' 
(or of time), and the problem, in all its phases, is easily susceptible 
of exact treatment in a mathematical form, without it being 

^ This expression is perhaps not entirely suitable, since, as will easily 
be seen, the essence of the argument is in both cases the same. It is therefore 
also possible that I ought to have endeavoured to combine sections II, 2, C 
and 1) in a single uniform presentation. I have found myself unable, 
however, for various reasons, to do this. As they now stand, these two collateral 
presentations may materially support and explain each other. 




necessary to have recourse to calciilation with so-called simple 
interest, as in Bohm-Bawerk’s well-known exposition. 

Finally, the original brief discussion of the phenomena of 
the accnmnlation of capital has been expanded, and now includes 
an examination of Professor CasseFs interesting contributions to 
the still very meagre literature of this subject. 

As will appear from what has been said, the present edition 
has a more mathematical ” character than its predecessor. 
In every case, however, I have prefaced the mathematical 
analysis by an elementary treatment with definite — ^though 
usually arbitrary— figures. The passages in smaller type can, 
for the most part, be read and understood without any special 
knowledge of mathematics, and for the remainder, as I have 
said in the text, the standard reached nowadays in secondary 
schools should suffice. 

Opinions may differ as to the value of this method. For my 
own part, I am convinced that a constant and logical argument 
from simple assumptions conveys more real knowledge than 
variegated but superficial talk upon everything under the sun : 
national character, racial differences, will to power, class interests, 
etc. Again, as regards the controversy concerning the so-called 
historical and theoretical treatment of economics (of which the 
latter must of necessity be more or less mathematical), this is 
a matter which can, in my opinion, be settled only by a division 
of labour. We must be deeply grateful to those persons who, by 
the discovery and investigation of documents relating to economic 
history— matters treated in a very stepmotherly fashion by 
earlier historians — ^have succeeded in illuminating the present by 
the light of the past, and in showing to us some links on a chain 
of development of which we ourselves and our environment 
constitute another link. But, on the other hand, if economics 
is some day to become a real science and guide to practical 
business it must inevitably advance to certain positive results 
and principles of universal application. It will not do to treat 
questions relating to economic policy, to trade and industry, 
and esj^cially to population, as if they were metaphysical 
speculations in which each person can adopt the point of view 
which appeals most to his temperament — and still more 
frequently, ^rhaps, to his private interests. We are here 
concerned with substantial quantities, measurable magnitudes, 


a and 6, plus and minus. To secure an explanation of tteir 
relations wMcli would be convincing to every thinking and 
unprejudiced person cannot be said to be outside the scope 
of economic inquiry, but must, on the contrary, be its 
ultimate goal. 

,I am, of course, far from regarding the following arguments, 
which are for the most part hypothetical, as an adequate 
foundation for a practical treatment of economic questions, 
though I have little doubt that they constitute a necessary 
preliminary — ^and, at the same time, provide a useful exercise 
for those concerned with such problems. In more than one 
case it may appear that a direct application of our principles 
to actual politico-economic problems would be quite natural. 
In such cases we must certainly be on our guard against 
over-hasty generalizations from results achieved by way of 
abstract deductions ; and, unfortunately, the mathematical 
method affords no absolute guarantee against false deductions. 
But, in any case, that method has a great advantage over the 
merely descriptive method, in that errors committed cannot 
long be concealed, and false opinions cannot be defended long 
after they have been shown to be wrong. 

E[nut Wicksell. 


March, 1911 . 





It is not easy to give a satisfactory definition of the term 
‘‘ political economy The conception itself is, indeed, 
somewhat vague — a natural state of affairs in the infancy 
of a science. Literally, the name indicates national house- 
keeping or the theory of national housekeeping. Yet, 
at any rate nowadays, a nation has no common housekeeping, 
but every individual manages his own affairs. The State itself 
constitutes a management of some affairs in common and the 
same is true of the local units ; the housekeeping of those units 
is dealt with by the science of public finance, which, though 
it must be regarded as a part (and an important part) of political 
economy, is by no means the whole. In modern times, moreover, 
it has become customary to treat public finance as a distinct 

The name political economy arose during the so-called 
‘‘ mercantile ” age, when it was regarded as a duty of the State 
itself to exercise an extensive influence over the aJlairs of 
individuals, so that the latter enjoyed only a very restricted 
liberty, under the guidance and control of the State. At that 
time, therefore, it was appropriate to speak of political economy, 
a term which adequately represented the conception which 
underlay it. Its appropriateness diminished with the advent of 
the physiocratic ideas and the victory of the conception of 
unrestricted liberty and free trade, especially as the main thesis 
of the latter was that the State should interfere as little as 
possible in economic affairs and leave the individual, except 
in certain well-defined cases, free to attend to his own business. 

[Swedish Naitoiwlekonomit German NtUwnaldIconomie.'] 


Thus, according to this view, the fundamental principle of 
political economy was that its subject matter, the national 

tonselioM, did not exist. 

In our day, it is true, there has been a reaction against 
this ultra-liberal principle, but nevertheless it is still in reality 
the individualistic, purely private, system which predominates. 
For this reason many modern writers have desired to reject 
the qualifying adjective ‘‘ political or national ” and to speak 
merely of economics, or have invented entirely new names, such 
as plutology ’’ or ‘^catallactics”. But in the absence of 
a better name we may perhaps retain the old one,^ provided 
that we are careful not to import into it the conception of 
a national unity in the economic field which does not exist in 
reality. In accordance with the modern outlook, the subject 
matter of , political economy is becoming more and more the 
doctrine of economic phenomena, in their interrelations, seen 
as a whole ; i.e. in so far as they uniformly afiect whole classes 
of the community, or a whole people, or the totality of all 
peoples (what the Germans call WeUwirtsckaft). By an economic 
phenomenon or activity is meant every systematic endeavour 
to satisfy a material need, or, more precisely, one which seeks 
with the available means to achieve the greatest possible result, 
or a given result with the least possible means. (The famihar 
expression, “to obtain the greatest possible results with the 
smallest possible means,” is illogical and should therefore be 

In many cases such an activity, though directed to the 
advantage of an individual, at the same time promotes, or is 
at least not inimical to, the general good. He who works and 
produces only for his own gam also confers benefits on others 
— ^indirectly, by means of exchange) the improvement of the 
soil and of technical plant in general, which is effected by the 
present generation, possibly only in its own interests, will, 
nevertheless, be of benefit to the coming generation. In such 
cases individual and national economic interests coincide. But 
it is equally common, or even more common, for one economic 
interest to conflict with another j circumstances or activities 
which benefit one branch of industry, one class of society, or 
one generation, are often more or less injurious to another. 

^ [i.e. NcUioTialehonomi (Swedish) or NationdlokoTiomie (German).] 



Examples of tMs kind are familiar to everybody ; the most 
important is surely the distribution of property, in so far as 
possession of land or an exceptional monopoly of any kind 
necessarily excludes others from that land or that monopoly. 
Private and national economic interest then no longer coincide, 
and the question arises which is to be followed ; in other words, 
which of two conflicting interests is to be preferred as contributing 
most to the general good. To answer this question is the practical 
and social duty of political economy, and it might be said that 
the definition of political economy as a practical science is the 
theory of the manner of satisfying human needs which gives 
the greatest possible satisfaction to society as a whole, ^ having 
regard to future generations as well as to the present. The 
existing individualistic organization of society, in so far as it is 
socially justified, must then be regarded as a means to the 
attainment of that end. 

The solution of this problem is frequently very difficult 
and the result is, of course, alwaj^ dependent not only on 
technical economic considerations, but also on the degree of 
our sympathies ; that is to say, on our understanding of the 
interests and demands of others. When we say that a thing 
is beneficial or injurious from the point of view of political 
economy, this maimer of speaking is based on an ethical or 
philosophical postulate ; that is to say, on certain conceptions 
concerning the natural right of men to live and enjoy the good 
things of life. We either consider all to have the same rights 
and reckon each individual member of society as a unit, or 
else, for one reason or another, we recognize a difference between 
them, though in that case the reasons must be clearly stated 
if we are to regard our view as scientifically established. 

As we all know, opinions on this question have changed 
greatly in the course of time. In earlier times, only the free, and 
afterwards only the propertied, classes were regarded as members 
of society in the true sense ; slaves and those without property 
were regarded in much the same way as domestic animals in 
our day — merely as a means and not as an end. Aristotle’s 
well-known saying that shuttles and the plectron of the lyre 
would have to move of themselves before slavery could cease, 

^ Here, too, one should avoid the very common, but fundamentally 
meaningless, expression “ the greatest happmess of the greatest number 



is evidence of tMs view, ttongli we need not go back so far 
in time to encomiter similar opinions. Among eighteentb century 
Swedisb writers on economics, mentioned by Amberg in bis 
Ffihdsiidem politiska ekonomi The Political Economy of the 
Age of Freedom”),^ we repeatedly find remarks which show 
that the conception, so repellent to our m inds, of a workman 
as a mere beast of burden was, as recently as two centuries ago, 
stni general and deep-rooted. Indeed, it may be regarded in 
some degree as one of the merits of economic science that in 
this respect it has produced a revolution in pubhc opinion. 
As soon as we begin seriously to regard economic phenomena 
as a whole and to seek for the conditions of the welfare of the 
whole, consideration for the interests of the proletariat must 
emerge ; and from thence to the proclamation of eqml rights 
for aU is only a short step. 

The very concept of political economy, therefore, or the 
existence of a science with such a name, implies, strictly speaking, 
a thoroughly revolutionary programme. It is not surprising 
that the concept is vague, for that often happens with 
a revolutionary programme. Indeed, many practical and 
theoretical problems remain to be solved before the goal of 
economic or social development can be said to be clearly 
understood. Something can still be said in favour of the older 
point of view, but in any case it should be said straightforwardly 
and without prevarication. If, for example, we regard the 
working classes as beings of a lower type, or if, without going 
so far as this, we regard them as not yet being ready for a full 
share in the product of society, then we should say so clearly 
and base our further reasoning upon that opinion. There is 
only one thing which is unworthy of science—to conceal or 
pervert the truth ; that is to say, in this case, to represent the 
position as if those classes had already received all they could 
re isonably wish or expect, or to rely upon unfounded, optimistic 
beliefs that economic developments in themselves tend to the 
greatest possible satisfaction of all. This latter mistake was 
made especially by the so-called harmony economists in the 
middle of the last century— the American, Carey, and the 
otherwise admirable Frenchman, Bastiat— both of whom in 

*friheutidens rtationaUkonomiska litteratur. 


their own countries and in ours have bad, and still have, many 

The division of the subject which first suggests itself is 
into theoretical ’’ and “ practical political economy — 
economics in the narrow sense and national economic policy. 
Owing to the decisive dijfference which it makes to our handling 
’ of economic problems whether we assume the existence of 
private property and freedom of contract in anything like their 
present forms, or whether we do not, it might be more appropriate 
to subdivide the practical portion into two parts ; one being an 
application of the theory /ownded on existing conditions, and the 
other a critical examination of the foundation itself. 

The former of these would be, at the same time, a link 
betw^een the latter and the theoretical portion. On the one hand, 
it amplifies the theoretical abstractions by a closer consideration 
of reality, whilst, on the other hand, the practical problems 
which emerge as soon as we approach reality can find their 
ultimate solution only in a criticism of the foundations of the 
whole economic life of society. 

We thus arrive at the following division of our subject : — 

(1) A theoretical fart (pure, general, or theoretical economics), 
comprising a statement of economic laws or the connection 
between economic phenomena, in which, in order to discover 
or demonstrate these laws, we must necessarily proceed from 
certain simplifying assumptions. 

(2) A practical part (applied economics, particular problems 
of the consumption, distribution and production of goods), 
comprising the application of these laws to various fields of 
activity in the concrete economic life of society. 

(3) A social part (social economics or economic policy), 
comprising an investigation into the question how these economic 
laws and practical precepts should properly be applied in order 
to obtain the greatest possible social gain, and what changes in 
the existing economic and legal structure of society are necessary 
to this end. 

In the first of these main parts there are certain subdivisions. 
First and foremost comes the theory of human wants, quantitative 
and qualitative, i.e. the general theory of consumption, which, 
smce it is the purpose of all economic activity, should logically 
be placed first, even though in actual life it comes last in point 


of time. As regards sucli needs, or consumption, the q'mntitative 
point of view emerges iBrst, and in this respect the number of 
€X>iiBuiners is of decisive importance. Tims, in our first 
subsection, we naturally treat of the theory of population, its 
composition and changes. Man is, indeed, not only a consumer ; 
he is also a producer. . Yet he is, both phylogenetically and 
ontogenetically, both in racial and individual development, 
a consumer long before he is a producer. In the theory of 
production, moreover, man is only one of the productive factors ; 
in the theory of consumption he and his purposes constitute the 
whole. Generally speaking, and even apart from the above 
division of the subject, it will be found that the theory of popula- 
tion, which can never be omitted from a complete treatise on 
political economy, can never find a suitable place in the system 
unless it forms an introduction to the whole. In actual fact, 
it is impossible to consider economic problems profitably, whether 
they are of a practical or theoretical kind, unless we constantly 
keep population and its changes in view. On the other hand, 
it would appear that certain problems of population are of such 
a complicated nature that they cannot be solved without 
a thorough knowledge of every part of the theory of economic 
structure. Thus we return to these problems at practically 
every point in a thorough economic investigation, and their 
solution may be regarded as its chief result. 

We next turn to the qualitative side of human needs : to 
their extent and mtensity, relative importance, etc., and the 
comparative importance which we accordingly attribute to the 
means of satisfying these needs. The development of this inquiry 
will lead us to the theory of valice and to the associated general 
theory of eaxtianqe. On the other hand, exchange as it appears 
in reality in modem society, and the regulation of exchange 
by society which may be considered desirable, belong respectively 
to the second and third main sections of our subject. 

The next subdivision is the general theory of production 
and of the factors of production : land (or nature), labour, and 
capital, their part in* production and their relative shares in the 
distribution of the product — ^rent, wages, and interest — ^all 
examined on certain simplif^g assumptions, such as universal 
free competition or competition limited in a certain maimer. 
It is already clear that the theory of production cannot be 



separated from the theory of distribidion^ though it should be 
noted that this appKes only to distribution as it actually takes 
place under the individualistic economic system, or, more 
correctly, as it would take place on our simplifying assumptions. 
The social problem of distribution, on the other hand, which 
belongs to the third main division, is fundamentally different 
from this ; it embraces, among other things, the question, not 
yet raised at this stage, of property rights in the various factors 
of production. 

In these two subdivisions we shall treat the subject mainly 
from the static point of view, i.e. we shall assume, in principle, 
a society which retains unchanged from year to year the same 
population, the same area of territory and the same amount of 
capital, and remains on the same level of technical achievement. 
By way of transition to a more dynamic point of view, which 
can oiily be successfully presented in combination with the 
practical part of our subject, we shall briefly treat the problem 
of saving or accumulation of capital — ^which is equivalent to 
production without corresponding consumption — as well as 
its negative counterpart, capital consumption. 

Finally, we include in the general or theoretical part of our 
work the theory of the medium of exchange, money as well as 
organized credit, which subjects are clearly connected and partly 
coincide. Many monetary questions, it is true, have their proper 
place in the special or applied section of our subject, but to avoid 
unnecessary length we shall treat most of them together, more 
especially since the actual technique of money is of much greater 
interest to pure economic theory than the techmcal details of 
production or trade. 

We thus obtain the following five subdivisions of Part I of 
our work : — 

(i) The theory of population.^ 

(ii) The theory of value and exchange. 

(iii) The theory of production and distribution. 

(iv) The theory of capital, all of which are treated in 
Volume I, and 

(v) The theory of money and ctedit, which is the subject 
of the second volume of the theoretical part of our work. 

As I shall probably not be in a position to publish either 

^ [For reasons explained in the author’s preface, this section was omitted in 
the second Swedish edition and is not included in the present translation. | 



of the two other main parts, it is unnecessary to recount how 
I have coBceived their content or how I have treated them in 
my lectures. I need only add that the third mam division (or 
Social Economics) would include, as its last section, a theory of 
public finance — ^which is usually treated nowadays as a separate 
science, as a study of particular financial legislation — ^thougji in 
essence it undout>tedly constitu* es a part, growing more important 
and extensive every day, of political economy. 

This division of the subject accords in the main with that 
used by Walras in his Mements d' economic politique pure^ though 
it is not always based upon the same reasons. Formerly, following 
the example of J. B. Say and J. S. Mill, it was usual to divide 
economics into the theories of production, distribution, exchange, 
and consumption — a chronological order, as it were, according 
to which it was supposed that commodities must first be produced, 
then distributed between the persons participating in the 
production (workers, landlords, capitalists, etc.) and then 
exchanged, in so far as they were unable to avail themselves 
of their share in kind, and finally consumed. But this easy 
division of the subject is far from logical. Production and 
distribution cannot, as we have already pointed out, be 
understood except in combination, and the concept of value 
and exchange underlies both, a fact which has led to incessant 
anticipations and circunolocutions unfortunate from an expository 
pomt of view. And, again, there was not much left to say about 
consumption when everything else had been treated ; so that 
the whole of this section was completely ignored by Mill. Yet, 
if this is allowed to happen, one loses sight of the fact that that 
which directs — or, more correctly, ought to direct — all economic 
activity is human needs. Thus the theory of wants or vcdue 
should undoubtedly be placed first; and this is often done 
nowadays, even by writers of textbooks who, like Professor C. 
Gide, otherwise preserve the old division of the subject. On the 
other hand, it can hardly be right to postpone discussion of 
value, as Philippovich does, and only to treat of it in connection 
with the theory of commercial practice. The theory of value 
in its modem form has, as we shall see, been more or less 
responsible for the transformation of every branch of political 
economy and should, in combination with the theory of 
population, constitute the foundation of the whole edifice. 



Anotlier consequence of tMs traditional division of the 
subject has been that, within the various main divisions, 
theoretical, practical, and social problems have been treated 
together. At an earlier stage in the development of the science, 
this might be defensible — ^and there is no doubt that it helped 
to give to the works of MiU, as previously to those of Adam 
Smith (whose division of the subject is somewhat different), a high 
degree of literary charm. But in proportion as science develops 
and becomes specialized, a different method becomes necessary 
and, by adopting it, it becomes easier to escape the criticism, 
advanced so often and with so much justice against the older 
economists, that the range of validity of their conclusions was 
not always clearly established. 

It is a more especial disadvantage of the traditional division 
of the subject that the theory of money came to be treated 
as a mere episode in the theory of exchange, without regard to 
its great theoretical and practical importance in every branch 
of economics. This is probably the real reason why, despite the 
voluminous writings on the technical aspects of money and 
credit, no complete theory of money and its functions has ever 
been advanced, and why it remains one of the least explored 
fields in the theory of political economy. 

Passing over to pure or theoretical economics (mth which 
the present volume will be solely concerned) we should point 
out that the exposition in the whole of this section must of 
necessity be abstract and schematic ; the results will be 
correspondingly hypothetical, that is to say, they can only claim 
validity under our simplifying assumptions. Whether, and to 
what extent, they will accord with reality will evidently depend 
on two circumstances : first and foremost, whether our 
assumptions are themselves founded on reality, i.e. contain at 
least some elements of reality — ^which we must always demand, 
for otherwise all reasoning about them would be sterile. We 
can, for example, safely assume that men are actuated by 
selfish motives, because that is always, at least to a very large 
extent, true. But we can no more assume that they are filled 
with a desire to injure each other than that they are purely 
altruistic. Further, the conditions from which we abstract 
must be relatively unessential, at least as regards the question 
under discussion : when we are considering certain economic 


problemB such as, for example, price formation, we may forget 
that man is not entirely individualistic but has also social 
impulses. But we must not do so in other problems, as for 
example in the politico-social field or in the science of public 
finance. Having, by this means, obtained a first approximation, 
it is possible by successive approximations (i.e. by taking into 
consideration more and more of the conditions at first omitted) 
to approach nearer and nearer to reality, in much the same way 
as the astronomers were obliged to proceed in order to discover 
the laws of the real movements of the planetary system. 

It is not, however, always possible to decide in advance 
whether the conditions from which we abstract are essential 
or not. It may even happen that we must deliberately ignore 
conditions which are in themselves of the greatest importance, 
because the problem in question is of so complex a nature that 
it cannot be rationally treated in any other way. Thus, in the 
theory of value, we shall ignore, for the time being, the functions 
of money — ^which in fact are essential and not merely of secondary 
importance. And we shall often regard the economic activities 
of a people as isolated, whereas among the peoples who interest 
us, such an isolation does not, even approximately, exist and 
therefore our assumption corresponds with reality only if we 
look at the economic activities of the world as a whole. Similarly, 
at the outset, we shall regard both exchange and production 
as if each existed independently of the other, which is practically 
never the case ; and, in the theory of production, we shall first 
concern ourselves with non-capitalistic production, although 
this bears no possible resemblance to actual production and, 
strictly speaking, caimot exist in fact. In all these cases the 
results are, of course, not even approximately correct, but are 
purely hypothetical ; though the inquiry is not, on that account, 
valueless. They constitute rather a necessary dement in the full 
and correct solution of the problem under discussion and are, 
therefore, to be regarded as useful work, even if it should 
sometimes prove impossible, for the moment, to complete the 
reasoning by the inclusion of other factors hitherto omitted.^ 

^ In the exact natural sciences, there are many parallel cases One of the 
finest discovenes in hydrodynamics made it possible, by Green’s analysis, to 
determine exactly the movement of a solid body of a hquid. Yet the formulae 
so discovered do not (except superficially) correspond with observed facts, 
because it was impossible to take certam important details mto consideration — 



It lias been customary in the so-called Hstorical scbool of ‘ 
political economy to deprecate all abstract reasoning within 
the science as being useless. This view, which, however, seems 
to be dying out, evidently disregards the fact that all human 
thought, of whatever kind, must necessarily be abstract. Historical 
resedirch itself begins by abstracting from all those innumerable 
data influencing the problem at issue which are not mentioned 
in existing historical documents ; and when it applies the 
results obtained by the historical method to modern times, 
or when it tests them — a3 it must almost always do — ^by 
contemporary thought, it also abstracts from all the material 
and spiritual changes of the intervening time — a, process which 
may be permissible, but which may lead to serious error. If 
this school were consistent, therefore, it should refrain from all 
conclusions and from aU thought beyond the purely mechanical 
recording of facts. Fortunately, it does not pursue its thesis 
to its logical conclusion, but, on the contrary, has enriched 
political economy by much extremely valuable research, which 
will always retain its place among the treasures of the science, 
even though it does not, and cannot, constitute the whole if it ; 
and even though — ^Hke theoretical research — ^it cannot claim 
more than approximate validity. 

especially the eddies produced by the movement of the body. Another, and 
older, example is Newton’s discovery of the speed of light through the atmos- 
phere — ^which differed from the actual result by about one-third, because the 
heating of the air under pressure had not been taken into account. Even 
Newton’s famous Law of Gravitation at first gave an entirely incorrect result 
when he tried to verify it, because one element m the calculation — the length 
of the earth’s radius — ^was only imperfectly known. 



Bibliography. — Tlie tiiree works wMcli, appearing almost 
simultaneously but quite independently, put forward for tbe 
first time tbe main features of tbe modern theory of valu'^ are 
Carl Monger’s Grundsatze der V olhswirUchaftslehre^ (published 
after his death in a new and enlarged edition), Stanley Jevons’ 
Theory of Political Ecommyy and Leon Walras’ EUrnents 
d^economie politique pure (both of which appeared in several 
editions). The simplest, and perhaps fullest, presentation of 
the theory, from Monger’s point of view, and without the use 
of mathematical symbols, is given by Bohm-Bawerk in his 
famous essay Grundzuge der Theorie des uArtschaftlichen 
Guterwerts'^ {Conrads Jahrhucher^ voL xiii (1886)). An 
adaptation of this, in which some portions of interest have 
been omitted, is to be found in the same author’s Positive 
Theorie des Kapitals, Among the many works in which the 
theory was subsequently developed may be mentioned Marshall’s 
Principles of Economics^ published in many editions ; 
Wicksteed, The Common Sense of Political Economy ; Pierson, 
Principles of Economics ; Pareto, Cours d^ economic 

politique and Manuel d' economic politique (1909) ; my own 
work, Vber Werty Kapital und Rente^; and, in Swedish, Johan 
Leffler’s essays in Ekonomiska SamkdUslifvet, vol. i, pp. 4-37 
and 48-80. Although supplemented and corrected by the 
modern theories of value, the writings of the classical economists 
on value and price have by no means lost their importance. 
The well-known works of Adam Smith, Ricardo, and John 
Stuart Mill still provide, in this field, a number of instructive 
investigations and observations. A kind of reaction in the 
direction of the earlier point of view, though more apparent 
than real, is to be seen in G. Cassel’s Theoretische Sozialokonomie 
(1918, 4th ed., 1927), also published in EngKsh (1923 and 

^ [These works are reprinted in the Series of Scarce Tracts, pubbshed by the 

London School of Economics.] 



In this part we have first to examiiie the qnaKtative aspect 
of human needs and the differing significance which we attach 
to the available means, material, or otherwise, of satisfying those 
needs. In modem communities this significance finds its most 
striking and objective expression in the eocchange value or price 
of the various objects, goods or personal services. 

The theory of value and price has an importance which 
is not limited to systems where there is highly developed division 
of labour, with money and credit and more or less free competition. 
Even in a self-contained economy (e.g. in the administration 
of national or communal finance), indeed in every individual 
productive enterprise or consumption unit, valuation constantly 
takes place. And we find exchange, too, when that is understood 
in the wider sense of the term, i.e. a choice between the various 
uses of the same means of production or finished commodity ; 
or between various means of achieving the same end. This 
would stni be true if free competition ceased to exist, and gave 
way to some form of collectivism. Hence the theory of value is 
of fundamental and universal importance in economics. 

Modem investigations in the theory of value have led to the 
setting up of a principle — or rather to the generalization and 
establishment of a principle already known and applied — called 
the marginal principle, whose application extends far beyond the 
actual province of the exchange of goods into the fields of 
production, distribution, and capital. In other words, it governs 
every part of political economy. 

This so-called marginal principle is, in reality, only an 
adaptation of the fundamental idea from which higher mathematics 
and mathematical physics have developed ; namely, the idea of 
regarding given magnitudes as variable (as a rule continuously 
variable) quantities, and of regarding their rates of change as 
new quantities (the Newtonian fluxions, the differential co-efficients 
of Leibniz). It was, therefore, very natural that the refined 
terminology and symbols of the infinitesimal calculus should be 
applied to the modem theory of value. Yet, in the nature of 
things, it is only the fundamentals of the calculus that can be 
used, so that no more of it need be known than is taught in 

There is ample reason, therefore, for inserting at this stage 
in our exposition a thorough examination of the theory of value, 


tkougli only in general outline and from a theoretical point* of 
view. The realistic study of value or prices presupposes, ip the 
first place, a knowledge of the theory of money and credit, the 
treatment of which is postponed to the second volume ; and, 
in the second place, an investigation into trade and marketing — 
which belongs to a special division of economics. 

For reasons of space we must omit many of the details 
and abstruse borderline cases, in which the theory of value 
abounds, and refer the reader to other more exhaustive accounts, 
especially to Bohm-Bawerk’s essay in Conrad's Jahrbueher, 
mentioned in the bibliography, and to the works of Marshall, 
Wicksteed, and others. 

1. Exchange Value and its Cateses, Earlier Explanations 

The means of satisfying our needs we call utilities or 
commodities — ^this last signifying utilities of a’ material kmd. 
Immaterial utilities are called personal services, and these may 
include services rendered to oneself ; for example, a walk, or 
gymnastic exercises. Even rest and sleep are such personal 
services and are just as important to the individual as those 
performed by someone else. By goods we mean objects, many 
identical units of which are available and which are the object 
of trade.^ 

The word utility ’’ is related to useful, a term which has 
many meanings : a thing may be useful in contrast to another 
which is merely pleasant, i.e. which has a lesser and more 
transitory use. More important, however, is the fact that most 
things may have either beneficial or injurious ulterior effects ; 
the latter may even predominate, but, being more remote, they 
may be disregarded. Since, however, economic theory primarily 
describes and explains human economic activity as it is, and 
not as it should be, we must naturally include among utilities 
those objects which, from a philosophic point of view, might 
be considered harmful (e.g. many stimulants) so long as they 
are objects of widespread production and consumption. The 
Italian, Pareto, in his Cours d'economie politique, suggested that 
instead of the word “utility” we should use “ ophelimite ” 

^ [There follows, in the original, a paragraph which discusses questions of 
termmology, which are of no interest to English readers.] 


(from the Greek — ^useful). But this seems unnecessary, 

because there does not appear to have been any serious ambiguity 
or misunderstanding in economic science concerning the various 
meanings of the terms use or utility 

Unfortunately, the same cannot be said of the closely related 
concept of valm. Economists have disputed for over a century 
— and are still disputing — about its correct meaning, or rather 
about the relation between its different meanings. Happily, the 
dispute has now lost most of its acerbity and seems on the point 
of being abandoned. The definition of exchange value or price 
offers no great difficulty and gives rise to no special ambiguity. 
By exchange value we mean the ratio in which goods, 
commodities or services are exchanged for other goods, 
commodities or services, i.e. the quantity or number of units 
of every other kmd of goods which may be exchanged 
for a given quantity, or a given unit, of the first-mentioned 
good. Thus, strictly speaking, a commodity has as many 
exchange values as there are other goods, commodities, and 
services for which it can be exchanged ; in this way, the 
conception becomes indefinite. If, however, in exchange for 
a imit of one commod one obtains, or must be satisfied 
with, a smaller amount of all other goods, then we can reasonably 
say that the exchange value of the first-named commodity has 
fallen. We are accustomed in practice to use this expression 
as soon as a rise or fall has occurred in the exchange value of 
a commodity in relation to the majority of other more important 
commodities, even if its exchange value in relation to one or 
more less important commodities has moved in an opposite 

The word price is sometimes used with exactly the same 
meaning as exchxinge value ; but most commonly the price of 
a good (and often its exchange value too) is supposed to be 
measured in the general standard of values or prices for all 
goods, which is called money Prom the various values 
of goods in terms of money, their money prices — or, if we so 
prefer, their money values— we can directly deduce, by division, 
their relative exchange values. The problem of the theory of 
value is to explain why one commodity has, either permanently 
or temporarily, one price and another commodity (or service) 
quite a different one. 



At first sight it might appear that this valuation must 
be due to differences of utility — so that exchange value and 
usefulness would be one and the same thing — or at least 
proportional to each other. And, in fact, it frequently is the 
case that exchange value stands in a more or less direct relation 
to usefulness. This is always true wherever two utilities can 
replace one another and where both, even though more or less 
effectively, can satisfy the same need. If, for example, we look 
at our commonest fuels : beech, birch, pine wood, etc., it might 
be argued that their varying prices or exchange values in the 
market depend almost exclusively on their fuel value — on the 
amount of heat obtainable from a given volume or weight of 
each. Conditions are somewhat different with coal. In comparison 
with an equal weight of wood, coal has great thermal efficiency, 
but the various inconveniences and discomforts coimected with 
the use of coal as fuel for a long time hindered its use for that 
purpose, so that it had little exchange value. And its exchange 
value is still low as compared with wood. The same is probably 
true of lignite, peat, etc. Conditions similar to those prevailing 
in regard to the above-mentioned three kinds of wood also 
prevail between the various animal foodstuffs, such as pork, 
beef, mutton, veal ; between the vegetable foodstuffs, such as 
wheat, rye, oats, and potatoes, and to some extent also between 
textiles — ^silk, wool, linen, and cotton, etc. But, as these examples 
show, the relation between usefulness and exchange value is 
not, even imder this assumption, quite evident and clear. In 
many cases it does not appear to exist at all. Where, on the 
other hand, two commodities cannot replace each other in 
consumption, but either wholly or in part satisfy different needs, 
it becomes a question whether their relative utilities can be 
measured or compared by any common standard. Experience 
also proves that the prices oJE two commodities often vary in 
quite different degrees (and their relative exchange values thus 
change) without there being any corresponding change in their 
physical properties. 

At the very beginning of the history of economic science, 
attention was directed to this distinction.^ One of the best-known 
passages in Adam Smith is that in which he explains that the 

1 Indeed, much earlier, Aristotle brought out this very difference between 
Krrjais (acquisition) and (usefulness). 


word “ value two meanings, so that at one time it expresses 
tlie usefulness of an object (or wbat lie calls its value in wse), 
and at another its purchasing power over other utilities (i,e. its 
exchange value). Adam Smith also pointed out that those things 
whidi have the greatest value in use often have little or no 
exchange value — ^for example, water ; and, on the other hand, 
the things which have the greatest exchange value frequently 
have little or no value in use, e.g. diamonds. But he stopped 
at this point. He speaks afterwards only of exchange value 
and never returns to the concept of value in use. And at this 
point science stood stiQ, one may say, for almost a hundred 
years without it being noticed that Adam Smith’s statement 
was really a striking paradox and involved a problem which 
necessarily demanded a solution. There were plenty of 
commentaries and disquisitions on this statement in the 
subsequent literature of political economy, but practically no 
criticism, no examination of its obvious contradiction. . In what 
follows, we shall endeavour to make such an examination. 
But, before domg so, we must say something of the consequences 
which this uncritical reception of Adam Smith’s statement 
occasioned to political economy. 

Since, as was assumed, utilities and exchange values did 
not always coincide, but frequently diverged, exchange value 
must either depend upon something entirely different from 
utility, or upon utility and something else as well. The latter 
explanation was generally accepted (though the Socialists, with 
Karl Marx at their head, advocated the former). The result 
was the concept of relative scarcity : in order to have exchange 
value an object must, it was said, necessarily be useful, but, in 
addition, it must exist in limited guaniities. If the supply is 
unlimited in proportion to the need for it (air, water, and the 
so-called /ree goods in general — ^in contradistinction to economic 
goods, which do not exist in unlimited quantities and with which 
we are, for that reason, economical), then the exchange value 
falls, in spite of the great utility, to zero. On the other hand, 
^eat scarcity can impart a high exchange value to objects of 
little usefulness (though some usefulness must always be present), 
e.g. rare stamps, animals, plants, precious stones, etc. With 
a slight modification, this point of view developed into the 
well-known proposition that if utility creates and regulates the 



detmnd for a tMng, its scarcity or the difficulty of producing it 
regulates and controls its sujpjdy. Its price is, therefore, 
determined, as we are accustomed to say, by the relation between 
demand and supply. With a given supply, a large demand 
leads to higher prices, and a small demand to lower prices. 
And mce versa^ if the demand is fixed and the supply varies. 
If utility, and with it demand, fails to zero, or iE it becomes 
negative (so that people wish to get rid of the commodity), 
then, of course, the price or exchange value will also be zero 
or negative — ^people will pay to get rid of it (e.g. rubbish, slag, 
and formerly even sawdust, etc.). Yet the same can also happen, 
it was said, to useful objects if the supply becomes superabundant 
— e.g. water in floods or cloudbursts, air when it comes in too 
large quantities or too rapidly. Dwelling-houses, after all, are 
principally designed to keep out an excess of air and water. 
Again, if a relatively large demand encounters a small supply, 
the exchange value may become very great, as, for example, 
in the case of the demand for gold and jewels, which, even 
ignoring the use of gold as a medium of exchange, are not 
without use — even if only of a limited kind. They are, therefore, 
eagerly sought for, but they can only be procured in small 

All this is, doubtless, in the main perfectly correct and 
even obvious. But it is not the purpose of science to describe 
the obvious in elaborate terms. If we examine the matter 
a little more closely, the principle of the determination of value 
by supply and demand does not, in reality, throw much light 
on the real nature of the phenomena under discussion. It is 
obvious, for example, that only so-calied effective demand 
influences prices. The demand of persons who are not in 
a position to pay the price asked for any particular commodity 
evidently has not the slightest influence on price, however great 
that demand may be. It may be compared to the longing 
glances of the numerous, though impecunious, persons who 
gaze at the precious objects in a jeweller’s shop window. But 
the efl^ective demand — ^in other words, the quantity of the 
goods that can be bought at the prevailing price — ^is, on the 
average, neither great nor small in relation to the supply, but 
is in fact exactly the same. Indeed, it is only on this condition 
that the market can be in a state of equilibrium. If the demand 



is greater than the supply the price will rise ; if it is less the 
price will fall — ^but it cannot continue to rise or fall for ever. 
Since, therefore, supply and demand are equal where there is 
economic equilibrium and a stable price, whether that price 
be high or low, we must further ask : l^y does the demand 
for and the supply of this particular commodity achieve 
equilibrium at one particular price, and that of another commodity 
at a totally difierent price ? The classical analysis of exchange 
values gives no direct answer to this question, though this 
drawback was felt by the classical economists themselves. 

It may be pointed out that, in Adam Smith, the expression 
effective demand has a somewhat different meaning. It 
means the demand of those persons who are willing to pay the 
“ natural price i.e. the costs of production and transport ; if 
supply in the particular case were accidentally greater or less than 
this demand, then the price would fall below or rise above the 
natural price 

P. J. Neu^nn, m his essay on ‘‘Value’’ in Schonberg’s 
Handbuch, entirely rejects the concept of supply and demand 
(offer and demand) whenever these are regarded as merely 
quantities.^ That, in his view, is extremely one-sided. On the 
contrary, in his view, supply and demand represent a whole 
complex of qualities : extensity, intensity, purchasing power on 
the part of those who demand, etc. ; for which reason it is absurd 
to say that demand is as great as, greater or less than, offer or 
supply. The obvious reply to all this is that the circumstances 
enumerated by Neumann doubtless affect the magmtude both of 
supply and of demand, and the total result must be that, when a 
certain price is quoted in the market, a certain definite quantity 
of goods of this kind will be offered and an equally defimte quantity 

mn be demanded. For my part, I cannot see the one-sidedness 
01 such a view. 

Without entirely abandoning the formuk of supply and 
demand to which they always resorted in case of need, attempts 
were made by the classical school to provide a more definite 
explanation of the exchange value of at least one group of 
coi^odities (m practice the most important), i.e. those which, 
as It was usual to say, could be produced in unlimited quantities. 


The explanation related to their cost of ^production or eventually, 
according to a subsequent variation of terminology, to their 
cost of reproduction. If a commodity is not, generally speaking, 
an object of production in the ordinary sense (as, for example, 
certain natural products), or cannot be produced or reproduced 
(pictures by old masters), or if, finally, its manufacture is the 
result of a natural or legal monopoly, then we must still content 
ourselves with the thesis that the price is determined by supply 
and demand. For the majority of goods, on the other hand, 
which can in practice be reproduced in unlimited quantities 
under free competition, costs of production would, as has been 
said, determine the average or ‘"naturaU" price, about which 
the market price always oscillates. 

It is quite evident that, imder free competition, the price 
of a commodity cannot be either above or below its cost of 
production if this includes everything required for bringing the 
commodity to market, including a “ reasonable (i.e. customary) 
compensation to the last seller for his labour and trouble. 
If it were otherwise, the commodity would either not be 
manufactured, or it would be manufactured in such large 
quantities that the price would necessarily fall owing to the 
increase in supply. But if this is to be a valid explanation of 
reciprocal (relative) exchange values, then the costs of production 
must evidently be something definite, something arising from 
independent (absolute) causes ; they must not be dependent 
on the exchange values themselves. Herein lies the weakness 
of the classical theory of value. If we analyse more closely the 
conception of costs of production, we shall find that the latter 
resolve themselves into a reward or compensation for the use 
of the various factors of production, usually divided into the 
three main categories of land, labour, and capital. If, for example, 
the manufacture of two quantities, a and 6, of two diSerent 
goods requires the same amount of the same kind of labour, 
the employment of the same quantity of land of the same 
quality and the same quantity of capital for the same period 
of time, then we can say without fear of contradiction that 
both quantities of goods will be sold in the market at the same 
price. That is, after all, nothing more than saying that all 
labour of the same kind, all land of the same quality, and all 
capital employed for the same period of time will receive the 



same reward, wMch is a natural and necessary consequence of 
free competition. If, on the other hand, as is nearly always 
the case, the production of these commodities requires land, 
labour, and capital in different, proportionSj e.g. more land, but 
less labour and capital, for a than b, then some means 
must be found for reducing the quantities of these various factors 
of production employed to a common measure, though, of course, 
no direct means of doing this is available. In order to e:spress 
them in common units, we have to refer to the remuneration 
they demand, i.e, the relative magnitude of wages, rent, and 
interest. These, however, are not given, and the determination 
of them constitutes a problem of the same kind as our original 
problem, and one which can only be solved in connection with it. 

The method adopted by economists of the classical school 
(particularly Ricardo) to escape from this dilemma shows 
considerable ingenuity; but as has been seen already from 
our consideration of the connection between the market price 
and the costs of production of a commodity, and as we shall 
show in further detail later, the attempt was foredoomed to 
failure. In the iBxst place, they attempted to simplify the 
problem as much as possible. The various kinds of labour, 
such as skilled and xmskilled, might, they thought, be reduced 
to a common standard in so far as labour of a higher quality 
was regarded as representing an extra number of working days, 
corresponding to the higher wages paid for it, and to the time 
which the workman had previously spent on his technical 
education. As regards capital, they found its chief r61e in 
production to lie in advancing wages or the necessities of life to 
labourers and providing necessary tools and raw materials. 
They assumed in consequence that capital (or the capitalists) 
iu an branches of production would receive approximately 
the same share or percentage of the exchange value of the 
product (profits of capital). Ricardo expressly admitted that 
this rule was subject to important exceptions in consequence 
of the mequal proportions of fixed and circulating capital in 
the various branches of production. Finally, they thought that 
land could be disregarded and that rent could therefore be 
excluded from costs of production. They only regarded labour 
and capital employed at the margin of production as contributing 
to costs— either on marginal land, the least fertile (which is 



superabundant and, therefore, pays no rent) or, in more intensive 
cultivation, on land which is already employed — ^where an 
addition to output can pay no extra rent for similar reasons. 
In this way, the factors of production governing exchange 
value were reduced practically to one only — ^labour. According 
to Jlicardo, the exchange values of various goods should stand 
in more or less direct relation to the quantities of labour 
required to produce them under the most unfavourable 
conditions which are necessary for their production, i.e. on the 
margin of production. So great was the satisfaction felt with 
this result, which is formally so brilliant, that J. S. Mill in the 
introduction to his theory of value declared the classical theory 
of value to be "" complete ”, so that there remained nothing 
for him, or for subsequent writers, to add. 

Eioardo makes another simplifying assumption, which must 
be borne in mind m reading his works, if we are not to misunder- 
stand them. He assumes that gdid^ the measure of value and 
prices, is always produced with the same labour costs, and also 
that profits on capital employed in the production of gold constitute 
the same percentage of wages or of the total product as in any 
other branch. From this he is led to the conclusion that the 
amount of labour employed in the production of a certain unit of 
goods directly expresses the number of ounces or grammes of gold 
for which this unit of goods is habitually exchanged in the market ; 
in other words its 'price measured in gold. On this assumption, 
on the other hand, the general level of wages can never have the 
least efiect on prices, as in that case they would also affect the 
price of gold (in money, i.e. reckoned in gold), which is an obvious 
contradiction. A rise in wages (money wages) can, moreover, 
according to Kicardo, take place only in combination with a 
corresponding fall in the profits of capital, where commodity 
prices remain unchanged ; a change in commodity pnces, again, 
necessarily presupposes that the amount of labour employed in 
their production has — owing to new inventions or to increased 
difficulties in production — become greater or less than 

By these various simplifying assumptions Eicardo greatly 
facilitated his analysis. In his work, the structure of economic 
theory appears, for the first time, as a coherent, logical system. 
But his conclusions thereby frequently assume an abstract and 
even unreal character. In this respect, he compares unfavourably 
with Adam Smith. 


Even if we admit all these generalizations and simplifications 
for what they are worth, we are still faced with the fundamental 
error of the classical theory of value. Their margin of production 
is not a fixed limit, given a priori, but is variable and itself 
depends, among other things, upon the actual exchange 
value of the goods in question and, to that extent, upon what 
it has to explain. 

Thus, for example, there are certain manufactured goods 
(especially articles of clay) for which the raw materials exist 
already mixed in nature in practically unlimited quantities, so 
that, for them, there is no margin of production : they can be 
produced with unchanged labour costs (per unit of goods) in any 
desired quantity. In the case of other commodities, on the 
other hand — ^particularly the means of subsistence — ^in any given 
state of technique, increased labour costs per unit are necessary 
if they are to be produced in larger quantities than before. 
If, therefore, any economic unit must itself provide for the 
production of these two kinds of goods, their relative exchange 
value or price will clearly depend, to a high degree, on the 
relative magnitude of the demands for them ; for the extension 
of the margin of production and the costs of production at that 
margin for the latter commodity are only thereby determined. 

Let us take another example. Suppose that an economic unit 
(a district or a whole country) is compelled by natural circum- 
stances to restrict its production to two staple articles only, say 
com and Imen, the prices of which we will suppose, for the moment, 
to be determined by the world market. If the price of linen goods 
is relatively high, the community will devote itself principally 
to their manufacture and will crdtivate corn only in proportion 
to its domestic needs ; if, on the other hand, the price of corn is 
relatively high, then it will expand its production of corn and 
restrict its manufacture of linen to the minimum. Since, however, 
the production of linen requires little land in proportion to the 
labour employed, it is clear that, in the former case, when linen 
is the chief manufacture, the demand for land will be small, and 
agriculture will be restricted to the best land or will become less 
intensive. In both cases the result will be that the labour employed 
in the production of raw materials will become, even on the 
margm of production, inconsiderable. And, since this labour in 
the case of corn constitutes the whole, and in the case of linen 
only a minor part, of the necessary labour, the portion of labour 



employed per unit of linen will be great m relation to that employed 
in tbe production of a unit of corn. On tbe otlier band, if tbe 
production of corn, owing to changed price conditions, becomes 
predominant, the production of the raw material must be extended 
to inferior land, or else the cultivation of the better land must 
become more intensive. Whichever happens, the result will be 
that the amount of labour which is employed on the inferior land 
(or, in general, on the margin of production) in the production of 
the raw material will be very great. From this it will follow 
further that the total labour employed under the most unfavour- 
able circumstances in the production of one unit of corn will be 
relatively great in relation to the labour employed in the production 
of one unit of linen. As illustrations we may mention the economic 
conditions in Northern Russia, Ireland, and, to some extent, 
certain Swedish provinces, at the time when the increasing 
cheapness of cotton goods began to oust the native linen products 
of those countries. 

A third, and very important, example is the exchange value or 
purchasing power of gold itself in terms of goods, which — as even 
Adam Smith realized, though Ricardo purposely ignored it — ^is by 
no means constant, but depends on the labour costs in the mines 
on the margin of production. Naturally, however, this margin 
is itself variable. It expands when commodity prices are low and 
the purchasing power of gold is high, but it shrinks in the contrary 
case ; so that production is restricted to the richer mines or river 
beds, and the maximum labour employed in the production of a 
given quantity of gold becomes less. 

In such cases, Ricardo’s thesis that the exchange value 
of the product is proportionate to the quantity of labour required 
for its production at the margin is verified — ^if in each case, as we 
have done, we do not take into consideration the varying 
proportions of capital employed. Yet obviously, under such 
circumstances, it is not the costs of production which govern 
the exchange values. That, indeed, would be impossible if, 
as is assumed in the above example, the latter are fixed and 
determined beforehand by the world market. On the contrary, 
it is the exchange value of the goods which governs their costs 
of production — i.e. which determines how much labour shall be 
employed in the production of one unit of com and in one unit 
of linen goods. Again, if we look at the matter more generally 
and observe either an isolated economic unit or the whole of 
the world’s production and exchange, then it is clear that costs 


of production and exchange values cannot stand in the simple 
relation of cause and effect which Eicardo supposed. As we 
s hall ^ later, they are muimlly conditioned like the various 
elemente in a single economic system in equilibrium. But, in 
that case, it is ^Iso clear that reference to costs of production, 
even under the simplest imaginable assumptions, is impossible 
as a theoretical explanation of the exchange value of goods, 
however useful it may often be as a practical rule. 

No doubt, the classical economists failed to realize this 
because, in the case of one of the most important groups of 
commodities, the means of subsistence, they regarded demand, 
or consumption (and therefore also the extension of the margin 
of production), as given by the size of the population. Statistics 
have not confirmed this : largely owing to indirect methods 
of use, the demand for and consumption of com and other 
foodstuffs is almost as elastic and variable as that of other goods. 

There is this further point. It happens in many cases, even 
where a commodity is manufactured under competitive conditions, 
that its costs of production cannot he separated or imputed 
because its production proceeds simultaneously and in 
combmation with that of other goods, e.g. where one commodity 
is a by-product in the manufacture of another. Such cases, which 
have been given by Marshall the technical name “ joint supply ”, 
are mentioned also by Mill in his chapter, Some peculiar cases 
of value,” ^ but, as the chapter heading indicates. Mill regarded 
them as exceptions to the rule. In reality (as Jevons remarked) 
they occupy a large, perhaps the largest, part of the field of 
production. We shall return to this subject m greater detail, 
but it may be pointed out here that all branches of agriculture 
faU within the category of joint supply : the cultivation of cereals 
and livestock, no less than that of textile materials and other 
commercial crops, are mutually determined in any well-ordered 
system of agriculture. Here the only question which arises is 
whether the total selling value of the products will cover the 
total costs of production, for the separate costs cannot be 
imputed. When, for example, before the introduction of corn 
duties in Sweden, some agriculturists maintamed that the 
growing of rye at the low prices prevailing did not pay ”, 
they nevertheless continued to grow it and proved by so doing 
^ [Principles, book iu, chap, xvi.] 



that this crop constituted a necessary element in an agricultural 
system which must have paid as a whole, or else it would have 
been abandoned. 

Here also, it would be possible, by an artifice resembling that 
of Ricardo for the elimination of rent from the costs of production, 
to impute the costs of various goods by supposing that one or 
other of them entered in varying degrees into the total output — 
which is in fact in full correspondence with actual conditions. 
Thus, for example, a breeder of sheep produces, at one and the 
same time, wool and mutton, but he can, as required, specialize 
on one breed of sheep or another, the wool-producing or the 
mutton-producing, and in that way obtain either more meat and 
less wool or vice versa. The possibility of transporting fresh meat 
in refrigerating chambers from Australia or the Argentine to 
Europe in fact compelled European sheep farmers to abandon 
the merino breed, with its fine wool, in favour of breeds yielding 
more meat. This, in its turn, gave rise to a crisis in the European 
clothing industry towards the end of the nineteenth century. 

In the same way, in the manufacture of coal gas, coke is 
obtained, if desired, as a by-product. But here, too, the pro- 
portion between the two products is neither given nor determinate, 
for some coal yields more gas and less coke, and vice versa. If 
coking is the principal objective, as at iron works, more attention 
will be paid to the latter kind of coal, and vice versa if the produc- 
tion of gas is the more important. In this way, we obtain a kind 
of margin of production in which an increased production of one 
of the commodities corresponds to a definite increase in the costs 
of production. But even here it will appear that the costs of 
production are by no means pre-determined ; they may vary in 
a high degree with the variations in the relative prices of the 
goods. In other words, the relation between costs of production 
and exchange values is, in this case also, not one of cause and 
efiect, but of interdependence. 

In reality, the classical theory of value did not give general 
satisfaction. The celebrated Proudhon included, though on 
somewhat confused grounds, the theory of value among his 
Contradictions iconcmiques^ and Bastiat, his opponent, introduces 
the chapter on value in his work. Harmonies economiques^ with 
the significant words Dissertation ennui : dissertation sur la 
valeur, ennui sur ennui ’ A theory which one has fully mastered 
does not, however abstra6t, normally give rise to ennui. The 
modifications which these men and the schools to which they 


belonged effected in tbe tbeory of value were, bowever, by no 
means improvements. On the contrary, both of them expanded 
the classical attempts at generalization to exaggerated paradox. 
In the hands of the Socialists (especially Eodbertus, and Marx 
still more so) the theory of value became a terrible weapon 
against the existing order. It almost rendered aU other criticism 
of society superfluous. Labour was conceived by them — ^Ricardo 
never meant or said any such thing — ^to be the sole creator of 
value — ^in other words, the source of value ; and thus aU other 
factors of production existing in private hands were to be 
* regarded as parasites on production, and their rewards a robbery 
at the expense of labour, which is alone entitled to remuneration. 
The fallacy of this reasoning will be made clear in what follows. 
The harmony economists, Carey, Bastiat, and their numerous 
disciples in different countries, believed, on the contrary, that 
they had found in the principle of labour as the only creator 
of wealth a highly effective weapon for the defence of the existing 
order of society. They attempted, indeed, to reduce all the 
shares in the product, even including the rent of land, to wages 
of labour (i.e. wages for the labour which had been employed 
on the land or m production in days gone by). 

The absurdity of such arguments is obvious and has perhaps 
contributed more than anjrthing else to the charge of dishonesty 
and subservience to the interests of the powers that be which 
has been levelled against scientific, or quasi-scientt&c, economics. 
In Karl Marx's theory of value the Socialists believed that they 
possessed a theoretical foundation as good as that which was 
offered by the harmony economists, and both sides considered 
that they were fighting, with as much or as little justification, 
under the banner of classicism. 

The establishment of a new and better-founded theory of 
exchange value was, therefore, not only of abstract theoretical 
importance, but also of eminent practical and social interest, 
and the three men who almost simultaneously and independently 
succeeded in doing so — ^the Austrian, Carl Menger, the 
Englishman, Stanley Jevons, and the Frenchman, Leon Walras ^ 

^ To some extent, the German, H. H. Gossen, whose work appeared in 1854 

but was entirely neglected during his life-time, ought to be reckoned a 
predecessor of all three. Yet neither Gossen — ^nor, for that matter, Menger — 
went so far as to establish the proportionality between the marginal utility 
of mfferent goods, which, as we shall see, constitutes the law of free exchange 
and which is put forward in essentially the same form by Jerons and Walras. 


— ^thereby payed tbe way, more than is usually supposed, for 
mutual understanding even in the social field. 

2. The Concept of Marginal Utility 

A, presentation of the modern theory of value may, as has 
already been indicated, conveniently proceed from a revision 
and analysis of Adam Smith’s thesis relating to the divergence 
between value in use and value in exchange — ^which he 
exemplified by water and diamonds (cf. p.* 18). Literally 
interpreted, this thesis appears to be either meaningless or 
a contradiction in terms. In the first place, which value in 
use has he in view ? Evidently it cannot be the utility of water 
or diamonds in their totality, for even if it were at all possible 
to exchange all the water for all the diamonds in the world 
it would soon become clear that the former had an infinitely 
greater exchange value than the latter ; of course, the comparison 
must relate to manageable quantities, e.g. a litre of water or 
a diamond weighing one gramme. But, even in such a case, as 
Mill remarks, the value in exchange cannot possibly be greater 
than the value in use (though it may be less, according to Mill), 
for we should otherwise be confronted by the absurdity that 
a person would dispose of a more useful for a less useful 
commodity. In other words, the value in use, according to 
Mill, constitutes the upper limit of value in exchange. But on 
further consideration it appears that the value in exchange 
cannot be lower than the value in use either, for exchange 
presupposes two exchanging parties, and while no one will buy 
a commodity which has a value in exchange higher than its value 
in use, no one will sell a commodity whose exchange value is 
lower. We thus seem to arrive at the remarkable result that 
value in use is, at one and the same time, the upper and the 
lower limit of exchange value ; or, in other words, is its exact 
equivalent. This, however, is contrary to experience ; neither 
is it easy to understand how, under such circumstances, any 
exchanges whatever could be effected. The obvious explanation 
is the well-known fact that the same thing may possess different 
degrees of utility for different persons, so that the relative values 
in use can, at the same moment, be greater or less than the 
relative exchange values for one or other of the exchanging parties 


fe^p&iivdy. If we follow up tMs train of thonglitj we stall 
easily see ttat a thing may have quite different degrees of 
utility for one and the same person under different conditions. 
The most important circumstance in this connection is evidently, 
at least in a primitive economy, the quantity of the commodity 
in one’s possession — or of other commodities which can, to 
a greater or lesser degree, replace it. In a more advanced 
economy, the dete rmining condition will be the possession, or 
accessibility, of a certain quantity of the medium of excJmnge — 
that is, of the commodity in exchange for which, as experience 
shows, other commodities can be obtained. But what sets the 
standard in both cases is, in the last resort, the quantities of the 
various commodities which the person in question is in a position 
to consume in a given unit of time. 

Value in use is,' therefore, by its very nature, something 
variable. Value in exchange, on the contrary, is always, or 
always tends to be, constant and invariable for each commodity 
throughout the market. The question then becomes : which of 
these possible, or conceivable, degrees of value in use determines 
(or, to express ourselves more cautiously, is related to) the actual 
exchange value of the commodity ? The answer must evidently 
be : the degree of utility which it possesses for the exchanging 
parties at the moment the exchange is effected, whether that 
utility arises from then* present or future needs. That, however, 
is evidently hardly ever the maximum utility which the 
commodity in question might, under certain circumstances, 
possess, nor even the average utility which such a commodity 
usually possesses, but rather the minimum utility which the 
commodity, or one unit thereof, under the given circumstances, 
mill jiossess or may conceivably possess. This degree of utility 
is what is called the marginal (or final) utility of a commodity, 
and corresponds, therefore, to the least important of the needs 
satisfied by the acquisition of that commodity — ^and that is the 
same as the most important of the needs which are not satisfied 
if the commodity is not acquired, or is acquired in lesser quantities. 
As regards the commodities given in exchange, their marginal 
utility will correspond to the least pressing of the needs which 
w”!!! be satisfied if they are not offered in exchange, though as 
regards very small quantities this cannot be distinguished from 
the least pressing of the needs which, after a completed exchange. 



remain unsatisfied. Tlie result is tliat, after an excliange lias 
been effected, tbe marginal utilities of botb commodities /or each 
of the exchanging parties stand in tbe same relation as tbeir 
common excliange value. If this were not the case then, as we 
stall stow later, one of tbe parties would desire to excliange 
furtber and, by offering a somewhat more advantageous price, 
would induce the other party to consent. 

An easily comprehensible example of the variability of value 
in use is the well-known one given by Bohm-Bawerk (originally 
given in almost the same form by Menger). A colonist hving 
alone in the virgin forest by agriculture has just harvested five 
sacks of com (excluding that set aside for seed) which constitute 
his entire supply of foodstuffs until the next harvest. If he 
disposes of this stock in accordance with his previous consumption, 
every sack will have a different use and will therefore be of different 
importance to him, although physically they are all identical. 
The first sack is absolutely necessary for the maintenance of 
life and is therefore as valuable to him as life itself. The second 
sack is still of the greatest importance to him, because with it he 
can eat his fill and preserve his health and bodily strength. The 
third sack he will no longer consume directly but will use to keep 
fowl and thus procure a necessary change in an otherwise purely 
cereal diet. The fourth sack he may use for making spirits. For 
the fifth sack he can find no better use in his simple mode of life 
than to employ it for his own amusement in providing for a few 
parrots. If, by some accident, he should lose one of his sacks of 
grain, then it is clear that, under such circumstances, it would be 
the fifth sack which he would sacrifice, i.e. the least important 
from the point of view of the satisfaction of his needs. If he lost 
another it would be the one used in the making of spirit, but not 
one of those which was required for his real sustenance ; and so on. 
Strictly speaking, there also exists a certain gradation within the 
sphere of each of these utihties : it is quite possible that he would 
renounce a little of the satisfaction of the more important needs 
before he entirely abandoned those which, regarded as a whole, 
rank lower in the scale of utility. But we shall soon return to 
this point. 

By means of this simple conception, the theory of value has 
obtained the clearness and coherence which it formerly lacked. 
The dualism inherent in the traditional conception of exchange 
value as requiring two quahties, utility and scarcity — ^though 


it was never clear in what relation they stood to each other — 
now disappears, in so far as marginal utility actually represents 
a sy^uTiesis of utility and scarcity. Marginal utility becomes the 
degree of utility at which the consumption of a commodity must 
cease precisely because of its scarcity. The term scarcity {rarete) 
was used by Walras as exactly equivalent to marginal utility 
(his father, Auguste Walras, had earlier employed the same 
word) ; for he regarded a commodity as scarce only when it 
exists in insufficient quantities in relation to the need or demand 
for it — ^so that the degree of scarcity is indicated by the marginal 
utility. This is, of course, a matter of taste ; but Walras’ 
terminology is somewhat forced and has not found general 

Thus, if a relatively scarce commodity (e.g. a choice wine) 
has a high exchange value, it is due to the fact that consumption 
must cease at a point where the least important of the needs 
satisfied and the most important of the unsatisfied needs or 
degrees of need (of choice wine as refreshment or as a stimulant) 
are still of great significance ; whilst common commodities, such 
as bread, are usually consumed in such large quantities that the 
need which one more unit per consumption period could satisfy 
is of relatively little significance, or of none at all (as is usually 
the case with the free goods, air, water, etc.). It is of no 
importance, in this connection, that the category of needs which 
bread satisfies (the maintenance of life) is, as a whole, much 
more important than the category which is satisfied by wine, 
namely, the need for refreshment and the satisfaction of more 
refined appetites. The same conditions apply here — ^to use, once 
again, a simile from Bohm-Bawerk — as in the case of two 
mountain heights. One of them is, absolutely, much higher 
than the other, but this does not prevent a climber at a given 
moment from being situated much higher up on the lower 
mountain than another climber on the higher mountain. 

It was this relation which Adam Smith overlooked. The 
value in use on which his gaze was fixed, and which in his view 
might often stand in inverse relation to exchange value, was 
evidently the maximum utihty which the commodities compared 
(water and diamonds) could respectively attain under given 
conditions. But the parties to the exchange have nothing at all 
to do with this ; they are, of course, only concerned with the 



actual or prospective utility whicli the commodities possess for 
them at the moment of the exchange. Bearing this in mind, 
one is almost tepapted to turn Adam Smith’s thesis upside 
down and to say that those commodities which have a high 
exchange value thereby prove themselves to possess great value 
in use or high utility — ^i.e. high marginal utility. Yet such 
a formulation would not be quite accurate, for the individual 
differences among consumers, and especially their different 
financial positions, here play an important role. To the rich 
man, who can fully satisfy practically all his needs, all 
commodities must have a very low marginal utility : if a rich 
man spends hundreds of pounds on a single diamond, that does 
not prove that it has a higher value in use for him than for 
others. In most cases it only means that the commodities, the 
consumption of which he forgoes in order to procure the diamonds, 
possess for him little or no value in use. Indeed, as we shall 
see later, we find, in arriving at the laws of price formation under 
free competition, that the degrees of utility — ^the relative 
marginal utilities — of the same thing to two different persons 
are never compared, but only the marginal utilities of different 
commodities to a single individual. If, however, property and 
income were more equally divided, it would no doubt appear 
that the scale of values in use for most persons would more 
or less coincide — and this would produce the result that 
diamonds and many things now highly esteemed would fall in 
exchange value, and their production would decline — ^perhaps 
suflicing merely for the provision of enough diamonds for glass 
cutting and drilling. There was a striking example of this in 
the world crisis of 1907, when the world-wide reduction in 
profits led to a special crisis in the Dutch diamond industry. 

A question which has, perhaps, already occurred to the 
thoughtful reader and to which we will not postpone the answer, 
is the following. It seems clear that marginal utility determines 
exchange value so long as it is only a question of obtaining, or 
disposing of, a small quantity of a certain commodity in exchange 
for a similar small quantity of another ; and so far as one is 
already provided with a sufficient, or nearly sufficient, quantity 
of both. But actually, in a modern economic society, based on 
division of labour, we obtain practically ail commodities, or at any 
rate a large proportion of them, exclusively by exchange. Thus 


tkose commodities in fact satisfy aU our needs — even those of the 
highest degrees of intensity. How then does it come about that 
exchange value as a whole is only regulated with reference to the 
last and least important of these degrees of need ? 

This observation is fully justified. In actual fact, exchange 
value is by nature just as variable as value in use or utility^ In 
isolated exchange there exists, as we shall soon see, funda- 
mentally no such thing as a uniform exchange value. The more 
or less feed proportions in which, as we know by experience, goods 
are exchanged for each other in the market, and which have given 
rise to the name and concept of exchange value, are something 
peculiar to the market as stick or to the influence of the market — 
and not to individual exchanges independently of the market. 
That something is free competition on the part of either or both 
parties to the exchange. As Jevons expressed it, there is operating 
in the market the law of indifference It is a matter of 
indifference to buyer and seller alike with whom they do business 
provided that they obtain the same goods or the same price, as the 
case may be. For this reason there can be, roughly speaking, only 
one price in the market, for a given commodity at any moment 
of time. 

Fundamentally, marginal utility and exchange value or price 
will stand in the same reciprocal relation of dependence as that 
which we have already found to exist between exchange value and 
marginal costs of production. If the exchange values are given 
beforehand, e g. as they are given in a small economic unit, by 
the influence of the world market, then the marginal utilities will 
be regulated by them ; for the various goods will be consumed up 
to the point where, for each and every consumer, their respective 
marginal utilities stand in the same relation to each other as the 
exchange values or prices. If the exchange values are not given 
in advance, but are determined by the market proper then 
marginal utilities and prices will mutually determine each other 
in a single system of eqmlibrium and they can be symbolically 
or hypothetically expressed by a system of equations, in which the 
goods available in the market, or for the period of consumption, 
constitute the known quantities in the problem. But actually 
even these quantities are not given ; goods are in most cases 
constantly being produced and consumed and can, according to 
circumstances, be brought to market or withdrawn from the 
market in larger or smaller quantities. The final problem of 
equilibrium, the problem of eguilihriy/m between production and 
consumption by means of exchange, therefore includes among the 



unknowns tke quantities produced and consumed and tke relative 
exchange value of the goods, as w’ell as the proportional marginal 
utilities for each particular individual. On the other hand, the 
definitely known quantities are the means of production existing 
at each particular moment : labour, land, and capital (and if the 
process extends over a longer period, factors affecting the accumula- 
tion of capital), as well as the individual dispositions of con- 
sumers. The exchange value must then be fixed at a level such 
that the forces on the two sides balance ; i.e. the desire to consume 
(the utility or satisfaction of consuming) on the one hand, and the 
difficulty of producing, the inconvenience or discomfort of manu- 
facture (sometimes called negative utility or disutility), on the 
other. That the marginal utility or disutility should be the 
decisive element is quite in accordance with a number of other 
apparently paradoxical phenomena of equilibrium (cf. the so-called 
hydrostatic paradox) ; but, at the same time — ^though this is 
unsatisfactory from the ethical and social points of view — it 
shows the purely mechanical character of the economic phenomena 
which occur imder conditions of free competition. 

We shall now endeavour to explain in more detail the 
complicated phenomenon of exchange equilibrium, following the 
principle strictly pursued throughout this book (as in Walras’ 
work) of proceeding successively from the simple to the 

3. Free Exchange and Market Valm 

A, The Different uses of a Single Oomrmdity 

In the market, we observe a double phenomenon : the 
determination both of the magnitude of the volume of goods 
exchanged, and of the ratio in which they are exchanged. If 
there are only two commodities, this ratio is, as a rule, a direct 
consequence of the quantities of the goods exchanged ; but not 
if there are more than two. But for the present we shall 
make the assumption that the ratio (or ratios) of exchange are 
for some reason given and fixed, so that it is only a question 
of determining the absolute quantities exchanged ; if there are 
only two goods, their relative magnitude is thus already given. 

The simplest conceivable form of exchange is that in which 
one and the same person chooses between different uses of 



a single commodity. Let ns, for example, return to B5km- 
Bawerk's colonist in the virgin forest and Ms stock of five sacks 
of com (see p. 31). But now suppose that he had only two 
uses to choose between : either direct consumption in the form 
of bread or cereal food, or indirect consumption in the form of 
meat wMch he obtains by using a part of Ms stock of com-for 
poultry breeding. For the sake of simplicity, we shall ignore the 
additional trouble and inconvenience wMch he incurs in following 
the latter alternative. We may then conceive his operations as 
a sort of exchange, in wMch the exchange value is determined 
by technical circumstances : by sacrificing the direct consumption 
of so many kilograms of com he can, if he wishes, obtain one 
Idlogram of eggs or fowl. The only question is what quantities 
of his original stocks will, economically speaking, be offered in 

If we were to think of the utility (or value in use) of each 
article of consumption as a fixed quantity, we should arrive at 
the absurd conclusion that he must convert either all or none 
of his com into fowl or e^, according as the utility of the 
latter is greater or less than the utility of the former. The case 
is quite different if, in accordance with reality, we suppose the 
utility of a unit of goods to be a variable quantity, wMch, 
ceteris paribus, is reduced when the number of units available 
for consumption increases. The colonist had no need at all for 
the last sacks of com as food ; their utility for direct consumption 
was thus zero — or even negative. But the addition to his cohort 
and well-being resulting from the consumption of the first 
portions of animal food per unit of time — e.g. an egg or a roast 
cMcken a week — ^is very considerable. Thus, if he converts the 
last sacks of com into poultry, he adds considerably to the 
utility wMch would otherwise have been attainable. If he 
sacrifices another sack for the same purpose, his gain on the 
exchange will stiQ be considerable, though not as great as from 
the first, because he might have derived a positive advantage 
from using this sack for direct consumption, and also because 
the desire for animal food is not so strong when it has already 
been partially satisfied. The same is true in an even higher 
degree of the third sack. The sacrifice of a part of this sack 
for poultry breeding might possibly increase its utility, but for 
the other part he would presumably prefer the direct use and 



would consider that he had lost on the exchange if he used it 
for conversion into animal food. Economy demands a line of 
demarcation between the portion of the original stock of corn 
which is given up and that which is retained ; and this evidently 
lies — at least if we assume that the quantities in question are 
continuous variables — ^at the point where the last Miogram of 
corn has the same or about the same utility, whether it is 
consumed directly or converted into animal food. In other words, 
the rmrginal utility, the utility of the last kilogram consumed 
directly and of the last converted into animal food, must, in 
economically-regulated consumption, be the same. Or, in other 
words, if we assume that 5 Idlograms of com are required for 
the production of 1 kilogram of chicken or eggs, then the utility 
of the last kilogram of animal food would be five times as great 
as the utility of the last kilogram of cereal food, so that the 
marginal utility would be proportional to what we may here call 
(though not altogether appropriately) the exchange value. 

The position would naturally be exactly the same if, instead 
of only two uses for the original stock of com, there had been 
three, four, or more. However difierent the significance of the 
various uses— to sustain life and health, to improve diet, to 
provide enjoyment or trivial diversion — ^may be, one thing is 
certain : that, of the portions used for each of these different 
purposes, the last Idlogram will procure for its owner, at any rate 
approximately, the same amount of satisfaction or utility. 
Otherwise it woxdd be inexplicable why he did not, from the 
begin nin g, either use that portion for a purpose which would 
bring him greater advantage, or, if he had made a mistake 
from lack of foresight, did not rearrange his plan of consumption 
for the ensuing year accordingly. If, instead, we measure the 
various methods of consumption by their own particular units — 

1 kilogram of com, of meat or of eggs, 1 litre of spirit or one 
parrot — ^then, obviously, their marginal utility will, in every 
case, be proportional to their relative exchange values 

This provides the answer to some of the objections which 
were raised to the theory of marginal utihty when it was first 
propounded, and which one still sometimes hears. To the 
ordinary mind, the utilities or values in use of various goods 
appear as something incapable of comparison, as incommensurate 
quantities ; they were thus described by Ricardo and, after him. 


by Karl Marx. To compare hypothetically the utility, or marginal 
utility, of various com m odities, as the modem theory does, seems 
a priori absurd ; and to try to measure utility exactly — ^to 
maintain that the marginal utility of an object or of a class 
of goods is so many times greater than that of another — is, at 
first sight, as absurd as to say, with E. J. Neumann, that ‘‘-one 
person is one and a half times as polite as another And yet, 
as the above example shows, we all make such a comparison 
at almost every moment of our life. Neither does the idea of 
exact measurement really involve an absurdity ; if we c^n 
generally say that a certain unit gives a utility equal to, or 
somewhat large or smaller than, that of a different unit, then we 
can also say the same of two, three, four, or more imits of the 
one kind in comparison, with one or more units of the other. 
And, in fact, we meant nothing else but this when we said, in 
reference to corn and animal food, that the marginal utility of 
the latter was about five times as great as that of the former. 
It is tme that one assumes that each of the 5 kilograms of corn, 
which are compared with 1 kilogram of poultry, has the same 
utility. But this assumption can be made without any risk with 
reference to small portions of a large stock, as indeed is often 
done in corresponding cases, in the natural sciences, when it is 
a question of continuous variables. Indeed, the arguments used 
in the theory of marginal utility strikingly resemble those by 
which, a couple of centuries ago, mathematical precision was 
given to previously vague ideas such as mass, force, velocity, 
acceleration, mechanical work, etc. — ^a precision which was only 
achieved for measures of heat, light, and electricity in quite 
modem times. 

It should be observed, however, that the more or less 
precise comparisons which we are accustomed to make nearly 
always relate only to small quantities ; precisely, in other words, 
to the marginal utility of the various commodities or goods. 
To determine whether the consumption of a particular commodity 
as a whole is productive of more or less utility, or how many 
times greater or less that utility is than in the case of another 
kind of commodity, is of course much more difi&cult — ^if not 
impossible : a fact which can best be proved by the many 
mistakes which we make when a more violent change in our 
habits of life is in question. Sometimes this comparison is even. 


to a certain extent, self-contradictory, as wlien the consnmotion 
of a number of (commodities such as meat and corn in the above 
example) forms an inter-related whole — so that, strictly soealdiig. 
one can only speak of a certain total amount of welfare w’hich 
IS achieved by the combined consumption of a number of diferent 

Gra'phical Version . — If there are only two ways of using the 
given stock, of goods, then it is simple to illustrate the above 
argument graphically. 

Let the horizontal line AB represent the original stock of 
corn. On each of the successive unit lengths along this line, counted 

Fia. 1. 

from left to right, we erect a rectangle ; the areas of these 
rectangles represent the additional amounts of utility or satisfac- 
tion accruing to the colonist if his direct consumption of corn, 
during the period of consumption in question, is increased to one — 
from one to two — ^from two to three, etc. — units or kilograms. 
The upper limits of these rectangles form a stepped line, and for 
this, without introducing any material error, a continuous curve 
may be substituted. The area bounded by this curve, by the 
vertical line drawn through the point A, by the horizontal line 
and by a variable vertical line (or ordinate) represents the whole 
utihty when the consumption of grain is restricted to that part 



of the horizontal line which is cut bj the variable vertical line. 
Ex htfpothesi, the curve gradually approaches the horizontal line 
and will, sooner or later, intersect it ; for every consumption of 
corn over and above a certain quantity does not produce any 
extra utility. 

It is clear, however, that the portions of this curve (or surface) 
which are furthest to the left do not really exist, for the colonist 
would starve to death if his annual ration were limited to only 
a few kilograms of corn. The curve only acquires real significance 
in the case of an increase or decrease of the stocks annually 
consumed. With every increase or decrease by one unit, there is 
a corresponding increase or decrease of utility, which is represented 
in the diagram by a narrow rectangle, or — since the base of this 
rectangle is one unit — ^by its height reckoned in linear units ; i.e. by 
the ordinate of this curve. This, then, will be the geometlrical 
representation of the mai^inal utility of the com when its 
consumption per unit of time or period of consumption is indicated 
by the corresponding section of the horizontal line, measured 
from A. 

Let us now suppose that, on the horizontal hne, we construct 
a similar figure, from B, going from right to left, and draw a curve, 
of which the enclosed surface and the ordinate represent the total 
and marginal utility respectively, of indirect consumption of 
com (m the form of meat and eggs). One unit of length on the 
horizontal line will still represent one kilogram of com, and the 
narrow rectangle (or trapezium) constructed upon it and bounded 
at the top by the curve — or alternatively the height of the 
rectangle, the ordinate of the new curve — ^will indicate the 
increased utility which would arise if the quantity of corn 
employed in feeding poultry were increased by one kilogram, 
supposmg the colonist obtained it without cost. Since, however, 
it must be taken from the stock otherwise available for direct 
consumption, the actual increase of utility will correspond to 
that part of the rectangle, or of its height, which is bounded by 
the two curves. The new curve will obviously fall from right to 
left, and should, therefore, sooner or later, intersect the old curve. 
It is now easy to see that the most advantageous use of the original 
stock of com wiU be found by dividing the line AB at a point C, 
which lies vertically below the point of intersection of the two 
curves. Here the two curves have a common ordinate, which is 
equivalent to saying that the marginal utilities of the com 
consumed directly, and of the com used as animal food, are 
the same. 



Strictly speaking, however, our diagram only has this 
significance in so far as it relates to two kinds of consumption 
winch are independent of each other— the utility or satisfaction 
derived from consuming a certain quantity by one method being 
equally great whether much, little, or nothing is consumed by the 
other method. This is never wholly the case — least of all as regards 
two such closely related kinds of consumption as vegetable and 
animal food. Consequently, the first curve represents the utility 
and marginal utility of the direct consumption of com on the 
assumption that there exists no other use for it. But the right- 
hand curve would certainly have an entirely difierent shape if it 
really represented a consumption of meat ictthout a simultaneous 
consumption of com. It may be regarded as representing the 
utihty and marginal utihty of a consumption of meat which is 
carried on while, at the same Ume^ the remaining stock of corn 
is consumed directly. Naturally, we might also have regarded the 
meat consumption as primary and the corn consumption as 
secondary. The two curves would then have assumed very 
different forms, but the result, i e. the division of the original 
stock of corn, would remain the same on the supposition that, 
in this case, there is only one equilibrium position. But this 
assumption — as we shall see later — ^is by no means always true. 
(For an algebraic treatment of the problem, see p. 47 seq ) 

A question of great interest, not only in relation to this 
special case, but for all that follows, is to what extent the 
division of the original stock (of com) among various uses is 
altered if, for technical reasons, the quantity of the original 
commodity required for the production of a unit of the second 
commodity is also altered. Let us assume, for example, that, 
for the production of 1 kilogram of chicken or eggs, not 5 kilograms 
but (in consequence of more rational methods of feeding or of 
breeding) only 4 kilograms are necessary. In such a case, it is 
evident that the quantities of com set aside for poultry food 
will yield a greater utility than previously. In other words, 
the curve of meat consumption (cf. F%. 1) will begin higher 
up on the vertical axis than before. But, on the other hand, 
the demand for meat wiU, for the same reason, be satisfied 
relatively more rapidly since every unit of com used wiU bring 
a greater increase of meat than previously. For this reason the 
curve of meat consumption will fall more steeply than before, 
and it is, therefore, not difl&cult to see that it may just as well 


intersect the ctnre of com consumption to the right as to the 
hfi of the former point of intersection. In other words, the 
technical improvements by which more meat is obtained from 
every unit of com may, according to circumstances, lead either 
to an increased or to a diminished direct consumption of com, 
and thus to a decrease or increase of the quantity of corn 
consumed in the form of meat. 

On the other hand, it may be thought that, in such 
circumstances, the consumption of meat must necessarily be 
increased. For iE it remained unchanged or were reduced, then 
in both cases more com would be consumed than formerly, 
and the marginal utility of com would fall ; whereas the 
mai^al utility of meat, one would suppose, would remain 
unchanged, or rise. Consequently, the noarginal utility of the 
latter would rise in relation to that of com, whereas equilibrium 
requires that it should /oK, since more meat is now obtained 
per unit of com than formerly. However, this conclusion is 
only justified on the assumption that the consumption of com 
and meat are independent of one another. If we make the contrary 
(and more realistic) assumption, that they influence each other 
to a high degree, then it is conceivable that an improvement 
in the production of meat might lead to a diminished consumption. 
If, for example, as we have assumed, the consumption of meat 
remained unchanged and the consumption of com rose in 
consequence, then, in reahty — since human needs for sustenance 
are limited — ^the marginal utflity of both corn and meat would 
fall, and it is, a priori, not impossible (though in this case 
improbable) that the latter would decline more rapidly than the 
former. We see from this what are the complications which 
may emerge from analysis of the simplest possible case of 
exchange, and how careful one must therefore be not to draw 
hasty conclusions in the much more complicated cases arising 
in a developed system of trade which will be the subject of 
examination in the following pages. 

The relations between two or more commodities as regards 
consumption may, as Pareto remarks,^ be of two essentially 
diflerent, indeed contrary, kinds. They may be complementary — 
so that an addition to the one requires for its eflective utilization 
an addition to the other, or others. Or they may be competitive — 

^ \_Manuel d'economie politiqite, p. 251.] 



so that an addition to the one renders a part of the other, or others, 
superfluous. This distinction is perfectly valid and has various 
interesting consequences, though the second type is seldom found 
in complete purity. In the case discussed above, the animal and 
vegetable foods are largely substitutes for each other, but, on the 
other hand, each also increases the satisfaction derived from the 
other. Perhaps some day the physiologists will succeed in isolating 
and evaluating the various human needs for bodily warmth, 
nourishment, variety, recreation, stimulation, ornament, harmony, 
etc., and thereby lay a really rational foundation for the theory 
of consumption. 

Exchange at Given Prices 

In the actual exchange of goods between individual buyers 
and sellers — ^and frequently enough in a larger economic unit, 
or even a whole country — ^the given market price, or the world 
price, has the same function as the technical rate of exchange 
in the examples discussed above. It is true that the individual 
who desires to make an exchange, himself exercises a certain 
influence on prices by virtue of his supply or demand, but, in 
most cases, this influence is, in itself, inappreciable and therefore, 
from his point of view, without significance. He plans his 
economic behaviour exactly as he would do if the exchange 
value of the goods was unalterably given and predetermined. 
Consequently, his offer of his own goods and his demand for those 
of others — ^assuming the exchange to take place within a given 
consumption«period — are determined in exactly the same way 
as in the previous case, in which it was a question of alternative 
uses of the same goods. If, for example, he has agricultural 
goods for sale but wishes to buy coffee, sugar, fish, manufactured 
goods, etc., he must regulate his offers and his demands in such 
a way that consumption in the period in question, both of the 
goods he gives up and of those he receives, will yield a marginal 
utility proportionate in each case to the given exchange value 
in the market for the goods in question. If, as is usual, the price 
is expressed in money and if the marginal utility of each 
commodity is compared with the price, then these ratios, or what 
are usually called the weighted marginal utilities (weighted 
according to the price) will always be equal. Hence the last 
shilling which our farmer expends, whether on coffee, sugar, 
clothes, or shoes, and also the last shilling’s worth of com, meat, 


bacon, eggs, linen, wool etc., wMcb lie retains for Ms own 
consumption — ^all taken on a given consumption-period, say one 
year — ^will bring him the same amount of utility or satisfaction ; 
for otherwise economy necessarily demands that he increase 
Ms consumption of one or more of these goods, and reduce 
that of others. 

Moreover, this is exactly the same condition as in the 
preceding case and can, especially if we restrict our observations 
to two commodities only, be represented by exactly the same 
diagram as before, in wMch, by the horizontal line AB (see 
Fig. 1), we now represent the quantity of goods in hand at the 
begiiming — or, what amounts to the same thing, their exchange 
value (e.g. in money) — ^wMlst the marginal utility of the goods, 
partly for direct consumption and partly in the "'converted ’’ 
form assumed by exchange — or the utility of the last sMlling’s 
worth of each commodity — ^is represented by the ordinates 
of the two curves. 

Now we discover in this new case exactly the same 
peculiarities and apparent paradoxes with regard to the effect 
exercised by an alteration in the exchange value of goods, as 
determined in the market, on the supply and demand of the 
individual consumer. For example, suppose that a person has 
a stock of corn and wishes to exchange a part of it for coffee 
beans. If the market rate at some moment of time is 10 kilograms 
of com for 1 kilogram of coffee, he will acquire the quantity of 
coffee he needs for a year, or half-year, by exchanging 
100 kilograms of com for 10 kilograms of coffee. But what 
will happen if the relative price changes so that for 1 kilogram 
of coffee he need only give, say, 9 kilograms of com ? In the 
present case, wMch relates to goods wMch cannot really replace 
each other in consumption, it seems probable that the change 
in price must lead to an increased consumption of coffee. On 
the other hand, it is uncertain at the outset whether it will 
lead to an increased or diminished supply and, consequently,* 
to a decreased or increased consumption, of com. For if, in 
consequence of the lower price, he increases his consumption 
of coffee by more than one-tenth to, say, 12 kilograms, then 
he will increase the quantity of com wMch he must give in 
exchange for coffee to 9 x 12 = 108 kilograms ; and consequently 
he will have 8 kilograms of com less for direct consumption. 



But if lie increases Ms consumption of coffee by less than 
one-tenth. — say only to 10*5 kilograms — ^then he need only offer 
94*5 kilograms of com, and will consequently have 5*5 Mlograms 
more than formerly to consume directly. Each is consistent with 
the law of marginal utility, wMch only requires that the marginal 
utility of coffee in relation to that of com shall fall until it 
accords with the new relative exchange value, and tMs condition 
may perfectly well be satisfied in either case. Indeed, it is even 
conceivable that the new price situation might possibly lead 
to a diminished consumption of coffee, in so far as an increased 
consumption of foodstuffs, such as com, might perhaps i educe 
the need for coffee and thereby in itself reduce the marginal 
utility of coffee even although aU other circumstances remain 
unchanged. This is, of course, as we have already pointed out, 
still more true of goods wMch can completely replace each 
other in consumption, such as the various kinds of animal and 
vegetable foodstufb, etc. 

The above conclusion, wMch is theoretically irrefutable, 
viz. that the supply of a commodity may be either increased 
or diminished when the price rises in relation to that of other 
goods, and vice versa when it falls, is seldom encountered in 
reality, because a rise in price nearly always leads to an increased, 
and a fall in prices to a diminished, prodiuiion of the commodity 
in question. If this change in production cannot be effected with 
sufficient rapidity, or not at all — or if, as we shall show later, 
the two commodities are made from wholly different factors of 
production — ^then there is nothing to prevent such a result, 
though it is generally regarded as unexpected and paradoxical. 
Thus, for example, a chance rise in the price of agricultural 
products may very well induce farmers who had previously been 
compelled to deny themselves necessaries in order to pay interest 
and taxes to increase their consumption of the produce of the 
land, with the result that, in spite of the rise in price, less of 
those products, instead of more, will be offered on the market. 
If I am not mistaken, this actually happened in the later years 
of the world war. 

Another very interesting case is that of the supply of labour, 
in so far as the regulation of hours of labour lies in the hands 
of labour itself. An increase in wages may cause more labour 
to be offered in the market, but it need not necessarily do so. 


As we liave already pointed out in connection with the 
consumption of goods, both possibilities accord with the principle 
of marginal utility : the labourer, if free to choose, extends his 
working day up to the point at which the effort of the last hour 
of labour approximately corresponds to the gain he expects from 
the wages offered for that hour. If wages are raised, it might 
be supposed that the prospect of increased well-being would be 
an inducement to greater effort ; but, on the other hand, since 
the wages for each hour are raised, the whole standard of living 
of the labourer is changed. He can now satisfy his usual needs 
by less work than formerly, and the increased well-being which 
is now available to him can be realized in part by allowing 
himself more leisure and recreation than formerly. The vehement 
disputes often heard, as to whether a workman is made more 
diligent’’ or “more lazy” by higher wages, cannot therefore 
be settled a ^priori either way. On the other hand, there can be 
little doubt that a percentage increase of wages for overtime 
leads to an increased supply of labour. For, in this case, the 
economic position of the workman remains essentially the same, 
and the increased -wages for the last hour of work (overtime) 
will therefore have their full effect. This method of stimulating 
the worker to increased effort is, therefore, just as popular among 
employers as it is regarded with suspicion by the workers, because 
at jSrst it is a temptation to over-exertion and then later it leads 
to periods of unemployment. A quite different question, of great 
practical importance, though we cannot pause to discuss it now, 
is whether higher wages may lead to greater intensity of work, 
by enabling the labourer to procure for himself better nourishment 
and a better technical education for his children, etc. 

Algebraic Version . — ^It is now many years since the first 
attempts were made to express economic quantities and their 
relations in algebraic terms. After a period of poor success, the 
method has now become fairly well established in economic theory 
— chiefiy as a result of the work of Jevons, Walras, and their 
followers. In what follows, we shall apply this method side by 
side with our ordinary discussion, and shall introduce it here for 
the first time. 

If we suppose the consumption of each particular kind of 
commodity to be independent of every other simultaneous 
line of consumption, then we may regard the utility to a consumer 



arising from tiie consumption of a given quantity, a, of tlie com- 
modity (A), during a given period of consumption as a function 
f(a) of the quantity, a function about which one can only say 
a ^priori (i.e. without a special investigation of each particular 
case) that it increases simultaneously with a but less than pro- 
portionately. If the quantity consumed is increased by a small 
addition, Aa, then the total utility or satisfaction is increased by 
a corresponding amount, which we may designate Af{a), The 
additional utility which arises when the quantity of the com- 
modity is increased by one unit, i.e. the marginal utility, will 

then be expressed by the ratio H we now suppose these 

quantities to become infinitesimal, the ratio wiU, as a rule, have a 
determinate limit which is the differential coefiScient, or the first 
derivative of the function, /(a), with respect to a. The latter, 

which is usually indicated by or by/'(o), is itself a function of 


a, and, in the present case, has the characteristic peculiarity of 
being a diminishing function of its variable, i.e. it diminishes 
when a increases. All this is, of course, only a symbolic expression 
of the theoretical argument already developed that the marginal 
utility falls — ^whilst the total utility obviously continues to grow, 
though in a diminishing degree — ^when the quantity consumed, 
per unit of time, increases. 

If we now apply the above argument to all the other kinds 
of commodities, {B), (C), (D), etc., some of which the consumer 
possesses at the outset, and the remainder of which he acquires 
by means of exchange at market prices, then we can express 
symbolically the conditions of equihbrium for the economy of the 
individual which have been described above ; on the one hand, 
the marginal utility of each commodity is proportionate to its 
price, and, on the other, the total exchange value of the com- 
modities given up is identical with the total exchange value of 
the commodities acquired. If the market prices of a unit of each 
of the various goods (calculated, for example, in money) are par 
Pbf Pey ^tc,, and if the quantities of these goods, which the person 
in question possesses after the exchange, whether he has acquired 
them or has possessed them from the beginning are expressed by 
X, y, z, etc., then, if ^ ( ) and tjj ( ) indicate utility functions 
analogous to/ ( ), the first condition will be expressed as follows : — 

f'{x ) : ^'(y) : tp\z) : . . . = . 

This is evidently equivalent to a system of equations whose 


Euniber is out less tiian the ntuiiber of goods dealt in. The 
second condition we may simply expre^ by the equation 

in wMch a, 5, and c are the quantities of the various kinds of 
goods possessed at the beginning (some of which may, of course, 
be equal to zero). In other words, the value, in money, of the 
possessions of the person in question is the same before and after 
the exchange. Consequently the number of equations is equal 
to the number of unknowns — y, z, etc,, and the problem should 
be capable of a mathematical solution if the forms of the functions 
~/( h )> )> — ^^kich express total utility, and whose 

derivatives express the marginal utility for a given consumption 
of each and every kind of goods by the person in question, are 
precisely known. A closer study of the forms of these functions 
falls within the province of experimental psychology and 
of statistics of consumption ; it may perhaps be of great 
importance in the future. For the present, we are only concerned 
with the attempt to investigate the inter-connection between the 
phenomena of consumption and exchange, and for this purpose 
we may be content with a general knowledge of these functions 
derived from our daily experience. 

In reality, as we have frequently pointed out, the position is 
that the utilities and marginal utilities of the various kinds of 
goods are not independent but, on the contrary, influence each 
other in a greater or lesser degree. The only really rational 
procedure is, therefore, to regard the total satisfaction or well- 
being as a function of all the quantities of goods consumed 
simultaneously per unit of time, or during a certain consumption 
period, so that, if these quantities are a, b, c, etc., the function 
can be symbolically represented by F {a, b, c , , Of this 
function it may generally be asserted that it increases as soon as 
any of the goods consumed increases in quantity, the other 
quantities remaining unchanged, although, of course, in this 
case a fortiori the function increases in a much smaller pro- 
portion than the quantity of the single commodity. If, for 
example, the increase consists of one unit of the commodity (A), 
then the increase in utility (or marginal utility) of commodity {A) 
should be symbolically expressed by the first partied derivative 


of the function F ( ) with respect to a, i.e. F {a, b, c,) or, as it is 


frequently written, F^ (a^ b, c), which wiU thus be itself a function 
not only of the quantity a, but also of aU the quantities of goods 
consumed. The same applies to the marginal utility of the goods 



(R), (0), etc. Thus, according to this view, the conditions of 
equilibrium would be that the partial derivatives of the total 
utility functions with respect to the quantities y, 25 , etc., available 
for consumption, should after exchange be proportional to the 
prices of the goods. Thus : — 

: Fy . Fg : . . , ^ pa * Ph Pc • • • 
to which must be added the same equation as above : — 

Pa^<^ + Pb-y+Pc-^+ • - • = Pa*«+B-^+i>c-C+ . . ‘ 

which means that the total money value of the goods in the 
possession of the person is the same before and after the exchange. 

C, Isolated Exchange 

Before proceeding to show how the exchange values of 
goods, which we have hitherto regarded as data, are in reality 
determined by the competition of buyers and sellers in the 
market, we shall refer briefly to a kind of exchange whose direct 
practical importance is not as great as its theoretical interest : 
exchange between two isolated individuals. In reality, an 
exchange between two individuals is almost always effected 
imder the influence of the market, even if not in the market 
itself. For the moment, however, let us abstract from this, 
and assume that, during the period of consumption in question, 
neither of the parties has any opportunity of trading with anyone 
but the other party. The problem of price formation in this 
case is far from being as simple as it may at jBrst sight appear. 
We shall not treat it in more detail than is necessary to show 
by contrast the influence of competition on prices. 

Let us suppose that a peasant from the plains and a peasant 
from the forest meet on the way to town. The former has a sack 
of com which he has so far been unable to dispose of, the latter 
has half a load of wood which he intends to sell. Since each 
needs the goods of the other, they agree to exchange, and each 
of them is thereby saved an extra journey to the town. It nmy 
be that, if necessary, the peasant from the plains would give 
his sack of com for a quarter of a load of wood ; and the peasant 
from the forest, on his part, his half -load of wood for only half 
a sack of com. Thus, if they exchange only with each other, 
they both consider that they have made a considerable gain on 


tte exchange ; but they might equally well have exchanged their 
stocks if the one had possessed If sacks of com or if the other 
had had three-quarters of a load of wood, and so on. Again, if 
we suppose that the stocks in their possession had been greater 
and that they had only this one opportiinity for exchange 
during a longer period of consumption — e.g. for a whole year 
in advance — ^then it is quite clear that the question how large 
a quantity of their respective goods they could and, from an 
economic point of view, should, exchange with each other is 
quite indfierminate. Within certain more or less wide limits, 
the question may be answered in an infinite number of ways, 
since it is only a question of satisfying the condition that the 
exchange shall benefit both parties ; and here there is no other 
necessary condition. So much only is certain, that if the exchange 
continues until equilibrium is reached for both parties, the 
relation between the marginal utilities of the com and of the 
wood must be the same on both sides : — 

marginal utility of 1 unit of com _ marginal utility of 1 unit of corn 
marginal utility of 1 unit of wood marginal utility of 1 unit of wood 

(for the peasant trom the plains) (for the peasant from the forest) 

Otherwise — ^at least theoretically— the exchange would proceed 
further ; or, alternatively, it would already have proceeded too 
far — ^in which case it would be to the advantage of both to 
re-exchange a certain portion. If, for example, after the peasant 
from the plains has exchanged a certain quantity of com for 
a certain quantity of wood, it is more or less a matter of 
indifierence to him whether he obtains two more logs of wood 
of ordinary size in exchange for 1 litre of com, whilst the peasant 
from the forest still considers it advantageous to obtain in 
exchange a few more litres of com at three or four logs of wood 
per litre, then the latter should, by offering this price, or one 
near it, be able to induce the other party to continue the exchange ; 
and so on. 

But this is by no means the same thing as saying that the 
relation between the marginal utilities of the two commodities 
(which, in equilibrium, should be the same on each side) will be 
also the same as the proportion in which the whole quantities 
exchanged stand to each other and which, therefore, constitutes 



the average ratio of exchange of these goods. In fact, this ratio 
can, within certain, limits, vary indefinitely, and in each particular 
case the relation between the marginal utilities of the goods at 
the margin of exchange will be difierent, though always the same 
on both sides for the persons exchanging. 

It is a pretty mathematical problem — ^which we will not 
pursue here — ^to investigate the law which these variations 
follow.^ Here we shall content ourselves with establishing the 
fact that price determination in isolated exchange is an 
indeterminate problem ; i.e. it cannot be solved solely on the 
assumption that both parties desire the greatest possible profit. 
This is a point whose great importance — even in practical affairs 
— ^we shall subsequently realize. VTienever isolated exchanges 
occur in practice, the actual determination of price will depend 
in a high degree on the personal characteristics of the contracting 
parties, their cunning and coolness, or on mutual goodwill, all 
of these being things intrinsically too complex and variable to 
be embodied in the schematic presentation of economic theory 
to which we must here confine ourselves. Certain related or at 
least analogous cases (where not two individuals, but two great 
organizations of buyers and sellers, or employers and employed, 
are opposed to each other) are evidently of the utmost practical 
importance ; and it is, therefore, essential that the economist 
should clearly understand the extent to which his science can 
afford him any guidance in answering these questions. 

One of the greatest difficulties with which the arbitrators 
between employers and employed have to contend is the absence 
of any scientific standard for the amoimt of wages or profits 
in a big conflict. What is usually called a reasonable wage, or a 
reasonable profit, proves on investigation to be not so much 
reasonable as usiial, to be in fact the wage or profit determined by 
free competition under the prevailing conditions of time and place. 
If, therefore, the conflict only extends over a small area, such as 
a single factory, then the arbitrator has sufficient basis for his 
decision in the wages and conditions prevailing in other establish- 
ments in the same industry. But this is not the case if, as is 
more and more common in modern collective bargaining, a wage 
dispute rages simultaneously throughout the whole of an industry, 
or even a connected group of industries. 

^ This problem was first treated by Edgeworth (see Marshall, Principles, 
4th ed., appendix, note xn {his) and my Vber Wert, etc., p. 36). 



B. Price FormMim in the Open Market. Exdmnge of two 


The more or less jSxed ratios at wMch. goods are exchanged 
on the market (usually by means of money) are not, as is often 
supposed, due to qualities inherent in the goods themselves ; 
nor, at least directly, to their normal costs of production. "As we 
have already indicated, they spring from the nature of exchange 
on a market (as opposed to isolated exchange) ; from what 
Jevons called ‘‘ the law of indifference ”, which is, fundamentally, 
nothing else than the old “ free competition 

According to this law, there cannot theoretically be more 
than one price in the market for the same commodity at the 
same time, or more than one ratio of exchange between two 
commodities. But in that case, it may be asked, could not the 
sellers ” (the holders of a particular commodity) hold back 
their supply at the beginning, thereby forcing up prices, and 
then afterwards lower them in order to dispose of the remainder 
of their goods, or so much of them as they do not wish to retain ? 
Of course they could, and they often do. But there is always 
the risk that some sellers may succeed m disposing of the whole 
of their stocks while the price is still high, so that the others 
will either not be able to sell their goods at all or will have to 
be satisfied with a price much lower than they would have got 
if the equilibrium price had been fixed by competition from 
the beginning ; since the purchasing power of the buyers who 
had already partially satisfied their needs at the higher price 
would then be less than it would have been if, from the 
beginning, they had bought the same quantity at a lower price ; 
or since as a rule there would then remain fewer buyers able to 
purchase the goods. This is presumably the reason why so-called 
rings or cartels of producers or other sellers so often fail, when 
the participants have only agreed to maintain a high price, 
but have nothing else in common and have no organization 
controlling output and individual sales. If, on the other hand, 
organization has reached the point of forming a cartel or trust 
in the real modem sense, so that the ma yiTunTn quantity of 
goods which each of the members may offer is determined 
beforehand ; or if the members agree to compensate each other 
for possible losses, or to divide their profit# or simply to set 



up joint production or a joint selling organization under single 
control, then price formation will more or less approximate to 
monopoly conditions — of which we shall have more to say later.^ 
Assuming that buyers (i.e, holders of the other goods) also 
combine, form trusts, cartels or rings, then there is no longer 
any purely economic law of price-formation — ^no law based on 
mutual desire for the greatest possible gain — and we revert to 
isolated exchange, in which, as has been said already, all possible 
rates of exchange are, within certain limits, conceivable. 

If, however, we disregard this possibility and assume 
universal free competition, then, so far as genuine market 
transactions are concerned, the relative prices of commodities 
will more or less rapidly approach a certain equilibrium position, 
or else oscillate about it. At this equilibrium position, all holders 
of goods will be able to exchange up to a point of relative satiety, 
that is to say, they will continue to exchange so long as there 
is any advantage in doing so at that market price. We may 
assume, for the sake of simplicity, that this equilibrium price 
will be reached at the very outset. For the individual desiring 
to exchange his goods, the price relationships thus reached in 
the market will have exactly the same significance as the given 
prices in the case we discussed above.^ He will regulate the 
supply of his own goods and his demand for other goods in such 
a way that the marginal utility of each commodity will be 
proportional to its price, or that the weighted marginal utility 
is everywhere the same (in other words, that for the last s hil l in g 
he spends he will obtain the same additional utifity from each 
commodity). To every price relationship, therefore, there 
corresponds for each individual a determinate combination of 
supply and demand, and of quantities of goods retained and 
acquired. The sum of the individual demands for each particular 
commodity evidently makes up the total market demand for 
the goods and, in the same way, the sum of the individual 
supplies constitutes the total supply of these goods. Market 
equilibrium is thus only possible with a price relationship at 

1 It is related somewhere in the Corpus Juris how two teachers of grammar 
in a small Roman town, instead of entering into mutually injurious competition, 
agreed to divide the profits of their lessons. On the same principle innumerable 
agreements have been entered into, in ancient and modem times, between 
sellers of all kmds of goods. 

2 [See page 43 seq.] 



wMcli the demand and supply are equal for each particular 
commodity. If we include in the demand for a commodity the 
quantities which a seller wishes, at a given price, to retain for 
his own use, then it may be said that equilibrium is to be found 
in a system of prices which, for each commodity, makes the 
demand equal to the stocks in the market, or to the total supply 
of that commodity. Thus, on the assumption that the market 
gravitates quickly enough towards equilibrium, it should be 
possible — ^if the given quantities of goods on the market for 
a certain period of consumption, and if the personal dispositions 
of all consumers, were known — ^to establish a system of logical 
relations (or what in mathematics is known as a system of 
equations) from which both the quantities of goods acquired or 
given up by each individual and also the relative equilibrium 
prices, would be determined. It is, however, in no way excluded 
— as we shall soon see — ^that the problem may, under otherwise 
identical conditions, have more than one solution. 

Formally, indeed, this doctrine is only a repetition of the 
old thesis that the market price of goods is regulated by an 
equilibrium between supply and demand. In reality we have 
advanced considerably, for we have found in marginal utility 
the general principle which governs supply and demand imder 
any price system. We are, therefore, in a |)osition to carry the 
discussion of price formation in the open market considerably 
further than the earlier economists were able to do. 

In accordance with our method of proceeding from the 
simpler to the more complex, we will begin with the case in which 
only two commodities are exchanged in the market. This case, 
moreover, is not so abstract and unreal as may at first sight 
appear. It is true that two particular commodities are very 
seldom exchanged directly. Nearly all actual exchanges are 
effected indirectly, through the mediation of money. Every 
commodity, or group of commodities, has its special market, 
in which it is exchanged for money, and the market price of 
this commodity is determined there with more or less regard to 
the simultaneous market prices of other commodities. But if 
we look at the problem broadly and consider, for example, the 
economic interests of a particular class of society, of a district, 
or country, as compared with those of other classes, districts, or 
countries, then it not infrequently happens that, omitting 


intermediate links, we must regard as decisive the exchang 

only two commodities, or of two related classes of commodil 

whose price-ratio is determined almost without reference to 
other goods on the market, which are of comparatively minor 
importance. This is true where the interests of an agricultural 
population are opposed to those of an industrial population ; 
where the commodity labour is confronted with the 
commodity means of subsistence ; or where the economic 
welfare of a district or of a whole country depends on the price 
of its staple commodity in foreign markets in comparison with 
the price of its imports taken as a whole. 

From the theoretical point of view, the exchange of two 
commodities has this peculiarity — ^that it is the only form of 
exchange which can normally take place by the direct barter 
of goods against goods. Not that two holders of the different 
commodities could always satisfy one another’s needs by 
themselves — ^for this, in fact, occurs only in exceptional cases. 
As a rule, at least one of the parties to the exchange is compelled 
to deal with more than one holder of the commodity he wishes 
to acquire. But, nevertheless, it should in this case be possible 
to exchange goods for goods without the mediation of either 
money, credit, or any other intermediary ; that being usually 
— as we shall soon see — ^an essential condition for the achievement 
of equilibrium as soon as the number of goods in the market 
exceeds two. 

We assume, for the sake of simplicity, that at the outset 
the two commodities are held by different parties, so that no 
one at first possesses more than one commodity. Let us suppose 
the prices of the two commodities (A) and (B) offered in the 
market to be expressed in terms of one of them, (-4), so that 
the price of a unit of (A) is, consequently, invariably equal to 
1, and the price of a unit of (B) (which we indicate by p) is 
variable ; it then follows, from what has been said above, that 
an arbitrary price (p) quoted in the market will call forth from 
each holder of the community (A) a certain demand (x umts) 
for the commodity (B), and a corresponding supply of the 
commodity (A), which wall then clearly equal p>x umts. The 
sum of all these demands (x) constitutes the total demand X for 
the commodity (B). which implies a corresponding supply, pX, 
of the commodity (A). In the same way, the holders of the 


coixuncwiity (5) oSei, at the price a total supply, Y, of the 
commodity (B) and demand a corresponding quantity, p.Y, 
of the commodity (A). The condition of p being the eqmHbrinm 
price is that the supply of and demand for the commodity (B) 
are equal, so that 7 = Z ; from which it follows that demand 
for and supply of the commodity (A) will also be equal, for it 
follows that p.Y ^ p.X. Further, let all conceivable values of 
p, which, as we have explained, must be treated as a variable, 
be represented by distances from a fixed point (the origin) along 
the horizontal axis, and through each of these points draw 
a vertical line, on which are marked off two lengths, one 
representing the total demand for (B) on the part of the holders 

Demand (Supply) of 
Commodity B. 

of (A), and the other the total supply of (B) by the holders of 
(B), We shall then obtain two connected curves, one of which 
represents the demand for (B) and the other its supply for every 
conceivable price-ratio. If these two curves intersect and so 
have an ordinate in common, then at that point demand and 
supply are equal ; and the corresponding distance along the 
horizontal axis (the abscissa of the point of intersection) represents 
the desired equilibrium price. 

If we begin by assuming that (A) and (B) cannot in any 
way replace each other in consumption, we can then describe 
the general course of these curves in the following way. If p = 0 
— ^i.e. if (B) can be obtained for nothing or for a purely nominal 



amount of (A) — every Koider of (A) will demand (B) up to the 
point of complete satiety — i.e. until its marginal utility has fallen 
to zero. For this to happen, as a rule, only a finite, though 
sometimes a quite considerable quantity of {B) is required ; 
hence the demand curve leaves the vertical axis at a finite 
distance above the origin. If p rises, the demand falls 
continuously ; since the marginal utility of (J5), relative to that 
of {A), must fall pari passu with its price. The curve therefore 
falls continuously towards the tr-axis (though it may be convex 
or concave to the ir-axis or alternately the one and the other) 
and finally meets it at a point corresponding to the price at 
which (B) ceases to be demanded by the holders of (A). This 
point may possibly be so remote that it does not, in practice, 
exist — ^ia the case when {J5) is an absolute necessity of life which 
would be in demand at any price. 

The supply curve of {B) follows an entirely different course. 
If the price of [B) is zero, or very low, then there is no inducement 
for holders of (5) to offer their goods, and when they do begin 
to do so it will, at first, be only in very small quantities. The 
supply curve wiU thus begin at a point on the horizontal axis 
which is at a certain distance from the origin and will gradually 
rise pari passu with the rising value of p. But the increase in 
supply will not continue indefinitely ; sooner or later a point 
will be reached at which an increased price will no longer induce 
holders of {B) to offer any more, but will, on the contrary, make 
them offer less, because at this higher price they can obtain 
with less sacrifice of (jB) so much of {A) that its marginal utility 
will fall until it is equal to the marginal utility of (J3), 
notwithstanding that the latter will also sink when the quantity 
of (B) retained is increased. The supply curve thus reaches 
a maximum, from which it falls again towards the horizontal 
axis ; however, it never cuts the horizontal axis, but moves 
towards it asymptotically ; for however high a price a person 
is offered for the commodity in his own possession, he will 
always be prepared to give up some small part of it in order 
to acquire other goods. ^ 

^ On the above assumption that the two commodities are independent of 
each other as regards consumption, the supply curve is subject to the further 
condition that the rectangle formed by the co-ordinates (i.e. the supply multiplied 
by the correspondmg price) must continuously increase, since it evidently equals 
the demand for the other commodity {A ), and this demand increases continuously 



If we now remember that, on our assumption, the two 
curves are entirely independent, since the demand for and 
supply of (B) proceed from different persons— the supply curve 
is determined exclusively by the availability of (B) and the 
demand curve by the availability of (A ) — ^then it is clear that 
there are as many possible kinds of equilibrium as there are 
possible kinds of intersection, for two curves drawn in the 
manner we have described. The point of intersection may lie 
to the left of the highest point of the supply curve ; this is the 
case which was considered almost exclusively by the older 
economists. In such a case equilibrium is necessarily stable, 
for a slight increase of price would increase supply and 
simultaneously decrease demand ; a slight fall in price, on the 
other hand, would increase demand and decrease supply, so 
that, if the price were by chance to be disturbed, it would 
automatically revert to its former position. 

But the point of intersection — ^for the moment we may 
assume that there is only one — ^might also lie to the right of the 
highest point of the supply curve, so that equilibrium in the 
market would only be reached when supply had begun to be 
restricted by the rising price. This equilibrium is also stable ; 
if in this case the price rises, then supply wdl indeed be reduced, 
but demand will be reduced even more, so that it will be less 
than supply — ^with the result that the price must fall again. 
If the price falls, then supply will increase but demand will 
increase more rapidly, for which reason the price will soon 
revert to its former level. 

when the pnce of (B) in tenns of (A) increases, and consequently the price of {A) 
in terms of {B) falls. If, on the other hand, the two commodities are to some 
extent substitutes, this condition need not be satisfied ; for, in that case, a 
falhng price of (A) in terms of {B), and accordingly a rismg price of (B) in terms, 
of (A), might conceivably cause a diminished demand for (A) and, accordingly, a 
still greater diminution in the supply of (B). It should be observed, moreover, 
that the rising portion of the supply curve may be absent if the commodity 
offered (B) has no appreciable utihty for its holder, which is often the case with 
goods which are manufactured only for sale. In that case, the commodity (B) 
IS offered — ^unless there is the possibility of withholding it until the market 
position is more favourable — ^to the maximum extent and at any price, so 
that the supply curve at the beginning is represented by a straight Ime parallel 
to the price axis, which later becomes a falling curve. As may easily be seen 
from what has been said, in such a case the demand curve for (A) — ^whose 
abscissae thus represent the price of (A) in terms of (B) — ^will, in its lower 
course, become a rectangular hyperbola, with the axes as asymptotes, and 
will, therefore, not intersect the price axis. Holders of (J5) will th^ demand (A) 
at any price of (A), though naturally in quantities which stand in inverse 
proportion to the price. 



That the older economists so generaHv neglected this case — 
except occasionally in regard to foreign trade — ^is all the more 
remarkable, since it is evidently in full agreement with the well- 
known and frequently observed fact that the demand for a com- 
modity which has risen in price (e g. sl necessity) may frequently 
fall in a lesser proportion than the actual rise in price. As against 
this particular commodity all other commodities constitute a 
group whose relative price has fallen. Their supply (in exchange 
for the former commodity) has, on the other hand, clearly risen , 
it thus rises with a falling price and falls with a rising price of 
that group of commodities (expressed in terms of the former 
commodity), and in one of these positions equilibrium between 
demand and supply will be reached. 

Finally, there is nothing to prevent the two curves having 
several points, and (if so) at least three, in common. In this 
case, the curious position arises that both the point of intersection 
to the extreme right and that to the extreme left indicate a stable 
position of equilibrium, whereas at the intermediate point of 
intersection a so-called unstable equilibrium prevails ; the 
equality of supply and demand at this price is merely accidental. 
A disturbance of the price equilibrium in this case has no tendency 
to an automatic restoration but, on the contrary, produces an 
uninterrupted shifting of the price in one direction or another 
until stable equilibrium is reached at one of the two extreme 
points of equilibrium either to the left or the right. 

This very remarkable phenomenon was first pointed out 
and analysed in detail by Walras.^ Walras himself, however, 
seemjs inclined to under-estimate its practical importance, and 
appears to be of opinion that, imder actual conditions, where 
a large number of articles are exchanged for each other, only 
one position of equilibrium would really be possible in the same 
market. But in that he is mistaken. We have already seen 
examples, derived from exchanges between employers and 
employed and between farmers and industrialists — and we shall 

^ In Marshall’s Principles (4th ed., p. 525, et seq.) there are curves of 
supply and demand which resemble those discuss^ here. They relate, however 
to a different case, namely the number of positions of equilibrium which with 
an unchanged (or only slightly changed) disposition on the part of the buyer 
might occur as regards such commodities as follow the so-called law of increasing 
returns ; commodities which can be produced and sold at a lower cost, if the 
output is large than if it is small ; e.g. newspapers, books, railway journey 
and others. 


later add a famous case of intematioiial exoliaiige — wMch. stow 
that equilibrium may very well occur under circumstances 
where a price increase would cause a reduction and not an 
increase of supply, and vice versa a reduction of price an increase 
of supply. Rom this it is only a short step to the admission 
of several possible equilibrium prices in the same market, as 
a glance at Fig. 2 will show. 

We arrive at still more remarkable results if we assume, 
in accordance with what often occurs, that the two commodities 
may, to a greater or lesser degree, be capable of acting as 
substitutes. In that case, as we have already indicated, the 
demand curve of either commodity may also have both a rising 
and a falling section and the chances that both curves will have 
several points of intersection, or even that they may approximately 
coincide over small stretches, are quite considerable. It is not 
impossible that puzzling disturbances in the market, which 
frequently occur without any known cause, may be properly 
attributed to the hitherto neglected fact that a particular state 
of equilibrium may not be the only one which is possible imder 
the given conditions, and that a state of equilibrium chosen at 
random can just as well be unstable as stable, or may for some 
insignificant reason be converted* from one into the other. 

An admittedly artificial example of this (cases more or less 
similar to which are, perhaps, not so rare in reahty) is the 
following : — 

A person, possesses a stock of wheat, another person. By 
a stock of rye. For the sake of simplicity we wiU assume that rye 
and wheat have the same nutritive value per pound (this, however, 
is not essential to our argument). We assume, however, that 
wheat (owing to its better taste) is preferred by both parties ; 
yet each of them endeavours primarily to obtain the maximum 
riourishinent'y but only up to a certain limit, say a thousand pounds, 
beyond which any additional nourishment cannot in general be 
utilized and is, therefore, without value. If jd at the beginning 
had 800 lb. of wheat, then, as the price of rye varied, his demand 
for rye would clearly be determined in the following manner. 
If the price is zero, i.e. if rye can be obtained for nothing, he wiU 
provide himself with 200 lb., neither more nor less, because this 
will fully satisfy his requirements for this kind of nourishment. 
If the price rises above zero he will be compelled, in order to 
acquire the necessary nourishment, to dispose of a part 



of HIS stock of wkeat, but in that case be will evidently be 
forced to consume more rye than before. In other words, bis 
demand for rye will increase wben tbe price of rye increases. If p 
is tbe price of rye, expressed in w’beat (or in tbe money price of 
wheat as a unit), then, as will easily be seen, bis demand x will 
be such that it satisfies tbe equation 

800 + a; — p.a; = 1,000, 

so that 

X = 

Tbe limit is reached wben p 




equals wben be will have to 

Demand (Supply) 
of rye. 

Fig. 3. 

exchange tbe whole of bis stock of wheat, 8(X) Ib., in order 
to get a sufficient amount of nourishment, i.e. 1,000 lb. of rye. 
If tbe price of rye rises still further be cannot in any way acquire 
full satisfaction, but will endeavour to obtain as much as possible, 
which be will do by continuing to ofier tbe whole of bis wheat for 
as much rye as tbe market determines. His demand for rye will 

thus now = — . Only wben p = 1, and rye consequently 

commands tbe same price as wheat, would an exchange be 
purposeless for him. At this pomt be ceases to demand rye. 

His individual demand curve will thus assume tbe following 


form : it begins at a point on the vertical axis, the distance of 
which from 0 corresponds to a demand for 200 lb. of rye. It then 
describes an hyperbola which has for its asymptotes (a) the 
horizontal axis and (b) a vertical line which intersects the horizontal 
or price axis at a distance of one unit from the origin. This hyper- 
bola, however, terminates at a point whose distance &om the 
horizontal and vertical axes corresponds to a demand of 1,000 lb., 

or a price of rye, p = 


‘ 5 ^ 

The demand curve next describes a 

descending hyperbolic curve, whose asymptotes are the horizontal 
and vertical axes. At a distance, along the horizontal axis the 
curve suddenly descends from a height, corresponding to a 
demand of 800 lb. rye, towards the horizontal axis. 

The amount of rye offered by B will clearly depend on the 
size of the stock he holds. We will assume that it is exactly 
1,200 lb. If the price of rye is zero he will, of course, have no 
inducement to exchange ; but as soon as rye, expressed in terms 
of wheat, is worth something, however little, he will immediately 
exchange the whole of his worthless surplus, 200 ib., of rye in 
order to obtain at least some wheat. If the price of rye is raised, 
he will be m a position to acquire more and more of the desired 
commodity wheat, and in order to obtain as much as possible 
he will still continue to offer so much rye that his total stock of 
food will amount to exactly 1,000 lb., neither more nor less. 
If we call his supply of rye y we shall arrive at the equation : — 

1,200 + f-y — y= 1,000 

where y - 


—or exactly the same as we previously fotmd for 


A"s demand for rye. The only difference is that P’s supply of rye 


will continue to increase, even after the price reaches ~ ; for so 


long as wheat can be obtained in the market there is no reason 
why B should not procure more than 800 lb. of it. Only when 


the price of rye has risen to ~ of that of wheat can B, who at that 


price will offer the whole of his stock, 1,200 lb., no longer increase 
his supply, and indeed has no reason for doing so, since at a 
higher price he could obtain the necessary 1,000 lb. of wheat 
even for a fraction of his stock of rye. 

In this case, the curious fact emerges that the supply and 
demand curves of the two individuals coincide for a large part 
of their course. In other words, for every price of rye between 



zero and A’s demand for rye and B’s oSer of it are exactly 

tile same — and consequently, for the same reason, their respective 
supply of and demand for wheat. 

This example should show to what a large extent the simple 
scheme of the variations of supply and demand with which 
economists have hitherto contented themselves, requires to be 
developed and completed in order to correspond with the varying 
phenomena of reality. 

E. Continiiation. Exchange of Three or More Commodities 

As soon as there are more than two commodities on the 
market, complete equilibrium cannot as a role be reached by 
direct exchange alone, but indirect exmange must supplement it. 
This is seen in its simplest form in the extreme case where 
direct exchange is altogether excluded. A country (say Sweden) 
has timber for sale and sufficient corn for its own needs, but must 
buy fish. Another country (Norway) can supply fish and has 
sufficient timber, but must buy com. Finally, a third country 
(Denmark) has a surplus of com and sufficient fish, but lacks 
timber. Evidently no direct exchange can take place here, but 
an indirect exchange may ; if, for example, Denmark as an 
intermediary buys up Norway’s surplus of fish in exchange for 
its own surplus of corn, in order, in its turn, to sell the former 
to Sweden and thereby satisfy its own requirements for timber. 
Or the same result might have been achieved by the use of 
a special medium of exchange, money or credit, as we shall 
soon see. 

But even if , in a three-cornered exchange, each party was 
a purchaser of the products of both the others (so that, up to 
a point, direct exchange could take place) even then, so far as 
the exchange values of the goods were regulated only by mutual 
supply and demand in direct exchange, a final price equilibrium 
would not, as a rule, be reached. As between each pair of 
commodities, the price ratio would be determined in a separate 
market, isolated from the other two, and the resultant three 
relative prices would not usually be correlated, i.e. they would 
not be such that each would be the ratio (or product) of the 
other two. If, for example, in a direct exchange of the commodity 
(jB) (fish) for the commodity ((7) (com) the equilibrium price were 


sTicli that one unit of (B) were exchanged for two units of 
(0), and on the market for (C) and (A) (wood) the price is four 
units of (C) for three of (A), then if the prices are correlated, two 
units of (J3) must be exchanged for exactly three units of (A). 
It may, however, happen that, in the direct exchange of (A) for 
(B), a different equilibrium price would obtain, so that either 
less (say one and a half) or more (say two and a half) units of 
(B) would be exchanged for three units of (A). Whichever 
occurred, it would then be profitable to enter into a so-called 
arbitrage transaction* Thus, in the latter case, a holder of (A) 
desiring to acquire (0) would first buy a suitable quantity of 
(B) and subsequently exchange that (B) for (0). In this way 
he would obtain five units of (C) for three of (A), whereas by 




Pig. 4. 

direct exchange he would only have obtained four units of (C), 
and similarly if the price of (B) in direct exchange for (A) had 
been lower than the correlated price. If, therefore, full 
equilibrium is to be reached in such cases, at least a part of the 
commodities in the market must necessarily be the object of 
indirect exchange. 

The commonest procedure in such cases is for the exchange 
to be effected with the assistance of a special medium of 
exchange, money, which only formally appears in the market 
as an object of exchange. In the extreme case which we 
mentioned by way of introduction, Sweden, for example, buys 
fish from Norway for rmney ; Norway uses this money to buy 
corn from Denmark, and Denmark in turn uses it in payment 
for timber from Sweden, so that in the end Sweden gets its 



money back. VTe can visualize the position by means of a diagram 
in whicb eacn commodity moves one-tliird of the circumference 
of an outer circle, whilst money makes a whole revolution in 
the opposite direction in an inner circle, and thus finally returns 
to Us starting poird. The result is. or may be, that after the 
conclusion of the business only the goods have changed hands, 
whilst the sums of money employed are in exactly the same 
hands as at first. Thus, in fact, goods have been exchanged 
for goods, not directly, but, in part at least, indirectly. The law 
of marginal utility has been none the less effective. Under 
ideal market conditions, in which the final price equilibrium 
is established from the very beginning, the exchange values and 
the marginal utilities of all commodities must be proDortional 
for each of the exchanging parties taken separately. As far as 
money is concerned, as we have said, its role is purely formal — 
or may theoretically be conceived as such. Indeed, a sum of 
money, however small, may effect an indefinitely large exchange 
of goods, if it circulates frequently between the exchanging 
parties. The importance of this observation will become clear 
when we come to treat of the functions of money. However 
simple and co mm onplace the above consideration may appear, it 
constitutes in reality the master-key to a proper understanding 
of the peculiar problems of money. 

It is not easy to give a graphical version of this problem — 
exchange that, in part at any rate, Is indirect. If there are only 
three commodities, then it is possible to represent the position 
by a three-dimensional figure — we want to do so — ^but even this 
method breaks down when the number exceeds three. 

On the other hand, we can easily express the conditions of 
equilibrium by algebraic symbols and thereby set out the logical 
relations or equations which determine the equihbrium price. It 
is simplest to conceive demand in the wider sense already mdicated, 
including the quantities of the varioi^ goods which the original 
holder wishes to retain for his own consumption at a given system 
of prices. In equilibnum, demand in this sense must be equal, 
not to the amount offered in exchange, but to the whole of the 
stocJcs available in the market for consumption in a given period. 
Of course, we might have used this method for two commodities ,* 
and this would have given us a more satisfactory expression of 
the position where, for example, one person is in possession of 
both of the traded commodities from the start, and appears 


according to circumstances as a buyer or seller of eitber. But 
tbe discussion of that case was simplified in otber respects by 
using tbe more limited conception of demand. 

For every conceivable system of prices# in accordance with 
tbe law of marginal utility, each person in tbe market will have 
a certain demand for each commodity ; indicating either that be 
wishes to acquire, or if be possesses it already, to retain, a particular 
quantity. If bis total utility function is expressed, as before, 
by F{x, y, . •)> equations, already set forth 

on page 49 : — 

F'x :F'y: F'si , . . = : pc : . . . and 

altogether n equations in which all the letters have the same 
meaning as before except that the commodity prices Pa, p^i etc., 
are no longer to be regarded as given, but as unknown quantities. 
These prices may also be regarded as expressed in terms of one 
particular commodity selected as a unit of value : in which case 
pa i^^j) is constant (= 1), or else in terms of a measure of value, 
such as money, which takes no part in tbe real exchange. In 
both cases, if tbe form of tbe function F{ ) is assumed to be 
known, all tbe n unknown quantities of goods x, y, 2 , etc., can be 
obtained from this system of equations ; if one of tbe commodities 
is itself the standard of value, the quantities are expressed in 
terms of the w — 1 prices of tbe remaining commodities, still 
unknown for the present ; otherwise they are expressed in tbe 
n — 1 ratios between the money prices of tbe n commodities. 
For each person in the market there is an analogous system of n 
equations, from which the quantities of all goods demanded may 
be expressed in terms of the n — 1 relative prices of the 

We have now to describe the position of equilibrium, where 
the sum of all the demands for the commodity {A) must equal 
the total quantity in the market. A, and the same as regards 
(B), etc. Thus, if we treat each of the parties to an exchange in 
the same way, and mark them out by the suffixes 1, 2, 3, etc. 
(xj, X 2 , a ?3 . . . etc.), which for precision we ought to 

have used before, we obtain the equations : — 

S{x) = A, Z(y) = B, U(z) = C . . . 

in which 2J{x) stands for tri + £C 2 + ^3 + • * 

The number of these equations is n ; but only n — 1 of them 
are really independent ; one of them can always be derived from 


tlie otliers by means of the equations already set out. Thiss if 
we add together the equations (on p. 66), 

+ + -f . . . =^Pa-<^'TPb‘^^!Pc,C~r - • • 

and all the corresponding equations relating to the other persons 
in the market, we shall obtain : — 

-j- pc-£z + . . .^p^.A p^.B -f + • • • 

And smce this equation could also have been found by the addition 
of the corresponding members of the equations Uix) = 
2{y) = B, etc., after multiplying each of them by p^, etc., 
the above assertion becomes obvious. It is also deducible a priori, 
for if goods are only exchanged for goods (so that money, if it is 
used at all, functions in a merely formal manner} then, if the 
demands for all the commodities with one exception are equal 
to the existing supplies, the same must apply to the last com- 
modity (what the holders do not wish to retain has, of course, 
already found purchasers). But these n — 1 equations are 
sufficient for the solution of the problem, for all the quantities 
involved — t/i, etc. — can, as has been shown, 

be expressed in terms of the n — 1 relative prices of the com- 
modities, so that finally we shall have as many equations as 
unknowns. Thus the problem is perfectly determinate. 

If, on the other hand, we had imposed the further condition 
that the exchange must only take place directly, in other words, 
that the quantity of commodity {B) which is demanded by the 
holder of (A) should pay in full for the quantity of (A) demanded 
by the holder of ( B), then the problem would have given us more 
independent equations than unknowns and would thus have be- 
come over-determined ; unless at the same time we had foregone 
the demand for correlation between the commodity prices, in 
which case the possible exchange ratios between n goods would 
be not n — 1 only, but (n — 1), i.e. for three commodities 3, 
for four 6, etc. 

In any case, by the method we have followed, we can only 
arrive at the relative exchange values of the goods or their 
relative prices — ^not at their actual money prices, which must 
remain quite undetermined ; this is obvious so long as we regard 
the functions of money as purely formal. If, after the exchange 
is over, all the money employed has returned to the hands of 
its first owner, it is a matter of complete indifference to him, 
as to everybody else, whether in the actual exchange transaction. 


one unit of goods was exchanged for more or less units of money ; 
in other words, whether, in order to effect the transaction, the 
money circulated a greater or lesser number of times among 
the parties in the market before it ultimately returned to its 
starting-point. In reality, of course, this is never a matter 
of complete indifference. In every market, there are persons 
for whom money is something more than this ; who exchange 
goods for money or money for goods in order to obtain at a later 
date new goods for the money they have acquired. To them, 
clearly, the exchange value of money— and especially its 
fluctuations — ^are by no means unimportant ; and the function 
of money in any particular market transaction becomes, in 
actuality, not merely formal but also real. In other words, 
money prices, as such, have their laws and their conditions of 
equilibrium ; but we cannot develop them here because they are 
very closely connected not only with the nature of money as 
a commodity and with the conditions of its production, etc., 
but also with the time-element whose importance in human 
economy we have not yet considered — ^in other words, with the 
theory of capital and interest. 

4. Objections against the Theory of Marginal Utility. 

Exceptions to the Theory 

The objections which were made in various quarters against 
the theory of marginal utihty when it was first propounded, 
were largely due to a misunderstanding of its real meaning and 
may, for that reason, be ignored. In the main, they were based 
on the fact that its advocates held too one-sided a view of the 
continuity of economic quantities, of the simplicity and flexibility 
of the economic system, etc. ; on the other hand, the critics 
exa^erated the discontinuity of the quantities and the 
complexity of their interaction, and also exaggerated the power 
of ecoTiomic friction. That, in fact, discontinuity occurs at many 
points, and must occur, scarcely any adherent of the theory of 
marginal utility has denied ; it exists, after a fashion, whenever 
the price of a commodity is so high that some buyers cease to 
purchase it or some sellers dispose of the whole of their stocks ; 
or when the price is so low that some sellers will not dispose of 
any of their stocks, whilst not yet appearing as purchasers, etc. 



In sucii circumstances, of coiirse, marginal utility has ceased to 
regulate the quantities of goods demanded or supplied by sueii 
persons. Yet the mathematical treatment of the problem raises 
no difficulties, for these quantities now enter into the equations 
as constants. A still more obvious case of discontinuity arises 
when the commodity which is the object of exchange only occurs 
in large indivisible units — such as houses, ships, etc. In some of 
these cases, the determination of a market price in the ordinary 
sense is impossible, and business is reduced more or less to 
isolated exchange, in Vvhich, as we have seen, the price is, from 
the point of view of abstract theory, indeterminate. In others 
of them, as in Bohm-Bawerk's often-quoted example of a horse 
market (cf. Positive Theory of Capital, pp. 203-13), an 
equilibrium price will be reached, at any rate approximately, 
which will be determined by the marginal pair of buyers and 
sellers. But it is only for these that the marginal utility (which 
in this case is roughly equal to the total utility) will correspond 
with the price. All other buyers and sellers will acquire the 
commodity at a price more or less below — or sell at a price 
above — ^its utility to the person in question. 

In reality, however, there is one circumstance which, even 
in these cases, imparts to the law of marginal utility a wider and 
more individual application than one would at first sight suppose, 
namely, that most goods on the market are supplied in a number 
of different qualities. At a horse fair, for example, there is 
usually not merely one kind of horse, but horses of the most 
varied kinds as regards age, strength, swiftness, endurance, etc. 
For example, suppose a buyer has to choose between three horses, 
at 500, 550, and 575 shillings. At these prices he may prefer the 
second horse to both the cheaper and the dearer one : in other 
words he values the difference in quality between the first 
and the second at rrwre than 505., but that between the second 
and third at less than 25s. If every conceivable price and 
quality were to be found in the market, every buyer would 
certainly extend his demand up to the point at which a further 
addition in quality would exactly correspond to the additional 
price asked. If we conceive this diSerence of quahty (looked 
at subjectively) as being the marginal utility of the commodity 
horse ’’ (which would be in full accordance with the genesis 
of the concept) then, here also, the marginal utility, at least for 


buyers, would be approximately the same as the price or, at 
any rate, proportional to it. (Something similar also applies 
to selers if they deal in horses on a large scale, so that each 
of them has several horses to sell.) On the other hand, the 
tcOal utility will not, as is usually the case, stand in any definite 
relation to it. For the horse which the buyer now considers 
too dear at 575s, he would gladly pay 6-700^., perhaps 
1,(K)0 if it were the only one in the market and he had to 
have a horse. And the same applies to a number of similar cases. 

On the other hand, it often happens, even in the case of 
goods which are physically perfectly divisible, that individual 
consumption is not expanded or contracted by every change in 
price. A very important case is the consumption of necessities. 
Adam Smith remarked that the human need for food is limited 
by the size of the stomach, and subsequent investigations 
have shown that a person under given conditions, doing 
ordinary manual work, consumes almost constant quantities 
of the principal foodstuffs — ^namely, about 120 gr. of 
albumen, bO-fiO gr. of fat, and about 500 gr. of carbohy- 
drates. With exhausting work (e.g. soldiers on the march, 
etc.) more is consumed, especially more fat. Any material 
reduction of these quantities would produce the most serious 
consequences ^ and would sooner or later render the person 
in question unable to carry on his work. An excess^ on the 
other hand, has no value at all and would, in the long run, cause 
sickness and discomfort instead of added strength and well 
being. Here, evidently, is a case in which consumption essentially 
Vicks elasticity ; or, what comes to the same thing, in which the 
total utility and the marginal utility are themselves discontinuous 
quantities, so that the latter falls rapidly, from a very high 
value to zero, or even becomes negative. If each of the 
three foodstuffs were only found separately in one kind of 
commodity, then, no doubt, there would be striking peculiarities 
in the price-formation of articles of food. In reality, all three 
are to be found, though in different proportions, in most edible 
commodities, and in addition, as everybody knows, even the com- 
monest foodstuffs exist in different qualities, according to the 

^ To what extent more recent investigations concerning the possibility 
of substituting carbohydrates for albumen may change the above view, I shall 
not discuss here. 



degree of digestibility, taste, perishability, etc. Hence there is 
room for the law of marginal utility to operate in individual 
consumption. Moreover, as we have already pointed out, 
foodstuffs not only serve directly as human nourishment, but 
also have indirect uses — especially as fodder for animals, etc. 

Two objections mentioned above are of greater weight.- It 
is only too true that concrete economic phenomena are infinitely 
too complex to be adequately explained by any theory — 
including the theory of marginal utility ; for, in addition to 
purely economic forces, such as the quest for the greatest possible 
personal gain, there are others of a different kind : mutual 
goodwill, general philanthropy, social considerations, etc., which 
nearly always play some part. As a first approximation, however, 
we are justified, as we have said, in ignoring ail other factors. 
It is by no means certain that, with the adoption of the principle 
of marginal utility, even (for example) the altruistic elements 
in social life would not also permit of analogous treatment, to 
the extent to which they must be regarded as relevant to the 
question of price-formation. The attempts made by recent 
writers to give a rational account of the theory of public finance 
seem to show that this is really the case. 

On the other hand, what is called economic friction 
{caused hy habit and inertia) so far as its effects extend — ^and 
they are very significant — constitutes an exception to our 
conclusions. It is indeed true that habit is, with most of us, 
the fruit of economic observation or instinct. It arises because, 
under given conditions, it proves the best means of achieving 
a desired end ; but these conditions often originate in the remote 
past and have, perhaps, now given way to something quite 
different. During periods of great material progress all institutions 
based on custom may, therefore, easily appear as anomalies 
and even as non-economic phenomena, injurious both to the 
individual and to society, and yet persisting. The Italian 
economist, Pareto, in his earlier work, Cours d'Economie politique 
(voL ii, p. 9 et seq^ and p. 281 et seq,) gives an interesting, 
though somewhat incomplete, theoretical analysis of economic 
friction — or, more correctly, of economic inertia, which plays 
much the same part in relation to other economic forces as does 
the so-caUed principle of inertia in mechanics. 

But the most important objection to the theory we have so 


far developed is no doubt the fact that our assumption oifree 
competition is, and can be, only incompletely realized in actual 
life. The field in which it particularly prevails is, as everybody 
knows, that of wholesale trade ; but consumers and owners of 
goods do not then, as we have assumed, come into direct contact 
with each other, and consequently the interests of consumers 
in price formation only become effective at a later stage, and are 
not direct. On the other hand, in the field in which consumers 
appear directly (i.e. in retail trade) the law of free competition 
only operates with certain limitations. Still more stri kin g 
exceptions are afforded, of course, by industrial monopolies in 
the narrow sense. 

Before we pass on to a more detailed consideration of these 
exceptions, some of which are of the greatest interest, we shall 
consider a question, the real significance of which can only be 
understood after detailed inquiry in the social section of our 
work, but which, even from a purely theoretical point of view, 
is of such importance that it cannot be entirely ignored at this 
point. I refer to the question of the economic advantages of free 
exchange or of free competition in general — a question which 
is beloved of writers on the theory of value, but of which, 
unfortunately, not very much has actually been made. 

5. The Gain from Free Exchmge 

It is a corollary of the economic principle which underlies 
all our studies, that we only exchange for the purpose of gain 
and, under given conditions, we always endeavour to exchange in 
such a manner, and in such quantities or proportions, as will 
yield the greatest possible gam. The doctrine that marginal 
utility is proportional to price ; that the subjective utility of 
the last unit acquired is equal to that of the last unit disposed 
of ; and that the increase in utility at the margin of exchange 
is zero, are all different ways of expressing this postulate, and 
closely correspond with the criterion which pdicates a maximum 
or minimum value in mathematics. It is easy — ^though it would 
involve a serious confusion of ideas — ^to cite this as a proof that 
free exchange brings a maximum satisfaction of needs to all 
participators ; that is to say, as great a measure of satisfaction 
as is generally consistent with the prevailing conditions of 



property or ownership — ^from which, of course, we must proceed 
in a theoretical consideration of price-formation. As we know, 
it was not the advocates of the theory of marginal utility who 
jBrst advanced this view. It is rather the fundamental 
principle and dogma of free-traders — ^the physiocrats and their 
descendants of the so-called Manchester school — ^both in the 
field of production and of trade proper. The well-known 
saying, laissez-faire^ laissez-passer ” — actually “ laissez worn 
faire'^ (^‘let us manufacture our producte freely and without 
restraint’’) and ^^laissez passer Us rmrchandises^^ {“let our 
goods freely pass the boundaries of the province or the 
state ”), which epitomized the principles of industrial liberty 
and free trade — ^became, as we know, the motto of this school, 
which was guided by precisely the above argument. If any- 
body may freely dispose of his po^^ions and Ms productive 
powers, he will undoubtedly seek to make the best possible use 
of them ; it was assumed, therefore, that both the individual 
and society will be guaranteed the greatest possible advantage — 
always, of course, with the very important qualification : so far 
as existing proprietary rights permit. The harmony economists, 
who endeavoured to extend the doctrine so that it might become 
a defence of the existing distribution of wealth (itBelf a product 
of free competition and consequently the best possible dis- 
tribution), cannot, in this respect, be regarded as representative 
of the views of the physiocrats and the classical free trade school. 

Although the propounders of the theory of marginal utility 
were certainly not responsible for this all-too-optimistic view 
of the advantages of free trade, yet some of them cannot be 
entirely absolved from the charge of having helped to maintain 
faith in it by their support, and their apparently logical proof, 
of its doctrine. This is especially true of Leon Walras and his 
immediate disciples. Walras himself relates ^ that, in his youth, 
he was once helpless in the fece of an onslaught on 
the foundations of free trade theory made by the Saint 
Simonist, Lambert Bey, who maintained that the exchange 
values arising from free competition were neither the only ones, 
nor the best. Walras realized that the theory, if it was to be 
maintained at all (wMch he Mmself never seems to have doubted), 
must be proved more satisfactorily than had Mtherto been 
^ J^tvdea d'economie pohtique p. 466. 



done. n fandxait prouver que la libre concurrence procure le 
TTiainTmim d’utilite.” And this view was in fact the starting-point 
of Lis own work in economics. It is almost tragic, however, 
that Walras, who was usually so acute and clear-headed, 
imagined that he had found the rigorous proof, which he missed 
in the contemporary defenders of the free trade dogma, merely 
because he clothed in a mathematical formula the very arguments 
which he considered insufficient when they were expressed in 
ordinary language. 

In the following words — ^which he italicizes — ^Walras sums 
up his investigations into free exchange, especially exchange of 
two commodities : Exchange of two articles in a market where 
jfree competition prevails is an operation by which all holders 
of either of these two articles, or of both, can obtain — ^in the 
first edition he wrote only obtain ” and not can obtain ’’ — 
‘‘ the greatest possible satisfaction of their needs consistent 
with the condition that they must dispose of the goods they 
sell, and accept those that they buy, in one and the same 
proportion for all Although it is possible that this somewhat 
vague formulation may be interpreted in a way which can be 
defended, yet in fact both Walras and his disciple and successor, 
Pareto (in his earlier work already quoted employ it precisely 
in the sense that, under free competition, and under the existing 
laws of property, each of the exchanging parties obtains the 
maximum amount of satisfaction for his needs, with any system 
of uniform prices in the market. The latter condition must, of 
course, not be forgotten. The objection which has sometimes 
been made to this theory — namely that if free competition 
produced the maximum satisfaction of needs, it would be 
impossible to increase the available sum of this satisfaction 
hy gifts — does not, at least in Walras’ opinion, afiect the essence 
of the argument. The ‘‘ exchange conditions ” which prevail 
in the case of gifts, where one party receives no material 
compensation, could not in general prevail in the market — ^not 

^<X’echange de deux marchandises entre elles sur un marche r6gi par la 
libre concurrence est une operation par laquelle tous les porteurs, soit de I’une 
des deux marohandises, soit de Tautre, soit de toutes les deux, peuvent obtenir 
(obtiennent) la plus grande satisfaction de leurs besoins compatible avec cette 
condition ^ de donner de la marcbandise qu’ils vendent et de recevoir de la 
n^cbandise qu’ils ach^tent dans une proportion commune et identique. 
{EUmeruts d^economie polUique pure, 4me ed. lOme Le 90 n.) 

® Concerning his later views on this question, cf. pp, 82-83, 



even by the strictest orders of the authorities ; for the holders 
of the goods for which only thanks would be received in payment 
would, as a rule, prefer to retain them for themselves. 

Nevertheless, Walras’ theory, as generally understood, and 
even as applied by himself, is undoubtedly wrong ; and it is the 
more incomprehensible that he should have propounded it, since 
he hi mself had proved a few pages earlier that, in the exchange 
of two commodities, many equilibrium positions are possible. 
In the sense in which the word is here used, all of these cannot 
simultaneously represent positions of maximum satisfaction. 
What distinguishes prices fixed by free competition from all 
other prices, the thing which finds a mathematical expression 
in Walras’ formulae, is simply and solely this : that, under 
competition, each of the exchanging parties can and does go 
on exchanging up to the point of what we have called rdMive 
satiety — ^relative, that is, to the existing system of prices — so 
that at those prices none of them wishes to exchange any more. 
But this cannot be the case where, for example, by decree of the 
authorities, some other uniform price system is established in the 
market — ^which was formerly very common. There will then 
always be persons who, on ceasing to exchange, have not yet 
reached the point of satiety, though at these prices they would 
gladly exchange more of their own goods for a corresponding 
amount of other goods, if only these could be obtained at the 
established price ; and what is more — ^they might even be 
inclined to lower the price of their own commodity or to offer 
higher prices for the commodities they desire, if this were not 
forbidden by the authorities. Further reflection shows that this 
must occur to all those who are so favoured by the oflBlcial 
regulation that they obtain a higher price than they would have 
obtained under free competition. On the other hand, those who 
are handicapped by the prescribed prices, in so far as they might 
have obtained better prices under free competition, will continue 
to exchange to the point of satiety. However, if the owners 
of goods who are favoured by the prescribed prices are obliged 
to discontinue selling their goods sooner than they would wish, 
because they can no longer find purchasers, there is nothing to 
prevent them receiving in payment a larger quantity of other 
goods than they would have received under free competition, 
even though, under competition, they would have found 



purchasers for a larger quantity of goods. In this case it is 
clear that their gain from the exchange — even though it may 
be unequally distributed, so that some of them get very little 
whilst others are able to satisfy their needs fully — ^would, on 
the whole, be greater, perhaps much greater, than under free 
competition. Moreover, this is a fact which scarcely anyone who 
has considered the matter wiU doubt. For a high price iSxed by 
authorify has, in this case, the same effect as a general agreement 
between sellers not to go below a certain price, and there is no 
doubt that such an agreement, if it is loyally adhered to, and the 
profit divided among the sellers with any degree of uniformity, 
may, at least at first, be of great advantage to them. 

Walras (and Pareto), if we take them literally, thus go further 
than the free traders themselves, for the latter have not denied 
that a restriction of free competition might be most advantageous 
to a small privileged minority. On the other hand, the classical 
free trade school regarded it as self-evident that the loss in such 
cases would be much greater than the gain ; in other words, 
that the great mass of the population would always suffer by 
measures of this kind, and that consequently they could only 
benefit a relatively small number. 

In this form, the principles of the free traders often gain 
acceptance even by those who, in practice and policy, are their 
opponents. In principle,’’ in theory,” in the abstract,” and 
so on, these doctrines are regarded as indisputable. Objections 
are made — ostensibly at any rate — only on ‘‘ practical ” grounds, 
which economic theory does not take into consideration ” : the 
beneficial effects of protection on “ infant industries ”, the 
necessity for a country to be self-supporting in case of war, 
and so on. 

Nevertheless, however plausible it may appear, the doctrine 
of maximum gain under free exchange cannot in strict theory 
be defended even in this form. In reality there are, as people 
are now generally beginning to realize, several important 
exceptions. In the first place, it is clear that if we are to compare 
the advantages or disadvantages to different persons in order 
to obtain from their algebraic sum what is called the economic 
gain or loss of a certain mode of action, then the basis of 
comparison must be determined. If there is no such basis, or if 
it is incapable of exact formulation, then it is impossible to 



determine whether a particular economic distribution is 
advantageous or otherwise. That a purelj external equality 
cannot in all cases be satisfactory is evident. If, for example, 
we were to deprive a violin virtuoso of his instrument, a genuine 
Stradivarius, in order to give it to somebody else who could only 
use it as fuel, it is clear that the economic gain and loss, however 
high we might rate the need of the latter for fuel, could scarcely 
be equal. Broadly speaking, however, we can make an abstraction 
from individual diSerences and assume that, m their capacity 
for enjoying the good things of life and in the strength of their 
desires, men are by nature the same. On the other hand, rhere 
is one inequality from which we can never abstract, without 
making a serious mistake, namely social differences and the 
unequal distribution of property. If we assume that the rich 
man carries his consumption so far that the marginal utility, 
the utility of the last unit, is little or nothing to him, whilst on 
the other hand, the poor man must discontinue his consumption 
of practically all commodities at a point at which they possess for 
him a high marginal utility, then it is not difficult to imagine, 
as Bohm-Bawerk remarked in his Grundzilge (attacking Schaffle), 
that an exchange between a rich man and a poor man may 
lead to a much greater total utility for both together — and 
therefore for society as a whole — if it is effected at a suitable 
price fixed by society, than if everything is left to the haphazard 
working of free competition. And what is here true on a small 
scale is just as true on a large scale. Thus, for example, the 
fixing by society, or by a union of workers, of a minimum wage 
or a maximum working day would, within certain hmits (which 
may sometimes be very narrow), be of distinct advantage to the 
workers and consequently to the most numerous class of society. 
The same effect might be obtained, especially in undeveloped 
countries, by a system of tariffs if it prevented too pronounced 
a flow of labourers to agriculture and a consequent increase of 
rent at the expense of wages. Broadly speaking, there is 
a contradiction in categorically denying this possibility, whilst 
on the other hand admitting that a changed distribution of 
'property might be to the advantage of the most numerous class 
in society. For, in reality, property only exists for the sake of 
the advantages, or income, which it yields ; if these are changed 
by influencing commodity prices, then an attack has really been 



made on the distribution of property, or at any rate on tbe effects 
of tHs distribution. 

Tbe theoretical aspect of this somewhat difficult problem will 
be made clearer if we begin by taking a concrete example ; for 
which purpose we will select the commodity “ labour and its 
corresponding price “wages”. We assume that the supply, 
demand, and price of labour have hitherto been determined by 
free competition, and that the average working day has been 
fixed at 10 hours and the average wage at 1$, 8d, per hour. Even 
if this equilibrium position were the only one and therefore 
necessarily stable, so that a fortuitous rise in wages would cause 
the supply of labour to exceed the demand, and so on, we may 
assume that the workers by means of their organizations, or the 
help of legislation, succeed in forcing a reduction of working 
hours by haK an hour to hours per day. This will inevitably 
have the same effect on the market as a diminished supply of 
labour,^ and will result in a rise in wages per hour. If time-wages 
rise more rapidly than working hours are shortened, for example 
l\d. 2d. or (which is conceivable, though not very probable), 
then it is clear that the workers would reap a distinct advantage 
from the change. If, on the other hand, the rise in wages stopped 
at Id., or even ^d. per hour, it might at first sight be thought 
that the workers would lose by the change — for their daily wages 
would fall to 16s. 7Jd. or 16s. 3d. instead of 16s. 8d. Here it should 
be remarked, however, that if the original working day, as we 
suppose, was established under free competition, then the labour 
and inconvenience of the last half-hour must have approximately 
corresponded to the wages offered for it, i.e. lOd. If not, it is 
difficult to see why, at that wage, the worker did not voluntarily 
prolong his working day. We may, therefore, assume that the 
half-hour of leisure gained for the worker has a value of about 
lOd. (in any case it has at least the money- value which the 
worker, by virtue of reduced muscular exertion, saves on his 
daily expenses). The slight reduction in his daily wages is there- 
fore more than compensated by the increase of leisure time ; in 
other words, the increase in wages of 9^., or 4Jd. respectively 
which the worker now obtains for his 9j hours* work per day is 
to be regarded for him as a pure net gam. 

As may be seen, this reasoning is general. There is no doubt 
that sellers of any commodity whatever can, by common agree- 
ment, obtain an economic advantage ; but it should be noted 

• ^ is only our intention here to illustrate a theoretical principle, we 

Ignore the otherwise important circumstance that shorter hours of labour 

usually give rise to a greater or less increase in the efficiency of labour. 



that we can only definitiely assert this on the two assumptions 
we have made : that the previous price relations are determined 
under free competition, and that the new price or supply does not 
vary too much from the old. Otherwise, we cannot always 
assume that the quantity of goods (in this case increased leisure) 
which the seller himself retains as a result of a decreased supply 
(or in consequence of higher prices, if this was a primary cause) 
has for him even approximately the same value as their price. 

On the other hand, to what extent this undoubted gain for 
one class of society is a gain for society as a whole naturally 
depends upon whether it is greater than the loss which falls upon 
other classes of society — this case primarily the employers, 
and through them the consumers : and, in the last resort, the 
other factors of production : land and capital. For them also 
marginal utility and price are equal under free competition, and 
their net loss is therefore simply the higher price which they 
must now pay for the labour which they demand. They lose, in 
other words, exactly as much in exchange value as the workers 
gain, and the only question is whether a penny or two nhore per 
day in the hands of the workers is of greater advantage than a 
penny or two in those of the propertied classes — 2u question which 
must certainly be answered in the negative, if we are to maintain 
the dogma of the unqualified social utility of free competition. 
The further objection which might be made, that a decreased 
profit in the hands of employers would lead to a decrease in capital 
accumulation, and would thereby indirectly injure the workers, 
will be examined at a later stage. 

Treated generally, in algebraic form, the problem presents 
itself in the following manner. Let y) be the total utility 
which one of the parties to the exchange, who originally possessed 
the quantity b of the commodity {B) can count upon after a 
completed exchange ; it is expressed as a function of the quantity 
acquired, x, of the commodity {A) and of the quantity y of (B) 
disposed of ; or respectively of the quantity (h — y) of the com- 
modity (B) retained. The price p of the latter commodity we 
suppose to be expressed in terms of (A), so that x = p.y, 

A slight change, Ap in the price p would thus produce the 
corresponding changes Ax and Ay m the quantities x and y 
exchanged, these being connected by the relation Ax^y.Ap 
+ p. Ay m which A x and A y evidently have opposite signs. As an 
expression of the change which the total utility undergoes we 

A4, = + ^Ay = f^i^Ay + yAp) + f^Ay. 



But in consequence of the fundamental condition of free exchange 
we obtain : — 

. 3 ^ 

3(6 — y) 

in which ^ is, of course, a function which diminishes with respect 
to y. The above formula may therefore be simplified to 



A<l> = ^.y.Ap 

wMci indicates that, with a sujfficientlj small change in price, 
the seller obtains practically the whole of the increase in price 
(of his own commodity) as a net gain.^ If we now add the 
analogous expressions for all parties to the exchange and count 
the quantities of (A) sold (and consequently the quantities of 
(B) acquired) as negative^ we obtain 

in which by the summation sign we understand a summation of 
the bracketed expression for each of the indices 1, 2, 3, etc., so 

that the ^ with the appropriate index indicates the marginal 

utihty of (A) after exchange to each of the exchanging parties 
taken m order. The sum in question is evidently independent of A p 
and in general is not equal to zero. As we can give Ap either a 
positive or a negative value, the whole expression can always 
be made positive — which proves that in normal cases there can 
always be found a system of uniform prices at which exchanges 
will produce a larger sum of utility than at competitive prices. 

If, on the other hand, after exchange is completed, the 
marginal utility of one commodity (and consequently also of the 
other) were the same for all the parties to the exchange, then 
the above expression can be reduced to 

and this is always zero, since Bg, the algebraic sum of the total 
quantities of the commodity (B) disposed of or acquired by the 

^ y is the quantity of his own commodity (B) which he originally sells ; 
y.ApJs consequently the additional quantity of the commodity {A) which he 
would obtain as a result of the increase in price if he could continue to sell 

the same quantity y of his own commodity ; is the marginal utility of (A) 
and hence .y.Ap is the gain in utility derived from the increase in (^). 



parties to tlie exchange, mnst be equal to nothing. This condition 
of equal marginal utilities implies — ^approximately, but not exactly 
— a position of economic equality between persons ; and in that 
case — ^though not otherwise — ^free competition would secure a 
maximum satisfaction to all parties to the exchange.^ 

There is no need to emphasize the fact that an encroachment 
on free competition, if it is to yield the above result, must be 
effected in the right direction. Unrestricted liberty is in general 
infinitely to be preferred to a misguided system of restriction 
and compulsion. In so far as the government of a country is 

^ As an example of how even an experienced mathematician may be led 
to erroneous conclusions in this field, we may mention the argument of 
JjBxiiih&Tdt (IlathemcUtsch^ BegriinduTig der VolksmTtschaftsIehr&). He assumes 
two parties to an exchange, one of whom from the begmnmg possesses a units 
of the commodity (A) and the other b umts of the commodity (B) and, for 
the sake of simplicity, he supposes the total utility derived by each person 
from the commodity (A) to be expressed by the same function, /( ) ; and 

similarly ) for the commodity (B), If they then exchange the quantities 
a; and y the total utility received after exchange by both parties together is 
expressed by iV — S{a — x) (j> (y) -f f(x) -j- ^{b — y). In order that this 
expression should be a maximum we must have : — 

[_/'(a _ a:) +f'(x)']4x + - ^'(6 - y)']Ay -0 (1) 

But in equilibrium we haTe 
/'(o - x) 

— y) 

= ?. 



where p is the price of (B) in terms of (A). Thus the above equation is satisfied, 
and consequmtly Launhardt concludes, the equilibnum price determined by 
JEree competition is tbe one which, among all uniform pnees, produces the 
greatest ^ditional utility for the two (or for all) parties to the exchange. 

The proof is evidently false. If we desired to discover the absolute 
maximum of N we should have made x and y independent and would then 
have obtained 

f'(x) =f'{a - x) and ^'(y) = ^'(6 - y) 

These equations are clearly sq,tisfied by the values x — y = in other 

words, the parties should simply exchange half their stocks. Smee this result 
is not generally consistent with exchange at a uniform price (and is perhaps 
outside the possibilities of free exchange) we must impose the condition that 
one of the parties (the one who is at a disadvantage in regard to price) continues 
to exchange to the point of satiety. We thus obtain the equation 

y ^ f'{a — x) 

By differentiation of this equation and elimination of Ax and Ay with the 
help of (1) we obtam, according to circumstances, a maximum or a minimum 
of N, but in neither case an exchange at an eqmlibrinm price. 

By way of further proof, Launhardt tries to show, by means of an 
arithmetical example, that a price which would produce the greatest possible 
gain for either of the parties would, nevertheless, yield to them both a smaller 
surplus utility than would the equilibrium price. But a close examination 
will show that this result is due simply to the fact that he has unconsciously 
gone beyond the nght maximum. 



based on democratic principles, there is a certain, ttongli not 
always reliable, guarantee that such measures will be introduced 
only when they are to the advantage of the vast majority ; 
whereas when commercial and industrial policy are in the hands 
of a privileged minority there is a strong presumption to the 

It may also be observed that a restriction of free exchange, 
of freedom to enter into labour agreements and of the right to 
free disposal of property — either by means of government 
intervention or by mutual agreement between buyers and sellers, 
employers and employees, etc. — ^is nevertheless a retrograde step, 
in so far as it usually tends to reduce the sum total of the means 
of satisfaction physically attainable — even if, under certain 
circumstances, it may lead to a socially more desirable distribution. 
We shall return to this important and diflS.cult question at 
a later stage (p. 142 seq,). 

In a word, free exchange in economics may be compared 
to the method of “trusting to nature” in medicine — ^when 
the doctor really does nothing, but leaves nature to efEect its 
own cure. The term physiocracy means precisely this. In 
a state of perfect health, which corresponds to a system of 
economic equality, this is certainly the only correct treatment. 
Even in ill-health it certainly has a great advantage over bad 
treatment and dubious medicines. On the other hand, it cannot 
compare with a really scientific treatment which assists nature 
in a reasonable manner. And, in the last resort, the efiects of 
even the most brilliant cure cannot be compared with those of 
rational hygiene, which aims at preventing disease and preserving 
health The application of the first part of the s imil e should be 
clear from what has been said ; the latter will be elucidated 
when we come to deal with the social section of political economy. 

In his last work, the Manuel d^economie politique, as well as 
in various earlier essays in the Giornah degli Economisti, Pareto 
returned to a detailed consideration of the problem of the 
“maximum d’ophehmite ”, as he calls it, which would result from 
free competition. He defines this maximum as the point or 
position, from which it is impossible to move while ensuring a 
gain in utility or ophelimite for all participators in the market. 

With such a definition it is almost self-evident that this 
so-called maximum obtains under free competition, because if, 


after an exchange is ejected, it were possible bp rieans of a 
forther senes of direct or indirect excbanges to produce an 
additional satisfaction of needs for the participators, then to that 
extent snch a continned exchange woidd doubtless take place, 
and the original position conid not be one of dnal equ^nbrinm. 
The same would also be true of production. As scon as a cbange 
in production is more profitable both for producers and for tneir 
customers — or, from one point of view, for aV: o^ers of "-be 
means of production, workers, landowners and capitalists — tnen 
it is difficult to understand why, assuming genera: mobilitp, it 
should not happen. But this is not to say :hat the resoit c: 
production and exchange under free ccmpetition will be satis- 
factory from a social point of view or will, even approxiinateij, 
produce the greatest possible social advantage. 

Hence, even m this new guise, Paretc s dcctrinc eontribnces 
nothing. And — what is worse — ^it tends to cbbcore the fact, 
which we have already pointed out and which we shah dev^elop, 
that social prediction under free competition {with certain 
reservations) does really lead to a maximization, in the usual 
and proper sense, of the means of satisfwng human wants. In 
this respect, therefore, and of course disregarding the distribu- 
tion of the product, it achieves as much, or almost as much, as 
we can imagine under rationally organized production in a 
collectivist society. 

6. Pricing under Imferjed Competiiian 
A. Joint Supply arvd Joint Demand 

We must now give an account of the principal cases in 
which perfect competition between the holders of a particular 
commodity does not exist, either because of natural circumstances 
or legislative regulation ; and of the effect on pricing of such 
restrictions. We may begin with the case already mentioned, 
in which two commodities are bound together, either on the 
demand side (where the consumption of a certain quantity of 
one is a necessary condition for the consumption of a certain 
quantity of the other) ; or on the supply side (where the technical 
conditions of production are such that the one must always 
be produced simultaneously with the other in more or less 
definite proportions). The former, which Marshall called joint 
demand, may, however, without difficulty be treated as a special 


C£U3e of tie laws goveiming market prices wHcl we lave already 
formulated ; and may, tlerefore, be passed over. Well-known 
examples of sucl a demand occur in tie case of commodities 
dependent on eacl otler eitler in consumption or individual 
production, sucl as nails and wire ; knives and forks ; lamps, 
wick, and oil ; ink, pens, and paper, etc. Because of tlis relation, 
the consumption of ink depends in a mud higher degree on the 
price of writing paper and postage than on the actual price of 
ink — and so on. Actually, as we lave already observed, nearly 
all demand is joint in the sense that different commodities affect 
eacl otler and are tlerefore, to some extent, mutually conditioned. 
That they should be demanded in absolutely fixed proportions 
may be regarded as a special case, which is of minor importance. 

The second group of phenomena, which has been called 
(also by Marshall) joint supply, really belongs to the theory of 
production, and the regulation of exchange values under the 
influence of production, which we have still to describe. But 
it seems to be desirable to touch upon this question here 
because the related phenomena have been taken by some 
economists as a pretext for an attack on the whole classical 
theory of exchange — ^not so much with the object of criticiziug 
it in the manner we have done in the preceding pages, but of 
replacing it by a very peculiar theory of pricing, which has 
never been very clearly formulated. Thus, the series of supposedly 
new price categories, which F. Neumann set up in his articles 
on value and price, in Schonberg’s Handbuch, are really nothing 
but various examples of joint supply. If, before the advent of 
lifts, town flats commanded a lower price the higher up they 
were, then according to Neumann this would constitute an 
exception to the principle that prices must correspond to costs 
of production. Costs of production, he says, are higher for the 
upper storeys since, in building them, the material must be 
carried to a greater height, and the weight of these storeys 
renders it necessary to make the supporting walls thicker than 
would otherwise be the case. But the obvious explanation is 
that, in addition to floors, walls, and ceiliug, a house must have 
land on which to stand and a roof to cover it — of which the 
former, particularly, is usually very expensive to buy (or, as in 
England, to lease). These costs, or the interest on them, must 
be distributed over the rent of all the flats and it is not possible 



to determine a jmori by wliat principle this should be done. 
As we have already indicated in an analogous case, the rent of 
the different flats is simply regulated by demand, that is to say, 
mainly by their respective comfort and suitability for various 
purposes ; or, in the last resort, by their marginal utility. Ail 
that really matters is that the total rent should be sufficient to 
pay interest on all the costs of building, including the cost of 
the site. The high cost of building sites in towns has led, as is 
well known, to the erection in recent times of lofty steel and glass 
structures on the model of the American skyscrapers ; otherwise 
all buildings would presumably be erected only one or at most 
two storeys high — as in country districts. It is the same with 
all other examples adduced by Neumann. As an example of 
joint price ”, he describes how the shares in the cost, which 
are borne by the participants in a common drainage scheme, are 
not proportional to the actual cost of cutting the ditch through 
their respective plots of land. This is true enough up to a point, 
but it is entirely due to the fact that the latter costs cannot 
be ascertained or imputed, for the ditch might have had exactly 
the same length, breadth, and depth, whether one or more of 
the interested parties had participated in the enterprise or not. 
If, on the other hand, the individual costs can be ascertained — 
if, for example, in order to satisfy the wishes of some particular 
landowner, it is necessary to follow an otherwise unnecessarily 
circuitous route in the construction of the ditch, or if the 
enterprise is involved in other special costs which would not 
otherwise have arisen — then it is clear that these would usually 
have to be defrayed by those who cause them. Usually, however, 
such an imputation of costs is impossible, and in that case there 
is no other way out than to see that the total costs of construction 
correspond to the total contributions and to distribute the latter 
equitably. The generally accepted principle (for example, that 
of the Swedish Ditching Law of 1879) that each shall contribute 
in proportion to the objective utility, i.e. the increase in yield 
or rent which the eliterprise brings to him, is by no means the 
only conceivable one — or even the best or most reconcilable with 
economy and justice. H, for example, one of four interested 
parties has gained a capital value of £1,000 and the three 
others only £100 each, whilst the total cost of the enterprise 
was £500, then the first would gam more than any of the 



others — ^more than aU of them combined — ^if he paid the whole 
cost himself and the othem did not contribute a farthing. 

In this case — ^unlike the preceding one — ^there is no automatic 
economic law of price formation ; for it is really a case of isolated 
exchange. Nevertheless the discussion which springs from such 
a price-problem is full of interest. An analogous case of the 
widest implications is presented in a field which may at first 
sight seem far removed, namely, in the theory of equity in 

B. Pricing in Beiail Trades 

Eetail prices are frequently regarded as exceptions both 
to the law of costs and generally to every rational process of 
price formation, which is all the more remarkable since these 
prices are the only ones which are of direct interest to the 
consumer and which are directly influenced by consumption. 
Yet the laws of retail prices are perhaps not so difficult to 
ascertain and do not seem, in the main, to depend on any other 
factors than those which we have already treated, except that 
they are more complex and more difficult to unravel. To 
a considerable extent, the apparent divergence of retail prices 
from the law of costs and from wholesale prices is to be regarded 
as an example of the phenomenon of joint supply — ^which we 
have just considered. Unlike the wholesaler, whose general 
costs for his whole business constitute only a small part of his 
annual turnover, the retailer’s general costs for premises, heating, 
lighting, advertisement, wages for his assistants and for his own 
labour, etc., are very considerable. The first item in particular 
assumes large proportions since, for the convenience of his 
customers and for purposes of advertisement he must seek 
to acquire business premises which are as central as possible. 
"What proportion of these general costs shall be apportioned 
to each parcel of goods, over and above the purchase or wholesale 
price, cannot be determined a priori, but depends upon 
a number of variable circumstances. It is of great importance 
in this connection that certain kinds of goods require much 
more expert hnowledge for their valuation than others ; the latter, 
such as sugar, flour, etc., the quality of which anybody can easily 
judge, yield, if I am not mistaken, a comparatively small profit. 



With the former goods, on the other hand, the buyer, if he is 
not exceptional in possessing such knowledge, will, in order not 
to be sold inferior goods, deal with a seller in whom he has 
confidence. The service which the retailer thus renders him is 
that of an expert buyer, and the customer quit-e reasonably 
has to pay him a relatively higher price. 

The desire for stable retail prices must also be taken into 
account. For many customers it is of great importance to be 
able to determine their household expenses well in advance. 
Retailers, who usually have a fixed circle of customers, therefore 
endeavour to afford this advantage of approximately fixed prices, 
which they calculate so that the profit and loss of good and bad 
times to some extent cancel out. Naturally, greater and more 
permanent variations in wholesale prices are ultimately reflected 
in retail prices — ^though, as a rule, later and in a modified form — 
just as a thermometer buried deep in the ground responds 
slowly to changes of temperature on the surface.^ 

In conclusion, we should not forget that practically every 
retailer possesses, within his immediate circle, what we may call 
an actual sales Tnonopoly, even if, as we shall soon see, it is 
based only on the ignorance and lack of organization of the 
buyers. He cannot, of course, like a true monopolist, raise 
prices at will — only in places remote from trade centres can 
a considerable local rise in prices occur — ^but if he maintains 
the same prices and qualities as his competitors, he can almost 
always count upon his immediate neighbourhood for customers. 
The result is not infrequently an excess of retailers, apparently 
for the convenience, but really to the injury, of the consumers. 
If, for example, two shops of the same kind are situated at 

^ In an essay in Eicon. Tidskrift^ October, 1908, and also in Ms work, 
Dem, ekonomtska fordelningen ock Krisema, Brock Las sought to prove that the 
above conception of the relation between retail and wholesale prices is not 
correct. Retail pnces, m his view, show a strong tendency to follow wholesale 
prices uptoards, but very little tendency to follow them downwards. The 
statistics (from America) on wMch Brock bases this assertion would s^m to 
show merely that of recent years retail prices have, on the whole, risen as 
compared with wholesale prices ; a fact which, owing to the great relative 
increase of retailers, is in itself probable and is quite m accordance with what 
we are about to say. As a general doctrine. Brock’s view (and that of Lexio 
and others) is clearly absurd ; it would imply that retail prices would diverge 
more and more from wholesale prices at each cyclical fluctuation which 
would lead to absurd consequences. Obviously, we do not attribute any 
altruistic motives to retailers when we speak of their endeavour to keep prices 
as steady as possible for their customers’ convenience. It is well understood 
that it is in the interest of every business man to satisfy his customers. 


different ends of tlie same street, it would be natural that tbeir 
respective markets would meet in tbe middle of tbe street. 
Now if a new shop of tbe same kind is opened in tbe middle 
of tbe street each of tbe others will, sooner or later, lose some 
of its customers to tbe new shop, since tbe people living round 
tbe middle of tbe street believe tbat if tbey get tbe same goods 
at tbe same price tbey are saving time and trouble by ’mfl.lnng 
tbeir purchases at tbe nearest shop. In this, however, tbey are 
mistaken, for tbe original shops which have now lost some of 
tbeir customers without beiug able to reduce tbeir overhead 
expenses to a corresponding degree, will gradually be compelled 
to raise tbeir prices — ^and tbe same applies to tbe new competitors 
who have been obliged from tbe beginning to content themselves 
with a smaller turnover. This should explain tbe observation 
which is said to have been made on tbe abolition of tbe octroi 
^tbe tax on tbe entry of goods into a town, common on tbe 
continent — ^tbat tbe expected reduction in prices never took 
place, though tbe number of retailers considerably increased. 
Tbe correct remedy, unless one of tbe competitors (such as a great 
store) manages to overshadow all the others, is clearly tbe 
formation of some form of organization among buyers. But so 
long^ as such an association does not exist — and between persons 
in different positions in life and without more intimate bonds 
it is extremely difficult to establish — ^tbe anomaly must remain 
tbat competition may sometimes raise prices instead of always 
lowering them, as one would expect. 

C. Monopoly Prices 

A still more pronounced divergence from tbe formation 
of prices under free competition is provided by monopoly prices 
pro;^r. Monopoly involves tbe absence of competition, either 
absolute ioT a certain class of goods, such as a state jBscal 
monopoly (of Uquor, tobacco, salt, etc.), patents of industrial 
mventions, etc. ; or only relative, in a dejSnite geographical 
area and witbm certain price limits. Every limitation of supply 
or of productive power does not necessarffy create a monopoly 
—for m that case every price would, strictly speaking, be 
a monopoly price, smce none but free goods occur in unbmited 
quantities. Tbe ownership of land, for example, is certainly 



the privilege of a more or less limited class, but so long as active 
competition exists between landowners, this possession is not 
a monopoly and does not lead to monopoly prices for the product 
of agriculture, either individual or collective. The diuerence 
lies in the fact that a commodity or factor of production, whose 
supply is limited, but which is not the subject of a real monopoly, 
is offered as a whole at the price it can fetch, or at any rate 
up to the point at which the owners themselves prefer to retain 
it for their own use. The monopolist, on the other hand, 
artificially restricts the available market supplies of the 
commodity or factor of production in his possession. His supply 
is not regulated by the coincidence of marginal utility and 
price. If, indeed, it should happen that he were to offer the 
whole of his stock of goods or means of production, up to the 
limit determined by this condition, he might nominally have 
a monopoly, but the price would not be monopolistically 
determined, but would follow the ordinary laws of supply and 
demand. His profit would then depend solely upon the natural 
scarcity of the commodity. Frequently, however, the monopolist’s 
stocks are unlimited — ^as in the case of a patent the use of which 
might be extended without special expense tjo all consumers 
who would in any way profit by it. But if this is to happen, either 
some customers must pay more than others, or there must be 
a zero price for all ; i.e. the invention would be on the same 
footing as a free good — ^which is actually the case when patent 
rights run out. The high price of patented goods is therefore 
due exclusively to an artificial restriction of output, as Adam 
Smith remarked. 

In exceptional cases, as has been said, competitive prices 
may prevail under an actual monopoly. Thus the Standard Oil 
Company of America, which has absorbed practically all the 
petroleum refineries of the U,S.A., fixes its prices, by measuring 
the yield of the wells during the preceding days or weeks, at 
the level at which consumption is expected exactly to equal 
production. Generally speaking, in a case of this kind, it would 
often be possible to obtain a larger profit — ^perhaps a much 
larger profit — ^if the price were raised, in spite of the fact that 
this would reduce consumption. But in that case, the wells 
already opened would have to be partially closed down, or 
their contents allowed to run to waste — which would presumably 


cause dissatisfaction among the public, and might lead to the 
intervention of the ‘authorities. 

If no such considerations exist, it will be to the advantage 
of the monopolist to fix his prices so high that he will obtain 
the maximum net profit. Every rise in price causes, we may 
assume, a falling off in demand. But so long as the falling off 
in demand is less than proportionate to the increased profit per 
unit of the commodity resulting from the higher price, the total 
net profit (the product of these) will increase. But when the 
decrease in sales is more than proportionate to the increased profit 
per unit, any further increase in price will be disadvantageous. 
The ideal monopoly price is thus to be found precisely at the 
meeting point of both these tendencies — ^the point at which 
demand is reduced in the same proportion as the net profit is 
increased in consequence of the higher price. 

We shall endeavour to represent the position by an 
arithmetical example in tabular form. Suppose that 
a monopolized commodity costs the monopolist £2 a unit 
to manufacture. And assume for the sake of simphcity 
that the relation between price and sales is such that, with 
a price of £12, 1,000 will be sold in a unit of time ; and 
that every increase or decrease in price by £1 causes a decrease 
or increase in sales by exactly 100 units. We may then set out 
the following table : — 

Selling Pnce, 


Profiteer Unit, 


Total Net Profit. 













- ■ 
























































In this case, a price of £12 is, therefore, the most 
advantageous to the monopolist. He would get less profit if he 
either raised or lowered the price. 

If is easy to represent the fundamental features of 
monopolistic pricing graphically, or algebraically. If we mark 



ofi tlie various unit prices, p on the horizontal axis and the 
corresponding quantities y, sold per unit of time, on the vertical 
axis, then the locus of these points will generally describe a curve 
y^f{p). The rectangle y,p represents the gross receipts, and 
that part which lies to the rigid of a line at the distance a from 
the vertical axis — ^where n is the unit cost of production, i.e. 
y{p — - a) represents the net profit. 

The expression is maximized when its first derivative with 
respect to p is zero. We thus obtain 

{p — a)f(p) -i-f{p) == 0, 

a condition which is satisfied, as will easily be seen, when that 
part of the tangent to the curve which lies between the above- 
mentioned vertical line and the horizontal axis is bisected at the 
point of contact. If y ==/(p) is a straight line, as with our figures, 
we have simply to take half the maximum rt£t price, where sales 
will be half the maximum which can be marketed without a loss. 
Other questions relating to monopoly prices are similarly capable 
of an easy mathematical solution. Thus, inter alia, there can be 
deduced from these figures, or formulse, answers to such questions 
as the various influences of general and special costs, various 
forms of taxation, etc., considered on p. 72. 

It is important to note that the amount of overhead costs 
(i.e. costs which remain constant whether output is large or 
small) has no influence whatever upon the level of the most 
advantageous monopoly price. Whether, for example, a private 
railway company has to pay a large or a small amount of interest 
on the capital invested in construction, the height of its charges 
cannot be affected, so long as these are fixed on the principle of 
maximum net profit. This is obvious ; if, in the table, p. 90, 
we deduct a fixed amount per unit of time (say £1,000} from 
the monopolist’s net profit, then all the figures in the right-hand 
column will be reduced by 1,000. Obviously, even after this 
reduction, the previous maximum profit would still be 
a maximum; so that the most advantageous selling price 
would still be exactly £12. It is evident that this would 
still apply if, for any reason (say income tax), the net profit were 
reduced in proportion to its size — ^and even if the deduction 
(as in the case of progressive income tax) increases more than 
proportionately to net profit, so long as the rate of progression 
is such that the residue (after deduction) continues to increase 
wherever the profit (before deduction) would have increased. 


But ^erent considerations apply in the case of primo 
costs-wkch increase with the output. For the sake of simpHcitv 
we ^ assume that the increase of costs is exactly proportional 
so that every new unit of commodity increases costs by as much 
as the precedmg unit ; and so on. If, for any reason, the cost 

or a umt now increases— as for example by reason nf « 

ae total post. Tie 



as tlie additional costs of production but usually less. Witb 
a simple linear law of demand (on wMcb our table is based), 
the most advantageous increase in the monopoly price would 
be exactly half the increased cost per unit, so that if, for example, 
the increase were £2 and the monopolist’s cost of production 
were thus to become £4 per unit, the best seUing price would 
be £13. 

These propositions, which are due originally to Cournot,^ 
but have been developed subsequently by Pantaleoni, Marshall, 
Edgeworth, and others, are of great interest both for the theory 
of taxation and for the solution of the pressing problem — ^which 
is daily becoming more important — of a rational regulation of 
industrial monopolies, whether legal or merely dsfad^o. 

The mathematical treatment of monopoly profits and their 
taxation abounds in interesting and often very surprising features. 
Suppose, for example, that a railway company which has a 
monopoly in passenger traffic, with only two classes, second and 
third, is taxed on the basis of the number of second class tickets 
sold. Who wotdd suppose, at first sight, that this taxation might 
make it economically advantageous for the company to reduce 
the price of both second and third class tickets ? And yet Edge- 
worth has fully proved ^ that, on certain assumptions, this can 
be the case. 

This can, if necessary, be understood without the use of 
higher mathematics. For the sake of simplicity we shall assume 
— an assumption very far removed from reahty — ^that ceteris 
paribus the number of second class passengers is determined 
exclusively by the price difference between the two classes ,* in 
other words, the passengers would travel in any case, though 
the difference in price decides whether they will travel second 
or third class. In such a case it is in the interest of the railway 
company to increase this difierence in order to force some 
passengers to go over from second class to third class — ^and 
thereby save in taxation. That this can always happen without 
a corresponding reduction in the total revenue is implied in the 
very concept of maximization — at least in most cases. A slight 
change in the most advantageous price combination produces a 
relatively very small reduction in traffic revenue, whereas the 

^ See Principles maihematiques de la theorie des richessea. This work was 
first published in 1838, but was not generally known until much later. 
Translations into English and various other languages are now available. 

* Papers rdating to Political Economy f vol. i, pp. 143-151, and Economic 
Journal, 1899, p. 286. 


conesponding saving in taxation is considerable. Now a given 
increase in the price difference can be brought about in three 
diferent ways — 

(a) by a moderate increase in second class fares and a 
reduction in third class fares ; 

(5) by a greater increase of the former and a slight increase 
(or, at any rate, no reduction) in the latter ; and 

(c) by a slight reduction (or, at any rate, no increase) in 
second class fares and a greater reduction in third class fares. 

By all three methods the railway company makes an equal saving 
in taxation. It remains an open question, therefore, which of the 
three will produce the least decrease in the traffic revenue. As a 
rule it would be the first method, but in special cases the second 
and even the third may be preferred, in that order. 

Thus, if second class traffic is very considerable and third 
class traffic not particularly elastic, it may happen that the most 
profitable course would be to increase both fares (although, apart 
from taxation, this increase must always reduce the traffic revenue, 
since it alters the combination of prices existing before the imposi- 
tion of the tax, which must be assumed to be, in those circumstances, 
the most advantageous). But if third class traffic is very elastic — 
so that reduced fares would attract a number of new passengers 
(to the third class) — ^and the second class traffic is not very great, 
then, however paradoxical it may at first sight appear, the last 
of the three methods will be the most advantageous to the railway 

Alternatively, we might approach the problem in the following 
way. Let us draw up a series of combinations of prices which, 
apart from taxation, would yield the company a certain given net 
income slightly less than the maximum. Geometrically, this 
series could be represented by a closed curve (roughly elliptical 
in shape) enclosing the maximum point ; we have then to find 
the point on this curve at which the difference between the 
co-ordinates (the difference between second and third class fares, 
and consequently the saving in taxation) is a m gyiTmim - This 
point is clearly the point of contact of the upper of the two tangents 
to the curve which make an angle of 45° with the axes (cf. Fig. 7), 
The same construction may then be repeated with a succession 
of new curves (new series of price combinations) the process being 
continued so long as the saving in taxation increases more than 
the traffic revenue decreases. If the maximum point is taken as 
the origin (with the direction of the axes retained) it will easily 
be seen that the new point of equilibrium may be situated in the 



first, second, or third quadrant — but of course never in uhe fourth 
— according to the form and position of the curves, of which 
nothing is previously known. 

It must, however, not be overlooked that the study of 
monopoly is peculiarly liable to be disturbed by great differences 
between theory ” and “ practice ” ; and that for many reasons. 

BD= ,. II „ 

,, III ,, ,, siter „ 

CE = „ n „ 

The monopolist is not obliged to keep so close a watch on prices 
as a seller or producer working under free competition, especially 
since most monopolies are in the hands of great companies, or 
corporations, or States, and are managed by salaried officials 
who are usually much more anxious to avoid loss by incautious 
experiments than to increase their profits. Another circumstance, 


wHch should not be overlooked, is that the growth or decline 
of net profit in the immediate neighbourhood of the theoretically 
most advantageous selling price is very small. This feature is 
common to all real maximization, and we may easily convince 
ourselves of its correctness here by reference to the above table.^ 
It is, therefore, largely a matter of indiSerence to the monopolist 
whether his price is a little above or a little below that which 
is theoretically the best — ^however important the matter may 
be to the consumer. 

Finally, it may be pointed out that the sharp distinction 
between monopoly prices and competitive prices which we (in 
common with other economists) have drawn here scarcely ever 
exists in reality. Not infrequently, two or more monopolists 
in the same branch of production, or in closely-related branches 
(e.g. owners of various patents in the same industry) actually 
compete with each other.^ We have already pointed out that 
there also exists in the ordinary free competitive market a sort 
of monopoly for each individual producer, and even for every 
consumer — dependent upon their various geograjpJiical positions 
relatively to each other and to the centres of business activity, 
with consequently differing transport costs. But economic theory 
has paid very Kttle attention to this aspect of the problem of 

If there are two equally powerful monopolists in the same 
branch of production then, if they operate independently y they will 
doubtless depress prices, but, as Cournot observes, only up to a 
certain limit — namely, the point at which each obtains the 
maximum profit, under the assumption that the other neither 
increases nor decreases his output beyond that limit. This new 
equilibrium position can be determined without difficulty, if a 
is the cost of production, by the equation 

~ «)•/'(?) +/(p) == 0, 

where p is the common selling price and f{p) the combined sales 
of the two monopolists. The tangent referred to above (Fig. 7) 
will be divided at a pomt one-third of the way along it, and in our 
table (p. 90) the selling price would be reduced to £(2 + X 20) 

^ Of. also my FmanztheoretiscTie UntersuchuTigen, p.l2, et seq. 

* The theory of pricing under “ duopoly ” or “ polypoly ”, as they were 
formerly called, was developed by Cournot (see below) and deserves attention. 

A. Weber’s Z>er Standort der Indvstrie may be described as such an 



= £8.67 a unit with a total sale of 1,333 units— or 
666 to 667 for each monopolist. In the same way, jf there are 
three or more monopolists, the price will fall further, until it 
finally sinks to the bare cost of production (p = a) as in free 
competition. The public will, therefore, gain by the competition 
of the monopolists, but the monopolists - will lose. Their own 
interests compel them to combine and divide the profits — ^in 
which case monopoly prices and sales will again be the same as 
when there is a single monopolist.^ 

7. Pri-cing under the Influence of Production 
Transition to Part III 

Although hitherto our purpose has been to describe the 
origin of market prices, on the assumption that goods exist in 
given quantities for a certain consumption period, yet we have 
on several occasions touched upon the effects of production on 
pricing ; or rather on their influence on one another. We shall 
now concern ourselves directly with this problem, and shall 
consider it in detail in the next section. The older economists 
drew a distinction between market price, regulated solely by 
demand and supply, and ‘‘ natural price about which the 
market price always oscillated, and which is itself determined 
by the cost of production of the commodity. In actual fact, the 
formation of prices is essentially the same in both cases, except 
that the relation between supply and demand, effective on the 
market, is replaced in the latter case by the relation between 
production and consumption. If price equilibrium in the market 
demands equality of supply and demand, then in the long run 
the prices of the various commodities will be stationary at, or 

^ Edgeworth, in his McUJiematical Psychics (1885) and in an essay in the 
Gmrrude degli EcorurniisH, 1897 (and also the mathematician, Bertrand, in the 
Journal des Savants, 1883), criticized Cournot’s reasoning, but, in my opmion, 
on insufficient grounds. It is certainly true that the problem, as Edgeworth 
says, will to some extent he indeterminate in the case of two, or generally 
of a limited number of monopolists, whether in the same or in different branches 
of production. But Cournot’s further Jissumption, quoted above, seems to me 
much more reasonable than the one selected by Bertrand and Edgeworth. 
The latter involves the assumption that each monopolist aims at the maximum 
net profit on condition that the other does not change his price — ^an assumption 
which seems to me quite unjustifiable where they both produce the same 
commodity. [See Wicksell’s review {Economish Tvdskrift, 1925) of 
Professor A. L. Bowiey’s Mathematical Groundwork of Economics ; a German 
translation of this review subsequently appeared in the Archiv fiir Sozial- 
vnssenschaft, 1927.] 



oscillate about, the point of equilibrium between production and 
consumption — in other words the point where 'production exactly 
covers consumption. We may add, in passing, that this simple 
relation is all too often overlooked as, for example, when we 
speak of a permanent over-production or under-consumption of 
some, or even all, commodities. If this means that production 
permanently exceeds consumption — ^and what else can it mean ? 
— then it is manifestly absurd. After all, the capacity of our 
warehouses is Innited ! 

If it were true that the manufacture of a commodity always 
required a certain definite quantity of each factor of production 
(i.e. a certain quantity of homogeneous labour, a certain area 
of land of given physical properties and finally a certain use, 
and corresponding using-up of capital goods — ^factories, railway 
material, ships, tools, machinery, etc.), and that production did 
not require any tirm (or, more correctly, that the time actually 
required need only be regarded, economically speaking, as 
quantities of services of labour and land, which could just as 
well be supposed to be applied simultaneously as successively) 
then we should have every reason to agree with Walras’ assertion 
that the determination of prices, taking production into accoimt, 
constitutes essentially the same problem as the formation of 
prices in the market ; or is, as it were, only a variant of it. 
Anyone who demands a given quantity of a given commodity 
will implicitly demand a given determinate amoxmt of each of 
the factors required for the production of that commodity. 
On the other hand, each owner of these factors — ^the labourer, 
the landowner, and the capitalist — offers a certain quantity, the 
amount of which depends ceteris paribus partly on the market 
price (i.e. on the rate of wages, rent and interest, etc.) and 
partly on the prices of the goods which the owners of the factors 
wish to acquire in return. Or, in accordance with what we have 
already said, we may regard the problem from a somewhat 
different point of view : the owner of a factor of production 
has himself a certain direct use for it, so that what he wishes 
to retain for himself may be regarded as his contribution to the 
general demand for that factor. The supply must then be 
regarded not as the amount which he and other owners offer, 
but as the whole quantity in existence — ^for example, in the 
case of labour, the whole twenty-four hours of the day — ^which 


in extreme cases might find productive employment. If we start 
from a hyp)othetically given system of prices of ali the factors 
of production, then, in the first place, we can on our assumption 
deduce the corresponding prices of the finished goods (if we 
regard their costs and selling prices as equal). For every such 
system of prices we can then obtain, directly or indirectly, 
a determinate demand for and supply of each particular factor ; 
and it only remains to state that, in equilibrium, demand and 
supply must coincide, or — ^if we take the word demand in its 
wider sense as including the quantity which the owners of the 
factors wish to consume directly at the given nrice — ^that demand 
exactly equals the quantity available. 

Working under this assumption, we should actually have to 
deal with two factors of production only, land and labour, since 
machinery and other capital goods can ultimately be reduced to 
products of land and labour. If time did not play any economic 
role, the employment of, and demand for, capital could be regarded 
as an indirect demand for labour and land. But it is precisely 
at this point that the weakness of the argument appears ; for, 
since the indirect productive services must be rewarded m the 
same way as the direct, the share of capital in production would 
consist only of successive repayments of the capital itself, and 
not of any addition in the form of interest. This agrees with the 
Socialist view, according to which the remuneration of capital 
consists exclusively of unpaid labour ” ; i.e. is an economically 
unjustifiable robbery of the fruits of production. We must either 
accept this view — ^which, however, Walras and his school refuse 
to do — or we must admit that the reasoning which leads to this 
result (which really ignores the existence of interest) overlooks 
an important element in the explanation of the phenomena of the 
real world. 

This view of the position is evidently far too imperfect 
to be even an approximation to reality. In the first place, the 
proportions in which the various factors of production contribute 
to the manufacture of any commodity are by no means given or 
determinate, but may vary within certain (sometimes wide) 
limits ; or, as it is sometimes expressed, one factor of jproductiorh 
can always, to some extent, be svbstitiUed for another. This is 
particularly true of the production of foodstuffs, which are 
obtained, in a fairly uniform quality, either by extremely 
extensive agriculture (for example in the robbery cultivation ’’ 


— ^rightly or wrongly so called — of the Western States of America 
or in the practice, common in Sweden, of burning off woodland 
in order to secure arable land) or else by a highly developed 
intensive cultivation as in China, Belgium, and the plains of Lom- 
bardy. But, even in manufacturing industry, the various factors 
of production, such as human labour and machinery, may be 
substituted for each other to almost any extent. That is to say, 
direct human labour is replaced by natural forces (in combination 
with the employment of capital) and vice versa, A further 
factor, which at bottom has a close connection with the above, 
is that the time-element in production, so far from being a matter 
of indifference from the economic point of view, is of the very 
greatest importance. We cannot — at least in the last analysis — 
conceive the commodity market, on the one hand, and the market 
for factors of production or productive services, on the other, 
as lying alongside one another, so that they could theoretically 
be regarded as one. In point of time the latter always precedes 
the former, and this circumstance — as we can easily understand 
a priori, and as we shall show in more detail soon — ^is of the 
greatest importance in actual pricing. ’ Before we can hope 
for a final solution of the pricing problem we must first consider 
both sides of it more carefully : the ability of the different 
factors of production to replace each other, and the time-element 
— or, what amounts to the same thing, the economic signi&cance 
of capital. We shall consider these matters in the next part and 
shall, at the same time, endeavour to solve the problem of 
distribution under free competition — a problem which would 
already be solved if the shares of labour, land, and capital could 
be determined as simply as has been indicated above. That such 
is not the case, and that the time-element plays a decisive part 
in distribution, and especially in the determmation of wages, 
was what John Stuart Mill wished to express by his statement, 
‘"Demand for commodities is not demand for labour” — 
a statement which, though fundamentally correct, has been 
widely challenged and frequently misunderstood. 



Bibliogbaphy. — There stili exists no exhausth’e presentation of 
this subject on modern lines ; at least, not in an elementarj 
form. Walras in his Eleinents once and for all correctly formu- 
lated the solution to the problems of production, distribution, 
and exchange as a whole, but his treatment of the economic 
function of capital is hardly satisfactory. Bohm-Bawerk, on 
the other hand, whose work Kapital und Kap'Mlzi'ns ^ — and 
especially its latter part, FostUve Theorie des Kapiials^ — is 
the chief source for the modern theory of capital,*d:d nor concern 
himself with the synthetic treatment of the problem of produc- 
tion and distribution as a whole. An attempt to combine the 
work of both these writers into a single whole is to be found 
in my essay, Tiber Wert^ Kapital und Recite ; and also in the 
elegant but unfortunately unfinished articles of Enrico Barone, 
“ Studi sulla Distnbnzione ” {Giornale degli Economisti, 1896). 
P. H. Wicksteed’s succinct Co-ordination of the Laws of Distribu- 
tion ^ (London, 1894) is interesting and rich in ideas — but not 
easy to read. Jevons’ Theory of Political Economy contains 
many instructive, though scattered, remarks on production. 
The most exhaustive treatment of the subject in English, 
from the modern point of view, is to be found in MarshalFs 
Principles of Economics, an abridgment of which was published 
under the title Elements of the Economics of Industry. 

An original writer, unfortunately to a large extent self- 
taught, is the German, Efiertz, who m several works (of which 
the earliest is contemporary with the Positive Theorie des 
Kapitals) develops views similar to those of Bohm-Bawerk ; 
they are often very well stated. 

We have hitherto examined, as far as it has been possible 
to do, the process of valuation of the material objects or direct 

1 lOapiial and Interest."] 

® [Positive Theory of Capital.] 

® [This IS now published in the series of Scarce Tracts, published by the 
London School of Economics.] 

* In his magnum opus. The Common Sense of Political Ecorwmy, he declared 
— for reasons difficult to understand — ^that he desired to withdraw this 
work. He devotes a chapter to the subject in the Common Sense which does 
not cover the same ground. 



personal services with wMch we satisfy our needs. We shall 
now consider how the available stocks of goods (and, strictly 
speaking, personal services also, in so far as the supply of services 
presupposes a supply of consumable goods) are maintained, 
renewed, and replaced. In other words, we shall now consider 

As has already been indicated, the problem of value and 
exchange eannot be finally solved unless attention is simultaneously 
paid to production. Production, on the other hand, as it actually 
takes place, cannot be understood except in association with the 
laws of exchange and exchange value. In reality, exchange, 
and consequently valuation, enter into all production. Even 
in an individuaFs production with his own resources for his own 
needs there is always, at least in the wider sense of the word, 
an exchange (or choice) ; the resources can be used either in 
direct consumption or in indirect consumption — ^through the 
medium of production. Thus, for example, anyone who has 
labour available, so long as he is a free human being, has the 
choice of using his working hours either for rest or diversion, 
'or for productive employment in the ordinary sense. The element 
of exchange naturally appears even more clearly in production 
which is carried on in association with outside labour or other 
factors ; or when the product is intended for consumption by 
others, as is the case nowadays with the vast majority of goods 
produced. In the former case, there is, of course, a direct exchange 
of factors of production — ^land, labour, and capital — against 
their necessary remuneration — ^wages, rent, and interest. In the 
latter case, production proceeds with constant reference not only 
to the volume of the output which can be obtained, but also to 
the exchange value anticipated or already determined on the 
market. In the majority of practical cases, both of these 
considerations are present. 

Production and exchange can only be separated by a process 
of abstraction ; but such abstraction is an invaluable aid in the 
survey and examination of what at first sight appear to be hope- 
lessly complicated phenomena. For this reason, we have hitherto 
assumed, in our examination of the principles governing market 
values, that the supplies in the market to meet the needs of 
consumers in a given period are given in advance ; although, 
naturally, these supplies are continuously affected in reality 


by new production — especially in modern times with highly 
developed communications. In the same way we can, and shall 
for a while, in our treatment of production and distribution, 
ignore the changes in the exchange value of goods which are 
constantly brought about by relative changes in production 
and consumption. In other words, we assume, in the first 
instance, that for the society in question these exchange values 
are given — as they approximately are in reality for every 
individual producer, in his relation to the marker as a whole. 
A concrete case of this kind would arise if a country or some 
smaller area produced only one or a very few staple commodities 
and imported everything else it required ; so that all exchange 
values could be assumed to be determined in advance by the 
market of some larger area, or even the vrorld market. 

For a first approximation, we may also introduce another 
important simplification. As we have already said, every owner 
of a factor of production can choose between two methods of 
employing it : directly or in the service of production. Even if 
the relative exchange values of goods are given in advance, the 
need will constantly arise for the individual to weigh up against 
one another, on the one hand, the goods which he obtains, or 
can obtain, in return for his productive services and, on the other 
hand, the enjoyment he obtains from being able to dispose of 
them freely on his own account ; as, for example, by having 
more leisure. We shall, however, assume for the present that 
the utility of the various factors of production, after a certain 
amount has been set aside for the owner’s direct consumption, 
becomes so insignificant for this purpose rhat it need not be 
taken into accoimt in comparison with the indirect utility 
derived from their productive employment. And this assumption 
may be made without danger in the case of several factors of 
production. Private owners of building sites in cities do not 
usually leave any part unoccupied in order to retain it as 
a promenade ground. No landowner — ^unless he were a very 
exceptional person — ^would allow arable land to lie waste or 
would use it as a hunting ground. Still less has the owner of 
capital any choice in this respect ; in order to obtain any yield 
from his capital he must employ it productively or, what generally 
amounts to the same thing, lend it to someone else. The personal, 
unproductive use of capital would almost necessarily be 


tantamount to its partial destruction. Dwelling-houses 
occupied by the owner constitute no exception to this rule, for 
the only possible productive use for such capital goods is that 
they should be occupied as dwellings. 

Hence it is approximately true of land and capital — ^that 
is to say, of the capital existing at any given moment of time — 
that they enter as a whole into production. On the other hand, 
we cannot reasonably say the same thing about labour. It is 
a physical impossibility to work regularly for the whole 
twenty-four hours of the day, and even if working hours were 
limited to the maximum time which can be devoted to work 
in the long run, the labourer’s position would still be so miserable 
that only the most acute necessity would keep him from 
converting a little of his working time to leisure purposes. 
To the older economists, who generally held that the natural 
and average wages of labour exactly corresponded to the 
minimum of subsistence of the labourer and his family, it was 
natural to regard individual labour and hours of labour as a fixed 
and definite quantity, the limits of which were set only by the 
physical powers of the labourer. It is characteristic that when 
Adam Smith discusses the problem whether labourers are likely 
to respond to a rise in wages, by devoting more time to leisure 
he only does so in order to absolve them from this 
charge. Nowadays, when wages have fortunately risen some- 
what above the subsistence level and when the limitation 
of working hours in order to give the worker an opportunity 
for educational and cultural activities has become one of 
the most eagerly sought objectives, especially on the part 
of the workers, this assumption is no longer permissible. 
Our use of it here will be only provisional, in order to simplify 
the ar^ment. We must ' also remember that, in certain 

occupations (particularly the manufacturing industries), the 
amount of time devoted to production (especially the length 
of the working day) is largely determined independently of the 
individual worker, by collective agreements — ^which may be 
denounced collectively, but not individually, excepting in so far 
as an individual may occasionally take a day off ”, 

We also ignore here the practically very important 
circumstance that the mental and physical health and strength 
of the worker, and consequently the efficiency of labour, are 


largely dependent on the wages received and, within certain 
limits, rise and fall with the wage. 

Changes in the supply of labour due to movements of 
population — ^natural increase, emigration, immigration — are quite 
different in kind from these and may be disregarded here. For 
the most part, they are due to other than purely economic causes 
and only rarely do they cause the supply of labour available 
at a given moment, or in the near future, either to increase 
or decrease. 

In the long run, of course, not only the total supply of 
labour, but also that of capital, and indeed of land also — or at 
any rate the available supply — ^wili be subject to more or less 
extensive changes. The same is also true of labour on the 
qualitative side, in so far as changes in the manner of living, 
improved education, and upbringing may cause considerable 
changes in the efficiency of the available supply of labour. In 
a complete analysis of economic phenomena, these changes must 
of course be duly noted ; for the moment, however, we shall 
content ourselves with what has been called the static aspect of 
the problem of equilibrium, i.e. the conditions necessary for the 
maintenance, or the periodic renewal, of a stationary state of 
economic relations. 

If the country or area which was mentioned above were 
a unified economic unit, in which everything was produced and 
exchanged with the outside world on common account, the 
whole problem of production would be a purely technical one. 
Given the supply of factors, it would merely be a question of 
maximizing the production of the particular commodity produced 
by the coimtry. If several commodities were produced — ail of 
which were, in some measure, sold abroad at given prices — ^the 
object would be to maximize exchange value. Again, the 
distribution, whether of the direct output or of its equivalent 
obtained by exchange, would be an independent question and 
would be regulated by other than purely economic considerations. 

The problem is different, at least at first sight, when 
production proceeds, as it does in reality, under free competition 
and private enterprise. In this case it is everyone’s business 
to produce, not as much as possible, but as cheajily as possible, 
i.e. in such a way as to maximize his net profit. This again 
depends upon his costs of production or, in other words, on the 


share of the product demanded by the factors of production. 
It is therefore bound up with the problem of distribution. 
For example, suppose a man has a large landed estate, but no 
capital. If he were to farm the land without capital — ^by his 
own labour and that of his family — ^then of course the product, 
relatively to the size of the estate^ would be extremely small. 
He therefore borrows capital and employs labour. But the 
extent to which he does so obviously depends upon the 
remuneration demanded by capital and labour in the form of 
interest and wages. If he can get both for nothing, or for next 
to nothing, then he wiU carry on his farming more intensively, 
using more capital and more labour than he would do if the share 
in the product demanded by capital and labour were so great 
that — as^a result of the law of diminishing returns, which we 
shall shortly consider — ^they gradually absorb the whole surplus 
and perhaps leave him almost nothing. Rents would have 
a similar significance to a person who possessed capital, and 
possibly skill at farming, but had insufficient land to be able 
to make use of them. 

Again, if the producer can choose between the manufacture 
of various kinds of goods — ^whose market prices are given, but 
whose manufacture demands different proportions of land, labour, 
and capital — ^then it will be his object to select the branch of 
production which is most profitable ; and here again the relative 
levels of rents, wages, and interest will, of course, be decisive. 
Only when, by the influence of supply and demand, these have 
reached such a relative position that two or more of these 
commodities are equally profitable to manufacture, will they 
be simultaneously produced. In practice, as we have already 
emphasized, the problems of production and distribution cannot 
be separated, but are essentially one ; production is not 
a technical problem only, but technical and economic at the 
same time. 

Another question of great interest — ^which we propose 
to examine later — ^is whether (as has often been maintained 
by Socialists) collectivist production would, in a physical sense, 
be superior to individualist production — leaving aside the question 
of distribution ; or whether we should not, from a technical 
point of view, regard both systems as leading to essentially 
the same result. 


Tte agents of prodnction have usiiallv been diYided into 
tlixee main groups — land, labour, and capital — of -Vv'iiicii the first 
denotes the external natural forces at the service of man. In 
a narrower sense, however, “ land “ may be taken to include 
only those natural resources which renew themselves continuaily, 
for the actual ingredients of land (such as clay, ore, peat, coal, 
etc.) in so far as they are employed in production and consumption 
have rather the characteristics of capital. By labour, again, we 
mean exclusively human labour, whether manual or mental. 
The concept of capital requires a closer analysis — and we snail 
return to it later. Further, there exist important factors of 
production, essentially of an immaterial kind, w^hich cannot well 
be subsumed under any of these categories, but which are sui 
generis, even though labour, capital (and land) are requhed for 
their production. To this class belong technical inventions, so 
long as they are patented or are trade secrets (otherwise they 
become free goods) and also — ^if the term production is taken 
in the wider sense, to include the distribution and marketing 
of products — ^well-known trade marks, the goodwill of a business, 
and so on." For the sake of simplicity, however, we vill keep 
to the three main groups — especially since all the others, strictly 
speaking, presuppose a restriction of free competition. In 
accordance with our usual method we shall postpone discussion of 
the difficult problem of capital ; and shall at first concern 
ourselves only with land or natural resources — assumed to 
be in private possession — ^and human labour ; their co-operation 
in production and their shares in the product, under free 

Marshall, in his Frirudjiles, has endeavoured to set up a fourth 
class of agents of production, beside land, labour, and capital, 
namely organization, to the important functions of which in the 
modern mechanism of production he has devoted several long and 
suggestive chapters of his book. But, however important it may 
be to determine the economic role of intellectual progress and of 
inventions and discoveries (which earher economists not 
infrequently confused with capital itself), this classification sufiers 
from the inconvemence that the new agency thus introduced, 
unhke the old, lacks quantitative jprecision, except in some special 
cases. Such a case would arise when organizing talent or technical 
discovery is incorporated in certain individuals of outstanding 


gifts or specialized education. But in that case, “ organization ” 
cannot be distinguished from labour ” ; it is only a special form 
of labour, and has always been so treated. Further, if inventions 
exist, like a treasure of new knowledge and experience which, 
by their very nature, are accessible to all, then they can only 
acquire economic significance if they are preserved as trade 
secrets or are protected by patents, etc. ; or unless they have 
given rise to an actual monopoly for the first user — as happens 
in certain cases in large-scale manufacture. In the contrary case, 
they are to be regarded, as we have said, as free goods — ^such as 
air, water, sunlight, etc. These enhance the whole of production 
and, thereby, ceteris partbus, raise human well-being to a higher 
plane, whilst themselves making no claim to a share in the product. 
They have, therefore, no influence on prices. 

It seems to me not altogether impossible that this defect 
in scientific classification is associated with certain somewhat 
hasty conclusions of Marshall which we shall discuss later. 

1. Non-Cajyitalistic Proditction 

Let us assume, in the first place, that production is non- 
capitalistic — ^without implying that there is no capital whatever 
in existence. As a rule, production without the use of any capital 
is impossible, though the most primitive form of production — 
mere collection of wild fruits — is a possible exception. For our 
purpose it is sufiScient to assume that on account of a lack of 
technical knowledge, very little capital can be employed ; but, 
that it is available in such large quantities relatively to the 
state of technical knowledge, that, as a first approximation, 
its share in the product can be ignored. (We shall examine 
later the exact conditions imder which this can happen.) We 
might assume, for example, that all production — as was probably 
roughly the case in the earliest agriculture in primitive clearings 
— is carried through in the course of a single year, during which 
the few simple tools and utensils employed are also made and 
completely worn out. For the sake of simplicity we will also 
assume that finished products only become ready at the end of 
the year, that all wages are paid at the end of the year, and 
that the workers maintain themselves during the whole of the 
succeeding year on their wages so acquired. (It might be argued 
that they themselves must, therefore, be regarded as a sort of 


capitalist class, but on our assumption the advantage thus gained 
is so small that it need not be taken into consideration.) All 
agreements between workers and landowners, or between these 
two and a third party as entrepreneur, are thus based on 
a division of the product at the end, of the current production 
year. On what principles will this distribution take place ? 

We have here two opposing groups of contracting parties — 
the owners of labour, and the owners of land — who, on our 
assumption, are on a footing of equality when making a business 
agreement between themselves or wdth a third party. The 
landowner, it is true, has hands ; but he may be unable to use 
them for labour, owing to old age or from his being unaccustomed 
to manual work. And, in any case, if the land is considerable 
in extent, his own work may weU be insufficient to produce 
enough even to repay him for his trouble and to meet the taxes 
on the land. He is therefore not less dependent on labour than 
labour on him. Neither are the labourers dependent on any other 
entrepreneur, since, on our assumption, they are able to maintain 
themselves during the whole period of production. We may, 
therefore, assume either that the landowner will hire labourers 
for a wage, paid, let us say, in kind at the end of the period of 
production, or that the labourers themselves will hire the land 
for rent which again will only be paid when the product is 
completed ; or, finally, that a third person, an entrepreneur, 
hires both labour and land — ^but still on condition that wages 
and rent shall only be paid after the completion of production. 

In order to prevent any misunderstanding, it may be pointed 
out that this device is simply a logical construction without any 
counterpart in reality, either at the present day or at any previous 
time. On the contrary, it is reasonably certain that individual 
ownership of moveable 'property (i.e. capital) and the possibility 
in one form or another, of interest, preceded historically the 
private ownership of land and, therefore, the possibility of 
(private) rent. However insignificant the quantities of capital- 
goods may have been, which could find employment with a 
primitive technique of production, yet probably capital accumula- 
tion and saving were, for many reasons, even less developed. 
Thus, a superfluity of capital, even a relative superfluity, seldom 
occurred. On the contrary, there was, as a rule, a marked shortage. 
The fact that usury was forbidden in the Middle Ages did 
not prevent interest from being taken in some disguised form. 


Moreover, loan interest is only one of the many possible forms 
of interest. 

If we revert to modern times, we shall find that nearly every 
square yard of land in most countries is in private possession 
(or if in public hands is no longer available for free use), and rents 
are, on the whole, steadily rising even though they fluctuate. At 
the same time, however, interest is nowadays probably a greater 
source of income than rent. Technical inventions, combined with 
a rapid increase in population, still prevent the rate of interest 
from failing below a certain amount and this yield has to 
be multiplied by a quantity of capital which has grown enormously 
— even in proportion to the simultaneous increase of population. 

Nevertheless, the above assumption of production without 
capital, or rather of production in which capital is to be regarded 
as a free good, is logically conceivable and is, therefore, an abstrac- 
tion which is permissible for purposes of exposition — ^in much the 
same way as it is permissible in Ricardo’s theory of rent, of which 
we shall shortly speak, to regard cultivation as proceeding from 
better ” to worse ” land, even although, historically, the 
development may in many cases have been in the opposite 

A. The Landowmr as Entre'preneur. 

We will first assume that the landowner is the entrepreneur. 
The conception landowner presupposes that all land — or at 
least the more fertile land and land more favourably situated 
for trade — is already in private ownership, which is nearly always 
the case in older countries. But, at the same time, the limit 
has long been passed within which every new labourer will 
produce the same additional product, or possibly even, by better 
organization of labour (i.e. division of labour) a larger product 
than that produced, on the average, by the labour already 
employed on the same area of land. So long as this remains 
the case — even with private ownership of land, and on the 
assumption of active competition between landowners — ^there 
could scarcely be any rent, properly so called, and landowners 
would only receive a wage for their personal participation in 
production, for example, as managers of labour. It is quite 
otherwise where, as is usual in modern society, agriculture and 
its related industries have already, owing to the growth of 
population, reached such a degree of intensity of production 



that every additional labourer employed on the same area of 
land can only produce an additional product which is smaller 
than the average. 

The fact that the total product of the same area of land 
increases more slowly than the number of workers employed has 
been put forward as a law which applies especially to agriculture 
and the production of raw materials : the law of diminishing 
yield, or diminishing returns. Yet this law is universal in its 
application as soon as one or more of the factors of production 
necessary for any particular manufacture is increased beyond a 
certain limit, while the other factors remain unchanged. That 
it has been possible to establish a contrary law of %nereas%7ig 
returns, valid for at least some branches of industry, is entirely due 
to the implied assumption that the raw materials required are to 
be found in practically unlimited quantities at an unchanged, or 
almost unchanged, price. If the same assumption were made 
with regard to agriculture — in other words, if there were a super- 
abundant supply of the best quality of land — ^then the law of 
“ increasing ”, or at any rate of “ constant ” returns would 
apply there too. 

To claim, as Marshall does, that the former of these two 
laws ” applies to nature and that the latter is characteristic of 
the contribution of human labour to production seems to me 
to be hardly logical. The two contributions can never be separated 
altogetlier, but can only be differentiated at the margin of pro- 
duction, as we shall show later on. The so-called law of increasing 
returns is, fundamentally, another way of looking at the advantages 
of large-scale production over small-scale or isolated production, 
and it applies, in general, to all fields of production, though in 
varying degrees. The law of diminishing returns is even more 
universal in its application, as soon as we assume a one-sided 
increase of some of the factors of production only. In a conflict 
between these tendencies, therefore, “ increasing ” returns may 
well prevail for a time, though “ diminishing ” returns will 
prevail in the long run. 

To the landowner, it can evidently never be economically 
advantageous to pay an additional labourer more in wages than 
the additional product obtained from employing him. But since 
there is free competition between labourers, and since (as we 
assume for the sake of simplicity) one labourer is as good as 
another, none of the labourers previously engaged can claim 
higher wages than the last one engaged ; for in that case it 



would be more advantageous for the landowner to dismiss Mm 
and fill Ms place by tbe new labourer, wbo must be satisfied 
with the lower wage. On the other hand, if there is perfect 
competition between employers, wages cannot sink materially 
behw the amount by which an additional labourer employed 
would increase production ; or (wMch is much the same thing 
if the number of labourers is large) below the amount wMch 
would be lost if one of the labourers already employed were 
dismissed and Ms work distributed over the remainder. So long 
as the landowner, by engaging one more labourer, obtains 
a greater increase in production than the amount by wMch 
wages are increased, it will be to Ms advantage to do so, and the 
dismissal of a labourer already engaged will be, a fortiori, 
a disadvantage. But if the same applies over the whole range 
of producers, their competition for labourers must force up 
wages imtil the difference between the additional product 
obtained and the wages paid for the last labourer engaged 
eventually disappears. One may therefore say, in theory, that 
the additional product of the last labourer engaged will, in general, 
regulate wages ; wMch can neither rise above it nor fall below 
it. At the same time, it may be assumed that, owing to 
competition, this additional product will be the same in all 
branches of production, either in the physical sense, if ^ only one 
commodity or one particular group of commodities (such as 
agricultural products) is produced in all undertakings — or, 
if several different kinds of commodities are simultaneously 
produced at given prices, then the values of the additional 
products must be equal. And, theoretically, at these wages all 
the labour in the market will just find employment. 

It is easy to see that what has been said above is, 
fundamentally, an application of the principle wMch has already 
guided us in the determination of market values. Here also, there 
is a sort of exchange between the product and the wages of 
labour — ^though not an exchange in the strict sense, since the 
latter are a condition of the actual production of the former. 
And the correspondence between wages and the additional 
product of the last worker— or, as we shall henceforth call it, 
the marginal productivity of labour — ^is evidently analogous to 
the equality of marginal utilities for each of the parties to an 
exchange— wMch regulates market price. But they are not quite 



tlie same thing ; the difference being that, in the case of wages, 
the equality is objective, but, in the case of direct exchange, 
the equality of marginal utilities is subjective only. 

After the payment of the wages so determined (an analogous 
remuneration for the employer’s own work being supposed to 
be included) there remains, as a rule, a surplus for the landlord, 
which IS greater or less according to the quality and size of his 
holding. ‘This surplus, whether we regard it as pure rent or a^s 
rent and entrepreneurial proSt combined — of which more later 
— ^will thus, on the given assumption, be the share of land, or of 
its owner, in the product. In modem terminology : after the 
share of one factor of production, labour, has been independently 
determined (by its marginal productivity), the second factor of 
production, land (or the landowner), is the residual clairmnt 
who has a claim on what is left. 

AJl the labourers are regarded as possessing the same skill 
and strength. A merely quantitative difference in physical 
strength, however, can easily be taken into account, if we treat 
a particular labourer as equal to 1*1, 1*2, etc., or 0*9, 0-8, etc., 
of the average labourer. On the other hand, a higher quality 
of labour cannot, as was once supposed, be reduced to t-erms of 
simple unskilled labour ; in fact, at least at any given moment, 
the different classes of workers represent distinct groups, each 
of which is paid according to its own marginal productivity. 

In order to emphasize this we will take a concrete, though 
somewhat artificial, example. We will assume an area of 10,000 
square miles — about the area of Wales — entirely devoted to 
agriculture, and with a working population of 160,(KK) adult men. 
Suppose this territory divided up into 10,000 estates of 1 square 
mile each, all equally good, i.e. containing in about the same 
proportion the usual kinds of land : fields, meadows, woodlands, 
etc. It will then be clear that, in equilibrium, exactly sixteen 
men must find employment on each one of these estates. This 
distribution of labour, however obvious from the data, comes 
about in reality as the result of competition on two sides, in the 
way described above. So long as wages are materially lower than 
the marginal product of the sixteenth labourer, it will be to the 
advantage of every landowner to employ more than sixteen 
labourers. But all the landowners cannot simultaneously succeed 
in this object, and consequently their endeavour must result ir 
a rise of wages. Again, if wages are higher than the marginal 


product, each of the landowners will content himself with less 
than sixteen workers, which will result in unemployment and a 
fall in wages through the competition of the unemployed. The 
final wage, equal for all the labourers, must therefore he some- 
where between the marginal product of the sixteenth and that 
of an imaginary seventeenth labourer on any one of the estates 
in question. 

Everything now depends upon the size of this marginal 
product — on the law of variation of the total product of an estate 
of a given area, when the number of labourers and the intensity 
of agricultural work increases or decreases. Unfortunately, this 
law is practically unknown and its mathematical expression is 
certainly very complicated. If, however, as is nearly always the 
case in practical economic questions, it is only a question of small 
variations, we can, as a rule, content ourselves with a com- 
paratively simple expression ; we may therefore begin by 
supposing the product to vary as a root (e.g. the square root) of 
the number of labourers. If experience showed that, with the 
actual labour force of sixteen workers per square mile the average 
harvest was 1,600 hectolitres of corn, and the price per hectolitre 
10s. then we can draw up the following table : — 

Number of 

ELabvbst pee Squaee Milb 
Yolwme of Product, 

Money value of 





400 X a/~1 = 400 

4,000 shillings 


400 X 800 

8,000 „ 


400 X = 1,200 



400 X VlO = 1,600 



400 X Vn = 400 X 4-123 = 

1,650 (approx.) 

16,500 (approx.) 

Naturally, one would not expect that this simple relation would, 
in reality, apply throughout the table. But that it does not lead 
to absurd results seems to be shown by those parts of the world 
where good land is still employed in very extensive agriculture, 
as in newly settled countries. According to a writer in ScJiTnoller’s 
Jahrhuch (1902), in Santa Fe and Cordoba (in the Argentine), 
a colonist employing only one labourer was able to plough and 
sow about one square mile and to harvest about 1,000 decitons of 
wheat annually. For this case our table would give (400. y'S =) 
about 570 hectolitres (per square mile) as the total product. But, 
of course, in this case no small part of the product would be 
deducted as interest on capital in the form of machinery, transport, 
buildings, etc. 


If we now assume that wages are determined by the imaginary 
ITth worker’s additional product, which according to what has 
been said would, under these circumstances, be the minimum^ 
then there would be 500s. per annum per worker, or 8,000s. per 
sixteen workers ; so that the landowner’s remainder would 
also be 8,000 and the rent 80s. per hectare. This equality 
between the total shares of the product of the workers and the 
landowners is no accident, and would be the same with any 
degree of intensity as soon as the law of returns has the particular 
form assumed. (See p, 116.) 

The following is a simple way (and one often used nowadays) 
of showing the mutual dependence of rent and wages, and the 
determination of their relative magnitudes : the successive 
labourers employed on a given area of land are represented by 



units of length on the horizontal axis measured from the origin, 
and on each unit is constructed a rectangle, whose area or height 
(in units of length) represents the addition to the previous product 
made by the labourer in question. If the number of labourers 
is large enough, the upper limit of these rectangles may be replaced 
without serious error by a continuous curve — ^the curve of 
productivity or gross yield. The area under this curve (bounded 
by the axes and a variable ordinate) represents the whole of the 
gross product secured as the number of labourers increases. The 
additional product of the last labourer is represented by the last 
rectangle to the extreme right, or by its height ; and since this 
additional product determines both the wages of the last labourer 
and those of all others, the total sum of wages is represented by a 
rectangle of the same height and with a base consisting of the 


whole distance from the origin (the total number of labourers). 
The remainder of the gross yield, or the upper portion of the area 
under the curve, represents the rent of the whole area cultivated. 

If the number of labourers is a, then the gross product P 
may be represented algebraically as a function, /(a) of the number a. 
The wages of the last labourer, as of every other labourer, is then 
represented approximately by the difierential coefficient f\a). 
We then obtain as an expression for the rent : — 

«=/(«) -a/'(a) 

If, in addition, we were to assume, as in the numerical example 
above, that this production function was simply a fractional 
power of the number of labourers, so that F =/(a) in 

which ^ is a constant and a < I then the expression for rent is 
reduced to 

S==P. (I - a) 

that is to say, the index a also expresses the relation in which 
the gross product is divided between labourers and landowners. 
If, for example, as we have assumed, a = |, then both would 
receive equal shares ; if a = § the labourers would receive two- 
thirds of the product and the landowners would keep only a third. 

The above theory of the relation of wages to the rent of 
land was developed (so far as its fundamental principle — ^the 
determination of wages by the marginal productivity of labour — 
is concerned) as early as the beginning of the nineteenth century 
by the German economist and landowner, von Thiinen. But 
even earlier there had been propounded by Anderson (an 
English contemporary of Adam Smith) and afterwards, quite 
independently, by Malthus and West, a theory of rent, which 
was adopted and developed by Ricardo in his Principles, and 
which is usually associated with his name. All these theories 
axe fundamentally the same. In spite of the remarkable simplicity 
of von Thiinen’s theory, it coincides completely, at least as regards 
the explanation of the origin of rent in the narrower sense, 
with Ricardo’s theory. The latter is based, as is well known, on 
two assumptions : either that agriculture is extended successively 
to less fertile or less advantageously situated land, so that the 
owner of the better land retains the difference in productivity 
m the form of rent ; or that the land already under cultivation 
is more intensively worked by the employment of increased 
amounts of labour and capital, so that a similar differential 



rent arises from tie dimmisned return (margiiai nroducr]' of tie 
labour and capital later emplcved. In 3icardo, no^e’^^er, capital 
is taken as representing a certain quanrirj of labour, directed 
and maintained by tbis capital. He makes no mention, at least 
in tMs connection, of increase or decrease in tbe lengtn of tne 
feriod of production, wbieb, as -^e shall see later, is of decisive 
importance in determining the share of capital in the product. 
We may, therefore, regard thrs part of his theory as identical 
with that of von Thunen. 

Fundamentally, how'ever, the same applies to the first part 
of Eicardo’s theory, for whether the additional product of the 
last worker engaged arises from the culti^'^ation by him of pcorei 
land previously uncultivated, or by mere intensive cultivation 
of land already in use, is a matter of indiSerence in theory. 
Which of the two occurs may be regarded in reality as the sole 
concern of the entrepreneur. If the estate in question, as often 
happens, includes both good land and inferior land he will in 
each case select the method which is technically most 
advantageous ; with essentially the same result, namely, that 
every new labourer engaged, employed in the best possible 
manner, will produce a smaller addition to the product. 
Differences of situation with regard to marketing can, as von 
Thiinen clearly shows, always be reduced to differences of costs 
of transport, that is say, to costs of production, since 
production must not be regarded as finished until the goods 
have been brought to the market where they are 'oo be sold. 

A Closer EoxLimnation of Ricardo's Theory of Eerd 

Ricardo assumes for the sake of simplicity that wages, 
reckoned in products or rrimns of subsistence, are constant ; because 
if they should happen to rise the number of labourers would 
increase to such an extent that wages would again fall either to 
the absolute minimum of subsistence or to the standard which 
the labourers regard as their normal standard. At that wage, 
the capitalist-farmer — ^whom, in accordance with English 
conditions, he assumes not to be identified with the landlord — 
hires labour as far as his capital permits. On the other hand, the 
product becomes his property and constitutes, after the deduction 
of the capital paid out in wages, his (gross) profit. If there is a 
superfluity of good land, then owing to competition among land- 
owners, there cannot be any considerable rent. But as soon as 


capital, and consequently also tKe working population, increases 
to such an extent that poorer land must be taken into cultivation, 
rent immediately appears ; for this poorer land yields a smaller 
product to the same capital, and consequently (since wages, 
reckoned in the product, remain the same) also a smaller profit. 
But, owing to competition among capitalists, all capital, even 
that which is employed on the better land, must now be satisfied 
with this smaller profit, and the remainder will accrue to the 
owners of the better land. 

Simultaneously with the progressive cultivation of poorer 
land and the consequent rise in the rent of the better land (i.e. of 
all land under cultivation except the very worst) it will usually be 
profitable to employ more labour (and capital) on the better land 
already in cultivation. But since every additional quantity or 
“ dose (as James Mill called it) of labour and capital yields a 
smaller and smaller product, and the new capital must thus 
content itself with a lower rate of interest, interest will fall all 
round, even on capital previously invested and still employed, 
and the surplus product which thereby arises will go to land- 
owners as rent. 

As wili be seen, the role of capital, in Ricardo’s opinion, is 
mainly to advance wages (and to provide the necessary agri- 
cultural implements, etc.). But since we have assumed that the 
labourers are able to maintain themselves during the period of 
production (and to prepare the necessary implements), it is clear 
that the theory we have advanced above as regards the land- 
owner’s share in the product is exactly the same as Ricardo’s. 
How the share of the product which does not pass to the land- 
owner is in fact divided between the labourers and the capitalists 
is a question with which we shall deal later. On the other hand, 
Ricardo and the classical economists in general pay no regard at 
all to the fact that capital in many cases also advances rent. 
A farmer who breeds cattle for meat, for milk, or for draught, 
must pay rent for his pasturage for many years before he can 
employ or advantageously dispose of the animals in question. 
The same applies to an even greater extent to a person who 
engages in viniculture or fruit-growing on rented land. It may 
therefore be said, on the one hand, that Ricardo’s theory of rent 
is too complex in relation to the single principle which it seeks 
to explain, and, on the other hand, much too simple when compared 
with reality. Nevertheless, his theory marked immense progress 
as compared with the obscure ideas on the subject previously 
extant — even in Adam Smith. 


Tlie objections wHcb were raised against this remarkable 
theory in various quarters, especially in earlier times, scarcely 
deserve notice. The best known is the objection of the American 
economist, Carey, that, historically, cultivation did 7 iM proceed 
from better to poorer land, but, on the contrary, from the poorer 
to the better, i.e. from higher and therefore more easily cultivated, 
though less fertile land (as for example a sandy tract) to lower 
land more difficult to work, but more loamy and therefore more 
fertile. This may to some extent be true, but it has no bearing 
on the theory in question ; for Ricardo was only concerned 
with the land which is cultivated or which can be profitably 
cultivated at a certain stage in the development of cultivation. 
Technical improvements, discoveries in agricultural chemistry, 
and so on, may well completely revolutionize an older system 
of agriculture and cause what was formerly the best land to 
decline in value, or perhaps even to be abandoned altogether. 
But the law of rent retains its validity, even although 
the assumptions under which it operates may have changed. 
The curve of returns referred to above assumes a new form, but 
retains its characteristic features. 

We need not waste many words, either, on the attempt of 
the German, Rodbertus, the predecessor of Karl Marx, to replace 
Ricardo’s theory of rent by a better one. Like Marx later, and 
partly on the basis of the theory of value he inherited from 
Smith and Ricardo, Rodbertus assumed that the value of the 
product was wholly determined by the amount of labour employed 
in its production. According to this theory, labour “ as itself a 
commodity ” only obtains as a reward under free competition 
its costs of production ”, i.e. the minimum of subsistence for 
the labourer and his family ; the remainder — ^which Marx calls 
“ unpaid labour ” — ^is taken by the capitalist. With free competi- 
tion among employers, says Rodbertus, the degree of e 2 q)Ioitation 
will be about the same. In industry proper, however — ^and this 
is the essence of Rodbertus’ theory — ^the capitalist-entrepreneur 
considers his profit as interest on two amounts of capital : that 
needed for the maintenance of his labourers, and that needed 
for the raw materials which he must purchase — ^the value of 
which he has advanced for the period of production. But the 
producer of raw materials (the landowner) has no material 
expenditure of the latter kind. With an equal amount of “ unpaid 
labour ” he therefore obtains a larger amount of interest on his 


actual capital, since it only consists of tlie maintenance of ins 
labourers. If, however, he only reckons on that capital the same 
amount of interest as does the industrial capitalist, there will 
be a surplus, which he will consider as the rent of his land. The 
most obvious objection to this theory, which appears at once 
extremely artificial, is that it implies that interest and rent must 
always move in the same direction, must rise or fall together — 
which is contrary to all experience. That this may sometimes 
appear to be the case is simply due to the fact that, with failing 
interest, land, other things being equal, is capitalized at a higher 
value than previously and consequently, with unchanged rent, 
has a lower yield per cent on its capitalized or seUing value ; 
but naturally this is an entirely secondary phenomenon. 

In point of fact, Eodbertus’ theory of rent argues in a circle. 
There is no reason why the ‘‘ degree of exploitation ” in different 
trades between employers under free competition should be the 
same, other than the assumption that the value of the product 
is always proportional to the quantity of labour employed. Btit 
this in its turn presupposes precisely this — ^that the degree of 
exploitation is the same. In reality, the so-called ‘‘degree of 
exploitation is very different in different trades, in accordance 
with the different amounts of capital invested relatively to the 
number of labourers employed, or (which comes to the same 
thing, as we shall see) the difference in the average period of 
the investment of capital. The same applies to the value of 
the product in relation to the amount of labour employed in its 

It is evident that the Ricardo-von Thiinen theory of rent 
described above is too abstract for us to be able to expect 
any direct verification of it by studying the world of reality. 
In addition to all other simplifying assmnptions, the part played 
by capital in production, and its share in the product, find no 
place in the theory as presented by von Thiinen ; and Ricardo’s 
treatment of the capital aspect is too rudimentary and incomplete. 
In addition, we must bear in mind that the assumptions of perfect 
competition and mobility and divisibility of the factors of 
production only very imperfectly correspond to reality. In 
small-scale agriculture, for example, the “ last ” worker employed 
is, frequently enough, the only one — ^for the simple reason that 
the area of land is so small that it does not permit the employment 
of more than one labourer in addition to the owner, and sometimes 
not even one. On the other hand, of course, we must not forget 



tlie heterogeneity of human labour and the possibility of some 
substitution of the labour of women and children for that 
of men. 

Nevertheless, experience seems to show that the range of 
applicability of von Thimen’s lav) of i/jaoes is considerable, 
even in industries other than agriculture. Nothing is more 
common than for employers to reply tc an increase of wages 
forced upon them by a labour organization by sooner or later 
dismissing some of their labourers, because it is no longer 
profitable for them to carry on at full strength. If the labourers 
do not support their unemBloyed comrades at the uiiioii'*s 
expense — as is common, in such cases, among English trade 
unions, though it is possible only up to a certain point — ^then 
their competition must undoubtedly force wages do^n again 
to the previous level — i.e. to equality with the marginal 
productivity of labour as it is when all labourers are employed. 

Further, as far as this ‘‘ law of wages is operative, the 
growth of population will obviously exercise a most damaging 
influence on the position of labour and of the propertyiess classes 
as a whole. Particularly will this be the case under the existing 
system of private ownership of land. The consequence of an 
increase in the number of labourers is not only that the new 
labourers will find it more difficult to earn a livelihood than 
the old ones, but also that there will be a lowering of wages 
all round owing to their mutual competition ; so that the 
landowners’ share of the product wili be correspondingly greater. 
It may be thought that experience often runs counter to this 
view ; wages sometimes remain unchanged, or even rise, despite 
a considerable increase in population. But the real cause here 
is that the conditions of production have been materially 
changed, in consequence of technical or scientific progress, and 
not least under the influence of capital accumulation, which 
we have not yet considered. Similarly, entirely new sources 
of supply may have been discovered. If, under such circumstances, 
population remained xmchanged, the marginal productivity 
of labour, and consequently wages, would normally rise very 
considerably. If population increases, however, both wiU sink 
to their original level. In other words, technical progress, so far 
as the labourers are concerned, only protects them against the 
absolute fall in wages which would otherwise be inevitable, 



whilst at the same time in increasing, frequently to a high degree, 
the surplus accruing to the landlord. 

The principle on which the whole theory of rent is based — 
the decline in the average jdeld of labour when the number of 
labourers is increased (the so-called law of diminishing returns) — 
has, at all times and not least in our day, been vigorously disputed. 
From the point of view of pure theory this is a matter of 
indifference ; for those who deny the existence of the law must, 
if they are consistent, deny the existence of rent, which they often 
do when they assert that the landowners’ share of the product 
is only a compensation for the labour and capital invested in the 
land by them or their forefathers and is therefore interest on 
capttoZ— possibly in part a repayment of that capital — and not 
rent of land. The existence of rent would still remain, even on 
this view, a proof of the applicability of the law. Owing to the 
extreme practical importance of the question, however, we will 
proceed to examine it in greater detail. 

It may be thought that nothing could be easier, once attention 
has been drawn to it, than to verify such a simple rule as the 
relatively diminishing return of land under more intensive 
cultivation — ^if in fact it is valid. It must, indeed, be quite easy 
to prove it by direct experiment, and in so far as such experiments 
have been made — ^unfortunately aU too few and on too small a 
scale — ^the results undoubtedly tend to confirm the law. On 
the other hand, it is very difficult, if not quite impossible, to 
confirm the law by observing the actual yield of agriculture on 
different estates. If one estate is as fertile and as rationally 
cultivated as another, then the intensity of cultivation in both will 
be carried to the same point, and both will naturally yield the 
same return. On the other hand, every difference in the fertility 
of the two estates xmder rational cultivation must give rise to a 
difference in intensity of cultivation; but the result of this 
differentiation will be in apparent contradiction to the law of 
diminishing returns. Thus if, in equihbrium, the last dose of 
labour and capital on the better land yields about the same 
return as perhaps the first and only dose on the poorer land (and 
previous doses on the better land therefore yield a higher return), 
then on the average the more intensive cultivation will yield a 
higher return for each unit of labour (“ labour and capital ”) 
than the more extensive. It may consequently appear as if the 
law of diminishing returns had ceased to operate and had been 
reversed, although this result is really a consequence of the law. 
The same applies to a comparison of the yield of an estate at 


different points of time if, in the interval, more intensive cultiva- 
tion has been introduced, in consequence of teclmicai progress 
in agriculture, or of a rise in the price of the product.^ 

It is very common, even among professional economists, 
to confuse the relative yield of agriculture with its profitability. 
They are, however, two entirely different things. The former 
is the ratio between the gross jield and the amount of labour 
(or labour and capital) employed ; the latter is the difference 
between that yield and the amount of wages paid (or of wages 
and interest). They may therefore vary in quite different ways, 
and even in opposite directions. For example, with the law of 
productivity which we took as an example, according to which 
the gross product increases as the square root of the number of 
labourers, or P = ^ . the relative yield would heF:a='k: 

and would thus continuously decline as the intensity of cultiva- 
tion increases, while the rent, as we have seen, would be equal to 
a, so that the profitability to the landowner would 
continuously increase with increasing intensity. 

As regards the foint at which the law of diminishing returns 
begins to operate, we must distingmsh between the individual 
and the collective, or social, points of view. From the individual 
point of view, the law presumably operates from the beginning, 
or at any rate from the time when the spontaneous products of 
nature, such as meadows, trees, etc., obtain an exchange value. 
For these products, which are obtained without labour, represent 
in proportion to the labour employed an infinitely great value, and 
in comparison with them every product obtained by labour will 
represent a diminishing return. In other words, for the person 
who has at his disposal a certain area of land, it must always be 
possible by the employment of a smaU quantity of labour to obtain 
a relatively greater return than by the employment of a larger 
quantity of labour. 

From the collective point of view, on the other hand, the services 
which pioneers in newly settled countries can render each other 
by co-operation in defence against wild animals or hostile tribes, 
by the building of roads, and by the establishment of schools, 
and the advantages to be derived from combination and division 
of labour must, with an increasing population, outweigh the 
inconvenience of a smaller average allocation of land to each 
individual. The point at which the two opposing influences are 

1 This apparent failure of the law of diminishing returns, to hold withm 
certain limits, in the case of land under more intensive cultivation has been 
treated by the author in greater detail in ThUnen-Archiv, vol. ii, p. 347 et seq. 
and 568 et aeq. (1907-8). 


balanced, and consequently tbe ofiimum density of population, 
can of course only be determined in each particular case after 
consideration of tbe total resources of tbe country. 

B. The Labourer {or a third party) as Entrepreneur, The Profits 

of the Entrepreneur, 

We mig ht equally well have begun by regarding tbe labourers 
tbemselves as entrepreneurs. Tbe circumstance wbicb in reality 
prevents tbem from assuming this function, namely, tbeir lack 
of capital, would, on our assumption, be absent, since we suppose 
every labourer to be provided witb tbe means of maintaining 
himself during tbe current period of production, and nothing 
more is required. They are therefore free to enter, either singly 
or in combination, into agriculture or any other productive 
enterprise by hiring the necessary land from the landowners 
against payment in kind at the end of the period of production. 
The process by which equilibrium would finally be reached in 
this case is fully analogous to the process described above ; 
or rather it is its exact counterpart. The more land the labourers 
procure, the greater will be the product ; though it will not 
increase proportionally to the land taken into cultivation, but 
more slowly, so that each newly-acquired acre will yield, with 
an unchanged supply of labour, a smaller and smaller return. 
In other words, the law of diminishing returns applies to 
a one-sided increase in the amount of land. The labourers must, 
therefore, if they act economically, extend their demand for 
land to the point at which the additional return of the last acre 
exactly corresponds to the rent demanded for it. We must, 
however, assume here — ^as we did in the case of labour — ^that 
all land capable of employment is of eqmlly good quality. This 
assumption would not, indeed, be of much importance if we 
could assume that the different kinds of land could be regarded 
as of the same quality, whatever is the degree of intensity of 
labour, so that better land could always be represented by 
a particular multiple of the poorer land. As, however, this is 
not the case, the various kinds of land must be treated in the 
same way as the various qualities of labour, i.e. as so many 
different kinds of means of production. ‘‘ Land and labour ” 
are only to be taken as types of two independent factors of 


production. TMs metliod is valid, at least, for any given moment ; 
tlie possibility of converting one kind of land into another is 
a question that must be kept separate : in the same way as 
we keep separate the conversion of one kind of labour into 
another, by training and education. 

If all the land is not at once taken into cultivation, or if, 
conversely, the demand of all the groups of labour for land is 
not satisfied, then it is clear that competition, in the former 
case between landowners and in the latter between labourers, 
would cause a fall, or a rise, in rent until complete equilibriuin 
was restored. In a word, rent is here determined by the marginal 
productivity of land, and conversely wages are determined by 
the surplus product divided among all the labourers in the group 
— ^the labourer becoming the residual claimant. 

For the analysis of this problem, it is possible to employ 
exactly the same diagram as in Fig. 8 with the difierence that the 
units on the horizontal axis (abscissae) now represent the number 
of acres of land successively taken into cultivation by a constant 
number of labourers, and the corresponding ordinates (or 
rectangles) the marginal products obtained. The ordinate to 
the extreme right thus represents the return of the last acre 
(the marginal productivity of the land) or, what comes to tie 
same thing, the rent of land per acre. The large rectangle 
represents the total rent and the upper part of the area under the 
curve the total wages ; just the reverse of the previous case. 

If the number of acres is b, the total gross product P = ^{b), 
the rent per acre is ^'(6) ; then the total share of labour in the 
product will be 

L == ^(6) - b<f>'{b). 

If, for example, the function F = ^(5) = hVb, in which k is 
a constant, then L = ^kVb = JP, or the same result as we 
obtained on the assumption that the gross yield varies as the 
square root of the number of labourers. The reasons for this 
agreement will soon be made clear. 

An interesting question now arises, to which we may turn 
our attention : will the distribution of the product between 
landowners and labourers be the same on each of our assumptions? 
Or, putting the same question in another way, if the entrepreneurs 
are a third category of persons who hire labourers and land, and 
pay both in accordance with the law of marginal productivity, 


will the total of rent and wages swallow up the whole of the 
product, so that nothing is left over for the entrepreneur as 
such ? 

This may seem evident, at least in abstract theory ; and 
most economists who have employed marginal productivity as 
the foundation of their theory of distribution have thought so. 
On our assumptions, both labourers and landowners are free, as 
they prefer, to employ their labour or land on their own account 
or to hire it out to others. If the share of labour in the product 
is different in the two cases, the difference, it may be thought, 
will soon be cancelled out by competition, and similarly for the 
share of land. At the same time, it will be obvious that the 
profits of entrepreneurs as such must always tend towards zero. 
Eor the work and thought which the entrepreneur devotes to the 
management of production he must, of course, receive his wages 
like any other mental worker. If, in addition, he also employs 
property in the service of production (property which may be 
land or capital, though we are not yet concerned with the latter), 
then he will of course, for that reason, obtain his share of the 
product (rent or interest) like any other landowner (or capitalist). 
If, on the other hand, he could obtain a share of the product 
merely in his capacity of entrepreneur (a share not based on either 
labour or land) then it might be thought that everybody would 
rush to obtain such an easily earned income. 

But on the other hand, as has been sufficiently demonstrated, 
the marginal productivities of labour and land do not stand 
in any definite relation to the total product or to each other. 
If, nevertheless, they possess this peculiar property that the 
wages and rent thus determined togethei; add up to the whole 
product, then clearly some other condition must be satisfied. 
Such a condition exists, and is of the utmost importance, although 
it has been somewhat neglected by economists. This condition 
may be either that large-scale and small-scale operations are 
equally productive, so that, when all the factors of production 
are increased in the same proportion, the total product also 
increases exactly proportionately ; or at least that all productive 
enterprises have already reached the limit beyond which a further 
increase in the scale of production will no longer yield any 
advantage. Were it otherwise, we could no longer invoke, as we 
have done, the levelling influence of competition ; for under 


siicli conditions, as we sliall soon see, free competition cannot 

Tiiat tlie first condition is sufficient (tkongli not necessary) 
for tlie operation of tlie law we will first show by means of an 
example. Imagine a firm, say an agricnltnral enterprise, in wMcb 

100 labourers are engaged on an ares of land wMcb we will imagine 
to be divided into 100 units — ^no matter of wbat size. We represent 
tbe annual product by P and proceed to examine wbat addition 
to this product will occur if we successively increase tbe volume 
of production by adding first one more labourer and then one 
more unit of land. Tbe first additional product is tbe marginal 
productivity of labour, in so far as we may regard tbe additional 
product created by tbe 101st labourer on tbe given area of land 
as roughly tbe same as that created by tbe lOOtb labourer — 
a product which would be lost if one of tbe 100 labourers were 
dismissed or gave up working. We represent this quantity by I 
since, on our assumption, it would determine tbe amoimt of wages 
paid. If tbe land under cultivation is now increased by one unit 
of equally good land, so that tbe 101 workers may be spread over 

101 units of land, then evidently tbe product will be increased, and 
this increase is just wbat we have called the marginal productivity 
of land ; for just as with labour, we can see that the increased 
return which arises when tbe area of land worked by 101 labourers 
is increased from 100 to 101 units does not materially difier from 
tbe increase which would have taken place if tbe area of land 
worked by 100 labourers bad been increased from 99 to 100 units- 
But since tbe yield of tbe last unit would, on our assumption, 
determine tbe rent of tbe land, i.e. constitute tbe rent of one unit 
of land, we will represent it by r and then 1 + r will represent tbe 
sum of tbe additional product. On tbe other band, tbe total 
production has been uniformly expanded both as to tbe area of 
land and tbe number of workers, and on the above assumption tbe 
product should consequently have been finally increased by 
exactly 1/lOOtb, so that we obtain : — 

z + r = or 1001 + lOOr = P. 


In other words, tbe wages of 100 workers and the rent of 100 
units of land together exactly correspond to tbe original total 

A more general proof is tbe following. If we regard tbe 
product P as a function of tbe number of labourers, a, and of tbe 
number of units of land, 6, both a and 6 being regarded as 



coratinuons, tken tie marginal produoti-^ties may be expressed by 
tbe parciai deriTatives of P with, respect to o and 6 ; therefore, 
if the condition is to be satisfied, ve must have 

cP , ,dP 
°da ^db 

= P 

- • 

a partial diSerential equamon. the genera! integral of wKicli is 
knoTm to be ; — 

iz ■which /( ) is an arbitral^ functions i.e. P must be anhcmogenous 
and linear function of c and K Among the inSnite number of 
functions which satisfy this condition, we may give as an example 
P = 5^5 in which the indices a and ^3 are two constant fractions 
whose sum = 1. If we substitute r^ia lor a and 73ib for 6, then F 
becomes mP. i.e. large-scale and smaR-scale prodnction are equally 

If, on the other hand, P retained the same form, but 
a -f ^ > 1, so that P was a homogenous function of a and b 
but of a riigh&r degree than the hrst, we should obtain 

In other words, if, in an enterprise which becomes more productive 
the larger the scale of operations, the labour and land employed 
were both paid in accordance with the law of marginal productivity, 
then the sum of their shares would exceed the whole product, so 
that the entrepreneur would suSer a loss. 

This result is connected with the circumstance that under 
such conditions equilibrium is impossible. Large scale operations, 
being more profitable than small scale, can here ofier better 
terms to landowners and labourers (or cheaper goods to the 
consumer) ; and if the smaller entrepreneur seeks to compete, his 
profits will in fact be negative ; that is, competition will drive 
him out. But} the same will also happen in the case of the large- 
scale enterprise as soon as another on a still larger scale is 

The converse ■will be the case if cl -j- ^ 1 5 in other words, 

if an enterprise is more profitable the smaller the scale of its 
operations. We shall then obtain 


^ a ' 



that js, the entrepreneur as snch will necessarhy obtain a profit, 
but for that very reason everybody will want to be an entrepreneur, 
with the result that all enterprises will ultimately be split up into 
small individual units. 

The first assmnption, that the relative yield of production 
is independent of the scale of operations, is, of course, very 
seldom realized as a general principle in a given branch of 
production ; the scale on which an enterprise operates nearly 
always has some influence on its average product. This is not 
to say, however, that its influence always works in the same 
direction. On the contrary, as a rule the best returns are obtained 
at some particular scale of operations for the firm in question ; 
if this is exceeded, the advantages of centralization are outweighed 
by the increased costs which are encountered when larger areas 
must be exploited for the provision of raw or auxiliary materials, 
or else for the marketing of the product. This scale of operations 
is, under the given circumstances, the optimum ” towards 
which the firm must always, economically speaking, gravitate ; 
and as it lies at the point of transition from ^‘increasing’’ to 
diminishing returns ” (relatively to the scale of production) 
the firm will here conform to the law of constant returns.^ Wages 
and rent will continue to be determined by the law of marginal 
productivity and the profits of the entrepreneur must tend 
towards zero — all on the assumption that the enterprises in 
question, in one and the same branch of production, are 
sufficiently numerous to compete with each other efiectively. 

Let a and h represent respectively the number of units or 
labour and land employed in the enterprise in question, and 
I and r the wages and rent actually paid, expressed either in 
money or product ; and let F represent the annual product 
expressed in the same unit of value. Then, the ratio, h, between 
returns and costs of production in this enterprise will be : — 

m . 

aA + b.r 

If an additional labourer is employed, this equation will be 
changed to ; — 

h - P + 

{a -f* 1)-^ ”t" 

^ This simple method of presentation was pointed out to me in a letter 
from Professor Davidson. 



where is the marginal productivity of labour in a him of tills 
particular ske. If the supply of land is now increased in its turn 
by one unit, we obtain : — 

2 + 

where P?, is the marginal productivity of land. So long as tins 
fraction can be continually increased by the introduction of one 
more labourer or one more unit of land (so that ^ etc.), 

tne enterprise has evidently not yet attained its optimum size. 
The latter is first reached when k can no longer be increased — 
which clearly occurs only when the numerator and the denominator 
of the fraction are increased in the same proportion, i.e. when : — 


a.l + 6.r 


where P^ and P^ represent the additions to the product P which 
arise from the employment of one more labourer, or one more 
unit 01 land — in other words, the (variable) marginal productivities 
of labour and land. Even if there is a profit for the entrepreneur 
{k > 1) wages and rent must be proportioml to the marginal 
products ; as is evident, since labour and land are assumed to 
be substitutable at the margin. 

If, even when the firms have reached the optimum scale, 
they are still numerous enough for perfect competition to be 
maintained, then wages and rent must be forced up to the point 
where the entrepreneur's profit becomes zero, either because new 
entrepreneurs enter the industry, or because those already engaged 
in it will establish more than one concern each. Indeed, strictly 
speaking, this must take place whenever there appears the smallest 
possibility of a profit. (This change will not affect the most 
profitable size of the firm, for since P, P^ and P^ are functions 
of a and h only, the same values a and h will satisfy the equations 
(1) even if I and r are increased or diminished in the same pro- 
portion, Full equilibrium is thus only reached when k=l and 
when, consequently, Z = P^ and r = P^ ; when further 

P (1,1 -|- b,T. 

This is the result previously obtained on the assumption that the 
average product was entirely independent of the scale of produc- 
tion. With the firm at its optimum size, the entrepreneur no 
longer receives a profit ; hut he is secured against the loss in 


whicli lie would be involved if he were to expand beyond that 
size, or not to expand up to it.^ 

If, "on tie otter hand, tie law of increasing returns applies 
witiont qualification — or, wiat amounts to tie same tiing in 
practice, if tie optimum scale of tie enterprise is so iigi, and 
the number of such enterprises consequently so small, that tie 
owners can easily combine in a ring, trust, or ca^el ; then there 
no longer exists any equilibrium of tie kind we are here 
considering. Tie wide industry will be dominated by a more 
or less completely monopolistic association and all smaEer 
concerns will disappear. 

In reality this is not exactly what happens, but for several 
reasons, and especially because of tie local character of the 
finn and its market, a small firm situated, it may .he, in some 
geographically remote place, may sometimes exist alongside 
much larger firms in other places. This, however, will not 
prevent the larger firm from enjoying advantages due to its 
better organization and division of labour, which tie smaller 
firm lacks, and from yielding on that account, in addition to 
wages and rent (as well as interest) a true profit, or perhaps 
more correctly, a monopoly profit. The large firm cannot be 
deprived of this profit, because any attempt on the part of tie 
smaller enterprise at effective competition outside its own local 
area would be fruitless. If, on tie other hand, tie smaller 
enterprise, by a great economic effort, were to establish itself 
on tie same footing as the large enterprise, this would only 
lead to the min of both, since there would be no room in the 
market for two such large concerns in tie same industry. Thus 
tie large enterprise has an actual monopoly simply because it 
came first on the scene, and this monopoly may be as good as 
a monopoly which is legally established. 

We must not forget that the modern development of 
communications necessarily increases the advantages of large- 
scale operations and tends to hasten their ascendency. Agriculture 
is the industry wi'ch, both in the past and in the present, has 
offered most resistance to this tendency, though there are some 
indications that future developments m this industry may also 
be in the direction of large-scale operation. 

^ The basis of this ailment is due to Enrico Barone ; of. Walras, 
J^lements d'economie jpolittqiie pure, 3rd edition, p. 489 et seq. 



Tlie objection whicli lias been raised to the effect that small 
farming on co-operative lines — by the establishment of buying 
and selling associations, co-operative dairies, the use in rotation 
of expensive machinery hired or purchased by the association — 
is a means of overcoming these difiSculties is rather an argument 
in favour of the above assumption ; for these associations m fact 
bring about a kind of large-scale operation, and this first step 
towards association, once taken, will, in all probability, soon be 
followed by others. 

But, although more or less monopolistic enterprises constantly 
gain ground, there still remain fields of activity in which 
free competition prevails — either where large and small-scale 
operations are approximately equally profitable or where the 
most profitable scale of production is, on the whole, fairly small. 
In such fields our theory appKes fully ; there is normally no 
entrepreneur’s profit in the narrow sense. In production without 
capital, wages and rent would alone share the product and their 
respective shares would be determined by the marginal 
productivity of labour and land — ^whether labourers, landowners, 
or anyone else, act as entrepreneurs. And, so long as such a field 
of activity of any considerable dimensions exists, it will set the 
standard of wages and rents in the whole field of production, 
since the entrepreneurs who enjoy monopolistic advantages wiU 
not give to labourers or landowners more than they would be 
forced to give under competition. In the latter concerns, more- 
over, the law of marginal productivity stiU applies, in the 
sense that the shares of labour and land remain projxyrtional 
to their marginal productivity (cf. the paragraph in small print 
on p. 129). 

Between rent and wages there is thus, in every case, 
a practically complete parallelism. No special theory of rent is 
necessary, but every acre of land may be treated in just the 
same way as a labourer ; the owner of land under a system 
of private ownership of land must be rewarded for its contribution 
to production just as the owner of slave labour would be paid if 
slave labour were hired in the market. Almost all production 
is the result of land and labour combined ; neither, at any rate 
not land, can wholly be dispensed with in production, but either 
can, at the margin of production, replace the other ; and it is 
true of both that a one-sided increase of one, with an unchanged 


quantity of the other, will lead to an ever smaller and smaller 
increase in the product. 

With these reservations and limitations, this additional 
product will determine the magnitude of both wages and rent. 
The total contribution of labour or of land to the product cannot be 
ascertained. But this total contribution has no real importance, 
since, as has been said, neither of them, and certainly not labour, 
can be productive alone. Only at the margin of production, that 
is to say, at the point where equilibrium is reached, does the 
contribution of either assume an independent character, and it 
then determines not only the reward of those factors which 
begin to participate in production at that point, but also, owing 
to the law of indifference or competition, wages (and rent) as 
a whole. 

It need only be said that the above applies, as will easily 
be seen, both individually and generally — according as we 
consider the additional product created by an individual 
productive enterprise when it employs one more worker or one 
more acre of land, or as we consider the addition to the whole 
social product when the total amount of labour or of cultivable 
land is increased by a small amount. Yet we must not forget 
that the law of ‘‘ mcreasing returns also applies to some 
extent to society as a whole. If a uniform increase both of the 
land and population of a country were to occur, say by a political 
union of two countries of much the same natural conditions, or 
simply by tbe removal of a tariff wall between them, then 
it is certainly not impossible, but even very probable, that the 
increased social division of labour would enlarge the combmed 
product more than proportionately to the growth in the size 
of the society. Still more would this be the case, of course, if 
conditions had been different in the two areas ; but that is, 
in part, a different question. With this last reservation, however, 
the diagrams and formulae which we have used above apply, 
if the quantities taken represent the whole of the labour and 
land existmg in the society. The importance of this observation 
will become clear in what follows. 

C, The Influence of Technical Inventions on Rent and Wages. 

We are now in a position to make a theoretical examination 
of a subject of the greatest practical importance — ^the influence 


of teclmicai aad meclianical inventions on the distributive 
shares of the factors — especially wages. Naturally, we cannot 
give a complete answer to this question until we have discussed 
the role of capital in production. Machinery, however, in addition 
to having the quality of being, or representing, capital (which 
we shall define in greal^r detail later), also possesses the quality 
of modifying the conditions under which labour and land replace 
each other at the margin of production. In other words, it may 
alter their relative marginal productivities and thereby, according 
to our theory, their shares in the product. It is with this 
characteristic of machinery that we shall now concern ourselves. 
For the time being, we shall not permit this complex problem 
to be further complicated by allowing the third factor of 
production, capital proper, to enter. In other words, we shall, 
regard machinery as indirectly employed (not as saved or stored 
up *") labour and land. 

The most striking feature of machinery is that it replaces 
human labour, i.e. allows us to produce the same quantity 
of goods as before with less labour ; and consequently, as a rule, 
more goods with the same labour. On the one hand, it may 
be thought that the greater productivity of labour ought to bring 
about, or at least render possible, the payment of higher wages ; 
on the other hand, it is commonly supposed to render a number 
of labourers superfluous, so that competition among the 
unemployed would depress wages. It would seem, therefore, 
that two opposing tendencies come into operation simultaneously, 
and that, according as one or the other predominates, the 
introduction of machinery will benefit labour or injure it. 
Opinions on this point have varied in the course of time. 
Formerly, under the influence of the mercantilist theory, no 
doubt at all was felt that labour-saving machinery took the 
bread from the mouths of the workers, and not only they, but 
also the authorities, stubbornly resisted* the introduction of 
machinery in one or other branch of manufacture. The victory 
of the physiocratic school produced a sudden change, for according 
to its theory, especially as formulated by J, B. Say, goods must 
always ultimately exchange against, and therefore constitute 
a demand for, other goods ; an increased productivity of labour 
should of itself lead to an increased demand for goo^ hitherto 
not consumed, or consumed only on a small scale, and therefore 


for labour to produce them. Hence, machineiy would, at most, 
cause temporary unemployment and inconvenience to certain 
groups or labourers. In the long run it would be beneficial, 
would lead to increased opportunities for labour, and would 
raise and not lower wages. However, this optimistic view received 
a set-back when Ricardo, in a special chapter on machinery ”, 
in the third edition of his Prindjiles, proved irrefutably, as it 
was thought, that the introduction of machinery and other 
labour-saving methods may be economically advantageous to 
employers even when it does not involve an increase, but on 
the contrary involves a decrease, in the ske of the product ; 
provided that the net profit of the entrepreneur simultaneously 
becomes greater. In such a case the labourers could not be 
compensated by an increased demand for other commodities. 

The question has remained in this somewhat unsatisfactory 
position until the present time. The theory of marginal 
productivity will enable us, I believe, to put it on a firmer 
foundation, and to substitute something better for this vague, 
and even in parts erroneous, analysis. Indeed, the expression 
productivity of labour ” has no comprehensible meaning when 
it is applied to production as a whole, for this is, as we have 
seen, always the combined result of labour and land. It is, 
therefore, the common productivity of labour and land which 
is increased by machinery. How much of the increase is to be 
ascribed to the action of one or the other factor cannot be 
ascertained, and is further of no importance in regard to their 
respective shares of the product. In this connection, marginal 
productivity alone is the determining factor. But an increase in 
the total product as a result of technical changes in the processes 
of production need not by any means lead to an increase — ^and 
certainly not to a uniform increase — ^in the marginal productivity of 
both factors of production. It may be that the marginal product 
of one of the factors decreases whilst the marginal product of 
the other increases all the more ; either the marginal productivity 
of labour may increase at the expense of land, and consequently 
wages at the expense of rent, or conversely rent may increase 
at the expense of wages. Examples of the former kind are 
perhaps to be expected where, owing to some invention, the 
existing supply of natural energy is, as it were, increased ; 
certain hitherto neglected sources of energy, such as coal or 


water-power, find new uses formerly useless land is rendered 
fertile, with or without preliminary treatment ; forestry is 
replaced by market gardening, and so on. In such cases it is 
possible, or at any rate conceivable, that rents will Mi both 
absolutely and relatively, sc that the whole profit from increased 
production, and even more, will accrue to labour. It may, 
perhaps, be objected that the introduction of such changes, 
being contrary to the interests of the landowners, would never 
be allowed to take place ; but this objection, as we shall soon 
see, cannot be maintained. The contrary result might be feared 
where an invention vTimG fade renders labour superfluous 
without calling into existence any new natural forces — ^as, for 
example, in the case of certain agrieuitural machinery for sowing, 
harvesting and threshing, etc., which replace human labour on 
a large scale by draught animals, or other non-human forces, 
without changing the actual method of tilling. Here, too, an 
increase in the total product is not excluded — ^we shall see later 
that in theory it must always occur. If, for example, the same 
product is obtained with a smaller number of labourers, then 
the displaced labourers must, nevertheless, always be able to 
produce something, so that the final result is an addition to 
production. But this result may none the less co-exist with 
a decrease, and even a considerable decrease, in the marginal 
productivity of labour, and consequently in wages. 

The objection has been made, it is true, that under such 
circumstances the landowners neither would, nor could, consume 
their increased rents directly, in hind. They would therefore 
direct their consumption towards luxury articles and thereby 
increase their demand for human labour, so that wages would 
again rise. But this circumstance is, as will easily be seen, only 
of secondary importance. It may more or less modify the first 
probable result but can scarcely reverse it. And the objection 
clearly has no force if we maintaia the assumption made above, 
of an economic society which, from its natural circumstances, 
only produces one or a few staple articles — ^and which must 
consequently procure all other commodities from other places 
or countries at exchange values which are determined in the 
world market, independently of anything they may do. If, for 
example, the landowners obtain, in exchange for their increased 
rent in corn, the most elaborate manufactures from other places 


or countries, this will benefit their own labourers, more or less 
bound to the soil, just as little as if they had consumed it in 
kind — ^as fodder for racehorses, hounds, and so on. In neither 
case can there be any question of compensation to the workers 
in the form of another demand for labour. 

On the other hand, it appears on closer examination — and 
the fact seems to me of great interest — ^that the objection raised 
by Ricardo is theoretically unteimble, A diminution in the gross 
product, or in its value (assuming, as before, that prices of 
commodities are given and constant), is scarcely conceivable 
as a result of technical improvements — ^under free competition. 
This appears to be self-evident ; for in that case anybody would 
be able, with the given means of production, to bring about at 
some point an increase of the product and thereby reap a profit 
as entrepreneur. Ricardo has here failed to draw the final 
conclusions from his own assumptions. It is true that in the 
passage referred to his starting-point is capital — which he 
divides into circulating capital (or wages-fund) and fixed capital. 
But his reasoning is, as he himself says, equally applicable 
under our simplifying assumption of production without capital, 
and in both cases it is open to the same objections. 

Let us assume that the introduction of labour-saving 
agricultural machinery (haymaking machines, horse-harrows, 
etc.) has made a predominantly pastoral agriculture more 
profitable, other things being equal, than arable farming ; so 
that the value of the product, though certainly less, produces 
a larger net yield, owing to the saving of labour. The direct 
consequence must then be that one or more farmers will go 
over to the more profitable form of production. If all were 
to follow their example, there would certainly be a more or less 
considerable diminution of the total product (or of its exchange 
value), bvt this does not happen. For as soon as a number of 
labourers have been made superfluous by these changes, and 
wages have accordingly fallen, then, as Ricardo failed to see, 
the old methods of production — ^in this case the old arable 
farming — ^will become more profitable ; they will develop, using 
labour more intensively and absorb the suiplus of idle labourers. 
It can be rigorously proved that equilibrium in this case 
necessarily presupposes a division of production between the 
old and the new methods so that the net profits of the entrepreneur 


will be equally great in botb brancbes of production and tbe total 
product, or iis exchange value, will reach the maximum physically 
possible, and will thus finally increase, and not decrease. 

We shall first show this by means of an example. Assume 
ten large estates, all of the same size and with the same natural 
* advantages and each employing by the old methods 100 labourers. 
Wages are, say, 500 shillings, the gross product of each estate 

100.000 shillings, and the net profit of each owner consequently 

50.000 shillings. 

Let us now assume that one of the landowners adopts the 
new method. He dismisses 50 labourers, but with the help of the 
remaining 50 he obtains a gross yield worth 77,500 shillings, so 
that his net profit is 77,500 — (50 X 500) == 62,500 shillings. 

Of the 50 unemployed labourers, let us assume that 45 are 
absorbed into the nine other estates, or five in each, and that of 
these additional five workers: — 

No. 1 produces an additional value ot, say, 500 shillings. 

No. 2 „ 

»> »» 


„ „ 490 


No. 3 

ft ft 


.. 480 


No. 4 „ 

tt tt 


„ 470 


No. 5 

ft tt 


» » 460 


For five workers, total 2,400 


At the same time, the consequence must be that wages will 
fall aU round, let us say to 450 shillings, in which case the owner 
of the first estate may find it advantageous to re-employ, say, 
five of his previous employees. We will assume, for the sake of 
simplicity, that their additional product will be equal to the 
above, or 2,400 shillings. The final result will be : — 




Net Profit. 

In each oi the nine 




old estates 

In the “ new ” 


105 X 460 = 47,260 


estate after re- 
employing five 


66 X 460 = 24,760 


The total gross product, which was formerly exactly 1,000,000 
shillings, will now be : — 

(9 X 102,400) + 79,900 = 1,001,500 shiUings. 

Thus the result is that the total gross output has been increased 
and not diminished, and since the old estates, which employ 
more labourers, are more favoured by the fall in wages, they will 


finally have tlie same profit as the “ new ” estate, so tliat tliere 
no longer remains any inducement to go over to the new methods- 
In a more general form the proof is as follows : Let Pig, 9 
represent the old method of cultivation and the Fig. 10 
the new, in which a smaller number of labourers are employed 
on an equal area of land, and in which the gross product is also 
smaller ; the net profit, however (the upper part of the area under 

the curve), is greater. Let Us suppose that one or more land- 
owners go over to the new method of cultivation. A number of 
the dismissed labourers will then seek employment in the estates 
working on the old methods. As they are so few, they will produce 
on each of these estates an additional product almost e^mUy as 
greal as that of the last of the labourers previously employed, 
and since the net product of the estates adopting the new method 
is greater than previously, the total gross prodtict must comeguently 



have increased. At tlie same time, marginal productivity and 
wages Lave fallen somewLat, so tLat the landowners’ share, even 
in the old estates, becomes somewhat greater than before. The 
same process will repeat itself each time an estate goes over 
to the new method of cultivation, and since falling wages in 
themselves bring a larger profit to the owners of the old estates, 
as the number of labourers is greater in them than in the new, 
then sooner or later a point will be reached at which the net profit 
will be esactly the same in both, and every inducement to a 
further transition from the old to the new will therefore disappear. 
At this point, too, the total gross product will have reached the 

This really follows directly from what has been said, but 
it can also be directly proved in algebraic form. If x and y are 
the number of labourers per acre on the first and second methods 
of cultivation respectively, and the productivity function in the 
one case is j{x) and in the other d>{y ) ; and if we assume that 
m acres are cultivated on the first method and n acres on the 
second, then we must look for the conditions under which the 

expression , 

mfix) + 

reaches its maximum value if, at the same time, 


m + n =: B 
mx-t-ny^ A 

where B is the number of acres and A the number of labourers 
available for the industry in question (here agriculture) as a whole. 
By difierentiation and elimination (the partial derivatives of the 
first expression being put = 0) we can easily obtain the two 


f{x) - 7j\x) = ^{y) ~ y^'(y), 

of which the former indicates that when the gross product is a 
maximum the marginal productivity of labour, and therefore 
wages, will be the same in both types of production. The second 
equation gives the same condition for rent per acre. 

Thus, although at first sight the going-over of some firms 
to the new method of cultivation seems to dimiTiiph the total 
product, actually the total product is maximized ; hU at the same 
time wages TiecessarUy fall, so long as we assume that the gross 
product is less in the estates cultivated by the new method than 
in those cultivated by the old. 



Nor is tke result any different if we assume that wages 
are already at the subsistence level (and cannotj according to 
the usual view, fall lower). In reality, wages can not only be 
forced below it for a little, but can remain below it indefinitely, 
if the labourers and their families can make up the difference by 
poor relief, as happened in England to a great extent at the end 
of the eighteenth and the beginning of the nineteenth centuries. 
If we assume that the available supply of labour must, under 
any circumstances, be somehow supported by the landowners, 
it would in fact be more advantageous for them to reduce vrages 
to the point to which they would tend to fall as a result of free 
competition, and to add, by charity, enough to bring up their 
incomes to the necessaiy Tniui-nmim ; it would be better to do 
this than to insist that every labourer employed should earn the 
subsistence wage. Especially after the discovery of a technical 
improvement of the kind in question, such minimum wage 
regulation might have the result that many labourers would 
be unemployed and, with their fa mili es, would become entirely 
dependent on poor relief. 

Although we have so far only concerned ourselves with some 
of the forces at work, we may nevertheless proceed on the 
provisional conclusion that free competition is normally a 
sufficient condition to ensure maximization of production. But 
this maximization may very weU be associated with, and even 
be conditional upon, a reduction in the distributive share of 
one of the factors of production — ^in this case, labour. This 
shows the serious error of those who see in free competition 
a sufficient means for the maximum satisfaction of the needs 
or desires of all members of society. 

It might further be supposed that a result which led to 
a reduction in wages could not at any rate arise with the labourers 
as entrepreneurs ; and, on the other hand, a change in production 
that led to a reduction in rents would never be acceptable to 
landowners as entrepreneurs ; both of these results are, however, 
quite possible under free competition. To the individual 
entrepreneur who encoimters a certain market rate of rent or 
wages, a technical improvement which increases his net return 
is in itself always economically advantageous. That it should 
have the contrary effect when all entrepreneurs follow suit 
does not, in general, affect the manner of procedure of the 


individual, unless agreements, cartels, etc., take the place of 
free competition. In any case it is to be noticed that production 
(so far as our assumptions hold) reaches its maximum, from 
a technical point of view, with universal free competition. 
Co-operation between workers to raise wages and between 
employee and landowners to lower wages (in the course of which 
some land must remain uncultivated) would both lead to ' 
a diminution of product, and only if co-operation results in social 
collectivism could the maximum product, physically and 
technically possible, again be reached. 

An interesting example of this is afforded, if I am not mistaken, 
by conditions in Swedish forest districts, for example, Norrland 
or SmMand. If forest products rise in value, it may very well 
be that farming, which had previously been possible in such 
areas on occasion, will no longer be profitable, and from the 
point of view of the landowner it will be better to abandon farming 
and to plant trees on his fields. And this despite the fact that 
forestry obviously cannot support nearly so many men on a 
given area as even the poorest farming. That the owners of the 
land may acquire great and unearned wealth in this way, whilst 
wages are at the same time forced down by the supeiuity of 
labour is a grievous wrong which should certainly be righted. 
But the sup^sed conflict between a private and public economic 
interest, which some people have found in these circumstances 
and which they have even sought to remedy by legislation, does 
not, if our observations are correct, exist. Indeed, the total 
national product will probably be greater if forestry is every- 
where free to expand wherever — from the point of view of private 
economic interests — it is most profitable ; and the superfluous 
labour (in so far as it cannot be absorbed into the industries 
based on forestry) seeks employment in those districts which 
continue, by reason of their natural advantages, to practise 

In other words, the evils here requiring a remedy relate 
exclusively to the problem of the social distribution of income, and 
not to that of the economically most advantageous method of 

Exactly the same is true of the “ parasitic ” occupations 
much discussed in recent years, those in which the labourers, 
usually women and children, do not receive a living wage, but 
are partially supported by others (parents, relations, etc.). It is 
said that, in the interests of society, such occupations should be 


forbidden \9here tbe employers will not, or cannot, offer Ml wages. 
Yet tbe only result of doing so would probably be tbat those now 
employed in them, far from having their position improved, would 
have to rely entirely on the support of others. 

On the whole, it is a mistake to regard as obvious — as is 
so often done — ^that all healthy persons capable of work must 
be able to live by their labour dlone, unless the country is (in the 
vulgar sense) overpopulated. On the contrary, it is quite 
conceivable that the total output of a society may be large enough 
for all, but that the* marginal productivity of labour is none the 
less so small that labour has only a slight economic value. Even 
in a socialist state, under such conditions, the wages paid would 
only correspond to a part of necessary expenditure, whilst the 
rest would have to be found from the rent and interest of the 

This, of course, does not exclude the possibility that the 
great majority of inventions and technical improvements may 
be beneficial in both directions ; i.e. may in themselves tend 
to increase the marginal productivity of both labour and land, 
together with their share in the product. According to the 
ordinary rules of probability there is, indeed, an overwhelming 
probability that they will do so, as soon as the increase in total 
productivity becomes sufficiently general. If the colossal advance 
in all fields of production during, let us say, the last two centuries, 
has nevertheless brought only a relatively slight, and in many 
cases very doubtM, improvement in the conditions of labour, 
whilst rent has successively doubled and redoubled, the primary 
cause, as we have said, is to be found in the one-sided increase 
in one factor of production, namely labour, owing to the great 
increase in population during that period. Such an increase 
must, other things being equal, continually reduce the marginal 
productivity of labour and force down wages ; or — ^what comes 
to the same thing, though the connection is easily overlooked 
on a superficial view — 'prevent the otherwise inevitable rise in 
wages due to technical progress. Unfortunately, collectivism 
cannot provide a remedy for this evil created by the labourers 
themselves — ^at any rate not in the long run. 

It is scarcely possible to discover a simple and intelligible 
criterion which will indicate whether a change in the technique 
of production is in itself likely to raise or to lower wages. But 
in accordance with what we have said in our criticism of 


Ricardo’s theory, it may be asserted that, whenever the primary 
effect of a change in production is to cause employers to reduce 
the number of their employees without their having been 
compelled to do so by a rise in wages, it is a sign that the marginal 
productivity of labour has fallen and a larger or smaller ultimate 
reduction in wages will probably ensue. On the other hand, 
a technical improvement which favours labour must reveal itself 
from the beginning in an increased demand for labour and higher 
wages in much the same way as if, in the example on p. 137, 
technical improvements had tended to make arable farming 
more profitable than pastoral, instead of vice versa. But what 
we have said here applies maioly to wages and rent, in relation 
to each other. The appearance of capital in the field of production 
introduces, as we shall see below, certain modifications in our 
conclusions, without, however, rendering them invalid as a whole. 

2. Capitalistic Prodvicticn 
A, The Concept of CapiMl. 

We now come to the third group of factors of production 
— ^those which are commonly included m the term capital 
To give an account of the real nature of capital, its role in 
production and the grounds upon which its owners, like the 
owners of land and labour, claim a share in the product, is 
considerably more difficult than with the other two factors 
and has led to innumerable controversies among economists. 
One of the chief difficulties has been the varied and changing 
forms which productive capital assumes in reality. In the 
ordinary sense of the term, it includes all auxiliaries to production, 
with the exception of natural forces in their original form, and 
direct human labour. Thus, in the first place, it includes the 
houses and buildings in which work is carried on or which are 
otherwise necessary to business ^ ; the implements, tools, and 
machinery with wMch it is conducted, and also a further very 
important group — livestock. Capital also includes the raw 

materials which are worked up, and finally — ^not the least 
important category— the provisions and other commodities 

what extent dwelling-houses and durable objects of consumption 
are to be reckoned as capital is a disputed question to which we shall return. 


whict miist be saved up or otherwise held ready, if labour is to 
be supported during the period while work is in progress. This, 
of course, is the commonly accepted sense of the term. Some 
^mters, such as Stanley Jevons, go so far as to regard the last 
item as fundamentally including the whole of capital — that is 
to say, all capital in its form of free capital, before it is invested 
in production. This is, however, as we shall soon see, too 
one-sided a view of the matter. 

At first sight all these requisites have only one quality in 
common, namely that they represent certain quantities of 
exchange value, so that collectively they may be regarded as 
a single sum of value, a certain amount of the medium of exchange, 
money. This also appears to be the reason for the name capitaij 
for the word was originally understood tc mean a sum of money 
lent, cavitalis pars dehiti — ^“the principal of a loan as opposed to 
the interest. But, since the yield of production is also measured 
in value temG^, capital, like loaned money, has the peculiarity 
that its share in the product — interest — ^is the same hind of thing 
as capital itself ; interest is an organic growth out of capital, 
a certain percentage of capital, whereas wages as against labour, 
and rent as against land, are quite heterogeneous things. Land 
certainly has, especially in our day, a capital or money value, 
of which rent may be said to be a certain percentage, say 
3, 4, 5, or more per cent, but this is, as we have already said, 
somethmg derivative and secondary. Rent would remain 
essentially the same even if legislation forbade ail purchase 
and sale of land, and land could consequently not acquire any 
exchange value ; just as is nowadays the case with labour which, 
in contrast with eaiKer times, can no longer be bought or sold 
in the form of slave labour. 

In this connection, there is another peculiarity which is 
common to all, or at least to most, of what we call capital ; 
namely, that it is itself a product (‘"produced means of 
production ” is a common, and in a sense very good, definition 
of capital). Here again, it is contrasted with labour and land ; 
or, at any rate, with unskilled labour and virgin soil. Man is 
bom, but he is not produced — except in “slave breeding” — 
and the sum of natural energy, like the sum of matter, cannot 
be either increased or diminished by man. 

The above circumstance, together with the indisputable 


fact that capital greatly increases productivity, was long regarded 
as a sufficient explanation and defence of interest. Capital 
represents, it was said, “ previously-done ” labour (in fact, it 
repr^ents, as we shall soon see, not only previously-done ” 
labour, but also the previously performed services of the land), 
and this, like all other labour, must have its reward ; hence 
interest. Thus argued McCulloch, Bastiat, and others. In this 
simple manner they believed that they had discovered both 
a philosophical and an ethical foundation for the phenomenon 
of interest. The latter was especially necessary since, as is well 
known, all real interest, at least if it took the form of interest 
on borrowed money, was long forbidden in the Catholic, and to 
some extent in the Protestant world (though much less objection 
was raised, or none at all, to a landowner taking rent, even if 
he did not cultivate his land at all). 

This explanation, however, is evidently very defective. 
The previously-done labour must, of course, have its wages ; 
but these wages are not paid from interest, but from capital 
itself. If anybody makes a spade, a plane, or any other capital 
good, he obtains, by its use, compensation for his work — and 
he has no obvious claim to anything more. What is enigmatic 
is that the possession of capital, apparently at least, does procure 
something more, namely a permanent income in the form of 
interest, either without sacrifice of capital or while capital is 
constantly being replaced. 

It is indeed true that, as a rule, the total product is increased 
by the employment of capital, by more (i.e. by a greater quantity 
— or value — of product) than corresponds to the capital used up 
in production. But this circumstance in itself requires an 
explanation. We may, with Bohm-Bawerk, ask why competition 
does not either reduce the value of the product or raise the value 
of capital goods ^ to such a point that the former exactly 
corresponds to the latter, without leaving anything over for 
interest. We must not simply take it for granted that capital 
can claim the whole of the surplus. 

Strictly speaking, capital is necessary for all production ; 

^ According to our previous assumption that prices of finished products 
are in advance, i e. determined by the world market, the former alternative 

should, of course, disappear ; but certainly not the latter, since mtemational 
capital transfers are excluded and the pricing of capital goods takes place 
in the home market, and must be investigated there. 


in its absence tbe product would be more or less negligible. 
But can capital on that account claim tbe whole, or tbe greater 
part, of the product ? This is impossible ; for, with as much 
justification labour could demand the whole — and land also. 
There must be a division, but on what principle ? The above 
argument gives no answer at aU. 

Among earlier writers von Thiinen was certainly the most 
advanced in his conception of the nature and origin of interest. 
Just as he regarded the addition to the product made by the 
“ last worker ’’ as determining wages, so interest was determined 
by the ‘‘yield of the last increment of capital”, but he did 
not follow out this thesis very far, and, indeed, it is not exactly 
correct. Still clearer was the light thrown on the subject by 
Jevons in his Theory of Political Economy^ though unfortunately 
his theory of capital is still only a fragment of a complete theory. 
It was not until Bohm-Bawerk published his great work that we 
acquired a theory of the nature and functions of capital, and of 
the origin and determination of interest, which, in clearness and 
exhaustiveness, satisfies even the most exacting demands. But 
in spite of his brilliant style, Bohm-Bawerk’s exposition is marred 
by a rather excessive diffuseness ; its wealth of examples is 
sometimes confusing to the reader. On the other hand, in my 
opinion, his logical analysis of the subject was, in one important 
respect, not carried as far as would be desirable from an 
expository point of view. I propose, therefore, to present here 
Bohm-Bawerk’s principal ideas in an abridged and, if possible, 
clearer and more comprehensible form. 

B. The Margined Productivity of Cajntah Investment for a Single 


If for the moment we leave aside the question of the origin 
of the productivity (or value-creating power) of capital, and 
regard it as an empirical fact, we may readily apply to capital 
the theory developed above — ^that tiie share of the product 
going to any particular factor of production is determined by its 
marginal productivity. Actually this is what von Thimenattempted 
to do. Just as the additional product of the last worker regulates 
wages, so, according to von Thiinen, the rate of interest on aU 
capital is regulated by the yield of that portion of capital which 


is Isust employed.^ TMs may seem obvious, for so long as an 
entrepreneur obtains a larger return on tbe capital employed in 
Ms production than he need pay in interest for borrowed capital 
--or can Mmself obtain by lending his own — ^he will, of course, 
be inclined to increase his employment of capital. Conversely, 
if the interest on borrowed capital is higher than the return on 
the capital employed in production, or on the last portion 
employed, then he will, as far as possible, curtail Ms employment 
of capital to the most necessary purposes or to the more profitable 
branches of his production. 

Further investigation, however, shows that this analogy 
between interest, on the one hand, and wages and rent, on the 
other, is incomplete. With labour and land, as we have already 
pointed out, the law of marginal productivity applies, with 
certain reservations, both to the economy as a whole and to 
every private undertaking. If there exists, in any place or 
country, a superfluous labourer or an acre of ground wMch 
are only capable of making an addition to production less than 
that wHch corresponds to the prevailing level of wages or rent, 
then wages and rent must tend to fall. (The fact that there 
may be a limit below wMch wages physically cannot fall, or on 
social grounds, cannot be allowed to fall, is a matter for separate 
consideration.) But this theory only applies to capital, as 
usually conceived, when we look at it from the point of view 
of the individual entrepreneur, to whom wages and rent are 
data, determined by the market. If we consider an increase 
(or perhaps a decrease) in the total capital of society, then it is 
by no means true that the consequent increase (or decrease) 
in the total social product would regulate the rate of interest. 
In the first instance, new capital competes with the old and 
thereby results, in the first place, in a rise of wages and rent, 
possibly without causing much change in the technical 
composition of the product or the magnitude of the return. 
For this reason, interest must certainly fall ; but it need not 
fall to zero, or anything like it, even ii the additional product 
of the new capital is almost nil. The increase in wages and 
rent may absorb the superfluous capital, so that the latter 
is now just sufficient for the needs of production, in spite 

^ [A mark against this passage in Wicksell’s own copy of the second edition 
indicates that he wished to reconsider it.] 


of the fact that production has in reality scarcely expanded 
at all. 

The explanation of this curious divergence is quite simple. 
Whereas labour and land are measured each in terms of its own 
technical unit (e.g. working days or months, acre per annum) 
capital, on the other hand, as we have already shown, is reckoned, 
in common parlance, as a sum of exchange value — whether in 
money or as an average of products. In other words, each 
particular capital-good is measured by a unit extraneous to 
itself. However good the practical reasons for this may be, 
it is a theoretical anomaly which disturbs the correspondence 

The productive contribution of a piece of technical capital, 
such as a steam engine, is determined not by its cost but by the 
horse-power which it develops, and by the excess or scarcity 
of similar machines. If capital also were to be measured in 
technical units, the defect would be remedied and the 
correspondence would be complete. But, in that case, productive 
capital would have to be distributed into as many categories 
as there are kinds of tools, machinery, and materials, etc., and 
a unified treatment of the role of capital in production would 
be impossible. Even then we should only know the yield of the 
various objects at a particular moment, but nothing at all about 
the value of the goods themselves, which it is necessary to know 
in order to calculate the rate of interest, which in equilibrium 
is the same on all capital. Again, it is futile to attempt — ^with 
Walras and his followers — ^to derive the value of capital-goods 
from their own cost of production or reproduction ; for in fact 
these costs of production include capital and interest, whereas 
our analysis of the laws of the cost of production has hitherto 
proceeded on the assumption that production is non-capitalistic. 
We should, therefore, be arguing in a circle. 

We can, however, escape from this dfficulty if we refer to 
the common, or at least similar, origin of the various kinds of 
capital. We have already pointed out that capital itself is almost 
always a product, a fruit of the co-operation of the two original 
factors : labour and land. All capital-goods, however different 
they may appear, can always be ultimately resolved into labour 
and land ; and the only thing which distinguishes these quantities 
of labour and land from those which we have previously considered 


is tiaat iiiey belong to earlier years^ whilst we have previously 
been concerned only with current labour and land directly 
employed in the production of consumption-goods. But this 
difference is sufficient to justify the establishment of a special 
category of means of production, side by side with labour and 
land, under the name of capital ; for, in the interval of time 
thus afforded, the accumulated labom and land have been able 
to assume forms denied to them in their crude state, by which 
they attain a much greater efficiency for a number of productive 
purposes — as Bohm-Bawerk, better than any other modem 
writer, has analj^ed and demonstrated in such a masterly 

In this circumstance is also to be found the whole explanation 
of the value-creating power of capital, or its so-caUed productivity. 
What emerges is simply the importance of the time-element 
m production. In the real sense, of course, only living human 
beings, and seff-perpetuatmg natural forces, especially the sun 
and the earth’s physical and chemical forces, are productive ; 
only the original factors — ^man and nature. But the productivity 
of both becomes, or at any rate may become, greater if they are 
employed for more distant ends than if they are employed for 
the immediate production of commodities. As has been sa\d, 
this increase in efficiency is a necessary condition of interest ; 
it is the source from which it flows (just as the fruitfulness of the 
earth is the source of rent and the productivity of labour the 
source of wages) ; but it does not, on that account, regulate the 
rate of interest. Some part of this increase in productivity 
accrues, and must accrue, to the other factors of production, 
for their co-operation is essential and is indeed itself a part 
of the application of capital. 

We may thus regard capital as a single coherent mass of 
saved-up labour and saved-up land, which is accumulated in 
the course of years. The addition of land is of importance ; 
English political economy has suffered throughout from over- 
looking the fact that one part of capital consists of the saved-up 
services of land. John Stuart Mill flatly denied it. And yet 
this part of capital is without a doubt as important as the other. 
The more elaborate tools and machines noiay owe their existence 
principally to human labour ; but domestic animals, raw 
materials, and so on, are types of capital-goods which come into 


being mainly throngli the resources of the land incorporated 
in them. Trees, game, fish, and so on, when wild and mcultivated, 
are the sole product of natural forces (if, for a moment, we 
abandon the usual terminology and extend the term product to 
include also purely natural products). The great majority of 
capital-goods consist of saved-up labour and saved-up land in 
combination ; but if these two elements are not separable in 
reality, we may separate them in theory, as we do in respect 
of labour and land as factors of production. In what follows 
we shall therefore speak of labour-capital and land-capital as 
conceptually distinct elements of the whole mass of physical 
capital and we shall mean by them labour and land already 
applied — ^if applied by others, bought and paid for: labour 
and land which have not yet ripened into finished products — 
not present or current labour and land now available, 

A special position is occupied, as we have already remarked, 
by the stored-up energy derived from earlier periods of vegeta- 
tion and found in coal and in ore deposits. They represent, if 
anything does, stored up resources of the land of much greater 
antiquity than any others employed in production. But since 
nobody has owned them from the beginning, they may be treated 
economically as stocks of raw material or semi-manufactares 
which are spontaneously available. In contrast to the fertility 
of the soil, it is largely true to say that these resources may be 
used up now, or left unused, according as we desire ; but, on the 
other hand, they cannot be renewed. From the latter point of view 
they cannot, strictly speaking, be included in the scheme of a 
stationary economy. 

We have now to consider the stratification of this volxime of 
capital through time. Here also, we shall proceed gradually to 
our goal ; we shall assume in the first place that, side by side 
with the resources of labour and land directly available for the 
current year’s production, there exist, in the form of capital-goods, 
saved-up resources of the same kind from a single preceding year ; 
and that these capital-goods are entirely consumed in the 
production of the current year. Naturally, this would bring 
about a considerable increase in the total product if the whole 
available supplies of current resources in labour and land were 
now used in the production of commodities intended for direct 
consumption. But, in that case, the advantage will obviously 


be quite transitory and will be obtained only by tbe sacrifices 
of the preceding year and by leaidng production in subsequent 
years in the same primitive non-capitalistic state as before. 
Consequently, we must suppose that a corresponding part of 
the resources of the current year is saved in the form of capital 
for next year’s production, and so on. As has already been 
pointed out, we shall assume stationary conditions as the 
foimdation of our observations. This will not prevent us from 
considering changes in the quantities concerned, provided that 
we do not take into account the actual transition stage, which 
is a much more complicated problem, but assume that these 
changes have already become final, so that static equilibrium ” 
(a stationary state) is again restored. We shall accordingly 
assume that the amount of labour and land, saved up in every 
year, is always the same. This presupposes a previous adjustment 
— ^which we assume to have been made — ^between these two 





! ^ 


Resources of Labour. 

Fio. ii. 





Resources of Land. 

quantities ; for — ^as we shall soon see — ^it may be advantageous, 
under given conditions, for the capitalist to save a larger amount 
of labour resources and a smaller amount of land resources ; or 
vwe versa. As soon as capital has once been formed, then just 
as muck labour and land mil go to provide each year's production 
and consumption as was originally employed in the non-capitalistic 
state. But since a part of these resources has been saved from 
the preceding year, in the form of capital, the total product 
will, as a rule, be considerably greater than before — at any rate 
up to a certain limit ; and it will be greater in proportion as 
the part of the resources of labour and land thus employed in 
a saved-up form is increased." 

This may be more easily understood by means of the above 
diagram, which represents production m the current year 1928. 
The amount of labour and land employed, either directly or in the 
form of capital, for the production of this year’s supply of 


commodities is represented by two rectangles, of wMch tbe left- 
band divisions (0,0) represent tbe productive r^onroes of tbe year 
itself, i.e. tbat portion wbicb is directly employed in tbe course 
of tbe year. Tbe rigbt-band divisions (1,1) represent the saved-np 
labour and land wbicb are used in consumption this year, and tbe 
upper rectangles of tbe same size (0,0) that part of tbe current 
year’s resources which are not employed in consumption till 
next year. 

Tbe dotted rectangles represent partly tbat portion of 1929 
resources wbicb, together with those saved up this year, will be 
used for tbe direct production of commodities next year, and 
partly those portions of tbe productive resources wbicb wil 
then be saved up and capitalized for tbe needs of tbe following 
year ; and so on. 

We shall — as before — assume free competition, at least in 
tbe main part of tbe field of production. In such circumstances, 
tbe problem' of production will be essentially tbe same as before, 
except that tbe factors of production are now increased by two, 
namely tbe saved-up resources of labour and land. And it is still 
true tbat tbe total contribution of each particular factor of 
production cannot be ascertained a priori and does not even exist 
analytically. Its share in tbe product must therefore be 
determined by something else, and tbat something else is, for 
tbe same reason as before, marginal prodiictivity. Now since* 
experience shows tbat tbe replacement of a certain quantity 
of current labour and land by an equal quantity of stored-up 
resources of a similar kind tends in many cases to increase 
productivity, and since we assume tbat tbe quantity saved is 
only sufficient for use in these cases (and not even for all of 
them) it follows that tbe marginal productivity of tbe saved 
resources of labour and land is greater than tbat of tbe current 
resources — at any rate up to a certain point, not yet actually 
reached. This marginal productivity, and tbe share in the 
product which it determines, provides in tbe first place, 
a recompense for tbe actual capital used up in production, but 
it also provides something more. Under stationary conditions 
tbe exchange value of goods and services necessarily remains 
unchanged year after year, so tbat a person who, in one year, 
purchases labour and land in order to convert them into capital, 
intended for production in tbe following year, can always count 
upon obtaining more product, or value, than be has himself 


paid out. This surplus is what is called interest. We thus 
arrive at the following definition : — 

Capital is sami-up labour ard savedrup land. Interest is the 
difference between the marginal productivUy of saved-up labour and 
land and of current labour and land. 

If conditions are not stationary, then of course we have to 
take into account changes in the value of similar commodities 
(even labour or goods of the same kind) whicb may occur in 
tbe course of production — ^and which may easily make the 
actual rate of interest earned negative rather than positive. 
That, however, is self-evident. Nothmg is more common than 
for a large inflow of capital into a certain industry to cause 
so great a reduction in the price of the product that capital 
is employed for a while at a loss instead of a profit. The real 
theoretical difiSculty is rather to explain how, under stationary 
conditions, the possession of capital can remain a permanent 
source of income. The application to non-stationary conditions 
offers no difficulty in principle. 

So far as I can see, everything which can be said in 
explanation of this phenomenon is said in the italicized passage 
above. Of Bohm-Bawerk’s three main grounds why present ’’ 
goods possess a higher value than future goods (or past goods 
higher than present goods), the first refers to the difference 
between wants and their satisfaction in the present and in the 
future ; the second to the subjective tmdervaluation of future 
needs and overvaluation of future supplies. These considerations, 
however, are only indirectly significant for the productive 
employment of capital. Those who borrow capital for the purpose 
of production will not, because of anticipated future suppHes or of 
subjective overvaluation, pay more in interest than they actually 
obtain themselves by the technical employment of capital. 
(They may well be induced in this case to use some of the 
borrowed money unproductively for their own consumption 
and, to that extent, di min ish the supply of capital and thus 
raise the rate of inter^t.) 

On the other hand, these considerations play a very 
important role in the actual amjimulation of capital ; and in its 
converse, the unproductive consumption of capital, as in loans 
for consumption purposes. Both logically and for purposes of 
exposition it would seem right to begin by examining the effects 


of a given supply of capital already accmnnlatedj and then to 
inquire tlie causes wMch influence, and eventually alter, tiiis 
supply. Thus there remains only the third of Bohm-Bawerk's 
mam reasons, namely the technical superiority of the commodities 
or means of production available from an earlier stage over those 
which will only become available at a later date. Hk reasoning 
in this connection essentially coincides with that which we have 
already advanced and which we shall develop further ; but it is, 
as a comparison will show, considerably more complicated, and 
therefore probably not so intelligible as our own. This is 
mainly due to the fact that Bohm-Bawerk neglected to base 
his argument on the fundamental simplifying assumption of 
stationary economic conditions, though he did not really achieve 
any greater degree of generality. Moreover, he cannot be entirely 
absolved from the charge of trying to prove too much when he 
maintains that a ‘‘ present ’’ means of production, e.g. a month's 
labour available now, would be, under all circumstances^ 
technically superior to one available in the future. That, of 
course, is not the case. There are a number of cases in which 
current labour and land must, from technical necessity, be 
employed in their original form and cannot in any way be 
replaced by stored-up productive power. But this is not the 
point ; it is rather that the margiaal productivity of the latter 
is greater, simply because current labour and land exist in relative 
abimdance for the purposes for which they can be employed, 
whilst saved-up labour and land are not adequate in the same 
degree for the many purposes in which they have an advantage. 
This again is to be explained by the circumstances which limit 
the accumulation of capital. 

It is also clear that interest, at any rate within the limits of 
the single year’s investment here contemplated, must, according 
to our dejGhiition, be the same in all enterprises and all kinds of 
employment, and especially that the marginal productivity 
(and the share in the product) of saved-up land must stand in 
the same relation to that of current land as does saved-up labour 
to current labour. Otherwise it would be profitable to save more 
labour and less land on the next occasion, or vice versa. We may 
remind the reader, in passing, that the technical renewal of 
capital from year to year, which is here assumed, by no means 
excludes the accumulation and maintenance of capital by the 


indi'wdiml for possibly remote future use. Sucb an individual 
need only buy up labour and land in the market in one year 
in the form of implements, slaughter animals, etc., sell them 
in the following year, and thus repeat the same operation. 
In other words, the duration of private capital or, more 
correctly, of the ownership of ‘‘^private capital has nothing 
to do with the technical period of turnover of social 

If we assume that the whole of the accumulated capital — 
in the form of tools and implements, domestic animals, raw 
materials, etc. — consists of A labour years and B acre years, i.e. 
of the total production in the last year of A labourers and B acres, 
and if I represents wages per labourer and r rent per acre then 
the value of capital in money or products will clearly be A . 1 + R . r. 
If, in the current year, there are employed in a particular business 
a workers and 5 acres of the current year, and labour years 
and acre years of the preceding year, turned into capital in one 
form or another, then the total product during the year may be 
regarded as a function of all these quantities, i.e. F(a, h, bi). 

The partial derivatives of this function with respect to each 
of the variables wiU be on the one hand, = 1, F^ = r, i.e. wages 
and rent for current labour and land, and, on the other hand, 
= h(> = ^i( > or what may be called wages 

(including interest) for the saved-up labour and rent (including 
interest) for the saved-up land, Equihbrium clearly demands 
that Zj : 1 : r. The two equal quantities 

will then each represent the rate of interest on the investment 
of capital for one year. Interest, or that part of the product 
which falls to capital, thus equals in the particular business 
-h bi.r).z ; and the interest on the total accumulation 
of capital will equal (Al + Br)i — on the assumption that, under 
free competition, and in equilibrium, all capital will receive 
approximately the same return. 

A primitive form of the employment of capital mentioned by Aug. 
Bondeson in one of his rustic novels, is the communal use of sheep ; i.e. sheep 
or other cattle are bought by small rural capitalists or old farm hands and 
summer, after which the profit is divided between the owners 
of the animals and of the land. In this case the life of the capital^ood is, on 
tne average, short, though it does not prevent the prolongation through decades 
Of inciividuai capitalistic holdings (and. accumulations). 


If we now compare two otherwise similar stationary states, 
both investing capital for a single year, but in one of which 
there is more capital employed, that is to say, in each year more 
labour and land are saved up for the following year than in the 
other case, a difficult, but extremely important, qu^tion will 
arise ; what influence will the increased emplojnnent of capital 
exercise on wages and rent or, in other words, on the share of 
the product accruing to labour and land in the current year ? 

The fact that their marginal productivity is, normally (as 
we have seen) less than that of saved-up labour and land does 
not, indeed, prevent it from being increased by the increased 
use of capital. This may well appear obvious ; for, in any 
particular year, current labour and land participate in the direct 
production of commodities in smaller and smaller quantities, 
the more the capitalistic method of production is extended ; 
and it might be supposed that this would necessarily imply 
a relatively increased marginal productivity of those factors of 
production. But the matter is not quite so simple. Of course, 
ceteris paribus, a relative reduction in the supply of a factor 
should cause an increase in its marginal productivity ; and the 
increase in the product due to capital would thus accrue in part 
to capital, and in part to the other factors of production. But 
if the accumulation of capital coincides, as is usually the 
case, with technical discoveries and technical progress, it is 
quite conceivable that, despite increased employment of capital 
and increased production, the marginal productivity and the 
distributive share of current labour and land will be Zessmstead of 
more. Only in so far as production in given technical conditions 
is saturated with capital, is it certain that wages and rent — 
usually both — ^will rise, whilst interest falls. Translated into 
our terminology, this means that the marginal productivity 
of labour and land in the last case gradually increases whilst 
the marginal productivity of saved-up labour and land decreases 
— so that the difference between them is successively reduced 
and may finally disappear altogether ; interest falling to nothing 
and the capitalists’ share in the product consisting only of 
compensation for the saved-up labour and land employed, i.e. 
for the capital itself. 

In the following section, we shall apply this conclusion to the 
more complex case of capital investment over a period of years. 



0. CapUal Investment over a Period of Years. 

Before aa excess of capital caused interest to fall to notldng, 
investment for a single year would in reality have given place, 
for the most part, to investment for a period of years. We shall 
now examine how this comes about. It is sufficient for our 
purposes to suppose labour and land to be saved up for no more 
than two years ; investments is thus to be either for one year, 
or for two. What we have to say in this connection can easily 
be extended to processes of production and capital investment 
over any period whatever. We shall also ignore for the present 
the period of transition, during which capital is accumulated 
for the jBrst time and is suitably distributed over the period 
of production in question; we shall only concern ourselves 
, with conditions as they are after full equilibrium has been 

Each particular year’s production is now due (1) to current 
labour and land, (2) to resources which have been saved and 
capitalized during the two preceding years. But on the other 
hand, i£ conditions are to remain stationary, two quantities of 
labour and land (exactly corresponding to these) must be 
withdrawn from the production of consumption goods during 
the current year and devoted (1) to production of goods which 
will only be used in the following year, (2) to goods which will 
only be used in the year after that. Even this does not exhaust 
the list of capital goods existing at the moment ; for there 
exists at the same time a group of services of labour and land 
saved up during the immediately preceding year and intended 
for employment only in the production of the next succeeding 
year. For this reason, they are to be regarded in the current 
year only as items to be carried forward — ^as it were, goods in 
transit. (Of course, in reality, the various annual groups of 
saved-up labour and land are not always so strictly separable, 
but are often combined in the same capitaLgoods — of which 
more later.) In the same way, if resources were saved up for 
three years, the labour-capital (and land-capital) available at 
any moment would fall not merely into 3, but into 3 + 2 -f 1 = 6 
distinct groups (cf . the following paragraph) ; and so on, mvJtaiis 
mutandis, for more extended capital investments. Thus the 
number of capital groups grows, as it were, both in height and 


breadtli, or as tlie square of the nimber of years. This, as we 
shall see, is a circumstance of great importance. 

The following diagrams, which represent the supply of current 
and saved“Up labour and land, at the present moment, (1) in 
capital investment for one and tw’o years, (2) in capital investment 
for one, tw'o, and three years, explain themselves. The figures 
1, 2, 3 indicate that the capital groups concerned are 1, 2, or 3 
years old, i.e. originate in 1927, 1926, or 1925. By 0 are 








1928 j 





Fig, 12. 



1 1 



2 1 

represented the current resources of labour and land, whether 
used in direct production for the year or saved and capitalized for 
the production of succeeding years. The years marked on the left 
are to be conceived as representing the year in which the existing 
capitalized productive forces on the same horizontal line are 
employed for the production of consumption-goods, and this 
naturally presupposes that they will co-operate partly with 
current labour and land of the same year, and partly with those 















~ 2 ~ 

192$ 0 








Labour. Land. 

Fig. 13. 

saved-up and capitalized during preceding years for use in 
a future year. 

The sum of the rectangles indicated by 1, 1, and 2 (Fig. 12), 
or 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, and 3 (Fig. 13) represents the total supply of 
capital-goods in existence at the beginning of the present year, 
although only a part of them is employed — or, which amounts 
to the same thing, is consumed — during the course of the year. 
The rectangles one step higher up, identical in size and number. 


indicated by 0, 0, and 1 (Fig. 12), or 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, and 2 (Fig. 13), 

represent tbe supply of capital at tbe end of the year.^ 

If we return to our one-two year capital investment, it is 
clear that the labour and capital saved-up for two years will be 
remmerated in accordance with its marginal productivity. If we 
consider the extremely primitive nature of the implements, 
domestic animals, etc., which are possible with investment for 
a single year, and the enormous improvement in the technique 
of production which would be possible in many fields with 
investment for two years, we shall easily see that the marginal 
productivity of two-year-old capital must, within very wide 
limits, be greater than that of one-year-old capital and a fortiori 
than that of current labour and land. But it should be carefully 
noted that this does not mean that, in all such cases, investment 
for two years would be frojitahle. For that to occur the three 
above-mentioned quantities must stand in a certain determinate 
relation to each other, corresponding to that which exists in 
a calculation with compound interest. In other words, if the 
marginal productivity of one-year-old capital (i.e. labour and 
land saved-up for one year) is related to that of current resources 
as, for example, 1*05 to 1, so that one-year-old capital yields 
5 per cent interest, then the marginal productivity of two-year-old 
capital must necessarily be related to that of one-year-old capital 
at least as 1-05 to 1 ; and consequently to current resources of 
labour and land as (1*05)^ to 1, so that two-year-old capital will 
yield at hast lOJ per cent interest for its two years. This is 
obvious, for otherwise anybody who wished to save capital for two 
years or more would prefer to split up the hypothetical two-year 
capital investment into two successive one-year investments — 
so that the technical period of turnover of capital would still be 
only one year. 

On the other hand, it may be asked whether the interest 
on two-year investments could not be permanently more than 
double, say three of four times, that of one-year investments. 
A levelling in the opposite direction cannot take place so directly, 
since those who desire the return of their capital after the lapse 

^ if all the rectangles were of the same size — ^and the co-operation of land 
in production were omitted — the above left-hand diagram might serve as an 
illustrasion of Eohm-Bawerk’s famous example of a continuous “ staggered ” 
production. (Positive Theorie des Kapiials, 3rd edition, book iv, part u I). In 
earlier ediiions, book lii, part v.) 



of one year have no other choice, it might be supposed, than 
a one-year capital investment. But, in an advanced economic 
system, credit enters at this point as a levelling factor. So long 
as the total amonnt of social capital remains unchanged year 
after year (and of course still more if it contimionsly grows), 
the technical period of investment is a matter of indifference 
to the individual capitalist. As against those persons who, in 
the course of the year, desire to call in and consume all or some 
of their capital, there would (at least) be an equal number 
simultaneously desiring to build up new capital to the same 
amount. The transfer of capital from the former to the latter, 
and of the corresponding exchange values in money or 
consumption goods from the latter to the former, might be 
effected by a simple credit operation without the necessity for 
the simultaneous liberation of any real capital in the technical 
sense. Interest rates for long and short periods do, in reality, 
tend to be equal ; the difference which actually exists should 
be regarded partly as an increased risk premium for long-term 
loans, partly as due to the fact that, under existing economic 
conditions, short-term debts on good security are largely used 
as cash (money substitutes), a feet with which we cannot here 
concern ourselves. Thus, m the supposed circumstances, one-year 
capital mvestments in the technical sense would be exchanged 
more and more for two-year investments until interest on the 
latter became slightly more than double, or, calculated per 
annum, as great as the former. If this levelling has been 
achieved and full equilibrium restored, it is easy to see that 
the surplus marginal productivity of aU the groups of capital 
employed during the year, i.e. the total profit on capital of the 
year, constitutes one yearns interest on the whole value of the 
total capital, each capital group being regarded as representing 
the value of the labo^ir and land employed, together with the 
ewerued interest. The same naturally applies to longer capital 
investments, so that there is complete agreement between theory 
and practice. 

The whole available capital will now be distributed between 
one-year and two-year investment — since, for the moment, we 
ignore the possibility of longer dated mvestments — ^and in 
a definite proportion ; so that the above relation between the 
margmal productivities will obtain. If capital increases, i.e. if 


tlie accumxdated quantities of labour or landj or of botb, are 
increased, we may suppose that new capital, and consequently 
ultimately the whole volume of capital in existence, will also 
be distributed, in the same proportion as the old capital between 
these two periods of investment. Yet this does not usually 
happen. Such an increase must of itself, in view of what we 
have said, and apart from simultaneous technical inventions, 
etc., reduce the marginal productivity of saved-up resources and, 
at the same time, increase the marginal productivity of current 
resources. Excepting for the case where a uniform increase 
of both has a specially marked tendency to reduce the marginal 
product of resources invested for two years, so that we may 
suppose the marginal product of each to fall in about the same 
proportion, then it may easily be seen that the relation between 
the yields of the two forms of capital will be necessarily disturbed 
to the advantage of the longer-term investment ; the interest 
on both one-year capital and two-year capital has fallen, but 
that on two-year capital is now somewhat more than double 
that on one-year (perhaps two and a half to three times as high). 
Investment for two years is thus relatively more profitable than 
before and extends to fields which it had previously not entered ; 
whilst one-year investment expands relatively little, or may 
even contract. Thus, in the end, the relative marginal products 
of both are brought back to the right relation. In addition to 
this, investments for three, four, or five years, etc., which 
have previously been unremunerative, in spite of their higher 
marginal productivity, now yield a profit and will therefore 
be made. 

If we represent the marginal productivity of two-year labour 
and land by and respectively ; then, in equihbrium, we 
must have 

^2 : = ^1 : ? = r2 : fi = ri : r. 

If we represent this common ratio by 1 -f % then 

h = ^(1 -f- h = ^(1 + === about Z(i + 2i), 

and similariy for and r 2 . Now if I 2 and are reduced in the 
same proportion relatively to I (for example in the ratio 1:1 — e 
where € is a proper fraction which is not too small) we obtain 

h = ^(I + ^*)(1 — €) or, approximately, = 1{1 + i — e). 

But, on the other hand, 

= 1(1 + 2i e) > 1(1 + i - €)K 

If, in this case, € > i then one-year capital investment would 
show a loss and would certainly be contracted ; if e > 2t, the 
two-year investments must also contract and the centre of gravity 
of capital investment would shift to longer investments ; and so 
on. If, as in the above example, the rate of interest is 5 per cent 
per annum, and if, owing to the accumulation of new capital, 
the marginal productivity of one- and two-year capital goods 
is reduced relatively to that of current labour and land by, say, 
1 per cent, then one-year interest will consequently fall to 4 per 
cent, but two-year interest to only about 9 per cent instead of 
what it should be in equilibrium — ^namely (1*04)® — 1, or 
rather more than 8 per cent. Two-year capital investment thus 
becomes (absolutely less but) relatively more prohtable than 
before. Under certain simplifying assumptions, such as those 
made by Bohm-Bawerk and by ourselves in the next chapter 
of this work, this fact, which is of fundamental importance for 
the whole of the theory of capital, and whose significance was 
already recogmzed by Ricardo, can be proved mathematically 
as a universal principle. 

This has important consequences for the remuneration 
of current labour and land, i.e. wages and rent. An increased 
investment of capital itself tends, as we have seen, to reduce 
the quantities of current labour and land available for each 
year’s direct production, and consequently to raise their marginal 
productivity. If, however, a relatively larger share of this capital 
than before is placed in two-year investments, and the capital 
is thus divided into two different parts^ one of which is only 
used in the next year, then clearly there will be a reduction, at any 
rate relatively, in the quantities of accumulated labour and land 
employed each year ; but, at the same time, there wiU also be 
a reduction in that part of the current labour and land which 
must be saved and capitalized each year to renew that which 
is consumed. A larger part will remain over for the current 
year’s direct production of consumption goods, whilst, at the 
same time, its marginal productivity will fall. It is the peculiarity 
of capital that, when it grows, it grows in height as well as in 
breadth, and in this there is a counter-weight to the tendency 
for an iucrease of capital to raise wages and rents. 

Other things being equal, however, this last tendency can 



never be entirely overcome. Inevitably wages and rents (or at any 
rate one of them)^ will finally rise — ^tbougb not so much, as one 
might at fii^t suppose — ^as a consequence of the increase of 
capital as such. But the position is different where, as may easily 
happen^ some technical invention renders long-term investment, 
even without a simultaneous growth of capital, more profitable 
(absolutely) than previously. The consequence must necessarily 
be — so long as no further capital is saved — diminution in the 
^‘horizontal-dimension’’ and an increase in the “vertical- 
dimension”, so that the quantity of capital used in the course of 
a year will be reduced ; an increased quantity of current labour 
and land will consequently become available for each year’s direct 
production ; and, although this need not necessarily cause their 
marginal productivity and share m the product to be reduced 
— since the total product has simultaneously been increased by 
the technical discovery, yet a reduction may clearly result. The 
capitalist saver is thus, fundamentally, the friend of labour, 
though the techmcal inventor is not infrequently its enemy. 
The great inventions by which industry has from time to time 
been revolutionized, at first reduced a number of workers to 
beggary, as experience shows, whilst causing the profits of the 
capitalists to soar. There is no need to explain away this 
circumstance by invoking “ economic friction ”, and so on, for 
it is in full accord with a rational and consistent theory. But 
it is really not capital which should bear the blame ; in 
proportion as accumulation continues, these evils must disappear, 
interest on capital will fall and wages will rise — ^unless the 
labourers on their part simultaneously counteract this result by 
a large increase in theif nuTnbers, 

That the transformation of circulating into fixed capital, 
i.e. the change from short-term to long-term capital investments, 
may frequently injure labour is beyond doubt. But Ricardo 
was mistaken in his belief that this consequence was due to the 
fact that the gross product is simultaneously reduced. This is, 
as may easily be proved, theoretically inconceivable. The gross 
product under free competition (where such is at all possible) 

^ TMs ob^rvation must be made, for capital investment undoubtedly 
tends VO disturb the conditions under which labour and land are able to replace 
each other at the margin of production. It may therefore happen in exceptional 
cases that wag^ alone reap the benefit of a growth of capital, whilst rents fall : 
or mce verm, (Cf. also p. 216.) 



always tends in tlie main towards tie wiioi it is 

piysically possible to obtain witi tie existing means of 

In my work, ijher Wert, Kapital uTid Rente (Jena, 1893), 
p. 104, I pointed out tie easily-intelligible facs that, if capitalist 
employers by common agreement extend tie period of production, 
and thereby tie period of capital investment, beyond tie point 
consistent witi tieir interests under free competition, tieir 
profits will rise, because, witi an unchanged quantity of capital, 
wages and rents calculated in money or goods musr neces- 
sarily fall. 

But, at tie same time, tie annual pyoduct would, up to 
a certain point, increase — a fact wiici may appear to confiict 
witi tie general principle tiat free competition brings about tie 
maximum return from production. 

If, however, we regard capital, as we siould do, genetically 
(i.e. as tie total of a number of years’ accumulation of labour 
and land) tien it is clear tiat, in this ease, there has actually 
been an increase in tie volume of social capital — tiat is, an 
accumulation of real capital — at tie expense of labourers and 
landowners, who do not receive its fruits unless, by co-operation, 
they succeed in obtaining better conditions in tie future, by 
profit sharing, and so on. A somewhat similar phenomenon 
may occur as a result of tie operations of entrepreneurs in 
tie money and credit markets — ^as we shall see in tie next 

But tie assumption underlying tie principle outlined above 
was tiat all tie factors of production had a given and constant 
magnitude and, to this extent, it holds good, even though it 
may be difficult — ^if not impossible — ^to define this concept of 
social capital witi absolute precision, as a definite quantity. 
In reality, it is rather a complex of quantities. 

We have now completed the foundation of our static theory 
of capital. The complications which we must still take into 
account in passing from abstract theory to the concrete 
phenomena of reality are not questions of principle, and present 
only difficulties of detail in mathematical treatment. The most 
important among them is that, on the one hand, labour and land 
of different years are incorporated in one and the same capital- 
good ; and, on the other, that a capital-good is not, as we have 
hitherto assumed, consumed in one year’s (direct) production, 


but often serves for many, sometimes for a long succession 
of years — so tliat the productive forces embodied in that good 
only come into employment successively. What exactly is 
consumed in each particular year cannot, as a rule, be 
determined. But even in this case, the law of marginal 
productivity must be fully satisfied in equilibrium, for otherwise 
it would undoubtedly be profitable, at some point in production, 
to transfer resources, either by simultaneously decreasing — or 
increasing — ^the factors employed at some other point in the 
period of production, or by increasing or (hminishing the value 
of the capital-good. For example, suppose that a machine has 
been constructed in the course of three years and is afterwards 
used for twelve years before it becomes necessary to scrap it. 
If, in the construction of the machine, an additional quantity 
of labour, say one day’s labour, had been added in the jBrst year 
of production, then the utility of the machine might possibly 
have been increased by, let us say, the value of three consecutive 
days’ work during the last year of its use. This day’s labour 
would yield an interest of about 8 per cent ; for (1*08)^^ = 3 

This rate of interest must agree with the rate prevailing 
elsewhere, for, if it were higher, it would be profitable (in future 
production) to employ more labour on this kind of machinery ; 
if it were lower it would be advantageous, in the future, to 
content oneself with machines of inferior quality and utility, 
which cost less in labour or land for their production. 

It is, of course, another matter that some forms of capital 
(such as houses, railways, certain forms of improvements of 
land, etc.) normally last so long that the quantitative and 
qualitative adjustments, theoretically necessary for attaining 
equilibrium, become impossible in practice. Unless we wish 
to extend our observations over periods of time in which centuries 
are mere episodes, we must content ourselves with noting that 
there is always a tendency, perhaps very incompletely realized, 
working in the direction indicated above. Of especial importance 
is the reservation regarding periods of great industrial 
development, m which equilibrium is usually conspicuous by 
its absence. We shall consider certain questions of this kind in 
greater detail in a later section. 



Note on Bohm^BawerFs Theory of Intered 

What has been said above modifies and completes Bohni' 
Bawerk’s theory — a theory which has been the object of more 
or less acute criticism by numerous economists. The great 
majority of the objections raised are, in my opinion, based entirely 
upon misunderstanding or on an inadequate* appreciation of his 
reasoning. But some, or rather one, of them does not entirely 
lack justification, although, as far as I can see, it by no means 
destroys the foundations of his theory. I shall, therefore, give 
a brief resume and criticism of Bohm-Bawerk’s theory of interest 
as he presented it.^ 

The first part of his main work, GescMckte und Kritih der 
Kafitalzins — Theorien (Capital and Interest), I must omit. In my 
opinion, Bohm-Bawerk was entirely successful in showing how 
untenable are all the earlier attempts at explanation which 
emphasize inadequately, or not at all, the importance of the 
time-element in the phenomena of production and value.® With 
earlier writers, such as von Thtinen, Senior, and others, who 
really do consider this element, it seems to me that Bohm-Bawerk*s 
criticism is carried much too far and is sometimes merely hair- 
splitting. In particular, I agree with Cassel ® (wMle profoundly 
disagreeing with his general opinion of Bohm-Bawerk) that he 
scarcely did full justice to Ricardo. However fragmentary 
Ricardo’s theory of interest may be, it appears to be quite correct 
so far as it goes. Among other things, it contains, in a somewhat 
different form, one of the comer stones of Bohm-Bawerk’s own 
theory. The passage in Ricardo tp which I refer is to be found 
in chapter i, part v, of his Principles^ Ricardo there raises the 
question why the employment of labour-saving machinery is 
always more profitable with high than with low wages, although 
at first sight it might appear as if machinery, being itseK a product 
of labour, would rise in price with a rise in wages. With great 
acumen Ricardo stows that this cannot be the case : the price 
of machinery includes interest as well wages, and if wages as 
a whole have risen, then, other things being equal, interest must 
fall. (The purchaser who uses the machinery must, for the same 
reason, reckon a lower interest on the purchase price of the 

1 I have treated this subject in greater detail in an essay in EJconomuh 
Tidsknft, 13 (1911), p. 39 et aeq, [Cf. also vol. 16 (1914), p. 322 ci aeg,] 

* Before Bohm-Bawerk wrote, Professor Davidson had, in his eaxly 
valuable essay on “ De Ekonomiska lagama for Kapitalbildxmgen ” (“ The 
Economic Laws of Capital Accumulation”), subjected the so-called “u^ 
theory ” of Hermann to a criticism, which though brief, essentially corresponds 
with that of Bohm-Bawerk, whose fundamental ideas he often anticipates. 

* Nature and NeceaaUy of InUrest, 1908. 


macMnery.) Tiiis is fundamentally the same reasoning as that 
with which Bohm-Bawerk proves (as we have done above) that 
a rise in wages must lead to a lengthening of the period of 
production or of capital investment. 

It also follows from what has been said, that a rise in wages 
may lead to increased use of machinery for another reason: 
machinery is used as a means of replacing labour by land, if rent 
has not risen to the same extent as wages. 

The second part of Bohm-Bawerk’s work, his Positive Theorie 
ies Kapitah, will always retain, its place as one of the finest 
achievements of economic theory; but even there he did not 
succeed in unifying his theory completely. It seems to rest on 
two (or even three) different and imperfectly co-ordinated 

Already in his Introduction we find the brilliant suggestion 
that we should regard the capitalistic process of production (“ the 
adoption of wisely-chosen round-about methods ’^) as the 
prirmry concept and capital itself as the secondary — the complex 
of intermediate products emerging at the various stages of the 
round-about process of production taking time This idea, 
which renders all further discussion of the nature and content 
of the capital concept unnecessary, is subsequently developed 
in the masterly book ii, “ On the role of capital in production 
and on the accumulation of capital.” The theory is only finally 
completed, however, in the chapters on the origin of interest and 
the height of the rate of interest — ^particularly in the second 
section of the latter chapter, on the determination of the rate 
of interest on the market. In these, for the first time in the 
literature of economics, a proper account is given of the relation 
between wages and interest and, to that extent, a solution is 
advanced to the problem of distribution under free competition, 
albeit on greatly simplified assumptions and with the deliberate 
exclusion of land as a factor of production. ‘ These parts of his 
work may be read by themselves, and constitute a complete 
whole of the very greatest scientific importance and value. And 
yet, here also, Bohm-Bawerk was not entirely consistent, for in 
his account of the quantitative factors determining interest he 
reverts, probably for reasons of exposition, to the earher Jevonian 
conception of capital as a subsistence furid, a sum of (potential) 
wages ; so that capital again becomes the primary, and the 
capitalistic process of production the derivative, concept. 

4th edition) ; Book iy, ohs. 2 and 3 {3rd and 


The long section of the hook which lies between these two 
portions is of an essentially diSerent character ; and it is this 
section which has received by far the most attention from his 
critics. After an eshanstrve accotmt — excellent for the purpose 
— of modern theories of value and prices (in their Anstrian 
form) he proceeds (imder the heading “ Present and Jutnre in 
Bconomic Life ”) to his well-known theory of interest in its 
widest sense. He here puts forward the doctrine that interest 
is originally an exchange phenomenon {and thns no longer 
exclusively the resnlt of production and distribution) — is the agio 
which arises in the exchange of present against future goods. This 
treatment may be justified, in so far as interest is undoubtedly 
a broader concept than productive capital itself. It can arise 
in a mere exchange of present against future goods or services 
without any intervening production and thus without any real 
accumulation or employment of capital. But the proof is not 
quite convincing. In Bohm-Bawerk’s opinion, the difierenoe 
in value between present and future goods which comprises this 
agio, originates, like all other exchange values, in their difierent 
marginal utilities. But at an earlier stage, Bohm-Bawerk himself 
had defined marginal utility as “the significance of the least 
significant of the concrete needs or partial needs which are satisfied 
by the available supplies of the commodities of the kind in 
question ”, and we may add, in full agreement with the whole 
trend of his reasoning, “during a given consumption period.” 
But if we seek to apply this directly to present and future goods, 
the difficulty clearly arises that both the supply (of future goods) 
and the period of consumption are quite indeterminate. This 
difficulty is not overcome by comparmg, as Bohm-Bawerk some- 
times does, present and paM goods. In that case, of course, the 
supply of the latter is known (it is the quantity of available 
capital-goods), but the period of consumption remains in- 
determinate ; for it is far from true that all existing present 
and past goods are to be employed in the consumption of the 
current year. 

Bohm-Bawerk endeavours to circumvent this serious difficulty, 
for he clearly asserts that, in all possible cases or, at any rate, 
in the great majority (“ in ailer Regel ”) — ^the utility of present 
goods is greater ahscdvidy than that of future goods (and less 
than that of past goods) of the same kind and quantity ; from 
which it must follow that their marginal utihty, and consequently 
their value and price, must also be greater. But this position 
is evidently untenable. His argument is relatively most successful 


when applied to the seccmd of the three grounds cited as causing 
the superiority of present goods, namely the subjective nnder- 
valuation of future needs and the overvaluation of future resources 
—due to lack of imagination or weak will. This phenomenon 
is undoubtedly general, and so long as it exists it creates a 
(subjective) over-stress on present goods. But even the first 
of the main grounds — ^the existence of an, objectively, more 
abundant future satisfaction of needs — ^is evidently ^not general 
in its application. The circumstance adduced by Bohm-Bawerk 
that those who expect a less abundant satisfaction of their needs 
can always hoard existing commodities (especially the precious 
metals and other durable goods) cannot, in itself, be a guarantee 
of a positive rate of interest, but only implies that interest 
cannot fall lower in a negative direction than would correspond 
to the risks and costs associated with the storing of these 

Equally unsatisfactory is the treatment of the third main 
ground; the technical superiority of present goods — ^including 
present agents of production — over future goods. This part of 
Bohm-Bawerk’s exposition is, indeed, the one which is most 
open to criticism. Proceeding from his general theory of the 
profitability of round-about methods of production, he argues 
that a certain quantity of present factors of production — ^for 
example, a labour-month — ^must inevitably have a greater value 
than an equal amount which is available at a future date, say next 
year ; the former can be employed as a link in a longer process 
of production than the latter and must consequently be more 
frmtful, whatefoer foivt in the future is regarded as the final point 
of production. This is undoubtedly wrong, for the principle of the 
advantage of round-about methods of production by no means 
implies that the productive process might be successfully 
prolonged for an indefinite time. In order to avoid the absurd 
argument that, in such a case, all production might be infinitely 
prolonged, Bohm-Bawerk refers to the “ first and second main 
ground as bringing the “ economic centre of gravity ” to 
a nearer date ; but this is merely a last resort, not to be taken 
too seriously. What really limits the length of productive processes 
— ^as Bohm-Bawerk himself quite clearly points out later, in book 
iii, chapter 5 ^ — ^is not this, but simply the circumstance that 
a longer period of production, even if technically more productive, 
would yield to entrepreneurs (whether capitalists, labourers, or 
u third party), with the available supplies of labour and capital, 

[In later editions, bk. iv, ch. 3.] 


a smaller 'profit than the productive processes actually begun. 
This has already been shown in the foregoing. 

B6hm-Ba work’s real error — ^his cardinal error, as Bortkiewicz 
calls it — ^is that at this point in his exposition he seeks to solve 
the problem of the existence of interest — ^as distinct from its actual 
rate — ^without referring to the market for capital and labour. 
This error had already been pointed out by Walras and is, indeed, 
the only one of major importance which can be attributed to 

In a subsequent part of his work, Bohm-Bawerk himself 
completely rectified this error. It may therefore justly be said 
that the work contains, albeit in a somewhat imperfect form, 
the real and definitive theory of capital, whereas Walras and his 
successors (Pareto, Barone, and others) still continued to hold 
a theory of interest which contains both formal and material 
defects and which is seriously incomplete. Walras’ formula for 
interest, as may easily be seen (cf. the preface to the second and 
subsequent editions of his Elements d^economie politique pure) 
reduces itself, on the assumption of stationary conditions, simply 
to the equation E{i) = 0, in which F{i) is the amount of annual 
savings conceived as a function of the rate of interest i. In other 
words, it expresses the truism that, in the stationary state, the 
inducement to new savings must have ceased ; but it afiords 
no answer to the question why a given amoimt of existing social 
capital gives rise to a certain rate of interest, neither higher nor 
lower. The importance of the time-element in production was 
never properly appreciated by Walras and his school. The idea 
of a period of production or of capital-investment does not, as 
we have said, exist in the Walras-Pareto theory ; in it capital 
and interest rank equally with land and rent ,* in other words, 
it remains a theory of production under essentially non-capitalistic 
conditions, even though the existence of durable, but apparently 
indestructible instruments, is taken into account. In the same 
way, Barone, who, in the essays in the Giornale degU Economisti 
cited above, approached the views of Bohm-Bawerk, appears, 
from a later essay in the same journal, to have reverted to the 
earlier unsatisfactory point of view.* 

^ There is, however, no question of an error in Bohm-Bawcrk’s theory 
of capital, but in my opinion only of a lack of clearness in exposition, for 
which reason I do not tlnnk it necessary to examine his reply to Bortkiewicz, 
bo whose criticism as a whole I cannot subscribe. 

* [Cf. Wicksell’s article Zur Zinstheorie {Bdhm-Bawerks DrUter Qntnd) 
in Die Wirtachaftstheorie der 'herausgegehm von Hans Mayer, iii, 
199-209 (1928), The manuscript was copied and despatched soon aft^ the 
author’s death.] 


D. An Alternative Treatment of the Problems of Interest and 


The following method of considering interest is designed 
to bring out the importance of the time-element, which is the 
real kernel of the capital concept. 

Let us begin with the simplest conceivable case of the 
employment of capital; this undoubtedly occurs in that 
form of production where the original factors, land or labour 
(or both), are used only once, as it were in an indivisible moment 
of time, after which their fruits are spontaneously matured by 
free natural forces. A concrete example of this kind (at any rate 
approximately) is to be found in the laying down of wine for 
consumption — a copybook example rightly favoured by 
economists ; or alternatively in the planting of trees on barren 
land (where no question of rent need enter during the period 
of growth) and so on. In such cases, the function of capital 
is merely to preserve, for a longer or shorter period, the services 
of the labour and land in question ; or, where hired labour or 
land is used, to advance wages or rent for the corresponding 
period. If the total supply of labour and land is given, the 
length of time will thus be the only variable dinhension of capital. 
If, in such a simple case, we are able to deduce the general laws 
of capital and interest, this deduction may be regarded as an 
essential ingredient in the explanation of all the more complex 
phenomena of actual employment of capital. 

Let us imagine a country or district which, as far as its 
land, labour, and capital are concerned, is a closed economy 
and which by reason of the nature of the land and climatic 
conditions, produces only a single commodity— let us say 
a certain kind of wine — ^in exchange for which it obtains all 
other commodities from neighbouring countries or districts. 

Let us farther suppose the price of the matured wine to be 
determined in advance on the market in such a way that, within 
certain limits (not reached in practice) it increases continuously 
with the age of the wine. The annual vintage, say one million 
hectolitres, we regard as the product of land and labour only ; 
and for the sake of simpKcity we ignore the capital employed 
in the viniculture itself — ^though in practice this is very important. 
The price of the grape juice Yq (per hi.) may thus be entirely 



resolved into wages and rent. How it will be divided between 
theni (since we ignore tlie labour required in later stages) is 
a problen^ of exactly the same kind as we have considered 'in 
the previous section (ii, 1) and with which we need not further 
concern ourselves. We might even assume, without violence 
to the general applicability of our principle, that the whole 
value of the raw product consists of wages only, by assuming 
that the use of the land is free. 

The price Vq is still an unknown quantity and must be 
carefully distinguished from the price which the new wine 
would command if it were now offered for consumption. But 
we shall assume that the latter alternative is not in question, 
as it would be too uneconomical. Rather the whole vintage 
will be stored, either by the producers or by other entreprenem^, 
for a number of years — in order that it may be sold to greater 
advantage. How long it will be stored depends, as we shall soon 
see, exclusively upon the amount of the existing capital, which, 
on our assumption of a closed economy, can neither be increased 
by additions from outside nor diminished by export. The whole 
of the circulating capital of that society will consist of stored 
wine, though it can at any time be wholly or partially converted 
into money ; we still make no deiSnite assumption about the 
value of this capital in terms of money, but we assume that it 
just suffices for each year’s vintage to be stored for a particular 
period (say four years). 

In that case, a rule, the 4-year storage period must 
be the one which is the most profitable from the point of view 
of the individual vine growers. For if, at the current price of 
grape juice, or, in other words, at the current rate of wages (or 
wages and rent combined), a 5-year storage period would be 
more profitable (would yield a higher rate of interest) it would 
be preferred by some or all owners of the wine ; but since the 
total capital is not sufficient for that, the consequence would be 
that at subsequent harvests a smaller amount of money would 
be available for the purchase of grape juice, so that the price of 
grape juice, and consequently wages and rents, would fall. If, 
however, the price of the new wine was lower (as our arithmetical 
example below will show) it can easily be proved that a shorter 
storage period would be more profitable than the one which 
had previously yielded the best return. 



Again, if the price of new wine (on the home market) were 
so low that a storage period of only three years was the most 
profitable from the individnal point of view, then, on our 
assumption, there would now be an excess of capital, so that 
more than the sum previously available each year from sales 
would be devoted to the purchase of new wine. The price of 
new wine would thus rise, and the storage period most profitable 
from the individual point of view would become longer. 
Equilibrium therefore requires an equal storage period for all 
— and a period of such length that the whole of the capital in 
existence finds employment in the only productive use which 
is open to it on our assumption — ^the storing of wine. All this 
is true as a general rule. We shall later consider a not unimportant 
exception (though it is more apparent than real). 

We now further assume that the price of the matured wine, 
which is definitely fixed in the world market, is such that, when 
sold for consumption abroad, 3-year wine commands a wholesale 
price of 90^. per hi., 4-year wine IOO 5 ., and 5-year wine IIO 5 . 

We have now all the data which are necessary to determine 
(approximately) the unknowns of the problem, which are : — 

(1) The equilibrium rate of interest in the community. 

(2) The price of grape juice, or what comes to the same 
thing, the sum of wages plus rent (the division between these 
two, as we have said, being each determined by the law of 
marginal productivity in the non-capitahstic production of 
new wine, which we have postulated), 

(3) The amount of capital in the community, reckoned in 
terms of money. 

First of all, it is evident that the equilibrium rate of interest 
must be greater than 10 per cent, since 6-year storing would 
otherwise be at least as profitable as , 4-year — ^if not more so ; 
for the conversion of 4-year wine, with a selling value of lOO*'., 
into 5-year, with a selling value of 110a., would yield interest 
at exactly 10 per cent per annum. 

In the same way, the prevailing rate must necessarily be 
less than 11 per cent (or to be exact, less than 11-11 per cent), 
for it would otherwise be equally profitable, or more profitable, 
to sell out the wine after three years ; for the mayirmiTY^ rate 
which can be obtained by leaving the wine for another year is 



about 11 per cent on its price at that time of 9ft?. (it® price 
after four years being 100^.). The actual rate of interest must, 
therefore, lie between these two limits — say at 10| per cent ; 
for a more exact determination we should have to know the 
selling value of the wine when it was between three and four and 
between four and five years old. 

The rate of interest being known, it is easy to solve the 
rest of the problem. It is clear, for example, that the price of 
the 3-year wine in transactions between holders themselves (which 
we may call Fg) must be such that, when capitalized for one 
year at the current rate, it equals the selling price of the 4-year 
wine. In other words, we obtain the following equation : — 

Fg = (M05)’i X 100s. (per hi.). 

This price, which we may call the capital value of the 
3-year wine, is, as calculation shows, a little more than the 
905. which the wine would have fetched if sold for consumption, 
which agrees with the fact that, in those circumstances, such 
a sale would not be profitable. In the same way, the capital value 
of the 2-year wine must be (I-IOS)”*^ X IOO 5 ., and that of 
1-year wine (1*105)“*® X IOO 5 ., and, ^ally, the O-year wine 
or new wine in the home market must fetch an amount 
represented by the equation : — 

Fo = (1*105)-^ X 100 = 675. (per hi.) 

This will therefore be the sum paid out in wages (and rent) 
for the production of 1 hi. of new wine. The total wages and 
rent per annum will consequently be 67,000,0005. 

Apart from the supply of cash to effect transactions and 
certain other requisites, the circulating capital of the community 
— ^as we have already said — consists entirely of the stored wine 
of four successive vintages. Consequently, its money value at 
the beginning of each year of account, when the mature wine 
has been sold, or exchanged for commodities from abroad, and 
a new vintage has just been laid down is : — 

= [(1*105)"*^ -f {1-my^ + (1*105)“® + (1*105)“1] 

X 100 million shillings, or, what amoxmts to the same thing : — 

67 miffion shillings x [1 + 1-105 -f (1-105)® + (1-105)®] = 
67 — ~ million shillings = 314 million shillings. 



At tlie end of a year of acconat, shortly before the next sale, 
the whole stock of wine has become a year older. Its value 
has thus increased to 

{1-105)5 -1-105 

8i ^ — = 347 million shiliings. 


The diSerence between th^e amounts, 33 million shiliings, is the 
lemoneration of capital for the year, and may clearly be regarded 
either as four years’ interest on the purchase price of new wine, i.e. 

67 [(1-105)^ - 1] = 100 - 67 = 33 milHon shillings, 

or as one year’s interest on the whole of the capital existing 
at the beginning of the year, i.e. 

314 X 10|^% = 33 approximately. 

Now if, by continued saving, the capital of the community 
is increased so that it just suffices for 5-year storing, then (with 
the same reservations which we shall discuss in detail later) 
this storage period must necessarily be the most profitable 
from the individual point of view. In order to calculate the 
approximate rate of interest under such conditions we must also 
know the selling price of 6-year wine, which we will assume to 
be 120«. per LI. in equilibrium the rate of interest must then 

be less than 10 per cent, but more than (about 9 per cent). 

We wili assume it to be exactly per cent. The price of new 
wine must consequently be Fo = 110 x (i-095)~5 =69*88 or 
70^. nearly. Thus wages and rent will now amount to nearly 
70 million shillings. The remuneration of capital will thus be just 
over 40 million shillings per annum and the commiinity’s total 
capital at the beginning of each year of account : — 

This considerable increase in capital has thus somewhat 
increased wages plus rent, whilst at the same time lowering 
the rate of interest. Nevertheless, the share of capital in the 
annual product has increased^ since 40 : 70 > 33 : 67 — relation 
which, with a continued increase of capital, must finally be 
reversed, so that the relative, and ultimately the absolute, share 


of capital in the product will be deareasei when capital has 
increased sufficiently. 

The rate of interest here appears clearly in its simplest 
form as the marginal 'productmty of waiting By prolonging 
the period of storage (i.e. the period of production or capital 
investment, which here coincide) by one year — ^from four to 
five years — ^the annual product has been increased from 100 to 
110 million shillings, or 10 per cent ; if it were prolonged yet 
another year it would increase from 110 to 120 milli on shillings, 
or about 9 per cent. Between these two Kes the real rate of 
interest for exactly five years’ storage. 

On the other hand, we find from this reasoning that von 
Thiinen’s doctrine of the determination of the rate of interest by 
the yield of the last portion of capital applied, gives, when taken 
with reference to the whole capital of the community — ^reckoned 
in money (or consumption goods) — ^too low a value. Capital was 
increased by 422 — 314 = 108 miUion shillings and gave rise 
to an increased annual yield of 10 million shillings, which, on 
that basis of calculation, would correspond to a rate of not quite 
per cent. A further increase of capital, bringing the period 
of production up to six years, would in the nature of things 
produce a still smaller increase in the relative yield ; and between 
these two lies the yield of the last portion of capital when the 
period of production is exactly five years. Thus it is in any case 
l^s than 9|r per cent, on which basis we have calculated the money 
value of capital. This relation appears to be general, and the 
difference may be of any magnitude whatever. 

In the example here selected it may, of course, easily happen 
that the capital of the community may become too great for 
4--year storage and yet not great enough for 5-year. In that 
case, wages (the price of new wine) wiU simply rise until 4-year 
and 5-year storing are equally profitable, and capital is 
distributed between them. But it might also happen that one or 
more vintages (e.g. 5- or 6-year wine), although more valuable 
than new’er wine, may fetch a market price relatively so low that 
it does not pay to sell for consumption wines of these ages. 
As capital increases, the storage period will then rise in 
discontinuous jumps from four to seven years. This is the 
exception to the rule, which we have already mentioned. 

In fact, such cases are not infrequent. In the same industry 


(it happens in shoe manufacture in Sweden) there may exist 
side by side two or more methods of manufacture, perhaps 
requiring entirely different amounts of capital and with different 
pr^uction periods (e.g. hand-made and machine-made shoes). 
Only in proportion as capital (and with it wages) increases will 
long-period capital investment finally supplant short-period 
investment (except possibly for certain specialities). 

We refer the reader to the following pages for a more exact 
deduction of the above principles, as weU as for a treatment 
of the more general case in which the application of labour and 
land is not (as we have here assumed) simultaneous, but made 
at different times. 

In an algebraical treatment it is simplest to start with 
a coTdinuom production and sale ; that is, the production of so 
many hectolitres of grape juice per day and the sale of an equal 
amount of matured wine every day, on the assumption that these 
two operations are separated in time by a period of i (years). 

If we again represent the price of one hectolitre of grape juice 
as Fo and the price of the mature wine, treated as a function of 
its age, as TFf or TF (as distinct from Yt by which, as before, we 
represent the capital value in the home market of wine t years 
old), we shall clearly have 

i^=/{o = n(i+*)', 

in which i is the rate of interest ; or, as it is more convenient 
to write it 

W = Y^ept (i) 

in which e { = 2*718) is the base of natural logarithms and p the 
rate of interest at a moment of time (Yerzinsungsenergie). The 
individual capitalist cultivator has now, with a given value of 
Fo, to maximize i or, what comes to the same thmg, p. This 
requires that 


p-w ( 2 ) 

where Tf ' represents the first derivative of TF with respect to 
t. This is Jevons’ well-known formula for interest : “ the rate 
of increase of the produce divided by the whole produce.” 

The further condition for a maximization of p can be 
written : — 

IF, W' 

W\ TF" 




where W is the second derivative of If with respect to L This 
may also be written : — 

If ' : If > If ^ ; If', 

and it is consequently always satisfied if If increases less than 
geometrically when t increases arithmetically ; this must always 
be the case in the long run, since the contrary assumption would 
lead to absurd consequences, though it need not, of course, hold 
for every value of L 

By the ehmination of p between (1) and (2), we obtain the 
value of t which maximizes p for the given value F©. If, instead, 
we had assumed the value of p to be known, then the sarn^ 
formulae would have given the value of t which maximizes Fq, 
i.e. the storage period which the cultivators themselves would 
adopt, if they could borrow money at the rate of interest p for 
their current expenses. 

Let us now assume that the capital of the community is just 
sufficient for a storage period of t jea.Ts — i being assumed to be 
known. The equations then give us the values of Fq and p, 
which correspond, when the community is in equihbrium, to 
wages (or wages plus rent) and the rate of interest . 

If the grape harvest comes in once a year and if Fq is the 
total value of this annual harvest, If^ having a corresponding 
significance, then the money value of the social capital wiH 
clearly be : — 

Fo.^(i+*r=-- - - - 

a- an 0 

On the other hand, with production, storage and sale, all going 
on continuously, the result wiH be : — 

If the social capital is exactly equal to this there will be 
equilibrium. If it is greater or less, the equilibrium will be 
disturbed ; the value of F^ will rise or fall and the storage period 
most advantageous from the individual point of view will be 
altered,' until a new equilibrium is reached. It is clear that, with 
an increase in K, there must be an increase in Fo> in i, and in 
IT, but a fall in p. By logarithmic diSerentiation of (I) and 
applying (2) we obtain ; — 



= — thp = — 





( 5 ) 


and since the determinant in the last expression is assumed 
to he negative SFo and will clearly have the same sign, while 
SFq and Sp, as well as ht and Sp, will have opposite signs. That 
ZK and hi must have the same signs, is inherent in the nature 
of the case, but can easily be directly proved. By diferentiating 
(4) With the help of (5) we obtain : — 

hK = P ~ Po(l + 

Since, in accordance with the above, p^ is always negative and 
1F= > Vq(1 + coefficient of St clearly >0 so 

long as IF increases with t 

In the same way we obtain ; — 

Now since dp : dK is always negative and K is always > 
(from (4) since the function under the integral sign is always 
> 1 so long as /} > 0), clearly dW : dK is always less than p. 
This proves that the above-mentioned theorem of von Thiinen 
is not coraect, if by “the last portion of capital” is meant an 
increase in the social capital. The divergence may in point of 
fact be of any magnitude whatever, since K — V^t, and 
also dp : dK may have any values whatever. 

If we desire to represent these conclusions graphically. 
It IS simplest to take the natural logarithm of the productivity 
fimction, y = = loge (IF<) as the ordinate of a curve whose 

a^iBsa is the time t. Similarly we take Wg, i.e. the fixed price 
OT new wine on the world market (as distinct from the variable 
Kj) as a unit for measuring Wf, so that log If o = 0. 

The curve must then pass through the origm. 



If logj (F(,) is called y^, then for any value of t, p=z so 

tKat p becomes the trigonometric tangent of tbe angle of inclination 
of a straight line connecting the point on the ^-axis with 
the corresponding point on the curve y s= = log^ {W^ 
and p will be. a maximum when this line becomes a tmymi to the 
curve. In accordance with what has been said, the curve must be 
roughly parabolic — ^i.e. it must be concave to the i-axis, since 
a rise in y^ and t always leads to a fall in p. If, in exceptional 
cases, the curve should at some point bend downwards, then 
this point will be bridged over by a double tangent to the curve ; 
capital will be divided between two equally profitable periods 
of investnient (or production) and di&rent in length ; while 
p and Vq remain unchanged until the community’s capital 
increases to such an extent that it more than suffices for the 
whole of investment to be made for a period ig, after which Vq 
will again begin to rise and p to fall. 

We may consider briefly the somewhat commoner case in 
which labour and land are still employed, once and for aU, in 
what is practically an indivisible moment of time, but when 
they are employed at difEerent points of time, during the period 
before the completion of the commodity ; as for example it would 
happen if the grapes themselves were a spontaneous gift of nature, 
for which no appreciable wages, though some rent, need be paid, 
and the actual labour is employed in the making of the wine at 
a later time not definitely predetermined. In an individual firm, the 
value W of the finished product available during a given unit of 
time (say one year) would clearly be a function of the quantities 
of labour and land employed (a and. 6) and also of the periods of 
time {t and r) for which each was invested in production : — 

W =f(a, 6 , t, t ). 

Out of this value W must be paid wages, rent, and accumulated 
interest. If I represents wages and r rent we thus obtain : — 

W ^f{a, 6, t, t) = a.l.eP^ + b.r.ef^ (1) 

where e and p have the same significance as before. If p is to 
be maximized, we can difierentiate partially (1) keeping p 
constant. By partial differentiation of (1) we then obtain : — 

ft, = rep^ ( 3 ) 

/* = paleP^ W 

fr = pbreP^ (5) 


From these five equations the unknowns a, h, t, r, and p can 
generally be determined. From (2) and (3) we readily obtain : — 

®/a + ¥b =/( ) = W. 

This equation, however, is an identity so long as TF =/( ) 
is a homogeneous and linear function in a and b and is thus of the 

form b.F(^y ty ; in other words, if large and small-scale production 

(at any rate after a productive capacity, which is not too great, 
has been reached) are equally profitable.^ In that case the number 
of independent equations is reduced to four, but we can still 
determine t, r, and p as well as the ratios between a and b since 
(1), when divided by b, gives ; — 

( ct \ a 

t, Tj -leP* + reP'f'. 

If the whole production of the community is of one and 
the same kind we may, on the above assumption, simply replace 
a and b by the total annual services of labour and land (A and 
B). These, however, are to be regarded as given and constant ; 
but the above five equations (1) . . . (5) can, after this 
substitution, serve for the determination of I and r (as well as 
t, T, and p). Since, however, only four of them are independent, 
a further equation is required, which may be obtained either by 
supposing t or r (or some particular relation between them) to be 
given, or else by some supposition as to the money value of the 
social capital, which in this case will be equal to the sum of 
t years’ wages and r years’ rent plus interest accruing at the 
rate of p (or i). 

From (4) and (6) we clearly obtain, by addition. 

P = 

ft +/t 
/( )’ 

which corresponds with the above-mentioned formula of Jevons 
and, on special assumptions, coincides with it.^ 

In the same way it is easy to see the significance of equations 
(2) and (3). The partial derivatives with respect to a and b (or 
A and B) no longer correspond (as in the case of non-capitalistic 
production) to the actual wages and rent paid, but rather to 
the amount which labourers and landowners would receive, if 

^ rWicksell’s notes indicate an intention to re-write this passage.] 

It does so if ly =:/( ) is a function of only (as well as of a and 
6) and if t and r should happen to be equal. 


they could wait until their product was finished ; which must 
otherwise be discounted at the rate p for the period t or r. 

At this point we cannot enter into a detailed discussion of 
these formulae. We have already remarked that an increase in 
capital need not in this case necessarily lead to an increase in 
both wages and rent ; one may sometimes remain stationary, 
or even decline, whilst the other correspondingly increases when 
capital is increased, and vice versa. On the other hand, it appears 
inconceivable a priori that an increase of capital could, ceteris 
paribus^ coincide with a decrease of both wages and rent — ^though 
the question should perhaps be further investigated. 

We must now try to solve the problem of production and 
distribution in the general case, where the original factors are 
employed not merely at one or more discreet points of time, but 
are distributed over the whole period of production. This 
distribution — ^which varies within very wide limits — ^is only 
partly determined by the technique of the difEerent industries — 
and is actually modified in the effort to maximke profit. 

It is evident that the solution would be impossible, even 
from a purely mathematical point of view, if it necessitated 
a precise treatment of the production and distribution of the 
community as a whole. But the only questions of practical 
importance which economists have to answer relate rather to 
the recurrent, relatively small, changes in a scheme of production, 
the elements of which are known from experience ; and of 
foreseeing the probable effects of such changes on production and 
distribution, within the community. (Even the revolution which 
would follow the introduction of the socialist state would 
probably only be relevant to the question of the ownership 
of the means of production, with which we are hot concerned 
here ; it might affect the technico-economic side of production 
and distribution to a much smaller degree.) ^ 

Even with this reservation, the problem must probably 
be regarded as incapable of solution at present — chiefly owing 
to the lack of reliable industrial statistics. On the other hand, 
the mathematical aspect should not present any insurmountable 
difficulties once the principle is established. 

The problem is considerably simplified if the period of 
production, or the rate of interest, or both, are so small that we 

^ [A pencil mark against the last lines indicates that this observation 
is made with reservations.] 


can use simple interest without risk of serious error (as Bohm- 
Bawerk does in his illustrations). In such circumstances the 
average investment-period of both labour- and land-capital will 
be indefendent of the rate of interest and will simply be equal 
to the (weighted) arithmetic mean of the individual periods 
of investment. We may then regard the productivity function 
/{ ) as merely a function of these two average investment- 
periods t and T (as well as of a and h or A and B) and everything 
can be reduced to the simple formula on p. 181, in which the 
exponential functions on the right-hand side of the equation are 
replaced by the expressions 1 + i.t and 1 + 

This is not without practical importance, since in a more or less 
stationary society — as we shall proceed to show — one can 
completely ignore the longer periods of investment ; for capital- 
goods already- in existence (such as houses, railways, etc.) will 
stand in a similar relation to circulating capital , and labour 
as land itself. The investment period of circulating capital, 
therefore, is reduced to a few years, and it will thus be sufficient 
to employ simple interest in its capitalization. The line of 
demarcation between fixed and - circulating capital must, of 
course, be drawn more or less arbitrarily, but in such questions 
we can never achieve more than approximately valid conclusions. 

It should perhaps be pointed out here that the assumption 
that the average period of investment is independent of the rate 
of interest (i.e. of simple interest) only applies, strictly speaking, 
where several different capital investments relate to one and the 
same future act of consumption (as in Bohm-Bawerk’s example). 
In the opposite case, where one (or more) factors of production 
are invested in a single capital-good or durable consumption-good, 
it may easily be seen that the average investment-period will 
be dependent on the rate of interest, even with simple 

On the whole, the theory of the coincidence of the rate of 
interest and the “ maiginal productivity of waiting ” is only 
applicable as an exact mathematical formula on certain abstract 
assumptions. This is quite natural, for waiting on the part of 
society as a whole — and frequently also on the part of the 
individual— is not a simple quantity, but is, as we have just 
pointed out, a complex; ‘‘average waiting as a rule exists 
only as a mathematical concept, without direct physical or 
psychic significance. But it should, nevertheless, be retained 
as a concise general principle, reflecting the essence of productive 



E. Controversies Concerning the Theory of CapituL 

Before proceeding, we may turn to consider, in tlie light of 
the theory we have now developed, some of the controversies 
concerning capital which have for a long time past engaged, and 
are still engaging, the attention of economists. If we succeed 
in throwing new and clearer light on these questions, this will 
be the best proof that the new theory really makes some scientific 
progress. In this case — as in so many others — a closer examination 
will show that the difficulty is, to a large extent, purely formal, 
and is due only to an imperfect formulation of the point at issue. 

(1) This is probably true of most questions concerning the 
content of the capital concept itself, and especially of the 
question whether or not land should be included under the 
designation of capital. There is no doubt that we can give to 
the word capital a meaning wide enough to include land also. 
Here, as in practically all economic definitions, we are concerned 
with a more or less conscious extension of a concept whose 
meaning was originally more restricted. Such an extension 
can be taken as far as we like in view of the question in hand 
— ^nothing in principle need be excluded. If we contrast capital 
(as being equivalent to material means of production) with labour, 
then of course it also includes land. One might, though the 
practice is unusual, go further and, with Walras and Pareto, 
consider man himself (human sMU and ability) as capital. The 
latter concept will then be equivalent to the sources of productive 
power in general, or, from another point of view, to the concept 
of a source of income, of any kmd, in contrast with income itself. 
There is nothing to prevent us from speaking of capital in the 
wider sense ’’ as well as of capital in the narrower sense 
so long as no misconception arises. We believe, however, that 
we have already given good reasons for the tripartite division 
of the factors of production into land, labour, and capital, which 
is commonest among economists. The almost complete analogy 
between land and labour, from an economic point of view — 
which has so long been overlooked by economic science — appears 
very clearly from the modem theory of marginal productivity ; 
in contrast with these two original, current, present or direct 
productive forces, capital appears as a combination of accumulated 
labour and land. 



It is admittedly difficult to determiae where the line is to 
be drawn between capital and non-capital, indirect and direct 
productive forces. The human labour employed on land, and the 
resources ofthe land accumulated from earlier ages and employed 
for the same purpose (e.g. the work of beasts of burden in 
improving the land ; manure ; timber for roads ; agricultural 
and other buildings, etc.) are undoubtedly to be regarded as 
capital, when the measures and expenditures in question are 
taken in order to yield interest at a future date — ^as in the case 
of all other capital. Such improvements to the land often leave 
a permanent residual benefit. This happens, for example, in the 
case of major blasting operations to secure water in mountain 
regions, the building of roads, protective afforestation, etc. 
These new qualities which, once acquired, the land retains for 
all posterity, cannot of course be distinguished either physically 
or economically from the original powers of the soil ; in the 
future they are to be regarded not as capital, but as lard. Very 
much the same applies, moreover, to human skill : a manufacturer 
who enlists skilled foreign labour in order to introduce a new 
industry into the country makes a capital investment which 
may perhaps repay him to the full in a few years. But the 
skill in this industry, which perpetuates itself within the country, 
will be a future asset for labour and not for capital. 

It may be further pointed out that nearly all long-term 
capital investments, nearly all so-caUed fixed capital (houses, 
buildings, durable machinery, etc.) are, economically speaking, 
on the border line between capital in the strict sense and land. 
We have already said that the operation of the laws of capital 
depends upon the assumption of a constant adjustment of 
concrete capital goods in an endless repetition of the same 
process of investment and production. But this is only of practical 
importance in capital investments of relatively short duration. 

If, therefore, our analysis is only applicable within a fairly 
short period, then, strictly speaking, only short period capital- 
goods (in other words, circulating capital) can be regarded as 
capital proper. The volume of fixed capital, on the other hand, 
can, in the long run, be increased by the conversion of circulating 
into fixed capital — ^in so far as this is generally profitable — but 
it cannot be appreciably diminished — ^the reverse operation 
being usually impossible. Hence it is, in most respects, on the 



same level as the michanging original productive factors, labour 
and land. This circumstance is sometimes in evidence during 
booms, when large quantities of circulating capital are converted 
into fixed capital, and it is not possible to replace the former 
quickly enough. In the subsequent depression the conditions 
are usually reversed : there is plenty of circulating capital, 
but it is no longer profitable to convert it into fixed capital. 

(2) Similarly, the question of the inclusion of necessities 
of life for the labourers within productive capital is — ^at least in 
part — of merely formal importance. They have long been 
considered as a part of circulating capital ; while Jevons 
considered that, fundamentally, all capital — especially in its 
original free form — consisted of the means of subsistence. In 
apparent opposition stands Bohm-Bawerk, who would entirely 
exclude such commodities from productive or social capital ; for, 
in his view, the latter consists rather of the sum of the 
intermediaie products appearing in the course of production and 
right up to the final stages — ^whereas the labourers’ means of 
subsistence are finished products and direct objects of 
consumption. It might be thought that this almost direct 
contradiction indicated a deep-seated difference in the capital 
concepts of the two writers. Yet they are fundamentally in 
agreement and both may be described as thorough-going 
representatives of the modem theory of capital. The whole 
controversy is, in reality, merely formal ; if we regard the 
selling process as a stage in production, the finished products 
may also be regarded as intermediate products, in the technical 
sense, until they pass into the hands of the consumer. Since, 
in our day, almost all labour — at any rate in industry — ^is hired 
labour, the means of subsistence, in proportion as they are 
consumed by the labourers (in other words real wages) may be 
regarded as the price of the labour which the capitalist acquires 
in their stead, and which he adds to his stock of capital-goods, 
in the form of saved-up labour of one kind or another. The cases 
in which the labourers themselves are entrepreneurs may be 
regarded in a similar way — ^the labourer’s wages being considered 
as a quantity of goods equal to that which he would obtain 
in the market if he hired out his labour. If we look at the 
problem in this way, there is no real difference between the views 
of Jevons and Bohm-Bawerk. 


The fact that Jevons’ definition of capital is too narrow, 
since he proposes to reduce it merely to labour and its means 
of subsistence, is quite another matter. In so doing, he takes 
account of only one part — ^though usually the larger part — of 
capital ; whereas in reality another part, and certainly a very 
important part, consists not of saved-up labour but of saved-up 
land — ^not of wages advanced but of rent advanced. But this 
part — ^which cannot be physically separated from the other — 
permits, as we have seen, of exactly the same treatment. 

Hence, when Bohm-Bawerk observes, in support of his case, 
that if labour’s means of subsistence are reckoned as capital 
the consumption-goods of landowners and capitalists must also 
be so reckoned, the first part of this observation (concerning 
landowners) is undoubtedly true. The capitalists’ means of 
subsistence evidently constitute a part, not of capital, but of 
the interest on capital. Nor are they advanced — ^for who could 
advance to the capitalist ? On the contrary, they are obtained 
subsequently, when the production of commodities, with the help 
of capital, is concluded,^ 

(3) Of more real substance is the dispute, which still 
continues, whether capital is really the source of wages or whether 
the source is not rather to be found in the annual product — 
in the results of production. The former is the classical view, 
to which Bohm-Bawerk subscribes, and, in reality, also Jevons 
— ^although he appears to be in opposition to it. The latter 
view has been zealously advocated by Socialist writers — ^also 
by the Americap, F, A. Walker and, ^ven more pointedly, by 
his fellow-countryman, Henry George. Among noted European 
economists, Charles Gide tends more or less to this point of view. 
Those who hold it point to the obvious fact that finished products 
are consumed by the workers, and by everybody else, in 
proportion to their production, and that there exists beforehand 
no fixed and insuperable barrier between those which are 
consumed by the labourers (and therefore should, in accordance 

^ When, in the third edition of his Positive Theorie de$ Kapitals, p. 632, 
Bolm-Bawerk asserts, and even expressly emphasizes the fact that the 
capitalist also obtains his income in advance, I cannot understand his reasoning. 

If this happened, it would indicate,’ in my opinion, that the capitalists con- 
sumed part of their capital — which Bdhm-Bawerk certainly cannot have 
meant. His further simile of inducluon currents is much too vague to support 
his argument in any way. 


with the classical theory, be regarded as capital) and those 
which are consumed by the other classes of society. 

The foregoing observations concerning this keenly-contested 
dispute should show that the truth is not to be found entirely 
on either side, though it is nearer to the classical view. In so far 
as the product of labour is consumed directly, no capital is 
required for the payment of labour — ^and this is largely true 
of labour even in the most capitalistic societies, especially of all 
personal services and of labour engaged in the final phase of 
actual production — e.g. of the baker, and still more of the 
shopkeeper who sells his bread. Wages may be said to arise 
here by a simple, though indirect, exchange of the commodities 
consumed by the worker for the product of his work, which 
is more or less simultaneously consumed by the employer or his 
customers. Indirectly, it is true, these lalx)urers benefit by the 
existence of capital, for when the marginal productivity of labour 
is raised, as happens almost invariably with the advent of 
capital, this applies, owing to the operation of competition, 
to all work performed — even to that for which wages need not 
be advanced by capital for any appreciable period of time. 
There is, however, no division of the product between labourer 
and capitalist — ^i.e. the owner of the circulating capital from 
which wages are paid — ^but the labourer enjoys his product 
undiminished. Or, if it be preferred, he has to share it only 
with the landowner and the owner of fixed capital. (The baking 
of bread requires, inter alia, an overL ; the sale of bread, 
a specially equipped shop, and so on.) It is, of comrse, not always 
so easy to determine the value of a piece of work which is the 
last of a long series in production ; we igust have recourse to 
the same criterion which has guided us throughout, namely 
marginal productivity. By the exercise of greater care in the 
baking of bread — for example, by the employment of one more 
labourer in the bakery in question — the daily selling value of 
the product may, ceteris faribus, be increased by, let us say, 
five shillings. After maldng deductions for increased wear and 
tear of implements and machinery, cost of increased space, etc., 
this will constitute the marginal productivity of the labour 
concerned and will determine, in equilibrium, the wages of this 
labour — ^and of aU labour of a similar kind. 

In most phases of production, however, there is a longer 



or shorter interval between the employment of labour and the 
final production of an article for sale. Since the labourer does 
not usually wait for his wages for the whole of this period, 
but more usually obtains them soon after he has performed his 
work, it must be evident that he does not obtain them from the 
'produd of his labour, either directly or by the exchange of the 
product for other products. Strictly speaking, moreover, the 
time must be reckoned from the performance of the labour to 
the moment when a finished product, ready for consumption, 
is brought into being. If, for example, a labourer is employed 
in the manufacture of a harvesting machine, the product of his 
labour is not really finished when the machine is ready for sale, 
but only when the crop harvested with the help of the machine 
has been sold and converted into bread. And it should also be 
remembered that the same machine will be used for several 
harvests and consequently for several years’ baking. Some other 
person or persons must thus advance the wages — ^and this, as 
the above example shows, for a much longer time than is generally 
supposed. It should also be observed that the advancing may, 
in the interval, be transferred from one capitalist to another, 
as when the harvesting machine leaves the possession of the 
manufacturer and passes into the hands of the agricultural 
capitalist. That wages (real wages) are paid in products more or 
less simultaneously produced si^iifies nothing from an economic 
point of view. The modern labourer has, as a rule, nothing to 
do with manufacturing these products ; they are the final result 
of a series of processes whose various phases of labour have, 
as a rule, been paid for. The fruits of these productive processes 
belong— with a right which may be disputed by other labourers, 
but not specially by the labourer at present engaged — ^to the 
capitalist entrepreneur, and may be employed as he chooses, 
either for new production — ^in which case he maintains, or even 
increases, his capital — or for his own consumption^ If this 
consumption, either of his own products or of products obtained 
in exchange, is direct, then, of course, the labourers (i.e. those 
seeking work in the market this year) will be deprived in 
a corresponding degree of an opportunity for consumption. 
If it is indirect — ^by exchange for a new, directly consumable 
service of labour, e.g. personal services— the labourer will, it is 
true, still receive his wages, and it may accordingly appear 


indifferent to tdm whether capital is accumulated and maintained 
or not — ^provided that there are sufficient products in the market 
to pay his wages. But this is a great mistake and to act upon 
it would be fatal. For if capital is not maintained by renewal, 
then, as it is consumed, the longer processes, which are 
characteristic of the present technique of production, must be 
curtailed or interrupted one by one ; thus the whole of production, 
including the marginal productivity of labour and wages, would 
return to the small dimensions of primitive times. Or, more 
correctly, the working population — ^which could not possibly 
support itself in its present numbers, if we returned to primitive 
conditions — ^would, for the greater part, starve to death. 

We do not wish to deny that consumers as such can, to some 
extent, influence rates of wages by a suitable selection of articles 
of consumption. This appears from what has already been said, 
as well as from what follows. But their power in this direction 
is certainly more strictly limited than is commonly supposed. 
Broadly speaking, even if not in detail, we must recognize the 
truth of Mill’s well-known principle that demand for commodities 
is not the same as demand for labour — ^unless it results in the 
accumulation of new capital. 

In conclusion, it may be observed that what has been said 
concerning the relation of labour to capital applies in exactly 
the same way to land. Rent also is advanced by the capitalist 
(who may often be the landowner hi mself) in so far as the final 
product — ^the product ready for comumjition — ^is brought into 
being at a later date than that of the use of the land — as is 
usually the case. This is evident from what has been said, 
but it is almost always overlooked in economic reasoning — 
an error which has contributed in no small degree to a lack 
of clearness as to the place of the factors, especially that of 
capital, in production. 

Such an oversight may easily lead to paradoxical results — 
as in the following example, which, for the sake of simplicity, 
has been based upon Ricardo’s theory of rent and capital.^ 

^ The result will, however, be the same if we assume with Bohm-Bawerk 
that production takes several years and is continuously progressive. If we 
conceive this production as divided into annual parts, stepwise, it will easily 
be seen that capital need only amount to a half of the total sum paid out in 
wages during the whole penod of production. 


A capital of 1, 000,000a. gives employment in one-year 
production to 1,000 labourers on land for wbicb no rent need yet 
be paid. Wages would thus be 1,000a., and if the returns per 
labourer are 1,100a. there remains interest for the capitalists 
at a rate of 10 per cent per annum. Assume now, however, that 
the number of labourers is increased — capital remaining unchanged 
— ^to 1,111 men. Wages consequently fall to about 900a. — 
whereupon one-tenth of the old capital employed on the land 
becomes superduous and must seek investment on new land. 
But there only remains (we assume) “ worse land ”, from which 
the yield per labourer is only 900a. We should then obtain 
the remarkable result that interest, despite reduced wages, 
would fall to zerOi not only on the worse land, but all along the 
line, in consequence of the competition of capitalists. The whole 
of the gain would accrue to the owners of the better land, which 
would now receive the diderence in the yield between the better 
and the worse land 200a. per labourer, or 200,000a. in all. 

If, however, we consider that rent is also advanced from 
capital, the result will be quite different. Wages and rent together 
will then correspond to the existing capital, or 1,000,000a., 
and since the value of the whole return is 1,100,000 + (111 X 900), 
or 1,200,000a., interest will really have risen to nearly 20 per 
cent. Rent will continue, in this case also, to be the difference 
between the returns from the better and the worse land, but 
discounted by one year's interest (i.e. 200 1*2 = 167) for the 

area employing one man ; wages, however, will fall to about 
750a. Of course, this example is too simple to have any 
counterpart in reality and is only intended to emphasise the 
principle set forth above. 

On the other hand, Bohm-Bawerk is probably mistaken in 
the assertion which he makes in the third edition ^ in reply to an 
objection of mine, that the advance of rent from capital tends 
to raise interest — the sense that interest would be lower if 
land were obtained gratis. The exact opposite would happen. 
Both rent and wages — or their equivalents in land and labour 
— constitute a part of the productive capital on which interest 
is paid from the surplus yielded by production. If it were at all 
conceivable that all land were free, then all capital would be paid 
out in wages and they would thus rise. If in the process there 
were no change in the period of production, the surplus product, 
and consequently the rate of interest, would be exactly the same 
as before. In reality, however, a lengthening of the period of 

1 See Positive Theorie des p. 630, note 2. 



production would prove economically profitable, and such, a 
lengthening would, according to Bohm-Bawerk’s own argument, 
lead to a larger surplus product and a higher rate of interest. 
If, on the other hand, the landowners did not receive their rent 
in advance, but only when production was completed, the rate 
of interest would certainly fall, but such a change in the rent 
demanded would be equivalent to new capital accumulation 
by the landowners, concerning which we refer the reader to 
the conclusion of the next section, IV, and especially to 
p. 213 et seq, 

(4) Our present analysis may also serve to guide us to 
a true view of the famous wage-fund theory — once so highly 
esteemed, later denied even by its former advocates, then 
interred but not yet quite defunct. We have already indicated 
that we cannot, strictly speaking, refer to a fund for wages 
alone, but only to a wage-and-rent fund. Capital in its free 
form is employed to advance both wages and rent ; how much 
fails to wages and how much to rent depends upon the 
circumstances which determine the present marginal productivities 
of labour and land — ^which, in equilibrium, correspond to wages 
and rent and therefore absorb without any residue, the capital 
which is for the moment /ree — ^i.e. the wage -fund. But does such 
a fund really exist ? That it does not exist in reality, as a fixed 
and unchanging quantity, follows from the fact that capital 
in ail its parts may either increase or decrease, to a larger or 
smaller degree, at any given moment. This, however, has not 
escaped the defenders of the wage-fund theory. If we imagine 
a society under more or less stationary conditions, in which 
a given capital in the possession of the propertied classes is 
employed year after year without appreciable increase or 
decrease, then each year about an equal part of that capital 
will be set free. That part (together with the consumable direct 
products of labour and land) constitutes the whole production 
of finished commodities and services of the year. When the 
capitalist class has taken the surplim, corresponding to interest 
on its capita], it must, in order to maintain its capital, re- 
invest the remainder — ^which it does by hiring labour and 
land for new production. This part, therefore, is what might 
be called the annual wage-fund (more correctly, wage-and- 
rent fund). 



But there cau be no doubt that little is gained in the 
explanation of economic phenomena bj the introduction of this 
term ; and the simple process by which it was attempted to 
determine wages (dividing the wage-fund by the number of 
workers) was certainly too elementary. In the first place, as 
we have said, the « proportion in which the common fund is 
divided into remunerations for the services of labour and land 
is by no means given and determined a priori ; and, moreover, 
with a change in the amount of capital, the wage-fund may 
undergo considerable changes, in so far as the average period of 
turrmer of capital is lengthened or shortened. As we have 
already shown, there would inevitably be a shortening if by 
reason of a diminished supply of labour (due perhaps to 
emigration on a large scale) wages rose, other things remaining 
the same. In other words, a reduction in the divisor would 
itself bring about a reduction in the dividend, though not quite 
in the same proportion. But, on the other hand, a reduction 
in the number of labourers would increase the distributive 
share of labour, not only at the expense of the capitalists, but 
also — ^perhaps to a greater extent — at the expense of the 
landowners. Hence the advice which the advocates of the 
wage-fund theory gave to the labourers, namely to limit the 
supply of laboox in the market in their own interests, was in 
itself, good advice, even though based upon inadequate 

It would also be possible to regard all capital, as Bohm- 
Bawerk does, as wage-fund. But this amounts to the same 
thing ; for in any case it is only the part annually set free which 
can purchase labour (or land). 

The real error in the classical wage-fund theory was, as 
Bohm-Bawerk pointed out, that it frequently identified the 
wage-fund with capital as a whole, although it conceived the 
wage-fund to be invested for only one year. A very striking 
example of this is Senior’s “ last hour ”, immortalized by Karl 
Marx.^ Senior thought he could prove that a shortening of 
working hours per day by about one-eleventh would reduce the 
profits of capital from 10 per cent to nothing. He based this 
conclusion on the absurd assumption that all capital, including 
that invested in factories and machmery, has a one-year turnover, 

^ Das Kapitaly i. Third edition, p. 206 et seq. 



wMcli did not prevent Mm from calciilating, in addition^ annual 
depreciation for wear and tear on buildings and macKinery. 
If we caicnlate correctly, with tbe figures advanced by Senior, 
we shall obtain for fixed capital a period of turnover of about 
8 years (sixteen depreciation allowances) and, for capital as a 
whole, 7 years. Ceteris panbus, a reduction in^the hours of labour 
would certainly reduce the profits of capital, but only from 10 to 
about 8 per cent, and with somewhat greater intensity of work 
not even by so much as this. 

It is curious that Marx Mmself does not seem to have observed 
the yawning gap in Senior’s argument, to which he devotes 
a prolix refutation. Or perhaps he hesitated to point out an 
omission the revelation of which would inevitably have exposed 
the weakness of his own “ exploitation theory 

Another criticism which has been made against the wage-fund 
theory is that it is correct only on the assumption that the 
labourers take their wages in kind at the same time as they render 
their services. If, on the other hand, they wish to take their 
wages partly or wholly in capital ” — ^in other words, to wait 
for their wages until their own product is ready for market — 
then wages may, within the limits of what is produced, rise to 
any height whatever and be independent of the size of the 
wage-fund or capital. This is of course quite correct, but it is 
scarcely a proper objection to the wage-fund theory, except in 
its most rigid form ; for, by such a procedure, the workers would 
themselves become capitalists and would build up capital, so 
that the fruits of their labour wMch were not exchanged for 
products, i.e. for a part of the existing capital, would constitute 
a real addition to it. 

This method of paying wages is the essence of the profit- 
sharing system, and if it has occasionally had beneficial results 
this may perhaps be most simply explained by the fact that the 
system stimulates the workers to accumulate capital, whose future 
fruits are usually sweet, even if its roots in the present are 

Later on, we shall discuss the accumulation of capital — 
wMch is an important element in the theory of capital. But we 
will first return to the theory of exchange and see how tMs 
appears when it is linked up as it ought to be with the theory 
of production outlined above. 



3. The InterdependeTice of Prcduction and Eo^chaTige, The Theory 
of Exchange Value in its Final Form 

Hitlierto we Lave been reasoning on the assumption that 
production is carried on at given prices for all products. We must 
now drop tMs assumption and approach the real world — ^in which 
production and exchange mutually affect each other. Whilst 
we thus obtain a more complete theory of distribution, modified 
in some respects from that set out above, we shall also have an 
opportxmity of resuming and completing our discussion of the 
theory of exchange value, which we were compelled to interrupt 
at the point at which its dependence upon, and connection with, 
the theory of production and distribution became clear. We 
shall, however, restrict our observations to the problem of the 
production and exchange of only two articles ; the argument 
is much facilitated by such a simplification and there is no 
theoretical difficulty m subsequently extending it to all the 
infinitely varied products which are actually exchanged. In spite 
of this simplification, however, the problem resolves itself into 
two essentially different questions, which are best surveyed and 
treated separately. On the one hand, we may assume that the 
two articles exchanged are produced in different coimtries or 
districts, between which there is no transfer of labour or capital, 
so that all the resources available in each community are engaged 
in the production of one article. On the other hand, we may 
aasume that the production of both articles takes place in a closed 
economy in such a way that land, labour, and capital can be 
transferred from one industry to the other. The former case is 
typical of what is usually called in economics the theory of 
international trade and international values ; the latter of the 
theory of internal exchange under free competition, ’it is 
unnecessary to add that neither of these abstract assumptions 
corresponds to the phenomena of the real world. Perfect 
mobility of labour and capital within one coimtry is just as 
improbable as is the complete absence of such mobility between 

Let us first assume that each coimtry, owing to natural 
conditions, is compelled to produce one commodity only. It is 
then clear that under free competition every producer will 
endeavour with the available means to obtain the maximum 


net profit, whicLi, in eqniHbriiim, must cause tlie whole production 
of the country to reach its maximum. It is true that we have 
only proved this on the assumption of production without 
capital, but it will easily be seen that its essence remains 
unchanged, like the objection of Ricardo, which it was our purpose 
to refute, even if the argument is apphed to capitaKstio 
production.^ What has been said will by no means apply if 
production and exchange are effected co-operatively, or if the 
producers are otherwise associated in trusts or cartels ; the 
country would then have to be regarded more or less as 
a monopolist with respect to the commodity in the production 
of which it has greater natural advantages than other countries. 
Production would therefore be carried on with reference to the 
most advantageous monopoly price ; a contraction of production 
might be to the advantage of the country even if all the available 
factors of production were not employed. If each of the two 
countries monopolizes the production of one commodity, 
then pricing is theoretically indeterminate ; we have in fact 
reverted to isolated exchange, with the further complication 
that not even the quantities available are given beforehand, 
since they are the objects of production. If there is free 
competition, then, in accordance with the law of production 
and exchange, each country will produce as much as possible 
of its own commodity and exchange will be effected at the price 
which will normally equate supply and demand. It might well 
be that a restriction of the production of one commodity would, 
if simuUaneomly undertaken by all, be to the advantage of all 
producers of this commodity ^ ; but restriction by an individual 
producer must, ceteris faribus, do him harm, since his supply 
does not appreciably affect prices. This would also be the case 
if the country manufactured several commodities, whose relative 
exchange values must be taken as given for the individual 

We have, therefore, simply to combine the foregoing laws 
of production for a single commodity (or for several commodities 
whose relative prices are given) and the laws of market value 
of a given stock of goods. The former determines the quantity 
of goods which accrues to each individual in each country in the 

^ [A mark against this passage in the author^s copy of the second edition 
indicates that he wished to reca^ it.] 

* Honrs of labour may be influenced by the possibility of exchange. 


form of wages, rent, or interest ; the latter then determines 
the quantities of goods which will be mutually exchanged, and 
the relation between them — ^which constitutes international 
exchange value. The theory of international trade — or, more 
correctly, the abstraction so called — ^is therefore much simpler 
in principle than the problem of exchange in the internal market, 
in which the free transfer of the factors of production from 
one commodity to another must be presupposed. That the 
earlier economists thought otherwise was due to their erroneous 
idea that cosls of production, which were assumed to regulate 
exchange value in the home market, could be determined on 
grounds independent of exchange value itself. 

If I, r, and i represent the rate of wages, rent, and interest 
in one country, and A, B, and 0 the available quantities of 
labour, land, and capital, then A A, B.r, and C.i are the total 
quantities of wages, rent, and interest in the country, expressed 
(like capital itself) in terms of the one commodity produced in the 
country (or in one of them if there are several). Personal 
distribution will depend on the labour performed, or upon the 
land or capital owned by each individual. In the other country, 
the annual supply of the product of each person will be determined 
in the same way, and since the personal dispositions of all the 
individuals as regards consumption must be taken as given, we 
thus possess all the necessary determining factors for establishing 
the price and the quantities exchanged. 

A close comparison between the above theory and Mill’s 
treatment of the theory of international trade ^ is of great interest 
and afords, at the same time, a striking proof of the need for 
a more carefully-developed theory. In the first two editions of 
the Pfinctples, as in an earlier treatise on the same subject, Mill 
set up a theory which, so far as it goes, fully accords with the 
assumptions made above. The various factors of production 
cannot, on these assumptions, pass from one process of produc- 
tion to another ; and consequently, says Mill, the necessary 
pre 2 ?equisite for determining the relative prices of goods by their 
relative costs of production is absent and we must fall back on 
the more general law of supply and demand. If there is 
equilibrium between supply and demand under such conditions 
that the supply of each commodity always increases when its 
price rises (and vi-ce versa) then equilibrium will be stable. A relative 
increase in the price of one commodity would lead to an increased 
^ J. S. Mill, Principles, book iii, chap* xviii. 


supply but, on tbe other hand, to a decreased demand ^ for it ; 
a lower price would similarly lead to diminished supply and 
increased demand, so that, in both cases, prices would tend to 
revert to the original level. So far so good. But in this connection. 
Mill considered the case m which an increase in the relative price 
of one commodity {A), and consequently a decrease in the relative 
price of the other commodity (B), does indeed lead holders of 
(A) to increase their demand for (B), but at the same time it 
causes them to decrease their offers of (A) because their need 
for (R) now rapidly approaches satiation ; thus equilibrium 
between marginal utilities is achieved before the offers of (A) 
have reached the same level as before. One of his critics, 
W. Thornton (who by his later criticism induced Mill to abandon, 
somewhat too hastily, his wage-fund theory), pointed out that, 
under such circumstances, equilibrium between supply and 
demand would, even when other things were equal, be possible 
at more than one price. If, at first, 17 units of (R) exchange for 
10 units of (A), but the price of (R) happens to fall, so that 18 units 
of (R) must be given in exchange for 10 units of (A), then, on 
Mill’s assumption, it might happen that holders of (A) would 
reduce their offers of (A), though at the same time holders of 
(R) would certainly diminish their demand for (A) ; and it is 
quite conceivable that equilibrium between demand for and supply 
of (A ) — and eo ipso of (R) — would also occur at this new price. 
To us there is nothing remarkable in this. The case considered 
by Mill is, in fact, exactly the same as the one we have considered 
above, in which the supply and demand curves intersect when 
the former begins to fall ; and we know that when this happens 
it is quite possible that the curves will intersect at more than one 
point. Mill, however, without further examination, derived from 
Thornton’s remark the unfortunate conclusion that equilibrium 
between supply and demand would occur under such circumstances 
at any price — ^which can only be so in quite exceptional cases. 
In other words, he assumed that the problem is essentially 
indeterminate, so that more than the above dcUa would be required 
to determine international exchange values. 

He therefore undertook to complete his theory in this 
direction, but without success. It has justly been remarked 
that the latter part of Mill’s chapter “ On International Values ”, 
which he added to the third and subsequent editions of his 
Principles, really contains only a repetition, in a new form, of 

^ Strictly speaking, this applies only if the two commodities cannot 
substitute each other in consumption. 


Tirhat lie had alreadj said elsewhere. Besides reciprocal demand, 
there :s, :n his opinion, another relevant factor — the means of 
satisfying ihzs dewjivd, set free in each country by the re-onentation 
of its .ndnstry. Y?liat he really adds, however, is only a particular 
arbitrary assumption as to the relation between the price of 
a cominodity and its supply and demand. He assumes that the 
supply of each commodity is entirely independent of its price 
and that demand is in inverse proportion to the price of the 
commodity ; as though each economy first satisfied its need for 
the commodity which it manufactured itself and then disposed 
of the surplus at any pHce 

Graphically represented, this would mean that the supply 
curve of each commodity would he a line parallel to the price 
asis and the demand curve a rectangular hyperbola. On this 
assumption, it is clear that the two curves can only intersect 
at one point and that the price equilibrium is stable. But in 
that case we should find no expression for the fact that a rising 
price of either commodity might lead its owners to reduce, instead 
of increasing, their supply. In reality. Mill neglects the whole 
of this question, which was, after all, the very startmg-point 
of his investigation, and begins instead to inquire which of the 
two countries would profit most by a change in price caused by 
different conditions of production for one of the commodities. 
But in this way he finds no use for the new determining factor 
which he wishes to introduce, and he is finally forced to the 
almost pathetic confession that “the new element, which for 
the sake of scientific correctness we have introduced into the 
theory of international values, does not seem to make any very 
material difference in the practical result But, as we have 
said, he has not really introduced any new element at, all ; not 
only the practical results of his inquiry, but the theoretical 
results too, are entirely unchanged. 

On our assumptions of free competition and immobility of 
the factors of production there are, indeed, no determinants of 
price except equilibrium between supply and demand. This is 
su:Scient for a theoretical solution of the problem, although the 
possibility of several solutions, usually only a finite number, is not 

Somewhat more complicated, at least at fiorat sight, is the 
other problem, of ascertaining the relation between production 
and exchange in the “ home market i.e. on the assumption 
that the available factors may be freely transferred from the 
production of one commodity to that of the other. And yet 


the main lines of the solution are simple enough even herCj 
although — ^as the history of the science shows — ^they are nor 
so easy to discover. If we suppose, for a moment, that a given 
proportion of the available labour, land, and capital — ^i.e., in 
the last resort, given quantities of original factors of different 
years — ^is always used in the production of the one commodity 
and the remainder in the production of the other commodity, 
then the problem of equilibrium price and the quantities 
exchanged would be exactly the same as in the preceding case. 
In other words, for every such hypothetical distribution of 
factors of production we should have one or more possible 
solutions. Now, in this case, the distribution of the factors is 
precisely one of the quantities required for the solution of the 
problem, though we find instead three new conditions, or logical 
relations, which must be satisfied : namely, the requirement 
that rent and interest shall be the same in both branches of 
production, which cannot be assumed where two countries are 
concerned.^ Every conceivable distribution of the factors 
gives rise, in each branch of production, to certain rates of 
interest, wages, and rent — expressed, in the first instance, in 
terms of one of the goods produced but also expressible in terms 
of the other since there is an exchange relation between the 
commodities, which follows from the same assumption ; it is 
clear, therefore, that the problem is completely determi n ate 
by the equation of these three quantities individually. It should 
be capable of mathematical solution as soon as all the other data 
(the total productivity of land, labour, and capital, their 
distribution among individuals, and personal preferences in 
consumption) are exactly known. In reality, this problem of 
equilibrium may also be solved by trial and error ; so long as 
wages, rent, and interest are greater in one branch of production 
than in the other, labour, land, and capital will flow into the 
channel where they reap the higher reward and there will be 
a simultaneous adjustment of relative exchange values, so that 
equilibrium will finally be achieved as far as is generally possible. 

In order to avoid any misconception, one more observation 
should be made. The fact that the form of capital may change, 

^ In the article “ Handel ”, in Schonberg^s Handbuch (cf. Ehowymiaha 
SamhdUslivet, ii, p. 478), W. Lexis has been gtdlty of a serious omission in 
relation to tMs point, winch makes his argument deceptive. 


that labour-capital (i.e. saved-up labour) may be, to a certain 
extent, replaced by land-capital (i.e. saved-up natural resources) 
and, vice versa, that capital investments (or capital-goods) of 
shorter duration mav be exchanged for those of longer duration 
— ^these do not introduce any element of indeterminateness 
into the problem ; for, in each particular branch of production, 
they are all governed by the general economic principle which 
we have already developed in the treatment of production. 
It may well be questioned what importance we are to attach 
to the ciaim that, under stationary conditions, the amount of 
capital must remain constant from year to year. But here we 
must distinguish two different tilings. In equilibrium, the capital 
employed in production has already assumed a certain technical 
dimension and composition, as well as a certain exchange value 
(expressed in terms of one of the commodities). It can now be 
asserted that, so long as capital of this magnitude and 
composition, or even of this exchange value, is mamtained and 
utilized from year to year, equilibrium cannot be disturbed if, 
from the beginning, the other conditions of stability are fulfilled. 
But it would clearly be meaningless — if not altogether 
inconceivable — ^to maintain that the amount of capital is already 
fixed before equilibrium between production and consumption 
has been achieved. Whether expressed in terms of one or the 
other, a change in the relative exchange value of two commodities 
would give rise to a change in the value of capital, unless its 
component parts simultaneously underwent a more or less 
considerable change. But even if we conceive capital genetically, 
as being a certain quantity of labour and land accumulated in 
different years, a change in the value of commodities would also 
alter the conditions of their production and thus necessitate 
a larger or smaller change in the composition of capital. 

This indeterminateness — which was inherent in our first 
main example,^ and even in the pure problem of production — 
is, of course, primarily due to the fact that capital, unlike labour 
and land, is not an original factor of production which can 
exist (even hypothetically) independently of, or antecedently to, 
production. Its origin and maintenance inevitably presuppose 
that production is taking place. But it also has another, more 
deep-seated, cause. In reality, the amount of capital is not 
^ That of International Trade. 


determined by physical conditions, but by the equilibrium 
between psychical forces which, on the one hand, drive ns to 
save and accmnnlate capital and, on the other, to consume 
already existing capital. In other words, the accumulation of 
capital is itself, even under stationary conditions, a necessary 
element in the problem of production and exchange. We have 
now reached a point in our exposition at which this new factor 
forces itself upon our attention. We shall, therefore, consider 
this subject in our next chapter — ^though the laws of capital 
formation have been too little studied for a treatment of the 
subject in its entirety to be of much real use. 

We consider the total amount of a commodity produced 
as a function (homogeneous and linear) of all the quantities 
of labour and land employed (i.e. annually consumed) both current 
and saved up. We then obtain for one commodity 

jP = <I>{Aq, Ai, A^ • • * Bq, B^ . . . ) 

in which Aq and Bq indicate current services of labour and land, 
A I and Bj services one year old, etc. The partial derivatives 
of this function with respect to each of the quantities included 
gives us the wage (Q, and ‘the rent per unit of land (r), payable in 
this industry, expressed in units of the product, and also the 
marginal productivities of all the constituents of capital. From 
these we can deduce the rate of interest which is payable (i). 
With the relation which must exist in equilibrium between the 
yields of capital-goods of different duration and between the 
yield of land-capital and of labour-capital, we are now in a position 
to express all the above quantities m terms of three of them 
(e.g. Aq, Bi, and A^). In the same way, we obtain for the other 
commodity : — 

P^^^A\,A\,A\ . . . B\,B\,B\ . . . ), 

from which we can determine the values of F, and for this 
industry, and being expressed in units of the second 
commodity ; and can similarly express all the quantities included 
in terms of three only — A^q, B\, A\. 

The number of unknowns is thus reduced to six only. To 
determine them we have the following additional relations. 
In the first place, under stationary conditions, the sum total of 
the quantities of labour annually consumed — current or saved up 
— ^must be equal to the supply of labour annually available in the 
coimtry ; and the same applies to the land which is employed 



eithei in iis original or capitalized form. If the country has at 
Its disposal A units of labour and B acres of land, we therefore 
obtain : — 

Ao - A, 4- A2 -r . . -4 A\ -f Ai\ “r • - • = A 


= B. 

By iTLttTis of the other data we can also express the exchange 
Talue of the two commodities as a function of the above quantities 
and therefore dually in terms of our six unknowns. If we represent 
this exchange value (e g. the price of the latter commodity, 
expressed :n terms of the former) by p, and if wages and rent 
are identical in both industries, then : — 

I = p and T = p.rh 

The rate of interest must also be the same in both ; thus i == 

We have thus obtained five independent relations, but we 
still require a sixth. This can be obtained from our assumption 
concerning the amount of capital. The quantities A^, Aq . . . 
Bj, B2 . . ., etc., are only those parts of capital which are annually 
consumed. Corresponding to them, under stationary conditions, 
there must exist other parts of the total social capital, whose 
amounts can be exactly determined. There must be one more 
element corresponding to A 2, ttvo more elements corresponding 
to A3, three to A4, etc., and similarly as regards Bg, B^, etc. 
(cf. Fig. 12). In equilibrium, the composition of the sum total 
of capital is thus definitely fixed. AH its parts can be expressed 
separately either in the fimt three or m the last three of our six 
unknowns. If, for example, we now wish to impose the condition 
that m equilibrium the sum total of capital shall have a certain 
exchange valiie, measured m terms of one of the products, we need 
only calculate the exchange values of all parts and add them. 
These exchange values are (in accordance with the above) the 
original exchange values of the portions of capital concerned, 
plus accumulated interest. Thus, for example, the present portion 
of capital indicated by A3 has the exchange value A3.Z.(i + if, 
ihe two identical portions also represented quantitatively by 
A3, since they represent equal quantities of saved-up labour, 
have, on the other hand, the values A3,l.(l+^f and 
A3.L{l+^), respectively. The portion of capital repre- 
sented by B3 has the exchange value jB3.Z^.n.(l + = 
B^.l,(l -j~ iff etc. 

If these values are summed and are put equal to a certain 
given quantity — ^the total exchange value of the capital employed 


in the two industries together^ expressed in terms of tlie first 
commodity, we shall then obtain the necessary sixth relation, 
and the problem will at last be completely determinate. 

If it were permissible to calculate with simple interest, the 
problem would be simplified in so far as the accumulation of 
capital through time need not be taken into consideration — 
though its distribution as labour-capital and land-capital, advanced 
wages and advanced rent, must ; we should then only have to 
deal with the average period of investment. 

It may perhaps be asked whether, in a case such as this 
(in which both commodities are manufactured in the same 
country), more than one relative equilibrium price is possible. 
This is quite conceivable if — as is usually the case — wages, 
rent, and interest enter into the manufacture of the two 
commodities in different proportions. If the prevailing equilibrium 
persists, and a higher relative price is paid for one commodity, 
then, obviously, that factor (or factors) which enters into the 
production of the commodity in relatively large amounts is 
favoured at the expense of the others. 

As will easily be seen, there is no difficulty in extending 
the above reasoning to any number of commodities. Under the 
designation of commodity we may also include the factors of 
production themselves when they are directly employed by their 
owners. We can therefore abandon the simplifying assumption 
hitherto made — viz. that all factors of production on the market 
are available in given determinate quantities, which are offered 
in their totality by their owners, irrespective of the price they 
will fetch. This is very important, especially for labour, for we 
can now consider the case m which the hours of labour are 
variable and determined by the workers themselves, on the 
basis of the equality of the indirect marginal utility of work 
and the direct marginal utility of leisure. 

Just as exchange and exchange value thus assume their 
final form by their connection with production, so, of course, 
exchange for its part considerably modifies the production and 
distribution of the product. Each producer — ^labourer, landlord, 
and capitalist — ^receives a substantial increase in utility from 
the possibility of exchanging the commodities, in the production 
of which he participates, for others (production in the modem 
sense would indeed be inconceivable without this possibility, 


for nowadays production is carried on almost solely for exchange). 
And further, the relative distribution of the product between 
the three classes of producers becomes quite different, when 
there is a possibility of exchange with other districts or countries. 
A well-known example of this is the fall in rents, to the 
advantage of the landless classes, which has occurred in parts 
of Europe, as a result of the importation of foodstuffs from extra- 
European countries. Another is the more doubtful, but perhaps 
equally real, case in which the workers, or the great masses of 
the population in the latter countries, have suffered from the 
supply of cheap manufactured goods from Europe, to the 
advantage of the landowners.^ 

^ See my Finanziheoreiische. UnterawchungeTif pp. 63 ff. (Jena, 1896). 



Bibliography. — The literature on this subject is very meagre. 
Among earlier writers there is virtually only H von Mangoldt 
(Volhswirtschcifislelire), and among recent writers, Bohm-Bawerk 
{Positive Theorie des Kapitals)^ who have devoted detailed 
attention to the accumidation of capital, Karl Marx, Das 
Kapital, voL i, section 7, Der Akkumulationsprocess des Kapitalsj 
also deserves attention, despite his bias and exaggeration. 
Compare also Wagner, Grundlegung, part ii, vol. hi. In 
Schonberg’s Handbtcch the whole theory of the accumulation 
of capital is despatched in a single page, and in Conrad s 
Handworterbiich der Stcmtsmssenschaften in a single column. 
Gassers The Nature and Necessity of Interest contains a note- 
worthy attempt to carry discussion on some points further 
than had previously been done. The best material for an 
examination of the problem is probably to be found in the 
statistics of banks, and especially savings banks, as well 
as in statistics of capital wealth, though the latter are 
unfortunately extremely sparse and rudimentary. 

So far, our discussion has been based on the assumption 
that productive capital, like the two other factors, is constant. 

. In reality, however, capital is not, like land — ^and, for shorter 
periods, labour — ^physically limited. It can be increased at any 
moment by saving ; it can be reduced by unproductive 
consumption. Neither is the supply of capital renewed in the 
same way as the supply of labour, by the work of nature — 
although it is natural to accumulate capital at certain periods 
of life (particularly middle age) and to consume it at others 
(early youth and old age). A rational theory of saving is thus 
necessary before we can clearly understand the conditions of 
a stationary society, with a constant supply of capital ; and still 
more, of course, before we can understand and foresee the gradual 
changes in the amount of social capital. 

Unfortunately, such a theory has not been worked out, and 
tl^,; phenomena which it should explain depend on a number 



of motiTes — partlj selfisi, partly altruistic, but in any case very 
complex. People save for themselves, but also for their successors. 
Some 060010 often save merely for the pleasure of saving. 
Exceptional people may save and accumulate capital simply 
because they cannot help themselves — e.g. certain multi- 
millionaires whose capacity for consumption even the ingenuity 
of the luxiury industries cannot stimulate. Large families 
encourage thrift, because a source of income, say a landed estate, 
which has hitherto supported the family, may now be inadequate 
for that purpose. But, at the same time, a large family frequently 
constitutes an insuperable obstacle to saving, since every available 
source of income is urgently and immediately needed. On the 
other hand, If the capital in an indivuduars possession is already 
so great that only a small portion of its yield is required for the 
maintenance and expenses of the family, then it will grow of 
itself — at least at present rates of interest — at such a pace that 
even great fecundity in the family cannot keep pace with it. 
The ever-growing wealth of certain multi-millionaires is therefore, 
from a social point of view, a not inconsiderable danger to society. 

Among the many influences affecting the accumulation of 
capital, the rate of interest is undoubtedly one — although even 
its influence is uncertain and ambiguous. Theoretically, the 
individual should always carry his accumulation of capital (or it 
may be his consumption of capital) to the point at which the 
present and future marginal utflities of the goods saved is equal. 
By sacrificing one shilling this year he can, for example, count 
upon obtaining two shillings in ten or fifteen years. The question 
then becomes whether, at that Ume, two shillings will have more 
or less subjective value for him than one shilling now. The 
answer to this question naturally depends on a number of 
circumstances over which he himseK can exercise some influence 
— such as the savings which he is likely to make during the 
immediate feriod. Here the rate of interest has a two-fold 
influence ; a high rate increases the yield of present saving and 
consequently its future marginal utility, i.e. the future utility 
of the last unit of capital now saved ^ ; but, on the other hand, 

^ Cassel IS not quite correct when he says : “ A man who attaches the 
same importance to future needs as to present ones, if he expects to be able 
to provide lor his needs in the future just as easily as he does now, has no 
reason for setting aside anything of his present income ” (op cit., p. 141). 
This argument actually presupposes the absence of any rate of interest. 


at a given rate of saving, it makes provision for the future 
more ample and thus reduces the marginal utility of future goods 
for that individual. The latter tendency may even outweigh 
the former, so that, for certain individuals, a low rather than 
a high rate of interest may act as a spur to the accumulation 
of savings. 

Individual saving is therefore a very complicated 
phenomenon. But if we consider society as a whole, and regard 
its average economic conditions as approodmately stationary, 
the progressive accumulation of capital must be regarded as 
economical so long as any rate of interest, however low, exists. 
For the average individual, or rather for society as a whole 
(regarded as an individual who never dies), the accumtilation 
of capital presupposes the exchange of a lower marginal utility 
for a higher — ^provided that it is not too rapid and does not 
absorb too much of the present means of consumption. Under 
such conditions, we should therefore expect a continual 
accumulation of capital — ^though at a diTniniRbing rate — and, 
at the same time, a continual fall in the rate of interest. 

In The Nature arid Necessity of Interest^ Cassel adduces 
certain apparently very striking reasons why a heevy fall of 
interest rates is not to be expected in the future. He rightly 
points out, in the first place, that every fall in the rate of interest 
causes a number of long-term investments which were previously 
unremunerative to become profitable ; and every such large-scale 
absorption of free capital naturally acts as a brake on a further 
fall in interest rates. He especially observes that a general 
demand for larger houses^ entailing extensive building operations, 
would arise if, as a result of a heavy fall in interest rates, 
expenditure on houses is practically restricted to the mere costs 
of maintenance — ^and site rent. To this it may be objected that 
larger premises, at least in our climate, involve various other 
outlays, especially for fuel and light, which are often as 
considerable as the rent itself. Increased housing accommoda- 
tion for the poorer classes, however desirable it may be in itself, 
is therefore scarcely to be expected, unless their level of income 
can be raised. With certain reservations, however, this part of 
CasseFs reasoning is undoubtedly correct — ^though it evidently 
sets no limit to the downward trend of the rate of interest, but 
only relates to the rather slow tempo at which the movement 
may be expected to occur. 


The latter part of CasseTs argument would be of much 
greater importance here — ^if it could be regarded as correct. 
He considers (in agreement with the classical economists) that, 
with a certain rate of interest which is not too low, the very 
desire or ability to accumulate capital practically disappears, so 
that the rate of interest could not fail lower. 

The case which Cassel exclusively considers is that of a business 
man who in his prime has accumulated a fortune, upon the yield 
of which he lives after he has retired from business. If the rate 
of interest is sufficiently high, he can do this without in any way 
encroaching on his capital. He may therefore have the satisfaction, 
or indulge in the vanity, of leaving it undiminished, or perhaps 
even augmented, to his heirs : the interest alone is quite sufficient 
for his needs. If, on the other hand, the rate of interest should 
materially fall, say to 2 per cent or per cent, then, says Cassel, 
such conduct would usually become impossible. Either the capital 
must be so great that the efforts or good fortime of a single 
individual would seldom suffice for its accumulation ; or else 
the mere yield in interest will be so small that he could no longer 
live on it without a serious change in his habits of life. He will 
therefore live on his capital, e.g. by the purchase of an annuity — 
Cassel shows, by detailed figures, how strong the temptation 
would be, since at so low a rate of interest he could multiply 
his annual income. And, says Cassel, he has a perfect moral right 
to do so. As a rule, he has already provided for the education 
of his children and perhaps for establishing them in life. He 
does not owe them more than that. On the contrary he may 
justly expect that they, in their turn, will act in the same way 
as he : work and accumulate a fortune during their youth and 
middle age, and consume it in their old age after they have 
provided for thdr children’s education. 

CasseTs argument may roughly be presented in this form. 
That it is correct in some cases cannot be denied, but as a general 
argument it can scarcely be accepted, for it is evidently based 
on the assumption that most fortunes are the fruit of the work 
of a single generation. But this is not the case even nowadays, 
and it evidently becomes less and less conceivable in proportion 
as the rate of interest falls. If we assume that the capitalist 
has inherited the whole or the greater part of his capital, the 
conclusion will be quite different. By consuming it, or even by 
failing to increase it, he would usually put his children in a more 
■unfavourable position than he had himself occupied. This, however, 
conflicts with such an elementary impulse in human nature that 


we can safely assume tliat it will not nstialiy occur. It is, therefore, 
rather difficult to imagine, even in a society based on private 
property, any hmit below which the rate of interest could not fall, 
because the accumulation of capital would come to an end. We 
shall endeavour to show that the degree or rapidity of its fall 
depends mainly on an entirely different circumstance, which is 
scarcely mentioned by Cassel ; namely the degree of probability 
with which we may expect the future growth of population to be 
on the same or a similar scale to the present. 

If, however, the facts are not quite in accordance with 
theoretical speculations (such as those on p. 208) and if, in 
particular, the long-prophesied ideal of economists, in which 
interest will have fallen to a minimum, is tardy in its realiza- 
tion, the cause is presumably to be found in the following 
circumstances. In the first place, there is the effect of the 
subjective uvdervahmtion of future needs and overvaluation 
of future resources, which was observed by Bohm-Bawerk, 
This, in turn, is primarily due to the fact that, to the individual, 
the future is always in a high degree uncertain. He does not 
know whether he himself, or those in whose weU being he is 
most interested, will really profit by his sacrifices. Moreover, 
even if capital accumulation as a whole increases production, 
the return on individual capital accumulation, even the technical 
return, is uncertain. The enterprises in which capital is invested 
may perhaps yield large profits if they are very successful ; but 
the chances of such success are not very great. And since, in 
accordance with the general law of marginal utility, the 
possibility of a loss of wealth outweighs, for the individual, 
the prospect of an equal gain, such an enterprise, from the 
point of view of individual business, must always be regarded 
as unprofitable unless the chances of gain considerably exceed 
those of loss. This is probably the general rule. The special 
inducement which hazardous enterprises offer to gambling or 
adventurous spirits is a compensation, but operates perhaps 
more in the destruction than in the accumulation of capital. In 
this connection, we need only call attention to the large extent 
to which the modern concentration of capital and the credit 
and insurance system stimulate and facilitate saving by let'elling 
out and reducing these risks to a minimum. 

In these respects, however, a collectivist society would 


afford a mncli better guarantee for tbe rapid accumulation of 
capital tban does the existing individualistic society. The capital 
saved by united efforts would equally benefit all individuals 
and the whole of society in the future ; and the failure of some 
enterprises would be of little importance, if those which succeeded 
yielded a correspondingly greater return. Though this is opposed 
to current opinion, it is precisely in a collectivist society that we 
should expect a progressive accumulation of capital until 
production was fully supplied with new capital and the national 
dividend reached its technical maximum — assuming that interest 
in the well-being of future generations was not less than in 
existing society. 

Another reason why interest is still comparatively high is 
the fact that states destroy capital (especially in war and 
armaments) at the same time as it is being privately accumulated. 
The enormous national debts contracted by European and 
extra-European states in the course of years (especially for 
purposes of war) naturally presuppose a more or less corresponding 
amount of savings on the part of subscribers (though it is true 
that war-loan is generally issued below par) ; but they do not 
represent any really productive capital, only a claim by certain 
citizens on present and future generations of taxpayers. In this 
connection it may be asked, at least when the rate of interest 
begins to decline more rapidly than capital increases, and the 
earnings of capitalists consequently decline absolutely, whether 
this must not act as a brake on further capital accumulation. 
In purely abstract theory this would not be the case in an 
individualistic society in which each individual manages and 
saves on his own account. If a particular individual increases 
his capital, the effect on the rate of interest is not appreciable. 
The result of his saving will therefore be an unconditional 
gain for him. On the other hand, it cannot be denied that 
capitalists as a class will gladly welcome all measures destructive 
of capital, such as armaments and war — ^for which they will 
largely be compensated by the State's contractual obligations, 
and which will help to raise the rate of interest. This constitutes 
a not inconsiderable political danger, as Adolf Wagner pointed 
out. But the collectivist state will be qmte unaffected by 
a lowering of the rate of interest as such, smce all sources of 
income would be more or less common to the whole community. 


and, in such a case, the other sources would necessarily increase 
in a more than corresponding degree. 

But the most important reason why the rate of interest has 
not fallen is probably that our modem societies difEer in a high 
degree from the stationary type. Hitherto, we have only 
considered capital accumulation on the assumption of completely 
stationary conditions ; if we abandon this assumption the 
problem becomes essentially different. For example, if a country 
for some reason, such as the successive exhaustion of the land, 
passes from a JiigheT to a lower degree of productivity and 
prosperity, then the same quantity of commodities will have, 
on the average, a higher marginal utility, and consequently 
a higher subjective value, in the future than in the present. 
The mere retention of consumption goods for future use thus 
becomes advantageous, although it cannot, of course, give rise 
to increased productivity and therefore cannot, in the usual sense, 
yield any interest. Even in our day, people always save stocks 
for the lean season, and it was formerly very common to save 
grain for bad years — a custom which in countries with bad 
communications, such as India and Russia, may still be necessary. 
If, on the other hand, a country passes from a lower to a higTier 
degree of prosperity independently of the growth of capital (as 
a result of technical discoveries, etc., or when a colony is first 
peopled) capital accumulation may be uneconomical, even though 
technically it might give rise to an increased productivity of 
labour and land. A larger quantity of products might then 
represent a lower marginal utility, since prosperity as a whole 
had increased. 

Again, if the growth of population is accompanied by an 
increased demand for all kinds of products, on the one hand, 
and by an increased supply of labour available in the future, 
on the other, then a capital accumulation which might have 
brought down the rate of interest to practically nothing under 
stationary conditions will not now be sufficient to do so ; or 
will only just suffice to maintain capital at about the same 
relative level, for which reason it will continue to possess a high 
marginal productivity and to yield a high rate of interest. In 
addition, capital accumulation is here impeded by the number 
of unproductive consumers, large ffimilies, etc. If both these 
causes operate (increased productivity and great increase of 


population) as oft-en happens in flonrisliing colonial lands, since, 
np to a certain point, the increase of population in itself brings 
improved technical conditions of production, the rate of interest 
may be incredibly high for a long period — as high as 50 per cent 
or more — ^as Adam Smith observed in the North American colonies. 
The marginal productivity of capital here is extremely high, yet 
capital is not rapidly accumulated, but remains just as inadequate 
in relation to demand. Everybody rightly expects that his own, 
or his children's, economic condition will automatically improve 
in the future, and nobody therefore considers it desirable to 
sacrifice the moderate provision which he is able to make at 
present for himself and for them. Capital loans and investments 
from older countries with a lower rate of interest soon flow in, 
moreover, and counteract, in a greater or lesser degree, the 
conditions which we have just described. 

But it is clear that these cases are ail only exceptions to the 
rule. The unprecedented growth of population recently witnessed 
in Europe, and still more in certain extra-European countries, 
will certainly, sooner or later — ^probably in the course of the 
present century — prepare the way for much slower progress and 
possibly for completely stationary conditions. Then interest will 
also fall, and the capitalist will have to be content with quite 
a small share in the product — ^both absolutely and relatively — 
and perhaps (though, for the reasons given, this is somewhat 
improbable) with nothing at all. But this, of course, would not 
render capital unnecessary for production. On the contrary, 
it would then have attained its maximum importance ; for just 
as land, when it is in excess, yields its products gratis or for 
a very low compensation, so a perfected capitalistic system of 
production, though in many respects very different from 
a primitive system without capital, nevertheless resembles the 
latter in that labour and land alone (or practically alone) will 
share the product. 

Such a state, however, would be far from desirable in an 
individualistic society based on private property. So far from 
disappearing, the gulf between the propertied and the property- 
less classes would be well-nigh impassable if land, capitalized 
at an extremely low rate of interest, possessed almost infinite 
exchange value. Even now, a very large part of what is commonly 
called capital and interest is, in reality, land and rent. Think, 


for example, of the colossal increase in site values, especially 
in the large towns. Even capital goods proper have their value 
increased in so far as the land incorporated in them is now- 
re-assessed according to a higher standard of value ; or, as it 
is said, because the cost of reproduction has increased. A large 
part of apparent annual savings is accounted for by this increase 
in the capital value of land and is thus not a real increase in 
wealth at all. Monopolies are another source of income of 
a similar kind which is not exhausted by increased capital 
accumulation, but rather becomes more abundant. 

In his work, Om den ekonomtska fordelning och Icriserjia* 
(1909), Brock (like Cassel) is sceptical of the possibility of a fall 
in the rate of interest, but nevertheless criticizes our analysis of 
the consequences of such a fall. According to him, it would occasion 
a fall in rents also, since a sufficiently low rate of interest would 
render practicable a number of substantial improvements to land 
which are now not profitable owing to the lack of cheap capital, 
and the supply of land for all productive purposes would become 
excessive ; so that the fall in interest would benefit labour 

The abstract possibility of this cannot, as we have already 
said (see p. 164, n.), be denied; just as, on the other hand, it is 
not entirely inconceivable that a fall in interest might benefit 
landowners exclusively — ^in so far as the low rate of interest would 
mainly lead to the introduction of fixed automatic, or semi- 
automatic, machinery, so that human labour would become 
superfluous. To what extent the conditions observed by Brock 
are of practical importance, however, depends on circumstances 
which it is difficult to survey. There is no doubt that many 
swamps and much poor soil, not least in Sweden, could, with 
an unlimited supply of cheap capital, be converted into fertile 
fields. And if the crowding of human beings in the cities could, 
with the help of capital, be counteracted (by rapid and cheap 
communications by land, water, and air), then site values, which 
in certain countries already greatly exceed agricultural rents, 
might he lowered — ^though only on the assumption that the 
population was reduced or ceased to grow ; otherwise a continued 
rise in rents is practically certain — ^and capital might grow, even 
relatively to population, to any extent. 

Another related question which was much discussed in the 
past is the extent to which the unchecked progress of capital 

^ [‘* Economic Distnbution and Crises.”] 



accumulation is of advantage to those who only indirectly profit 
by it, and especially to the labourers. The older economists 
usually had very exaggerated views on this point, because they 
supposed — on the basis of the wage-fund theory — that an increase 
or decrease in capital would produce a proportionate increase or 
decrease in wages. This, of course, is not the case. A great increase 
(or decrease) in capital may doubtless be associated with an 
insignificant change in the rates of wages, less in proportion as 
there exist opportunities for long-term investment. And since, 
in our day, the labourers often do some saving themselves, their 
position will, of course, be much better if somewhat higher wages 
enable them to save something on their own account than if the 
capitalist employers, by paying lower wages, were enabled to 

save a corresponding (or even larger) amount on their account. 
In the former case they are enabled to reap both the direct and 
the indirect profits of capital accumulation ; in the latter case 
they have only the indirect profit, which may be very small. 

In this connection, we may refer to a celebrated and very 
peculiar speculation of the famous German economist, von Thiinen. 
He remarks that if the labourers themselves are willing to save and 
accumulate capital, then they are best served if wages are neither 
too high nor too low ; for if they are too low, their savings will be 
insignificant, and if they are too high (in relation to the output of 
labour) the profits of capital and consequently the interest on their 
own savings will be so small that there will be no inducement to save. 

If we call the product of labour p and wages Z, then p — I will 
be the employer’s surplus, and interest (for as many years as capital 
remains, on the average, engaged in production) will be measured 

^7 — y — • The labourer also must be able to count upon the same 

interest on his savings. If he consumes the quantity a only and 
saves the rest of his wages, then his income from interest on these 
savings will clearly be proportionate to ; — 

a) (p - 1) 

Since p and a are to be regarded as given, this equation will 
reach its maximum when the sum of the two negative terms 
(on the right-hand side) is as srmll as possible. But these terms 
have for every value of Z a constant product ap ; their sum 
therefore will be least when they are equal. Thus we obtain - 



Tids last expression — ^the geometric mean of the workers^ minimum 
standard of life (or usual standard) and the total value of the 
product of labour — ^is therefore regarded by von Thimen as the 
natural wage ” — ^and he wished to have this formula engraved 
on his tombstone. We will not pause to criticize it thoroughly. 
In any case, the formula must be considerably modified if it is 
to correspond with reality. For, in the first place, the rate of 

interest is not reduced proportionally to the expression — 

when I increases (which would, as will easily be seen, presuppose 
a constant period of production), but, as a rule, much more 
slowly, owing to the fact that employers react to every increase 
in wages by lengthening the period of production (introducing 
labour-saving machinery). In the second place, the interest of 
the labourer in his savings is not limited to the mere income 
which they yield, but includes the saved capital itself ; he saves 
for furnishing his house, for his children’s education, for his old 
age, and so on. The most advantageous value of I is therefore 
probably much nearer p than von Thiinen supposed. 

What has been said may suffice to indicate, rather than 
to solve, the many problems associated with the question of 
capital accumulation — ^which has been so little investigated. 
The subject has, however, several further important and 
interesting phases which are related to the fact that, in our day, 
capital is almost always accumulated in the form of money. 
We shall revert to these phases when we deal with the theory 
of money. 

On the other hand, we must be careful not to forget that 
money or credit is only one guise, one form, of capital accumulation. 
The amount of hard cash in a country can be neither increased nor 
decreased by saving, but remains, on the whole, constant ; and 
credit documents of various kinds are at most only titles to material 
property, except in so far as they presuppose a destruction of real 
capital, as in the case of war-loans, etc. Real, productive, saving 
therefore always assumes the form of real capital. In the normal 
course of business this process is clearly visible. The commodities 
which a person foregoes by saving, and by restricting or postponing 
his consumption — or rather the labour and land which would 
otherwise have gone to the production of those commodities — 
he places directly (or by means of money, credit or credit- 
institutions) at the disposal of an entrepreneur who converts 
them gradually, as the savings are efiected, into more or less fixed 


capitel-goods, i.e. real capital. At the close of a boom, paper 
credit often seems to make up, in part (though actually it 
does not), for the shortage of real capital— and still more in 
a period of depression when investment in fixed capital hardly 
pays, but savings continue, though perhaps at a slower pace. 
The process of capital accumulation is here not a little enigmatic.' 
It must continue in some real form, since there is no other ; but 
in what ? Further investigation of this question is highly desirable 
and would probably throw much light on a field which is still 
the darkest in the whole province of economics, namely the 
theory of the trade cycle (and of crises). But we cannot consider 
ttot subject here since we have, throughout, restricted our 
ob^rvations to the economic phenomena of equilibrium in the 
ordinary sense to static analysis as distinct from dynamic. 


1. Peofessor Cassel’s System of Economics^ 

(i) Oassel’s refutation of tiie tlieory of value, Ms theory of exchange, 

and Ms views on the pricing mechanism. 

(ii) The theory of interest, the theory of rent of land and mines, 

the theory of wages. 

(iii) The nature of money and international pajnnents. 

(iv) The theory of trade cycles. 


Professor Cassel, like so many others, has felt a call to 
present his scientific system to a wider public than that wMch 
could follow Ms lectures. He has for this purpose secured the 
collaboration of Professor L. PoMe, of Leipzig, who is eventually 
to publish the preliminary part, dealing with historical and 
sociological developments, of their joint work, Lehrlmch def 
Allgememen VolksmrtscTiaftshhre. Professor Cassel is the author 
of the second and purely theoretical part, wMch is now published 
in a large volume. 

To review tMs book one must sit in judgment on the whole 
of the author’s lifework in the sphere of theory. Professor Cassel 
expressly desires that all his writings — even the earliest and least 
mature of them — should be regarded as indispensable foundations 
for the theoretical edifice, wMch now appears in its completed 
form. The wisdom of refraining from a fundamental revision of 
Ms earlier, and in my opinion, less completely developed views, 
while not letting them fall into oblivion, may perhaps be 
questioned. But naturally this is his own concern. For my part 
I also have felt the need of arriving at an understanding of Ms 
whole approach to theory. On various grounds, mostly personal, 
I have never undertaken a public criticism of any of Ms work, 

1 The translation of the appendices which fdllow is the work of Mr. 

Solomon Adler. , ^ w Tur- ^ 

2 [This review of CasseFs Theoretische SozidldJconomiet Leipzig, C. F. Winter, 
1918 (viii, 582 s.), first appeared in the Bhynomish Tidsknjt, 1919, No. 9, and 
was published in German in SchmoUer’s JaJirbw:K 1928, vol. lii-2. No. 5. 
Unless otherwise stated, all page references are to the 2nd edition of The 
Theory of Social Economy, 1 




with the exception of his very first essay in the Tvbinger 
Zeitschrift?^ If I delayed much longer, it might be too late for 
either or both of us. This may excuse the unusual length of the 
following essay. 

The many excellent qualities distinguishing Professor Cassel’s 
earlier writings and also — I believe — ^his direct teaching activities, 
are to be found in abundance in this work. I envy him his ability 
to present generally accepted economic doctrines concisely and 
comprehensively, and to throw light on them with well-chosen 
examples from the world of affairs, with which he appears to 
have acquired a practical acquaintance. Last and not least there 
is his laudable attempt at a description of concrete economic 
phenomena, based on statistical material — ^this being especially 
evident in the fourth section of the book, on cyclical fluctuations, 
which I hold to be the best. 

With these merits, however, Professor Cassel possesses the 
defect of desiring at all costs to be esteemed an original and even 
path-breaking theorist, and this in every branch of economics. 
It remains a riddle how with his diligent activities as a publicist 
and with his numerous public duties, he can have found time 
for these inquiries, for nothing is so consuming of time as scientific 
thought. I am afraid that his claim is based on an illusion. BSs 
originality does not extend in most cases beyond an exposition 
of the ideas of others in a new, if not always improved, version. 
Innovations are generally the mark of an indomitable desire to 
pnetrate the obscurer regions of theory ; but this end is not 
often achieved by those who have too cursory an acquaintance 
with the terrain. The reader finally ends in a bog of mental 
confusion, which a facile style can no longer conceal, and from 
which the only escap is to revert to precisely that literature 
which is here so contemptuously dismissed as ""unnecessary’’ 
and scholastic 

The first and most striking of these tours de force is the 
wholesale rejection — ^already apparing on the first page of his 
introduction— of "" all the old so-called theory of value Of 
course, he means the modem theory of value. He has always 
been more amiably dispsed towards the older theories of value ; 
this, together with his charm of expsition, was what recom- 
mended him to the aged Schaffle. 

^ Grwndriss einer elemetUaren Preislehre ( 1899 ). 


On tlie other hand, he wants to extirpate the modem 
subjective theory of value ; but he substitutes for the concept 
of marginal utility either nothing at all or the ^"principle of 
scarcity He asserts that the psychological phenomena lying 
behind price do not belong to the economist’s domain. This 
idea reminds us of the English stockbroker, who earned his 
income, year in year out, by buying and selling railway stock 
without knowing where the railway was. He also repeats his 
old objection about the impossibility of measuring utility ”, 
as though exchange and economic activity in general — even 
in a primitive economy — ^would be conceivable, if we could not 
estimate the utility of different objects to us. Similarly, the 
deliberations of members of Parliament on problems of taxation 
would be meaningless, if it were impossible to compare the 
utility of the same good to different persons. (It is characteristic 
of Professor Cassel that when he has to talk about so-called 
collective wants, he dismisses the whole thing as a manifestation 
of force ‘‘ Zwang, Zwangswirtschaft, ZwaTigorganisation,^’ et 
praeterea nihil.) He hims elf is of the opinion that the “ economist ” 
must adhere exclusively to money prices as being a ‘^precise 
magnitude ” — and this was written or printed in the last year 
of the Great War, when money as a measure of value became 
completely bankrupt. 

He also maintains that marginal utility as the basis of 
exchange value presents the disadvantage that it is neither 
given nor determinate, but is itself variable with and dependent 
on the prices which it is intended to explain. But how does this 
apply to scarcity ? ” A commodity is not scarce because it 
is present in small quantities, but, as Professor Cassel himself 
states in the Introduction, it is scarce only in relation to wants, 
or to the extent that it becomes an object of demand. And the 
degree of scarcity is measured in exactly the same way as 
marginal utility, by the strength of the next unsatisfied need, 
which first causes the 'commodity to be recognized as scarce 
In other words, scarcity and marginal utility are fundamentally 
one and the same thing ; Walras already recognized this, for 
the word “ rarete ” (which he used as an alternative to utilite 
finale ”) signifies scarcity as well as rareness. 

Such, however, is not Professor Cassel’s opinion. Strangely 
enough, he hims elf — ^apart from the above introductory passage — 


gives no description of the concept of scarcity, otherwise the 
relationship might have become clear to him. To compensate 
for this omission, he prints in italics the following definition of 
the principle of scarcity. “ In the exchange economy,’’ he says, 
“ the principle of scarcity signifies the necessity, by the pressure 
of prices, to adjust consumption to a relatively scarce supply of 
goods ” (p. 74). What is meant by a “ scarce supply ” remains, 
as we have said, unexplained. But even so, this definition is 
absurd, for there is no need to be afraid of consumption exceeding 
supply. In the later coume of the work the word “ consumption ” 
is consistently replaced by demand ” in this connection. 
And in this formulation one can indeed recognize the principle, 
for price undeniably has the "^task” of equating supply and 
demand, so that all the supply is sold and no effective demand 
remains imsatisfied. 

But if the Principle of Scarcity did not contain anything 
ehe^ it would be absolutely identical with the ancient principle 
of equilibrium between supply and demand, of which Cassel 
does not suppose himself to be the discoverer. The doctrine 
of marginal utility goes beyond this by stipulating equality or 
proportionately between commodity prices and their 
“ scarcity ” (= marginal utility) for each exchanging individual. 
That this principle is by no means so easily established, ought 
to be proved by the fact that, even Gossen, the first expounder 
of the theory of marginal utility, did not reach it. That it was 
not unnecessary ”, seems to follow from the fact that not less 
than three genuinely path-breaking scientists advanced it as an 
important discovery at roughly the same time. Certainly it 
contains nothing absolutely new, but neither did the discovery 
of the differential calculus ; the service of both consists in their 
having replaced diffuse or imsystematic ideas by a clear general 
concept and, what is no less important, by an adequate 
formulation of it. 

Why has Professor Cassel absolved hiifiself from this task ? 
Why, apart from an otherwise perfectly correct resum4 in a few 
lines, has he withheld from his readers this serviceable guide 
through the labyrinth of the theory of exchange ? For example, 
the concept of elasticity of demand with falling and rising prices 
becomes much clearer, if it is based on the elementary principle 
that marginal utility always remains proportional to price. Here 



also Professor Cassel advances without closer examination 
a series of statements, of wMch a few are correct, but generally 
require an explanation, while others are doubtful or completely 
wrong ; such as the statement (p. 80) that demand must 
invariably rise with a fall in price, and mce versa. This is not 
certain in the case of goods which are partly substitutable in 
consumption, and in the case of the reservation demand of the 
holders of the goods themselves. The effect on the latter of 
a rise in the price of their goods may quite conceivably be such 
that they retain a greater proportion for their own use. This 
must have been the case to a great extent, if I am not mistaken, 
with those who produced for their own needs during the war. 
Professor Cassel himself gives an extremely brief account of 
the fundamental concept of marginal utility, and it would not 
surprise me, if his readers, so far from thinking this account 
“ unnecessary were, like Oliver Twist, to ask for more. 

Another peculiarity of Professor Cbssel’s to which we have 
elsewhere drawn attention, and which, remarkably enough, he 
regards as a step forward, is his use of money as a scale of 
reckoning’’.^ He boldly maintains that when the classical 
economists attempted, wherever possible, to abstract from the 
use of money in their mqumes into economic phenomena, this 
was due to their preconception (which according to Professor 
Cassel is false) that in primitive society no money was used. 
This statement is characterized by a naivete which one would 
hardly have attributed to Professor CasseL On the contrary, 
this conscious abstraction from the functions of money — ^the 
conception of trade, external as well as internal, as consisting 
in the last analysis in the exchange of commodities, of capital 
as real capital instead of as a sum of money,® of wages as real 
wages — ^was the decisive step which first gave economics a truly 
scientific character, and first raised it above the hazy and 
incoherent ideas of Mercantilism. 

For the rest, Professor Cassel does not succeed in carrying 
his method through consistently. In his treatment of the 
pricing mechanism ”, to which we shall later return, he first 

^ Cf. his “ Gnindriss ”, where he tries to base the whole of economics on 
the useful “ fiction ” that a shilling has the same economic significance for all 
men, whatever their economic position. 

* Later on. Professor Cassel has to “ warn ” his readers against confusing 
real capital and money. 


assumes that each consumer h^ a certain purchasing power 
(expressed in money), and he naturally arrives at the result 
that the prices of commodities will be completely determinate. 
I became vastly interested in reading this, for I thought that 
the next step would be an attempt to demonstrate how this 
monetary purchasing power arose and was maintained. But 
nothing comes of it. The hypothesis is merely advanced only 
to be dropped later, and quite unexpectedly the explanation 
follows that the phenomena of exchange and production only 
suffice to account for relative commodity prices, but not absolute 
money prices, a task which must be kept in reserve for the 
theory of money as such. Now it should be noticed that Cassel 
explicitly says that at this stage he will consider money 
eocclicsively as a ‘‘ scale of reckoning ”, and will thus provisionally 
abstract from its function as a medium of exchange, which 
perhaps may even be taken over by some other commodity — 
as in Homer’s times, when “ oxen ” were used as a measure 
of value, although they hardly constituted a general medium 
of exchange. In this case, however, money would retain its 
character as a commodity perfectly intact, and the use of money 
as a measure of value would not prejudice it in the least. In 
other words, the exchange value of money would be determined 
by the phenomena of production and exchange in exactly the 
same way as that of other commodities, and ex hypothesi the 
prices of commodities expressed in money would be uniquely 
determined precisely by the ‘‘ pricing mechanism ”, and not 
merely, as Jftofessor Cassel states, prices multiplied by any 
factor whatsoever ”. Further, we should get the same result, 
if money were, strictly speaking, nothing more than a medium 
of exchange, i.e. the means of presenting goods on the market. 
For an amount of money, however small, can, as we know from 
experience, effect the exchange of any quantity of commodities 
whatsoever. Now money has also a third function, which is in 
practice the most important, i.e. as a ‘‘ store of value ” a reserve 
or cash balance. It is through this characteristic that with given 
commodity prices the need for a certain amount of money obtains, 
and it is here that the amount of money becomes a factor of the 
first order for commodity prices. Further, it is through this 
property that the character of money as a commodity recedes 
into the background, becomes secondary, or even vanishes 



altogether. THs was perfectly clear to Walras ; he first treated 
money as numeraire ” (imit of account) and only later as 
“ monnaie (medium of exchange) ; as far as its first property 
is concerned, it is for him only one commodity among many. 
Professor Cassel, on the other hand, argues as though the oxen 
of Homer were not generally the object of consumption and 
exchange, but only served as a ‘‘ scale of reckoning Here at 
least the premature introduction of money has contributed not 
to increased lucidity but rather the reverse. 

A more valuable element in Professor CasseFs account is 
the emphasis laid on the reciprocal relationship between products 
and the factors of production in the pricing process. In those 
of his earlier writings which I regard as his best,^ Professor Cassel 
has shown with a masterly clarity that as soon as we have more 
than one factor of production (e.g. simple manual labour), and in 
fact we have hundreds of different kinds, the principle that costs 
of production determine the exchange value of a product can no 
longer be maintained. These costs become quite simply the 
prices of the factors of production, which are necessarily 
determined in combination with the prices of commodities in 
a single system of simultaneous equations. TMs idea, however, 
belongs to Walras ; it is his powerful sjmthesis which in the 
last analysis lies at the basis of Professor CasseFs ‘‘pricing 
mechanism Professor CasseFs indebtedness to him is obviously 
very great, but instead of showing the gratitude he ought to have 
expressed, he does not mention Walras’ name once in the whole 
book.2 He adheres, though not altogether consistently, to the 
principle of never quoting anybody but himself. He has not, 
however, accomplished any improvement in Walras’ exposition 
— apart from a certain simplification in the formulae. On the 
contrary, he breaks off in the middle, with a resulting loss in 
coherence. Following Walras, he describes how the total rewards 
of the factors of production are in the main identical with total 
(real) incomes, and are at the same time the source of the demand 
for goods and services ; he adds that these incomes are not all 

^ Die ProduHicmskosUTiiheorie Bicardos, etc. (Tubinger Zeitschrift, 
1901). In this well- written essay he also pays to the theory of marginad 
utility a tribute for which one looks in vain in his other writings. 

* In his “ Grundriss ”, he explicitly bases himself on Walras ; but only 
a couple of years later be describes his own essay as the first attempt ” of 
its kind ! {Der AusgangsfunM der theoretischen Oekonomie, Tubinger Zeit- 
schrift, 1902, p. 0971) 



consumed, but are partly saved. But at this point the equality 
(wMch. we bad previously accepted) between tbe sum of tbe 
factors of production now available, and that part of them which 
enters into the various goods demanded for consumption, ceases 
to obtain, and Professor CassePs system of equations (7) (p. 144) 
is no longer valid. For the whole system to function, it is not only 
necessary that the savers, as Professor Cassel assumes, should 
decide how much to save on the basis of ruling prices or in 
relation to the determination of prices, but also that they, or the 
entrepreneurs in their stead, should be clearly aware what 
factors of production to demand in order to invest their savings 
most profitably. Of this, Professor Cassel says not a word. 
But even if the reader in distress could fill this gap unaided, 
he would in any case begin to have doubts, when, in the course 
of the book he meets Professor CasseFs factor of production 
capital-disposal ’’ and its ‘‘price’’, interest, and tries to 
accommodate these magnitudes with the other factors of 
production and the prices in the formulse previously given. It 
would have been of great interest if Professor Cassel had 
indicated how this could be managed without double 

Walras proceeds in an entirely difierent manner. For him 
the capital-^oods themselves are factors of production ]ust as 
much as labour and the forces of nature ; and the rate of interest 
“ le taux du revenu net ” is considered as the ratio between the 
expected yield of the capital-goods now being made (= the price 
for their factors of production minus the necessary amortization 
costs) and their own cost of production according to present 
prices. Thus it here represents a-“ parameter ” in the “ functions ” 
which determine saving. Savers and entrepreneurs strive to 
maximize this ratio, and equilibrium is reached when it is the 
same for all alike. In this way Walras constructs an extraordinarily 
coherent and rigorous system, which, when it is combined with 
the systems of J evons and Bohm-Bawerk, both completes and is 
completed by them.^ Professor Cassel simply omits the whole 

^ Clearly Walras’ method does not yield the actual rate of interest which 
the future reveals, but the anticipated interest on which the level of the loan 
rate is directly dependent at any moment of time. At this point I must with- 
draw an objection which I previously made against Walras— i.e. that his 
theoiy of interest necessarily presupposes a progressive type of society. Walras 
indeed said so himself, but the truth of the matter is that it is just as applicable 



of tMs vital section of Walras’ system, and defers tlie theory of 
capital to the next book, when he moves more freely without 
having to trouble himself about algebraical formnlse. But more 
of this later. 

We are now confronted with the difficult task of giving an 
account of another peculiarity in Professor Gassei’s presentation 
of fundamentals. It is well Imown that the classical economists 
were often inclined to adopt a method of approach in which 
they regarded free competition or a free pricing mechanism 
as a kind of moral factor — an economic providence, so to speak, 
which gave each participant in total production his allotted and 
just share of the product and, at the same time, gave the 
maximum sum of satisfactions to all. Among contemporary 
economists, Professor Cassel should be one of the last to find it 
easy to escape from this approach. It is true he does not go so 
far as to make the existing state of society, based in principle 
as it is on free competition, the ideal of social justice ; Ms own 
parable ‘‘ of the bread of the poor wMch is sometimes thrown 
to the dogs of the rich ” bears evidence of this. But essentially 
he stands by the classical system. He emphasizes as often as 
possible its economic superiority, and if he can do nothing else 
he praises “the free ^choice of consumption goods” wMch it 
provides in contrast with, for example, a similar socialist state. 
He is so little afraid of provoking laughter that in another context 
he adduces salt and ink as proof of the fact that even the poorest 
can almost completely satisfy some of their needs. 

Actually the lower classes in present-day society do not 
in the least possess free choice in consumption ; as far as means 
of subsistence proper are concerned, they are allotted all the 
cheapest brands, and their remaining consumption is similarly 
organized. A compulsory rationing of the most important 
commodities, as in war time, would certainly give them greater 
freedom in their “ choice of consumption-goods 

When we are dealiug with production apart from distribution, 
we can then say that, in a certain sense, economic freedom 

to the stationary state, and in fact gains thereby in rigour. The underlying 
assumption is that the factors of production will have the same relative values 
or prices in the future as they have at the present moment. Actually this is 
true for the stationary state, but it does not hold for the progressive economy, 
unless we postulate a uniform increase m production, which is stnctly speaking 
inconceivable, as the sum of natural forces cannot be increased. 


promotes ‘‘economy”, for as soon as a surplus of exchange 
value can be obtained at any point with the available factors 
of production, under free competition they are necessarily 
transferred to that point. Yet we must of course remember 
that the hind of production is determined by effective demand, 
and not by the socially desirable demand for products — ^two 
concepts which Professor Cassel is only too inclined unconsciously 
to confuse. The problem of the share of the factors of production 
in the resulting total product is, in the last analysis, identical 
with that of social distribution, and no eloquence can conceal 
the fact that “ the Principle of Scarcity ” only produces a hare 
mechanical levelling, which faide de mieux may perhaps be 
preferred to any other, but which is not based on any ethical 
or sociological principle. The “ simultaneous equations ” are no 
guarantee that any “ variable ” cannot assume the value nil, 
even if we are discussing so important a social factor as wages, 
or so questionable — ^not to say odious — a social factor as the 
rent of land, site-rent, or certain monopoly revenue, etc.^ 

The situation is worsened if free competition is abolished 
by agreements, and the contracting parties are ranged against 
each other like two opposing armies, for here in most cases 
the result is at least as uncertain as that of war in general, 
and mutual destruction is the only outcome of which we can 
be sure. 

In an extremely well-written section, xiv, which is, however, 
too optimistic and “apologetic” in tone. Professor Cassel 
himself gives a vivid description of the tendency towards an 
ever-stronger limitation of freedom of production which 
characterizes modern economic development. But even here 
he seeks, wherever possible, to defend his suum caique. He 
wishes us to believe that when large-scale enterprises agree to 
form trusts, it is because they would otherwise have been forced 
by internecine competition to produce at a loss. And he points 
out that when the State is compelled to grant monopolistic 
powers to certain corporations such as railway companies, it 
seeks to limit the pernicious utilization of this monopoly by 

" In “ Der Ausgangspunkt, etc.,” Cassel is so raclical that he wishes to 
confiscate all ground-rent proper (p. 6S6) ; in the present work he arrives at the 
surprising conclusion that urban site rents are “ essentially the result of man’s 
productive activity ”, It is not stated how this should be taken, and what 
conclusion he infers. 



maximum rates and the like . Moreover the monopolist is sooner or 
later threatened by latent competition, for example, from abroad. 

Here it should be noted that a monopolistic system of prices 
is by no means the worst ; if we assume that there is only one or 
at most a few monopolies in the whole market. If, however, 
many branches of production become monopolized or trustifxed, it 
would ultimately become aimless for them to raise their prices 
against each other; they would have to seek their profit — 
apart from a certain technical advantage lying in combination 
— in more or less common action by which the prices of those 
factors of production not in their own possession (and especially 
the wages of labour) would be forced down, or at least be prevented 
from rising. The State has not, at least up to the present, been 
in a position to react against this procedure. 

This vagueness in Professor CasseFs social views is analogous 
to a similar vagueness in his theory. Although in Ms own system 
there are no independent costs of production but only prices 
for the different factors of production (which equal their share 
in the total product), he considers it important to mention that 
the price of each good must coincide with its costs of production 
— wMch on Ms assumption becomes merely a platitude, a self- 
evident fact (in so far as the costs of production can be imputed). 
In other words, each demand must carry the costs bound up 
with it,’’ or, as Professor Cassel sometimes expresses it, without 
further classification of the concept, it must carry the necessary 
costs All tMs is hopelessly obscure ; perhaps it is Walras’ 
principle of the tendency of entrepreneurial profits to zero, of 
wMch originally he had a glimmering. But later it seems to 
have escaped Ms attention, that it holds only under perfect 
competition, and that certain costs ”, wMch even 
in perfect competition are economically necessary, are not 
therefore socially necessary. A division of the yield of land 
among the consumers of food or the yield of forests among 
the consumers of timber on a pro rata or some other basis would 
not indeed lead to a fall in the price of tMs commodity, but it 
would lead to a fall in the actual expenditure on it.^ 

^ Apart from its application to the rent of land, the first statement of this 
view of Cassel’s is to be found in his essay “ Ber Ausgangspunkt, etc.,*’ an 
essay which in my judgment is extremely obscure and completely mistaken in 
its results, and with the shortcomings of which Cassel is not yet sufficiently 
acquainted. In the present work Cassel has somewhat modified the 


In order 'to state ” or produce ’ — wHcliever word we 

prefer — ^tMs equaKty between costs and the prices of commodities, 
tbe '' Principle of Scarcity according to Professor Cassel, is no 
longer sufficient. In many places there is some indeterminateness 
in costs of production, to overcome wMch no less than four 
extra supplementary principles are in his opinion necessary. 
These he calls the DifferefrUial Principle, the Principle of Decreasing 
Average Costs, the Principle of Substitution, and finally the 
Principle of Joint-products. They are four too many. The last 
may have some significance, but rather as an exception to the 
Principle of Costs ’’ than as a means of establishing it. If two 
or more products are technically combined in production in 
a constant technical proportion, then an imputation of their 
costs is out of the question, whereas naturally each has its 
particular market price determined by supply and demand. If, 
however, which is more usually the case, the technical proportion 
varies (sheep for mutton or wool respectively, etc.) particular 
costs exist at the margin of production, and these must coincide 
with their price in the usual way. The same holds for the 
Principle of Substitution. On the whole the different factors 
of production are not wholly substitutable, but are simultaneously 
applied. At the margin of production, however, a contemplated 
(virtual) increase or decrease in any one of them can be regarded 
as its economic contribution, and this is necessarily proportional 
to its price. But this substitution value, or, what comes to the 
same thing, this marginal productivity is measured in the same way 
as the “ scarcity ” of the good, with which it is thus identical if it is 
correctly defined. Professor Gassers reiterations to the contrary 
are, in my opinion, merely evidence of an incomplete analysis. 

Neither is the Differential Principle an extraneous addition 
to the Principle of Scarcity ; here it is essentially a question 
of different factors of production, each of which in spite of an 
external similarity has its own scarcity and price. Two pieces 
of land of different fertility or at different distances from the 
market are not the same thing, even though they may appear to be . 

statements he there advanced ; for example, he no longer e.g calls for a 
fee-principU, where it can be generally applied, which shall be the only 
right one for the financing of public enterprises. But he still strongly mclmes 
to this opinion, and in a discussion in the Natwnalekonomisk Forening (Economic 
Club) he curtly opposed every other kmd of “cover” for State railways, for 
no reason whatsoever. 


But most suspicious and to me most incoinpreliensible is 
the Principle of Decreasing Costs Professor Cassel in Ms 
introductory remarks on tMs subject extending ovet several 
pages, maintains that as lie has already treated the position 
of different firms in relation to each other (under the Differential 
Principle he will now assume for the sake of simplicity that 
each commodity is produced by only one large firm. Even so, 
costs of production can in his opinion be indeterminate, in so far 
as they vary with the size of the firm. If costs increase as the 
firm increases, the case is simple (he says) — it is the highest 
costs, i.e. the marginal costs, which determine price. He says 
nothing about the destination of the profit in such a case, but 
suddenly abandons the whole of this interesting special question. 
And it is just as well, for it is dijficult to imagine a large firm 
with increasing costs of production. If production on a small 
scale is more remunerative than on a large, factory work gives 
way to domestic work, large property is parcelled out into 
smallholdings, etc. 

On the contrary, the large firm with decreasing costs (as the 
firm’s scope extends) is an actual fact. Here, says Professor Cassel, 
the highest costs cannot be price-determining, as ‘‘ they are at 
the bottom and not at the peak of production But neither 
can the price of the good be equal to its marginal costs, for the 
firm could not then maintain itself. Consequently, he concludes 
that we must choose the via Tnedia, where the price is determined 
in such a way that it just covers the average costs, so that there 
is no profit for the entrepreneur — ^in contradistinction to the 
previous case ! Professor Cassel gives no clue to the entrepreneur’s 
reasons for such benevolent behaviour. He goes on to show — 
and it is not difficult — ^that in this case ‘‘ at least two ” prices 
must exist, a Mgher and a lower, with each of which the firm’s 
expenses would be covered. From these he decides that it is the 
lower wMoh is chosen ! He first takes the case where the relation 
of sales to price varies in such a way that, within limits, production 
just pays its way with any price — presumably in order to make 
this conclusion more palatable to the sceptical reader. Here we 
must admit the producer has no incentive to fix the price Mgher 
than is reconcilable with the consumer’s interest. But what of 
all the other cases ? Between the maximum and minimum 
prices there lies a whole series of prices wHch would yield a 


surplus profit for the producer. Theii why does he not choose 
one of them ? If we aasume that he alone is master of the 
situation, he will certainly fix on that price which will yield the 
fmodmum profit; if, on the other hand, he has competitors, 
even though they be smaller and weaker, he presumably chooses 
a somewhat lower price in order to ruin them, after which he 
can again raise his price. In other words, when the law of 
“ increasing returns ’’ holds for a firm, and holds for any expansion 
whateoever, then free competition is impossible, and the profits 
of the entrepreneur, which finally become a monopoly gain, have 
no tendency to disappear. 

The astonishing thing is that Professor Cassel is actually 
very well aware of this, and mentions it in the very next 
paragraph (p. 129). Nevertheless, he later appeals without 
further ado to this peculiar “ supplementary principle ” in his 
chapter on ‘Hhe pricing-mechanism” (pp. 161 It remains 
a puzzle how all tibis can be understood. 

The confusion increases when the author, with reference to 
these principles ” (p. Ill), applies the expression ‘‘ increasing ” 
and ‘‘ d im i nishin g returns ” in an entirely different sense, i.e. as 
the result occurring when one factor of production is combined 
in increasing quantities with another which remains constant — 
for example, when a fertilizer or an increased amount of labour is 
applied to land of a given quality. Here there is no question of 
an increase in the scale of production ! The principle remains 
the same, whatever the area of the land employed. It is true, 
as he observes, that an increase in the scale of production 
often occurs together with a change in the proportion of factors 
employed or is even conditioned by it. This naturally complicates 
the problem, but should not lead to a confusion of fundamentally 
different concepts. 

The whole of this farrago— I can scarcely call it anything 
else— is largely to be attributed to the fact that Professor Cassel 
stubbornly passes over the earlier specialist literature on this 
subject, which he ostensibly finds superfluous ” since the 
appearance of his own book. 

Amongst minor points in the first book we may only mention 
that he (p. 52) includes trade marks and patent rights ” as 
part of the total capital ” of a “ closed exchange economy ” 
(expressly as “ real capital ”} ; and if I understand him aright, 


lie includes the increase in the value of land and sites cccurring 
during the year in total income (p- 57). Xeither can he 
right. An invention, i.e. a certain method of work, has nothing 
in common with real capital (though it may well have cost 
a large sum of capital), and when a patent expires, society is 
none the poorer, if anyt-hing it is richer — otherwise why should 
legislation restrict patent rights ? Again, mere increase in land 
values may certainly be included in the national income from 
a fiscal point of view, but hardly from any other. Professor Cassel 
merely says that the national income su^ces to pay for the rise 
in land values (which he calls an important principle), but vague 
terminology does not improve the matter, nor does it render 
it more intelligible. Why not clarify important social relation- 
ships instead of obscuring them 1 


In the second book, the chapter on interest should arouse 
mixed feelings in most readers acquainted with the subject, 
and this as much for its critical as for its constructive 
contributions. The wage-fund theory is categorically described 
as ‘‘ sterile dogmatism ’’ — ^it was at least of some use, and the 
error in the older version consisted above all in regarding the 
fund without further proof as a fund stored up for a single year. 
It was this error which led even Eicardo to certain fallacious con- 
clusions. But this defect has been remedied in more recent times 
by the analysis of Jevons and still more by that of Bohm-Bawerk. 

I doubt whether Professor CJassel has the support of any 
serious economist when he describes the work of Bohm-Bawerk 
(and Menger) as a definite retrogression ”(p. 191) — except in the 
sense that they actually went back ’’ to the original ground of 
the whole phenomenon of interest (i.e. the exchange of present 
against future advantages). It is in this way that their theory 
can embrace all kinds of interest, even the case in which no 
capital is accumulated in the physical sense, as in consumption- 
loans ^ ; most other theories of interest are narrower in this 

1 Professor Cassei “ prefers to regard consumption-loans as “ negative 
capital accumulation ” from the borrowers^ point of view. Socially or physically, 
however, there is no negative accumulation of capital, only an uncompleted 
positive accumulation, by which some existmg capital goods are destroyed of 
themselves, and the stock of social capital is thus d im i n i s hed. 


respect. The discourtesy of Professor CasseFs judgment ^ is 
even more offensive than it is absurd, Bohm-Bawerk, in his 
Geschichte und Kritih, without altogether approving of Senior’s 
theory of interest (which stands in the closest agreement with 
Professor CasseFs) declares it to be ^‘incomparably superior 
to his predece^ors’ theories in its profundity, its system, and 
scientific seriousness ”, and defends it against unjustified attacks. 
One has only to compare this treatment of so distinguished an 
economist as Senior with Professor CasseFs remark on Bohm- 
Bawerk in order to appreciate on which side “ sober scholarship ” 
is to be found. And since it is clear that Professor Cassel, like 
others, takes most of what he really knows about the functions 
of capital and interest from Bohm-Bawerk, one involuntarily 
recalls the words with which Dr. J. Bonar, for the most part in 
good will, concluded his review of the “Nature and Necessity of 
Interest ” ; “ Maledicti, qui ante nos nostra dixerunt / ” ^ 

Jevons’ theory of interest, which is essentially identical with 
Bohm-Bawerk’s, is nevertheless called an “ important advance 
Professor CasseFs first objection against it is that capitalistic 
production does not require “an accumulated stock of 
foodstuffs ”, Did Jevons make any such assertion ? Jevons 
says that capital in its “ free ” form, i.e. at the beginning as 
well as at the end of its existence as (invested) capital, assumes 
the form of means of subsistence ; but that is not to say that 
this disinvestment must occur en masse and at one blow in any 
particular enterprise. I shall return when reviewing Professor 
CasseFs own construction to another objection he makes against 
Jevons. A third objection is that Jevons “ wishes to determine 
interest” exclusively “by means of the marginal productivity 
of the extension of the period of production ”, which “ completely 
loses sight of the Principle of Scarcity ”, As we have shown, 
scarcity and marginal productivity, correctly understood, are 
one and the same thing. If we consider capitalistic production 
in society as a whole, it consists in the application of the annual 
endowment ” (to use a felicitous term of Bohm-Bawerk’s) 
to preparing for a consumption, which, on the average, lies at 
some point in the future, and at a point more remote, the more 

^ Hi® objection that “ some saying would take place even with a zero 
rate of interest ” is ludicrous in this context ; if there is no rate of interest, 
there is no need for any explanation. 

® Economic Journal, 1904. 



intensively capitalistic production is. Here the duration of the 
capital-investment is the only variable dimension, and an increase 
in the social capital is thus ipso facto equivalent to a lengthening 
of the average investment-period. It is of course assumed that 
the original factors of production, land and labour, remain 
constant, or, which amounts to the same thing, that capital 
increases relatively to them. Professor CasseFs reference to 
‘‘ conservative agriculture where an increase in capital need 
not bring about any change in the period of production but at 
most an extension of the area under cultivation, is therefore 
only an argumentum ad ignoriantiam — ^how far it is ex ignoriantia 
it is for the reader to say. 

We return once more to Bohm-Bawerk. Of his magnum 
opus Kapital und Kapitalzins ”, Professor Cassel says that in 
spite of the solid and extraordinarily careful work put into it, 
it is in the main misdirected, both in its critical and historical 
and in its constructive parts Bohm-Bawerk’s critical mono- 
graph, a work without peer in economic literature, which clearly 
and decisively demonstrates ^ the obtuseness, superficiality, and 
error so characteristic of most of the older attempts to explain 
interest — can it be ‘‘ in the main misdirected ” ? Perhaps for 
a change. Professor Cassel will enlighten us as to why his own 
loud praises of Turgot's theory of interest (in his Nature and 
Necessity of Interest ”) are now suddenly silenced.^ But he may 
well rejoice that his own youthfuljew d' esprit, the idea of identifying 
interest and the quota of capital accumulation for the splendid 
reason that they are both proportional to capital as well as to 
time,^ escaped Bohm-Bawerk's critical attention. As far as the 
Positive Theory ” is concerned, its “ misdirected character ” 
should, according to Professor Cassel, already be made evident 
by Bohm-Bawerk's ‘"statement of the problem”. “Does the 

^ It is easy to explain, as Professor Cassel does ex paste facto, that the 
older attempts must be allowed “ to lapse into oblivion ” (p. 185), but it would 
certainly not have been so before Bohm-Bawerk had written. 

* But we can still find a faint echo of them in his statement (p. 51) that a 
piece of land in part yields a certain return, and in part “ obviously ” has a 
certam capital value. Actually that is so, but it only becomes “ obvious ’* with 
a rational theory of interest-~i.e. one opposed to Turgot’s. 

* “ Bas Recht auf den vollen Arbeitsertrag,” p. 124 ff. There Cassel, in 
bis eagerness to obtain fairly plausible figures, makes an arithmetical blunder, 
which as a teacher of mathematics he would scarcely have excused in his pupils. 
When the book appeared I privately drew his attention to this serious error ; 
but this circumstance did not prevent him from later quoting his work without 
any quahfication, as if no exception could be taken to it. 



value of the produce depend on the value of the factors of 
production, or, contrariwise, does the value of the factors of 
production depend on the value of the product ? Professor 
Cassel does not advert to the fact that this well-founded question 
was put in exactly the same form by Walras, and that it was 
answered, as far as I can see, by both thinkers in exactly the 
same way (which is the way Professor Cassel answers it himself). 
The question as such makes him uncomfortable. Moreover, he 
repeats the same remark against Jevons, notwithstanding his 
previous description of Jevons' theory as a “great advance ''J 
Can then “ a great advance " be “ in the main misdirected ? ” 

I shall not linger long over Professor CasseFs own positive 
cbntribution to the theory of capital. Discussions in this sphere 
are only too easily lost in a maze of words. Eor my part I cannot 
feel myself bound to any particular terminology, but have often 
declared that as long as the time-element is given its appropriate 
place, the starting-point for the construction of a theory of 
interest can be chosen almost at random ; it does not really 
matter whether we start from the productivity theory, or from 
use, or abstinence, or even from the theory of money. The 
only important thing is to be consistent. But it is just this 
consistency that I find wanting here. We can eitheT adopt Walras’ 
method of takiiig a cfoss-section through social production at 
a moment of time, and thus consider only the co-operation of 
the factors of production existing at the moment. In this case, 
no doubt, the demand for finished products constitutes an 
indirect demand for raw materials and the factors of production, 
by means of which the finished products are produced. At the 
same time there is a demand for new capital-goods, and their 
present yield is the basis for their estimated future yield. We 
thus gain a clear insight into the mechanism by which loan- 
interest is determined at each moment of time. In this method 

^ Ttat Bohm-Bawerk’s work does not lack faults, and that he did not give 
us all that he could have given under more favourable circumstances, is my 
opinion too. When my book, Uber Werty Kapital und Rente appeared, Bohm- 
Bawerk wrote me that the objections I there made agamst his theory coincided 
at many points with the “ self-criticism ” he never ceased to exercise on his 
own work. One might infer that he had in mind a further development and 
completion of this system. But nothing came of it. Por many years his time 
was claimed by political activities, and also he later found himself the object 
of so many (more or less) unwarranted attacks that m the end it became a 
point of honour to reprint his work practically unchanged even in the last 


of procedure we liave no use for “waiting as a factor of 
production ” (thougli it enters to some extent as tiie regulator 
of saving). Or else we can refer eveiytiiing back to the original 
factors of production in conjunction with waiting (or preferably 
iiriie)» Here we make a hn^itudinal section instead, and 
this construction is also admissible. Tliis iongitudinai section, 
as Professor Cassel does indeed remark, actually extends 
indefinitely in time in botb. directions. Tins indefiniteness, 
nowever, is of no practical importance, since the major portion 
lies between finite limits. If we proceed thus, the indirect demand 
for the factors of production from the consumers' side becomes 
a mere metaphor, and we also cease to take capital-goods into 
consideration ; adopting the scheme of Jevons and Bohm-Ba werk, 
everything is resolved into a continuous production directed 
towards the future. 

In the first place, this method gives us a purely theoretical 
insight into the very origin of interest ; but practically, as 
I observed in my Uber Wert^ it has the serious drawback, which 
arises from the durability of certain capital investments, of 
presenting the process of successive readjustments, from which 
an equilibrium situation would ensue, as embracing an interval 
of time where centuries are the merest episodes. This incon- 
venience, however, hes in the very nature of the subject-matter 
and cannot be avoided. For practical purposes we might of 
course confine our attention to shorter periods, and put 
particularly durable capital-goods in a group on their own as 
a kind of “ Eentengiiter ” — comparable to “land” and the 
supply of natural forces. This procedure I there proposed and 
it is this which Professor Cassel now adopts, but of course we 
do not obtain more than a provisional equilibrium situation 
in this way. 

Professor Cassel oscillates between these views without 
giving any precision to the concepts he uses. In the section 
on the pricing-mechanism, he would also like to restrict himself 
to the given moment. But on page 207 he says that “any 
analysis of the exchange-economy must be limited to a fairly 
small and determinate period ”, Here it is therefore not 
a moment of time but a 'period of time that is still being dealt 
with, and we are not told how its duration is to he determined. 
A few pages later (p. 215) he adds that “ the connection 


appears most clearly if we regard the services (of durable 
capital-goods) as the ultimate products and thus include waiting 
for their services in the production process in its wider sense ”, 
etc. Here, therefore, we must necessarily deal with a significantly 
long ‘‘period”. * Yet he makes no attempt to complete his 
previous “ equilibrium equations ” by taking account of this 
omission, and the cardinal question of whether the “ price for 
waiting” (interest) is determined by its own scarcity or the 
“ scarcity of capital ” remains shrouded in darkness. The 
problem is indeed difficult ; it is only Professor Cassel’s claim 
that he has made it so much easier than his predecessors that 
gave occasion to these reflections. 

Professor Cassel’s favourite expression “capital-disposal” 
(it used to be called Kapitalrmtzung or the use of capital) is not 
particularly suited to the clearing up of the matter. This 
“ capital-disposal ” soon becomes synonymous with waiting (m 
which case it is superfluous as a term), and then a condition for 
waiting (and therefore not synonymous with it) in the waiter him- 
self and later we take it to be the waiter who puts his capital 
at the disposal of another. “ Waiting,” we read (p. 199), “ implies 
that a person foregoes for a time the disposal of capital. 
Capital-disposal is the right of disposal over capital thus 
rendered possible for this period.” ^ But what is the word 
“ capital ” doing here ? The man who saves and waits certainly 
foregoes the consumption of some of his income, and eventually 
places this income at another's disposal in exchange for a future 
(greater) income. A house costs £5,000. I have an 
income of £1,000 per annum plus 95 shares of £50 
each, and either get the house built or want to buy it. I forego 
the consumption of a quarter of my income, or £250, and 
sell my shares in lots of £250 to nineteen other similarly 
situated persons, each of whom saves a quarter of his income 
in order to obtain possession of the shares, which thus only 
change hands. (Alternatively, they might have taken out 
mortgages on the house.) With these twenty parts of twenty 
different persons' incomes the house is paid for, and no house 

“ In order to be in a position to take over this function (waiting), we must 
dispose of a certain amount of capital m the abstract sense ” (p. 199). The 
words “ in the abstract sense ” admit of no explanation, for nowhere previously 
has th^e been any defimtion of capital other than real capital. 

® The italics are mine. 



has ever been built or purchased in any other way when pajrment 
was made in cash. The builders of the house obtain a new income, 
which they can dispose of as they think fit. The matter is just 
as simple in practice. Why make it more complex purely for 
the sake of jargon ? Professor Cassel also has a predilection 
for the phrase “ capital-market ”, but fundamentally it is only a 
metaphor, for no capital in the physical sense is either demanded 
or supplied on this market, but simply and solely portions of 
income, which are supplied by savers and demanded by 

Characteristic of Professor Cassel is his sharp distinction 
between durable goods and consumption goods. Here also he 
must have been primarily inspired by Walras, who as we know 
defined the former exclusively as capital and the latter as 
‘‘ revenus ” ; for the simple reason that the total value of the 
future services of a durable good is as a rule greater than its 
present value, the difference constituting interest. This 
distinction, however, cannot be justified. Even the goods 
which are consumed in a single act must be counted as capital 
when the act of consumption occurs in the future and the goods 
obtain a greater value through the very act of waiting. Broadly 
speaking, the manufacturers’ and merchants’ stocks of raw 
materials and finished goods belong to this category, as Professor 
Cassel himself admits, although he is apparently inclined to 
belittle their importance.^ 

None the less he wishes to maintain without qualification 
that this distinction is essential. Even in the Introduction he 

^ Whether stocks of such goods arising from the intermittent nature of 
production should be included in the capital concept is a detail of mainly 
theoretical interest. The answer to the question is in the negative. Professor 
Cassel attempts to show that the need of an economic distribution of the 
consumption of such a stock, e.g. the stock of wheat until the next harvest, 
would of itself produce interest (p. 216 n.). But he succeeds in showing some- 
thing entirely different, i.e. that if money interest originated in another way, 
the price of wheat during the consumption-year must successively rise. Here 
it is precisely the rate of interest which brings about an increasing inequality 
in the consumption of the stock of com, whereas accordmg to Professor Cassel 
the function of interest should be the reverse. The explanation should be 
simply that the scarcity of the stock has no effect on the height of the rate of 
interest. If everything is completed in terms of com there is no rate of mterest 
even in Cassel’s example, and if wheat were the only commodity produced, it 
it is difficult to imagme how transactions within the harvest-year could produce 
interest. But not so when they are extended from one harvest-year to another, 
when the rate of mterest would be a symbol of the discontinuity of production 


devotes to the subject space and attention wMcb seem to me 
to be wasted. Again, when lie is explaining the origin of interest, 
lie clearly distinguisiies between “ the gradual wearing-out 
of durable goods ” and “ time-consuming production in the 
real sense and be accuses (p. 194) Jevons (and B5hm-Bawerk) 
of “artificial constructions’’, when they try to “force” both, 
processes “into a single form”. We may well admit that tbe 
technical aim of capitalistic production is, or at least can be, 
different in both these cases. One or more time-intervals can 
deliberately be mserted in production in the latter, mainly in 
order to utilize tbe free forces of nature (tbe storing of wine 
in cellars, the effects of sunlight on vegetation, etc.). With durable 
goods, however, it is largely a question of joint supply. A capital- 
good is given durability in order that it should yield more 
services, but these must, on the average, necessarily be postponed 
to a more or less remote future. From an economic point of 
view the difference is therefore unessential — ^the less so because 
increased durability often goes hand in hand with an all-round 
increase in efficiency ; and it entirely disappears if, as in other 
cases of joint supply, we employ the method of variations (tbe 
marginal method) and thus obtain a picture of the whole process 
in flux. A farmer has to choose between two ploughs, one of which 
lasts ten years, and the other, equally useful, lasting eleven. If he 
chooses the more durable (and dearer) plough, he has tbe benefit 
of an extra year’s service, which, however, only comes into 
being after the lapse of eleven years, and must therefore replace 
the difference in price between the two ploughs accumulated 
by the total mtexest for the eleven years. Similarly, the price 
of old wine must exceed the price of newly-pressed wine by the 
interest for the years of storage. 

Professor Ca^sel holds that the real practical reason justifying 
this distinction is that “ incomparably the largest quantity of 
capital-disposal is required for the services yielded by durable 
goods ” (such as houses, railways, etc.). Translated into everyday 
speech this means that the greater part of annual savings, 
together with the annually disinvested portions of capital, are 
invested in this way. And this is what undoubtedly happens in 
present-day society, but only because of its outstandingly 
progressive character. In a stationary state, the situation would 
be entirely different. The whole of this analysis furnishes but 


one example ont of many of Professor CasseFs irrational 
inclination to regard as normal wtat is from a quantitative 
point of view a violently progressive society. 

We come now to an undoubtedly valuable contribution to 
the practical problem of interest. We are, or course, referring 
to his celebrated calculations on the strong impulse to individual 
capital-consumption and to a reduced total of capital accumula- 
tion which a very low rate of interest would induce. (It is on 
account of this tendency that such a low rate cannot exist.) 
This element deserves all attention, but one cannot with 
certainty infer any other conclusion than that saving and capital 
accumulation will progress at a slower tempo the more the rate 
of interest falls. And this seems to be clear a priori. Assuming 
a sufficiently clear insight into the urgency of future wants as 
compared with present wants, and also a sufficiently vivid 
interest in the welfare of future generations, it will appear that 
capital accumulation cannot cease, as long as it is generally 
possible to gain more in the future by sacrificing less (computed 
in terms of subjective values) in the present, i.e. as long as 
there is a positive rate of interest, however small. In a socialist 
state, the conception of which presupposes the fulfilment of both 
these conditions, the rate of interest would therefore tend to 
fall to a minimum, until it finally became zero. CasseFs 
own views on “ interest in the socialist state ’’ are rather 
obscure, and appear to be a survival of his bizarre ideas in 
Das jBedfe”. 

The important practical question of the structure of the 
rate of interest in the immediate future, that is to say, until 
the losses in capital incurred in the war are more or less made 
good, depends above all on what happens to the population. 
This book contains no chapter on the theory of population — 
only a couple of pages m the chapter on wages are devoted to it, 
out of sheer necessity — ^and the author’s own views on the 
subject seem to be hopelessly vague. It appears as if his whole 
system of economics is so mextricably bound up with the idea 
of a continually and rapidly increasing population that he 
cannot depart &om it, even when it is all too patently opposed 
to the facts. Before the war, Bortkiewicz had already predicted 
that the population of Germany would have become stationary 
within perhaps twenty-five years. Since the war the probability 


has become much greater, and the prediction need not be confined 
to Germany alone ! 

Professor Cassel maintains that, even in a stationary state, 
every fall in the rate of interest would produce an enormous 
rise in the demand for fixed capital, e.g. for houses for labourers. 
But this is by no means certain. The price of a house is not 
made up of interest only, and, besides, the habitation of a large 
house involves other outlays. Of these fuel was quite as expensive 
in Sweden as the rent of the house itself — ^at least during the 
war. The situation is entirely different when there is a great rise 
in the standard of living of the labouring population, for then 
it becomes certain, as the example of America shows, that the 
workers’ demands for dwelling space will increase even without 
any fail in the rate of interest. 

All in all I fear that Professor Cassel has not succeeded in 
throwing light on the problem of the probable future rise or fall in 
the rate of interest, whether in its theoretical or practical aspects. 

We must add that this chapter undoubtedly contains many 
sound observations, e.g. on the question of the tendency towards 
the concentration of firms (increasing returns proper) — a subject 
which has hitherto been very much neglected by theorists. But 
queer and arbitrary statements, whose only motive apparently 
is a desire to controvert accepted principles, are to be found 
in plenty, e.g, on pp. 227 and 228 among others. For reasons 
of space, I must forego any closer examination of them. 

No less than thirty-eight pages are devoted to the theory 
of rent. We may well doubt the need for so exhaustive 
a treatment, for nothing new is added to a subject which has 
been discussed almost ad mtuseam and which is yet so simple 
in essence. The pertinent criticisms of the Ricardian theory 
had already been made by Walras and should by now be 
considered common property in economics, even though no less 
an economist than Marshall attempts to maintain Ricardo’s 
teachings in their old formulation. It is in any case an abuse 
of words to dismiss, as Professor Cassel does, Ricardo’s famous 
thesis that ‘ the price of corn is not high because rent must 
be paid but that rent must be paid because the price of com 
is high as merely ^ false Rightly interpreted, it contains 
an extremely important and often misunderstood tmth, and it 
should not give rise to any real misconception. 


Naturally, in actual fact, as Professor Cassel (following 
Walras) rightly maintains, the price of land and its services 
is determi n ed in more or less the same way as the prices of 
other factors of production, and is only a link in the whole chain 
of price-relationships. But if one tries to deal with the whole 
problem in all its ramifications at once, it becomes so much 
more complex and so much less susceptible to a general survey 
that the whole exposition peters out in vague generalization. 
If we are to obtain some real insight into the interrelations 
of the phenomena, it is therefore necessary ^ to start with a first 
approximation or abstraction, in which the quantities of goods 
on the market are taken as given, and then go on to a second, 
in which the prices of the goods are taken as given. This procedure 
is equivalent to treating the problem of production (and 
distribution) on the assumption that only one commodity is 
produced — and yet even in this case it is complicated enough ! 

As an example of the looseness of analysis in this book, 
we may cite the statement (p. 286) that in comparing two 
pieces of land of different quality, we must not, as Eicardo 
does, assume them to be worked by the same amount of labour 
and capital ”, but by the amount of labour and capital adapted 
to each. What is he driving at.? Eicardo himself says that the 
better land is cultivated more intensively, whether alternatively 
to or simultaneously with the cultivation of the worse, but that 
does not imply that there is a lacuna in his deduction of 
differential rent. 

Professor Cassehs peculiar and mutually inconsistent 
definitions of ‘‘ increasing and decreasing returns ” have already 
been discussed.^ On p. 279 he adds yet a third, when he says 
that if with a given price for labour, land, and capital an 
entrepreneur can increase the value of his product relatively 
to total costs by applying more labour and capital to a given 
piece of land, a firm is still in conditions of mcreasing returns 
But on the same assumption the entrepreneur could have obtained 
the same addition to his relative profits by diminishing the 

^ It was this method that I for my part adopted. 

2 As in agriculture, we can usually manage without the terms increasing 
and (after a certain point) diminishing returns. For as soon as the population 
has increased to such an extent that the free products of nature (wild gra^ 
timber, etc.) have an exchange value, diminishing returns have already set in 
and cannot be counteracted (but rather can only be shifted to a higher plane 
by technical progress) — ^which Cassel himself seems to admit. 


amount of land employed and thus reducing total costs. On tHs 
excellent definition increasing ’’ and decreasing returns are 
therefore identical ! 

The whole analysis is here very nebulous and diffuse. 
Naturally, the entrepreneur strives to attain the maximum 
absolute and not relative profit ; we must therefore necessarily 
start from something fixed and given, or else the whole edifice 
will vanish into thin air. We must assume that the entrepreneur 
disposes over either a given amount of capital (his own or 
borrowed), or else a given area of land, or finally a given amount 
of labour (as in co-operative agriculture). But in this case the 
Principie of Substitution only comes into operation for the 
factors of production demanded by him and not for those he 
already possesses.^ Only in a general equilibrium resulting from 
competition between entrepreneurs, where their profits are 
theoretically forced down to :sero, does the Principle of 
Substitution or marginal principle hold universally. And yet 
we must always introduce a reservation for ^"the marginal 
productivity of capital"’ regarded as a sum of value. This 
I have explicitly proved in my writings, but Professor Cassel 
completely neglects it. His own rather vague and diffuse theory 
of capital is wholly unadapted to more clear-cut conceptual 

Greater store must be set on his really exhaustive treatment 
of the rent of mines — ‘‘ the price of natural materials And yet 
in my opinion his discussion would have gained in significance 
if he had first dealt with what is theoretically the simplest case, 
that in which the mines are regarded as inexhaustible, and at 
the same time the annual output can be increased within certain 
limits without increased general costs. This is clearly the 
assumption from which Ricardo starts in his only too sparse 
reflections on the subject. If in these conditions all mines should 
be regarded as equally productive, there would, says Ricardo, 
be no rent for the mine, and the price of the minerals would 
include only labour and capital costs. When, on the other hand, 
some mines are more productive than others, the owners of the 

^ This limitation is also to some extent applicable to my analysis in 
Lectures on FolUical Economy (p. 131 above), where I was dealing with increasing 
returns proper. It was therefore possible to conceive of (e.g.) a trust with a 
large capital consisting of many individual firms and striving after an optimum 
size for each ; in this way it obtains a maximum profit on all its individual 
investments of capital and on its capital as a whole. 



better m i n es enjoy a rent, wMcn is determined in tiie same way 
as tbe ordinary rent of land. 

Bnt tere Kicardo must be wrong. If on tins assumption 
the better mines were released for free exploitation, labour and 
capital would flow from the worse to the better mines, the 
annual output would rise and the price of ore fail. We maintain 
on the contrary that there would be no such change in the 
price of agricultural products when the rent of land is confiscated 
or remitted by the State. The owners of the better mines can 
therefore only procure incomes by an artificial lowering of the 
gross product, and even in this case there would be an essential 
difference between ‘‘royalty’^ and ^‘renf. The former is 
a monopoly rent, the latter a pure scarcity rent. When we 
take an imminent exhaustion of the mines into account, the 
difference is naturally accentuated, but it tends to disappear 
to the extent that relatively increased costs are involved by 
increasing the annual product of either mines or agriculture 
in general. In any case, it is to Professor CasseFs credit that 
he has gone into the details of a subject which has been only 
too cursorily dealt with in economic theory. 

We now come to the special chapter on wages. Here also 
Professor Cassel claims to have constructed an independent 
theory, hut I cannot discover wherein its originality lies. The 
division of wage-theories into ‘‘ pessimistic ’’ and optimistic 
is certainly not new. All wage-theories without exception — or 
with the exception of those which are merely confused — ^are 
necessarily pessimistic, if we start from an unrestricted tendency 
for the population to increase, otherwise no wage-theory would 
be pessimistic if pursued to a logical conclusion. Even the 
Iron Law of Wages is converted into '‘a standard of life’’ 
theory or a Golden Law of Wages ” [Gide] — a change which 
was by no means alien to Eicardo’s train of thought. 

ll^y the Wage-Fund theory should be singled out from all 
others for description as pessimistic is difficult to understand. 
If we assume the ‘‘ dividend ” or fund to be sufficiently large 
and the divisor (the number of workers) sufficiently small, the 
quotient — ^the jper capita wages — can, at least at first glance, attain 
any magnitude whatsoever. I willingly concede that the Wage- 
Fund theory, in its classical form, where the fund was mainly 
regarded as of a single year’s duration, was completely erroneous. 


As we have already remarked, it led even Ricardo to draw patently 
false conclusions, and in this form it unfortunately became 
a weapon in the struggle against the shorter working day. 
In the extended form it assumed at the hands of Bohm-Bawerk, 
it; can easily be defended from a purely theoretical point of view, 
but it has, as we have said, a severe disadvantage from a practical 
point of view. Eminently durable capital-goods cannot be fitted 
into such a fund without involving the consideration of 
altogether unmanageable periods of time. For shorter periods, 
however, these durable capital-goods take on the same economic 
status as land ; they are Rentengiiter ”, and their share (or 
their owners’ share) in the product is determined, at least in the 
stationary state, quite simply according to the principle of 
marginal utility or of marginal productivity. A fusion of the 
Wage-Fund and the marginal productivity theories, however, 
would then be impossible. Or else one can ^ throw overboard 
the whole concept of the Wage-Fund, or the subsistence-fund, 
and adopt instead Bohm-Bawerk’s brilliant suggestion. The 
idea of considering capitalistic production as primary and capital 
itself as secondary was put forward in the second book of the 
Positive Theory, but of course Bohm-Bawerk himself did not 
carry it to completion. By this means everything is dominated 
by the marginal principle applied to land, labour, and time (the 
period of waiting or capital-investment) as the factors of 

Remarkably enough, in this chapter, Professor Cassel also 
rejects marginal productivity as a ground for the determination 
of wages ; he asserts inter alia that it provides no elucidation 
of the dependence of wages on the workers’ efforts and ability ”. 
This we fail to understand. In the individual case wages are 
of course proportional to the worker’s eiBSiciency — ^in all cases in 
the bargaining system. If the efficiency of labour increases all 
along the line this theory drives us to the conclusion that wages 
fall relatively (or possibly absolutely), but this sad result cannot 
be ascribed to the fault of the theory ! Cassel adds that he is 
afraid that efficiency and marginal productivity will be confused, 
and in support of this view he quotes a passage from Professor 
Seligman which is not very remarkable in its penetration, and 
however prominent a thinker Professor Seligman may in many 

^ For my own part, I have already made the attempt. 



respects be, we cannot bold Mm to be a typical representative 
of modem economics in any way. 

Wbat then are Professor CassePs own views on the theory 
of wages ? It is not so easy to say. He begins by going back 
to the principle of supply and demand, wHch always provides 
a starting-point at any rate, if nothing else. But in its 
elaboration he expresses himself, contrary to Ms wont, in quite 
loose phraseology, as though he were afraid of certain unavoid- 
able conclusions. The policy of “ the open shop ’’ described by. 
the Webbs he praises discreetly, without, however, completely 
binding Mmself to it. "'The Webbs’ doctrine has the great 
merit that it has changed the study of the supply of labour from 
a pure computation in terms of arithmetical magnitudes to an 
examination of the underlying economic and social processes 
which determine the supply of labour” — ^which sounds very 
much like a verbal flourish. And as verbal flourish number two 
I shall cite the following (p. 333) : “ The most advantageous 
position for labour on the whole is attained if the supply of labour 
is as nearly as possible adapted to the demand, i.e. if the price 
of different kinds of labour is merely the expression of their 
inevitable natural scarcity.” Can this theory be applied without 
closer examination to those earning the lowest wages ? More 
than once Cassel talks of the necessity of an ‘‘ amelioration ” 
of these unfortunate wage conditions or of the market ”, and 
still more often he warns us against any “ misdirected ” attempt 
at such an amelioration, but he never teUs us how the desired 
amelioration should be introduced.^ 

^ Undoubtedly, tbe cardinal mistake in bis approach is that be here, as 
in his treatment of parasitic occupations and the like, always proceeds from 
the hidden assumption that wages as such must necessarily be sufficient to 
cover the labourers’ subsistence. Nmther theoretically nor often practically 
is this hypothesis justifiable. Since the theories of a science must be generally 
valid, it is perhaps permissible to conceive of a “ strong ” case. We shall 
assume that in equihbnum, wages for most workers are considerably below 
the subsistence-level, but that, at the same time, the total product is so great 
that, with a different distnbution, it would abundantly cover the needs of aU. 
From Professor Cassel’s point of view the question of an amelioration of the 
conditions of labour in this case constitutes, as far as I can see, an absolutely 
insoluble problem. For wages as such cannot be raised, at least not safely, unless 
the population diminishes to such an extent that the marginal productivity 
of labour is considerably raised. But such a diminution is a slow and, in mo^ 
cas^, painful process, and, moreover, in this particular case it would, on our 
assumption, be completely unnecessary and therefore to be repudiated. The 
only way out is to grant subsidies, of the consequences of which Oassel is so 
fearful. If necessary, they must of course take on such a form that they do 
not imply any humiliation for anybody. 


When he discusses (p. 334) the question ‘‘ of a limitation 
of the total supply of labour ”, he expresses himself so vaguely 
that we cannot tell whether he is considering a shortening of 
hours or even — and this more or less follows from the context — 
a reduction in the number of workers, which naturally makes 
an immense difference. On p. 349 he says that too small a relative 
birth-rate in the higher classes and the upper sections of the 
working-classes may “perhaps lead to a relatively too great 
scarcity of qualified workers, especially in the key positions 
This in its turn would involve a particularly disadvantageous 
development of the market position for the lower classes, and 
would press down their wages considerably. No doubt such 
a chain of events is conceivable, but in any case it would be 
hard to point out a historical example of this kind. A general 
fall in the birth-rate is a phenomenon confined to comparatively 
modern times. 

As an explanation of the high wages of North American 
workers we are offered (p. 339) — ^as far as one can gather from 
a phraseology which is repeatedly loose — ^the theory that the 
European demand for agricultural products prevented their 
internal price in America from falling as much as they would 
otherwise have done. If that is his real opinion, it is wrong. 
This demand — ^as he hi ms elf admits immediately afterwards — 
was responsible for the emergence of rent and to this extent 
for a fall in wages (in terms of com) in America. Whether this 
disadvantage has been counterbalanced by the cheapness of 
European industrial goods is more than doubtful. 

The chapter closes with several reflections on “wages in 
the socialist state ”, which, like his previous remarks on the 
same subject, suffer from being excessively critical to the point 
of ineffectualness. He asserts inter alia that much, perhaps most, 
of the incomes of the “ leisured classes ” to-day would not^ after 
redistribution, accrue to the benefit of consumption in the 
socialist state, because “ probably ” it “ will have to be claimed 
for the requisite accumulation of capital ”. Which presupposes 
a large continuous increase in population inconceivable in the 
long rtin, whether in the socialist state or in present-day society. 

On the whole, in spite of much that is interesting in detail. 
Professor Gassers inquiries into the theory of wages are too 
much devoid of rigour and-nso to speak— backbone, to provide 



the basis for fruitful social iavestigatioiis, although^ appealing 
to a well-known monograph, he very emphatically stat^ that 
such has been the case. 


The third book is devoted to the nature of money and to 
some extent to actual monetary systems. Even here the author’s 
theories are not too rigorous or consecutive. As far as one can 
see he is stiU completely dependent on the Quantity Theory, as 
in Section 43 on Free Standards ”, The only concession he 
makes to the bullion ” theory is to be found in the statement 
that the hope of a future conversion of paper money into bullion 
can to some extent afiect its value. Indeed, this is not incom- 
patible with the quantity theory ; some-bank notes are hoarded 
for future conversion and, for the time being, take no part in 
circulation. Besides there are cases on record where paper money 
has attained a value even higher than that of the bullion it 
originally represented. 

But in the chapter on Bank Money ” we suddenly stumble 
on the following passage, which might almost have been 
culled from one of Jacob Riesser’s pre-War works. No one 
should doubt, at this time of the day, that these works exercised 
a baleful influence on Germany’s monetary system during the 
War. I quote the passage in full : — 

l^ere is moreover a possibility of a continuous multiplica- 
tion of the means of payment only as long as confidence in the 
bank’s capacity to cash its notes and deposit is tindisturbed. But 
as we know from experience, this confidence cannot be maintained, 
unless the bank keeps a reserve which is in a sufficient proportion 
to the obligations daily falling due and particularly to its notes. 
In this respect an international desire for an appropriate reserve 
has arisen, a desire which has not fixed upon a constant numerical 
proportion without seriously upsetting confidence at home and 
abroad in the maintenance of the foreign exchange rate. We 
therefore find that a minimum reserve which is never actually 
used IS regularly kept against bank money (!). This m i ni mum 
reserve will be left untouched even in cases of the direst necessity, 
as in wartime. What is more, it is just in such cases, as the most 
recent experience has shown, that an earnest attempt is made to 



protect the reserve and even to strengthen it by diverse means by 
abolishing the obligation to redeem the notes in cash/’ ^ 

Well might we ask — what is Professor CasseVs true opinion ? 
Is it the scarcity of bank money ”, ultimately ensuing from the 
interest pohcy of the banks, which determines the value of 
money ? Or is it confidence in the conversion of bank-notes 
and deposits in gold — confidence so touchy that it must always, 
so to speak, have iis object, gold, visible before it, but at the 
same time so impregnable that it cannot be perturbed when it 
is patently deceived by the banks’ indefinite postponement of 
conversion ? Of course one can only accept one of these views 
to the exclusion of the other. There is no doubt, at any rate 
for me, as to which has most to be said for it. In the nature of 
the case, Professor Cassel should tend to hold the former — ^the 
experience of the War, as he himself admits, must influence 
him in this direction.^ 

When he is unravelling the influence of the rate of interest 
on commodity prices, we meet the same regrettable half-hearted- 
ness and uncertainty. Judging by many of his statements, he 
is clearly aware that the essential factor must be the relative 
height of the rate of interest in relation to the return the borrower 
expects to get irom the loan, i.e. to the real rate of interest. 
None the less he says ^ that a real rate of interest in 
any other sense than the market rate does not exist ”, Very 
strange ! The rate of interest on the so-called open market, 
i.e. the discount for first-class jpa^er, which in fact constitutes 
a kind of intermediary between prime bills of exchange and 
mere cash, stands indeed in a looser relation to the average 
yield on capital than does the bank-rate. Again, as far as this 
yield, i.e. the real rate of interest, is concerned, it is actually 

1 [This passage, which occurs on p. 366 of the first German edition, has 
been substantially modified in the second English edition.] 

* It is a matter for separate consideration that, at the critical 
mon^nt he goes bwk on convictions, at least apparently ; for instance, at 
^ spring (1919) he unexpectedly supported the lowering 

of ™ bank-rate. Since then, judging by newspaper articles, he has 

again held that the bank rate (though only the loan rate) should be kept up. 

^ j first German edition, p. 382 ; first English edition, p. 418. In 
the second English edition (p. 439) the passage has been modified and reads 

as iollows: ** ‘a real rate’, in a sense other than that of the market 

rate is a very unreliable mdicator for the banks’ mterest pohoy, since the 
S^st rai^’^f^^ shown, directly and powerfully influenced by the banks’ 


not observed, on the Stoci Exchange apart, perhaps, from its 
indirect effect on the price of shares. Of course it cannot be 
strictly determined numerically, but it does not on that account 
cease to exist and exert its full influence on economic phenomena. 
Heat would still exist even if there were no thermometers, and 
so would electric currents even if we did not know how to 
measure them by means of a galvanometer. 

My own statement that a persistent, abnormally high or 
low money rate must be cumulative in its effects on the level of 
commodity prices Gassel calls ‘^a paradox which is obviously 
only possible if we overlook the reactions on the capital market 
of an unjustifiable lowering of the rate of interest 

But how can the fact that a cause operates in the same 
direction as long as it persists be called a paradox ? Clearly 
my theory coincides with Ricardo’s theory of the effects of 
a continued flow of gold into the banks. On the other hand, 
it must be admitted that some forces come into play as a reaction. 
Professor Cassel’s own discussion of these forces (on the preceding 
page) does not appear to be particularly lucid. There is no 
doubt that when a sudden violent rise in prices has set in, people 
with fixed incomes or with incomes which have not increased 
sufiGiciently are compelled to curtail consumption. This process 
is equivalent to a real accumulation of capital, and to that 
extent should lower the real rate. In normal conditions, however, 
such a reaction should only be of secondary importance. Other- 
wise, as Ricardo says, the banks are “ potent engines indeed ”, 
they will be able to determine arbitrarily the height of the rate 
of interest without any risk other than that attaching to a single 
rise or fall in the level of commodity prices. Professor Gassel 
was formerly wont to be the first to maintain that the banks 
do not have this power. 

What appears to me to be a still more serious defect is 
Professor Cassel’s tendency to expound the theory of money 
in such a way as to make it serviceable for some of the practical 
ends in which he is interested. He holds inter alia that the 
present high maigin of profits of private banks is especially 
beneficial and must be left tmdisturbed. He therefore attempts 
to render credible the theory that the rate of interest does not 
normally have any effects worthy of mention on the volume of 
^ [See first English edition, p. 479, n.] 


saving. Naturally, lie cannot substantiate this view. Accordingly, 
be erplains in tbe Introduction to bis chapter on Bank Money 
(p. 412) that ‘‘in an inquiry into tbe nature of money, it is 
clear that we must abstract from all deposits representing 
investments of capital, and confine ourselves only to cash 
entrusted to tbe bank on current account It is no accident 
that this is a preliminary to bis tborougb-going refusal to attach 
any importance to tbe deposit-rate in tbe determination of tbe 
value of money. In tbe important Section 47 on tbe “ Cover 
on Bank Money and its Reflux ”, Cassel assumes for tbe sake 
of simplicity that “ tbe capital left in tbe bank for longer periods 
or permanently remains constant and this provisional 
assumption is never later discussed. And yet be himself must 
recognize (p. 438) that a rise in tbe discount-rate will only have 
a sufficiently powerful effect on tbe “provision of money”, 
if “ the sum of money lent is large in relation to tbe bank money ” 
(bank-notes or current accounts), in other words that tbe money 
consisting of interest-bearing deposits (just as much as tbe 
banks’ own capital) constitutes a significantly large part of 
total liabilities. Tbe importance of deposit rates for a rapid 
regulation of tbe issue of bank-notes (or bank money in general) 
clearly follows ; at tbe same time it is tbe basis of tbe modern 
demand that tbe central banks should also be allowed to receive 
deposits in return for tbe payment of interest — as the Bank of 
England actually did during the War, at least for the private 

Although be elsewhere keeps only to tbe closed economy “ on 
principle ” (!) Professor Cassel also deals here with international 
payments and tbe foreign exchanges. Characteristically enough, 
be begins with “ free independent standards ”. This is indeed 
a very difficult and complicated question ; in any case bis theories 
do not seem to me to be well developed. He asserts that a high 
exchange rate in one country — e.g. Glermany — ^acts as a stimulus 
to borrowing from abroad on short term and to the export of 
securities, because in both cases “ there is a profit to be earned 
on tbe high exchange ” (p. 512). That may well be, but is this 
result certain ? Tbe man who procures a deposit abroad will 
one day have to pay for tbe loan. If tbe exchanges continue at 
tbe same rate, be has gained nothing, and has offiiy bad to pay 
^ The italics are mine. 



what was probably an exorbitant rate of interest in the interim. 
Similarly, the price of foreign — e.g. Swedish — securities must rise 
in Germany, while German securities fall in Sweden if the mark 
depreciates relatively to the krone ; how then can it pay to 
export them from Germany to Sweden ? 

The explanation must be as follows. The man who buys 
securities in Germany in order to sell them in Sweden is not — 
as Cassel says — a speculator in the proper sense of the word, 
but is merely conducting an arbitrage operation, the gain from 
which, if any, he can calculate directly. Actual speculators are 
the final buyers or sellers of these securities. The German owner 
of Swedish securities sells in the hope that he will be able to 
repurchase at a profit when the mark exchange rises again. 
He can therefore sell them at a somewhat lower price than that 
corresponding to the rise in the exchange-rate, or otherwise 
it would not pay him to do so. On the same grounds a Swedish 
buyer expecting a future rise in the exchange on Germany offers 
a little more for German securities than would correspond to the 
present rate of exchange, and so on. The same holds for Swedish 
imports from Germany. If the payment is stipulated in Swedish 
money and the exchange-rate on Sweden rises, the German 
buyer obtains a postponement of his payment, if necessary, 
against the payment of a higher rate of interest, because he 
hopes for a future fall in the exchange-rate. If the payment 
is made in German currency, the Swedish creditor, for this 
reason and no other, allows his claim on Germany to remain 
outstandmg instead of pocketing it at the current low rate of 
exchange on Germany. 

One of two conditions is necessary, if a country having 
no interest-claims abroad is to be able to import more than it 
exports. Either a country offers its creditors an attractively 
high rate of interest by raising its discount rate, or its foreign 
exchange-mte has fallen sufficiently to attract speculation on its 
prospective xise.^ 

Of course the level of commodity prices and the exchange- 
rate always tend to move in the same direction in two countries 
trading with each other, at least as long as the exchange of 
goods can proceed freely, but this movement may just as well 

^ Cf. my article in EhmomisJc Tidskrift on “ The Riddle of the Exchanges”. 
To judge by an article in Sv, Export, No. 17, 1913, Cassel seems to have now 
accepted this view. 


start from the side of the exchange-rate as from that of the 
price level. With a higher exchange-rate there is a rise in the 
price of exports as well as of imports, and if the banks do not 
appropriately react with a higher discount-rate, but let their 
bank-notes and credit flow out, the rise in prices is rapidly 
diffused to all commodities. Thus the credit policy of the banks — 
and above all of the central banks — ^is the dominating factor. 

With some astonishment we find Professor Cassel repeating 
in this book without any further critical examination his 
celebrated speculations — ^more fantastic than trustworthy — on 
the relation between the quantity of gold and the level of 
commodity prices throughout the nineteenth century. No one 
denies that some such connection must exist, but in order that 
it should be demonstrable in detail, all the factors at work must 
naturally be considered, and this he has completely neglected 
to do. We have heard tell of an American humorist who once, 
probably in the great days of the Temperance movement, gave 
an evening lecture with the queer title of “ Milk which began 
with a promise not to mention the word milk again. He succeeded 
without any difficulty. Professor Cassel has solved the much 
more difficult problem of giving us a numerical analysis of the 
connection between gold-production and the price-level from 
1800 onwards without as much as mentioning silver on a single 
occasion. I am by no means the first to draw attention to this 
omission, it has been done several times before now — ^in Sweden 
more than ten years ago by Brock. But it is still entirely ignored ; 
he continues to ‘‘ conjure ’’ with his gold-curves. Of what use 
are such ingenious constructions ? The more they succeed, the 
more suspicious become the very methods which, when rightly 
used, should inevitably lead to a demonstration of the gap in the 
argument, at least for what covers the nineteenth century, when 
the world’s main metallic currency was silver. If he had extended 
his curve to cover the eighteenth century, then, as far as I can 
see, their disagreement with the facts— -not to say their absurdity 
— ^would have immediately become apparent. 


My review has become exceptionally long, or otherwise 
I should willingly write at rather greater length on the fourth 



book on Trade Cycles in order to compensate for my previously 
largely negative criticism. As I have already said, it is in my 
opinion incomparably tbe best part of bis work. Professor CasseFs 
great gifts for concrete description based on facts and figures 
here show to advantage. Besides, tbe somewhat irritating 
Olympian omniscience of tbe rest of tbe book bas entirely 
disappeared ; be never claims to bave propounded some new 
theory of crises, but is content to sujfier tbe older explanations 
of crises calmly and objectively and to accept tbe most plausible 
of them. At tbe same time be illuminates all tbe phenomena 
associated with tbe trade cycle with interesting statistical 
tables and diagrams. 

Considering tbe extraordinary difficulty of tbe subject (and 
my own far from adequate comprehension of it), I certainly 
cannot vouch for tbe correctness of all bis conclusions, but 
on tbe whole they appear preponderatmgly sound and just. 

Some objections can certainly be advanced ; tbe description 
of tbe period of depression, which is tbe weak point of most 
theories, hardly emerges in a clearer light in Cassel. From bis 
older essay (Ekonomisk Tidskrift, 1904), on which this is otherwise 
a great advance, be bas taken tbe idea that capital accumulation 
even in a depression mainly takes tbe form of fixed capital. He 
tries to show by means of tbe statistics of railroad construction 
{inter alia) that the increase in fixed capitabgoods does not 
stagnate even in tbe downward phase of the trade cycle ; so 
that society is better provided with fixed capital at tbe end of the 
depression than at tbe beginning. He forgets that all this must 
be judged relatively. Tbe provision of fixed capital must always 
keep pace with tbe growing needs of the population. If its growth 
is actually accelerated in tbe boom and retarded in a depression, 
tbe latter from this point of view cannot serve as “ a preliminary 
to tbe subsequent upward phase ’’ — other than negatively by 
creating a relative vacuum which must be filled. Logically 
speaking, what Professor Cassel says must bold for circulating 
capital — stocks of goods. What in fact happens cannot, 
unfortunately, be ascertained owing to tbe lack of statistical 
material. Professor Cassel does not wholly deny this possibility, 
but be is generally tempted to keep it in the background. 

Tbe agricultural situation is particularly relevant at this 
point. If, as be also maintains, agriculture relinquishes some 


labour to industry during a boom, it must on tbe other hand 
be possible to do some preparatory '-work in the subsequent 
depression, which will serve to provide food for the population 
in the next industrial boom. For during the depression a number 
of industrial labourers return to agriculture, which can also 
absorb part of the increase in the labouring population. Professor 
Cassel thinks — ^in my opinion wrongly — ^that agriculture is 
independent of trade cycles proper, thus differing from Dietzel 
and Petander, who perhaps go to the other extreme. 

Here and there we still find inconsistent and loosely 
reasoned judgments. On p. 609 it is left an open question how 
far real wages (as distinct from money wages) rise or fall in 
a boom. But only a few pages later, without giving any really 
decisive reason, he is sure that they rise, at least if the services 
of those recently taken into employment are considered. Brock 
has maintained the opposite thesis, and the statistics he adduces 
would have deserved some scrutiny. The scepticism with which 
Professor Cassel here speaks of statistics ’’ does not well accord 
with his own diligent application of statistics as a method of proof. 

All these are mere details. One reads this painstaking 
discussion with interest and advantage. And what is more 
with enjoyment. The very tone is different. Curiously and 
characteristically enough it is just at this point, where he has 
really so much that is new and valuable to offer, that an 
unassertive, quiet and scientific approach redeems the unpleasant 
aggressiveness of the preceding part of his work. 

With a certain feeling of constraint we ask : why could it ’ 
not all have been written in tins spirit ? Why has not Professor 
Cassel throughout contented himself with the role of continuer 
instead of that of a pretended innovator, for which neither his 
nor other men’s powers suffice when it is a matter of so large 
a field as the whole of economics ? Why has he not resolutely 
freed hi ms elf from the immature vagaries of his earlier writings 
— ^which he cannot seriously maintain — ^and, with the acuter 
view which he must have acquired, given us a simple objective 
survey of the present position of economic science ? That the 
work even in its present form has many merits, I do not deny ; 
but — ^and this is the highest compliment I can pay to his talent 
— ^he could have enormously improved his book if he had cared 
more for the subject than for his own self-esteem. 


Macaulay mentions as a characteristic of James II that 
when a member of his court dared to contradict him and humbly 
warn h i m against the conse<juences of his explicit avowals, he 
used to repeat what he had said in identically the same way 
and then believed that he had mfficiently refuted all objections. 
Such a method may be all very well for kings in difficulties, 
although, as the example shows, it has its dangers even for them. 
For laymen who have not yet become the acknowledged monarchs 
of their subject it is decidedly not to be recommended. Professor 
Cassel must learn — ^unless it is indeed too late — ^to use his critical 
faculties on hi m self as well as on others, to give as yrell as to take 
— otherwise his life-work will not survive criticism. 

2. Real Capital Am> Intekest^ 

(a) Dr. Gnstaf Akennan’s Reallcapital und Kapitalzins 

It has been a great pleasure for me to re-read in print 
a book in which I had already taken a keen interest in its 
manuscript form, especially as what remained rather obscure 
in the perusal of the manuscript now stands in a clearer light. 
This holds for the defects of the book as well as for its merits, 
but on the whole I believe that it is with a good conscience that 
I can give the author credit for having fulfilled his anything 
but easy task with rare energy, consistency, and deep 
penetration. The object of the book is to investigate the 
co-operation of social durable capital with free uninvested labour 
in production. This problem is clearly of great practical 
significance — ^no doubt much more so than the problems dealt 
with by Jevons and Bohm-Bawerk. They concentrated on the 
capitalistic process of production, in which labour resources 
(and probably land resources) ripened into immediate consump- 
tion goods, or what the author calls variable capital But his 
problem is so complex that the vast majority of economists, 
including the reviewer, have almost entirely passed it by as 
being much too difficult to be susceptible to analysis. In spite of 
the fact that Walras did touch on certain aspects of the question, 
our author has not much to draw from him, for Walras essentially 
regards capital-goods as indestncctible or as constituted in such 
a way that they can be kept intact with a given amount of 
maintenance (or insurance) costs. This procedure naturally 
simplifies the problem, but on the other hand it neglects many 
of its most important aspects. For Walras does not take into 
account the fact that a longer or shorter duration for the 
projected capital-good may be more profitable, which is the 
crux of the matter for Akerman. But as the author himself 
admits, the real starting-point, if nothing else, of his own 

^ This article first appeared in the Ehonomxsk TvdskrtH, 1923, Nos. 5-6. 
pp. 146-180. •' ^ ' 



treatment was discovered in the long-forgotten work of the 
Scottish-American, John RaeJ 

From the very beginning the author has therefore to go 
almost entirely his own way. Oux esteem for his work rises 
still more, when we remember that his problem is not elementary 
from a mathematical point of view, and that in order to master 
it he only had access to the ordinary high-school knowledge of 
mathematics. Nevertheless, it is for this very reason that he 
has been compelled to give his analysis such a form that the 
book can be read by anybody without any but the most 
elementary knowledge. But with one intractable condition — 
the unremitting attention of the reader is demanded. If we 
miss our way only once in the iSnely spun web of reasoning, 
everything we read later is bound to be in vain, and it only 
remains for us to begin again de now. Which is naturally 
a shortcoming. The author ought to have relieved the reader^s 
tension with a fuUer and more pointed method of exposition, 
and would have been in a position to do so if he had more time 
at his disposal. We may mention as an example of the 
difficulties confronting the reader the magnitude representing 
the value of a unit-use of some capital-good, e.g. a machine. 
This magnitude 6, together with I (wages) keeps on appearing 
in the whole of the latter part of the book, and is obtained 
in the following manner. W^e conceive of the productive services 
of this machine in a unit of time, e.g. a year, as being divided 
into as many equal parts as units of labour required to produce, 
not this machine, but an equally good and useful one of a single 
year’s duration. This concept is indeed extremely abstract in 
character. Certainly it is developed with unfailing consistency 

^ Statement of some New Principlea of Political Economy. Unfortunately, 
I only know hjs work through Bohm-Bawerk’s quite detailed and largely 
eulogistic description of it (in the Qeschichte und KrUik der Kapitalzinstheorie), 
Bohm-Bawerk’s criticism is in efiect identical with his celebrated objection 
against all “ productivity theorists ”, who in his opinion constantly confuse 
physical and value productivity. As I have already attempted to show in 
Uber Werty Kapital und Rente, at the very most this confusion is nothing more 
than a methodological error. In the first approach to the solution of the 
problem of production and distribution, it is permissible, if not advisable, to 
consider the prices of commodities as constant (which in the last analysis is 
essentially what Bohm-Bawerk himself does) ; in the same way, we r^ard 
production as constant in the first stage of the solution of the problem of pricing. 
It is only at a later stage that we should combine both these approximations 
in order to obtain the final solution of the problem. Once this is grasped, then, 
as far as I can see, Bohm-Bawerk^s objection loses its force. 



and does lead to correct results, but only by inflicting on the 
poor reader tbe torment of keeping this whicb is neither 

fish nor fowl, in mind. With a slight revision of the formula 
the book could have been made more intelligible in this respect. 

But there is another more serious difficulty, which I fear 
is for the most part insuperable in the discussion of the economic 
phenomenon of durable capital. For we cannot, at least without 
further analysis, apply the celebrated principle that capital is 
or corresponds to a certain amount of ' previously-done ’ labour ’ ’ , 
i.e. the accumulated saved-up, or invested, resources of labour 
{or land). A machine fresh from the factory undoubtedly 
represents a certain amount of labour ; if this were the machine’s 
only cost of production, and if the usefulness of the machine 
is taken as known, we can theoretically calculate at what rate 
of interest these costs will yield interest for the lifetime of the 
machine at the same time as they are being repaid. But if the 
machine has been in use for over a year or for several years, 
there remains only one part of the “ annual use ”, which, for 
the sake of simplicity, is assumed by the author to be constant 
in size or technical value. Clearly it is then quite impossible to 
decide how much of the previously invested labour resources 
still remain ‘‘ stored-up ” in the capital-good. In fact the 
question has no meaning to which any proper sense can be 
attached. For the annual uses successively following one another 
constitute a kind of joint-supply (to adopt Marshall’s terminology) 
and fundamentally it is just as absurd to ask how much labour 
is invested in either one or the other annual use as to try to find 
out what part of a pasture goes into wool and what part into 
mutton. It is only at the margin of production that these 
quantities can be differentiated and have a concrete significance 
assigned to them. 

It so happens that from the very beginning the author 
is convinced that the problem is capable of solution in one way 
or another. The whole of his intricate terminology bears witness 
to this conviction. In addition to the concepts of investment- 
capital and “ real value capital ”, both of which have a perfectly 
real meaning, Akerman employs those of amortization capital 
(in German, Tilgungskajdtal) so-called, transitory capital, 
maintenance capital, concrete real capital, etc. “ Investment- 
capital,” i.e. the labour costs of manufacturing a machine 


is first divided into parts— into the so-called i-series. Tlie first 
term of tliis series corresponds to the amount of labour required 
to make the machine last only a year, the next term is the 
additional cost of making it last yet another year, and so on. 
This idea borrowed from Rae, even if abstract, is quite scientific ; 
but it only has practical significance at the margin of production 
where it pays to exchange a machine lasting ten years for one 
just as good in other respects but lasting an extra year. But, 
in addition, the author believes that the capital bound up in 
a machine is after a time disinvested or amortized (and in 
a stationary state reinvested) in the following order. In the first 
year we regard the machine as repaying part of the investment- 
capital and the interest accumulated on that part for a sifigls 
year. Next year it repays another, rather smaller, part of the 
initial investment costs, but with a total accruing interest for 
two years, and so on, until the machine becomes finally worthless, 
but at the same time is finally amortized. These amortization- 
quotas, or rather the amounts of labour they are taken to 
represent, form the t^-series, which of course is quite different 
from the i-series, although their sums are equal. (Similarly, 
if we use the rate of interest for a moment of time in our 
calculations, in equilibrium the last terms of both will be equal 
at the margin of production.) But in the first part of the book 
the i^-series is often inextricably associated with the terms of 
the i-series in a most confusing manner. The author holds 
that this ^^-series, also called the ‘‘ abstract amortization 
system” has a really scientific significance, or is at least of 
great interest for purposes of exposition. I shall not bother 
to deny the latter, but essentially it is only one of an infinite 
number of other conceivable amortization systems. Nor has it 
the advantage of leaving the capital situation of the owner 
of the machine intact, for if the amount amortized is reinvested 
on the basis of another amortization system, his supply of capital 
will clearly increase at the beginning only to diminish later. 
Consequently, it is only at the end of the machine’s existence 
that taken together they become equal to the amount of 
investment-capital. (It is assumed that the interest received 
is consumed.) 

If the owner of the machine wishes to maintain his capital 
intact, he has instead to choose either the “natural” or the 


“ theoretical ” amortization system. As far as I can see these 
two systems really coincide. They can best be described in the 
following way. Each year we write off or reinvest the difference 
between the outstanding value of the capital-good at one point 
of time, and its value at the succeeding point, e.g. at the 
beginning and end of each year ; this procedure may indeed be 
called perfectly natural ”, but the concept does not therefore 
obtain any “ concrete ” content — ^neither more nor less than that 
of the theoretical ” system. (A fourth system, the so-called 

practical ” system, in which each year we write off an equal 
fraction of the original value of the capital is also applied now 
and then, but only because of its simplicity. It has no other 
raison d'etre.) 

Now if production is staggered ” {durchgestaffelt — ^to use 
Bdhm-Bawerk’s term), machines of all sorts of durations 
manufactured in different years are employed side by side in 
the same firm or group of firms, and the oldest machine (or 
machines) is annually exchanged for a new one. In this case 
it is a matter of indifference which amortization system we 
choose, provided that we apply it consistently.^ For m all so 
much is always written off from the estimated value of existing 
machines as is required (under stationary conditions) to 
repurchase the new machines and consequently to maintain all 
the machinery at a constant magnitude and composition. On 
the other hand it is not a matter of indifference for the booh 
value of the existing capital, for if we write off more at the 
beginning of each machine’s ‘'life-time ” and less later, the total 
book value of all machines clearly becomes less than would 
be the case if we chose the reverse method. Here also the 
“ natural ” system is to be preferred. 

The book value of all the existing machinery becomes 
exactly such that the yearly interest in them, computed at the 
same rate as that actually yielded by the amortized or newly 
invested capital, corresponds to their total yield per annum. 
In perfect equilibrium this rate ought to be identical with the 
prevailing rate of interest. This principle is demonstrated by 
the author (on p. 151), but at bottom it is a mere truism, for the 
outstanding capital value of the machines which have been 

^ eg. an amortization system for the t-series could here have been chosen, 
whicn would naturally have been impossible in the case of a solitary machine. 



partly used up lias in fact just been computed by applying tMs 
very rate of interest. 

It might appear strange that the same physical capital 
can just as well be taken to have a greater as a smaller amount 
of labour resources invested in it. But if we remember that 
static ’ capital always has a dynamic pre-history, the paradox 
is resolved. The more the owner reinvests, the less the capital 
that has to be supplied from outside before the collection of 
machines of different durations becomes complete, so that a 
perfectly stationary state has been reached. The smaller the 
portion of the present value of fixed capital he can, if he wants, 
regard as invested wages— and in this sense as capital — 
the greater the part he may regard as interest which has been 
accumulated but not yet consumed. If the firm is sold, he will 
receive this interest probably in the form of profits over and 
above the book value of the stocks. (But naturally we ought 
not to think that this form does in fact yield a rate of interest 
corresponding to the relation of the net gain per RnTimn to the 
book-value of the capital. When, after a time, the owner buys 
new machines to replace those which have been worn out, and 
thus reinvests some of the successively uninvested capital, in 
equilibrium the reinvestments will only yield the current 

The author’s adherence to the idea of ‘‘ concrete ” capital, 
consisting of invested labour, leads him to hasty conclusions 
which I shall discuss later. In my opinion, he would have saved 
himself much unnecessary trouble if the t^-series and the whole 
discussion, however interesting in itself, of the different 
amortization systems had been completely omitted. For they 
have no special function to perform in the actual solution of the 
main problem. Their irrelevance is due to the fact that the 
annual costs of maintenance of real capital are always amortized 
and reinvested in their totality, whichever the amortization 
system adopted for particular capital-goods. This quantity is 
obviously proportional to the amount of labour invested per 
annum, and also determines the amount of free uninvested 

We have how reached the stage where, with only a few 
simplifying assumptions, we can ascertain and describe 
numerically the connecfeicm..h2fc^^^ essential constituents 


of the economic phenomenon of durable capital, viz. the yearly 
product, wages, and interest for each given amount of capital 
per head of the labouring population. The author considers in 
turn diSerent economic situations where capital receiving its 
Tnf9.Y?TrinTn remuneration only suffices for an investment lasting 
one year, two years, or three years, or for an investment lasting 
for an intermediate period. (Clearly the different amortization 
systems, and consequently the book-value of fixed capital, will 
not play any decisive role if this method of approach is 

The author makes two basic assumptions about the forms 
of the productivity functions. The first is concerned with the 
i-series, i.e. the amount of labour which has to be invested in 
order to produce a capital-good of a given size and utility and 
make it last for one, two, or three years, and the second with 
the form of the productivity function, given the (most 
advantageous) co-operation of a certain amount of “free” 
labour with a certain amount of capital. Both these functions 
must be regarded as technically given. To the latter Akerman 
gives a definite mathematical form, but the former, later called 
f{n) is only empirically determined by the successive differences 
in the i-series. 

If the relation between I wages and b the value of the 
unit-use of a machine is taken as given, it can be shown that 
a particular “ life-time ” for each newly -manufactured machine 
produces the maximum interest on the capital so invested. The 
author solves this by no means elementary problem of 
ma x i miz ation with elementary tools, and in a particularly 
ingenious and lucid manner (pp. 110-14). From a purely 
expository point of view this is one of the best passages in the 
book. He then introduces a situation in which a number of 
different machines co-exist, although they were all manufactured 
in different years. We thus obtain a static state in which there 
is a “staggered” and constant production of machines and 
consumption-goods. For its actual renewal or “maintenance ” 
this complete equipment of machinery demands the exact cost 
incurred in makmg a single new machine. Thus to each labourer 
who is continuously occupied in manufacturing machines, there 
corresponds a definite amount of machines now being used (and 
of course an equal amount of “ machine-uses ” available per 



diem or per annum). Similarly we can calculate the present 
discounted value of the outstanding uses of all the remaining 
machines, and consequently their present capital-value 
‘‘ Realwertkapital This we do simply by applying the most 
advantageous life-time, which has already been provisionally 
determined, and the yield of every machine which has 
recently been manufactured. (Adoptmg a different amortization 
system the author also works out the results for two other 
concepts of capital. But I pass this section by.) Given the 
most profitable life-time for machines, the number of labourers 
employed m the production of machines and the value of the 
machine-capital are mutually determined. As soon as we 
know the former we also know the amount of free labour 
resources, for these two are together equal to the whole of the 
available supply of labour, or the annual labour resources of the 

Now the free labour resources are combined with the 
unit-uses of the machines available in each year. At this point 
the productivity function is assumed to be technically given. 
In perfect competition it must be homogeneous and linear, 
i.e. such that a uniform increase in all factors of production 
produces the same percentage increase in the product, in other 
words, such that, after a certain optimum size has been reached 
for the individual firms, production on either a large or a small 
scale is relatively just as profitable. This function gives the 
hjq)othetical size of the national dividend per annum, and by 
its partial derivation we obtain — ^also hypothetically — I the level 
of wages and b the value of the unit-use of the machine.^ 

Now in equilibrium these quantities, I and 6, must clearly 
coincide with their initial hypothetical values. In other words, 
we have to determine six or seven unknowns, i.e. the duration 
of the capital-good, the rate of interest, and the distribution of 
the existing labour force between machine-labourers and free 
labourers, in addition to the three quantities already mentioned. 
In mathematical parlance, these six or seven unknowns are 

^ This is the only point at which Akerman makes nse of higher 
mathematics — ^following my “ Lectures ” more or less closely. It shoiUd 
not, however, have given rise to some of the insuperable difficulties which 
crop up in the treatment of this part of the problem ; even in its elementary 
form it would have been better had he proceeded much as I did in my per- 
functory attempt to solve the problem in the passage dealt with. 



determined by the same number of simultaneous equations, 
which are transcendental to boot. The author solves this 
formidable problem empirically and approximately by the 
construction of arithmetical tables of the same kind as those 
used by Bohm-Bawerk, though they are naturally more 
complicated and more awkward to handle. 

The book’s most brilliant and most significant contribution 
to economics is not only to have put this problem (which I have 
merely outlined with the greatest brevity) in all its detail, but 
also to have solved it empirically. It can be argued against 
the author’s use of figures that it is often hazardous to decide 
to what extent the results gained are of general validity or are 
dependent on the actual selection of the arithmetical data. 

An increase in capital must bring about an extension of 
the life-time of a capital-good, so that capital grows not only 
in “breadth” but also in “height”. Otherwise the marginal 
productivity of labour would necessarily rise in comparison with 
that of the use of a machme. This consideration, as I shall show 
later, always makes it advantageous to increase the durability 
of the machine, and this is further corroborated by the author’s 
tables, though the result is somewhat obscured by his assumption 
that the extension of the life-time of a machine occurs not 
continuously but in one-year stages. 

On the other hand, how far capital, when it grows, must 
also grow in breadth remains less clear. The author’s Table III 
(p. 144) shows that the amount of labour u — i, which is needed 
for the maintenance (renewal) of durable capital, increases 
continually, though not at a particularly violent rate, when 
capital itself, and with it the life-time of capital-goods, 
is increasing. We ask ourselves whether the solitary exception 
here is perhaps merely apparent and whether therefore we are 
even here dealing with a general rule. This appears to be the 
author’s view on p. 28, where he says that when there is an 
increase in capital “a greater amount of labour than before 
must each year be employed in investments which partake of 
the nature of the replacement of durable capital-goods, and 
thus a smaller amount than before co-operates with the existing 
capital-goods But this passage might only be a lapse, for 
an increase in capital need not have the results here indicated 
by Akerman. We can, as I shall show later, construct 


a productivity function proper and a function for extending 
tte life-time of durable capital-goods (tbe autbor’s/fn) or i-series) 
sucb that, given no changes in population, both the labour 
invested in machines and free labour remain constant when 
capital increases. In this case capital grows exclusively in 
height and not at all in breadth. With the appropriate 
assumptions it is possible to make the former diminish — ^though 
not of course — indefinitely — ^with a growth of capital. 

But Table IV (p. 149) shows a continual rise in the mlue 
of the annual product when capital increases and the rate of 
interest is still positive. Is this rule general ? Clearly it is not. 
For as long as the process of prolonging the life-time of the 
machine always results in relatively smaller costs of maintenance, 
it might appear to be in the interest of the capitalists to undertake 
such a prolongation, even if the value of the gross product is 
thereby diminished. If the capitalists combined, it would 
certainly be possible for them to prolong the life-time of the 
capital-good to their own advantage, even if it involved a fall 
in the annual product, and would therefore be anti-social in its 
nature.^ Can this also occur even in free competition ? No. 

Actually it was this point which more than anything else 
attracted my attention when reading the manuscript, and it is 
of such intrinsic interest that Akerman might well have discussed 
it in greater detail. In the manuscript version the author had 
in place of Table IV a table from which it apparently followed 
that the product per annum does not continually grow with 
a rise in the amount of capital, but ultimately begins to fall, 
even before the rate of interest has fallen to zero. Akerman and 
I had a prolonged discussion on this point, and we finally arrived 
at the conclusion that this result depended on the fact that the 
productivity function, which after all was quite empirically 
chosen by him, did not satisfy the preconditions for free com- 
petition — ^in other words it was not homogeneous and linear. The 
author later reconstructed this table and thus opened the way to 
a consideration of the function P = AV c r mentioned on p. 137, 
which is applicable to free competition.^ But it has the 

1 We have a parallel case in investment in ** variable capital Cf. my 

Uber Wert, etc., p. 104. , , - j * 

2 Clearly, if the factors of production c and r are both mcreased in tne 
same proportion, then, since k is & constant, the product P is also mcre^ed 
in the same proportion. [P is the product, c is free labour, and r the machine- 
capital with which it co-operates. Cf. Akerman, RealkapUal, p. 41.] 


disadvantage of holding (in my opinion needlessly) only for 
a special case, so that the figures for the product increase without 
intermittence. As I shall show later, this result should also be 
perfectly general. 

Similarly, if we postulate the existence of free competition 
and disregard the effects of inventions, wages should rise in all 
cases with an increase in the amount of durable capital. But as 
Table IV clearly shows, they will rise less than proportionately 
to the increase in capital. In other words, although the extension 
of the life-time of capital-goods cannot entirely frustrate a rise 
in wages, it is adopted in reaction to such a rise, which has 
already taken place. 

I must adopt a more sceptical attitude to the statement on 
p. 152 ff., even though it is made with certain qualifications. 
On variable capital ” I have observed in my own writings 
that von Thiinen’s thesis that the rate of interest is determined 
by the addition to the product due to the “ last ’’ portion of 
capital does not hold for an increase in the whole of the social 
capital. It is only valid for a low rate of interest, since part of 
the increase in capital is absorbed by increased wages (and rent) 
so that only the residue of the increase in capital is really effective 
as far as a rise in production is concerned. The author now says 
that von Thiinen’s thesis may hold even for social capital if only 
w^e take into account the increase in concrete’’ capital, i.e. 
the amount of labour recently invested to the value of the 
previous increase in capital. This should probably prove to be 
right, if only we could always, so to speak, catch hold of this 
concrete capital. For example, the principle holds perfectly 
for Bohm-Bawerk’s schema (vide Appendix). But in the 
arithmetical demonstration here given, it only depends on the 
fact that capital-goods invariably last for a single year and 
no more, so that capital grows exclusively m breadth, and thus 
proportionately to the amount of labour annually invested. 
Akerman further assumes that it takes a year to manufacture 
any capital-good. To obtain a picture of the process as a whole, 
we can imagine a supply of free labour always co-operating 
with another supply of labour, which has already been invested 
for exactly a year and is now maturing ”. The problem now 
becomes extremely simple, and the result is really only an 
application of the principle that “interest is the difference 


between the marginal productivity of saved-up (accumulated) 
labour and^ that of current (free) labour ”, but it is actuaUy 
much too simple to permit of drawing any conclusions for fixed 
capital lasting for several years. For the inter-relations are 
much more entangled here, and as we have said concrete capital 
(so-called) has no proper significance in this case, ikerman 
himself admits that his tables cannot provide any complete 
corroboration of this defimtion of interest. Characteristically 
enough, he does not seem to be certain which of the numerous 
capital concepts he has defined should be used as the basis of 
his calculations, but he beheves that better results will be 
obtained by adopting the rate of interest at a moment of time 
and by applying ‘‘ higher mathematics ” to the problem. As 
I was rather interested in the subject, I undertook a minor 
piece of research of this kind, which I append at the end of 
my review. It leads to a particularly interesting result, but the 
above definition is not corroborated. 

Bohm-Bawerk (and in fact Jevons also) describes interest 
as being determined by the relation of the last addition to the 
product to the extension of the period of investment, or to put 
it in another way — ^by the margiaal productivity of waiting 
Much to his disappointment the author has not succeeded in 
showing that this definition, closely related as it is to the one 
just discussed, is compatible with the results of his tables ; 
this is because he is dealing with a constant investment 
period of a single year. This discrepancy depends on an omission 
on the author’s part — an omission to which, I believe, attention 
was already drawm at Akerman’s viva voce examination. With 
his formulation of the problem, he should have taken not the 
value of the annual product, but the (total) sum of wages paid 
out in the course of the year as the divisor. (If simple interest 
is applied, as in Akerman’s analysis, we ought generally to 
calculate the interest accruing on the original capital and not 
on the increasing products.) Once this factor is taken into 
account, his tables are brought into agreement with Bohm- 
Bawerk’s definition, though it does not follow that anything 
is demonstrated for the general case. We are here confronted 
with the thorny question of the average investment-period. In 
this case it was due to the simple character of the problem that 
the author could — ^apart from the above omission — deal with 


tHs concept, the average investment period is here only another 
way of expressing the proportion between labour which is and 
labour which is not invested* But not so for staggered 
production. For instance, m the Bohm-Bawerkian scheme the 
average period of investment for capital in the process of 
maturing at each moment of time is half the period of production, 
and this magnitude constantly appears and reappears in the 
formulse. But it can easily be shown {vide Appendix) that the 
average period of investment for all capital is a third of the 
period of production; and I do not see how this magnitude 
and its successive modifications could possibly be put in a simple 
relationship with the variations in the net product. Perhaps 
I have misunderstood the author or else am merely mistaken — 
if so I earnestly hope that I shall be corrected. But it really 
does appear to me that Akerman has here been involved in an 
attempt to solve an insoluble problem. Clutching at any straw, 
he says that if the two quantities are compared in a certain 
position, they both become zero at the same tvme, which of course 
does not prove that they are generally identical. 

Actually the disagreement lies in the nature of the subject- 
matter, and we cannot blame Akerman save for pronoimcing 
a judgment he could not satisfactorily substantiate. At the end 
of the book he also promises to analyse the dynamic aspects of 
the problem,^ and he will probably succeed in illuminating these 
obscure and intricate points, of which I for my part am far from 
believing myself the master. 

Our analysis is naturally valid for the construction of 
machines. For firstly machines, the uses of which have not 
changed, will be constructed to last long enough to be economically 
remunerative, and secondly, if we are considering a change in 
the life-time of machines, those machines which only last as long 
as before will be given as many useful qualities as possible from 
all points of view. This property, which Akerman deals with in 
his Introduction, he sums up in the name ‘‘ automatism It is 
well known that machine technologists talk of an automatic 
power of 100 per cent and an automatic power of 50 per cent 
according as machines save ” more or less labour. The author 
deserves all praise for seeking to give greater scientific precision 

^ [The second volume of Realkapital und KapiicUzins (Stockholm, 1924 ) 
deals With durable real capital in dynamic conditions.] 


to an idea wliicli is so vague in ordinary everyday speecli. Yet 
ids treatment of the question does not seem to be as clear and 
definite as would have been desirable ; if it is at all possible to 
obtain perfect clarity in this sphere. He says (pp. 27~8) that 
any durable capital-good, in the production of which some 
labour has been invested, has thus attained a degree of 
automatism such that it later requires a given amount of 
co-operating labour, neither more nor less, if the maximum 
amount of efficiency per co-operating labourer is to be obtained 
Automatism, he continues, is to be regarded as high or low 
according as the machine in question requires '‘a smaller or 
greater amount of co-operating labour in proportion to the 
labour originally invested, in order to reach this maximum return 
per unit of co-operating labour 

To say the least, this description is not very lucid. If the 
words italicized (by the author himself) mean the free labour 
resources co-operating with machines, as the context appears 
to require, then the statement is incorrect. For whom would 
it benefit that the product per unit of this labour and no other 
should be as large as possible ? But even if by ‘‘ co-operating 
labour ” we understand the whole supply of co-operating labour, 
both free and invested, Akerman’s thesis still remains incorrect, 
unless the rate of interest has fallen to practically nothing. 
In equilibrium, the distribution of the available supply of labour 
between free and invested labour must rather be such that the 
capitalists obtain the maximum interest compatible with the 
current rate of wages, and labourers, taken as a whole, the 
highest wages compatible with the current rate of interest. But 
in these circumstances ‘‘ Automatism ” becomes an integral part 
of the whole problem of production, fcom which it cannot be 
separated. Nor can it acquire an independent significance. 
On the other hand, there ought to be no serious difficulty in 
attempting a theoretical treatment of the question, in which we 
start with a state of economic inertia, all machines being of 
identically the same kind with reference to their potential uses. 

The book is not without its shortcomings and weaknesses, 
but as far as I can see they are fewer and less important than 
one might have expected in the treatment of so extraordinarily 
difficult and exhausting a problem. The normal reader cannot 
imagine the practical difficulties encountered in carrying out the 


calculations. The unreality of the arithmetical tables is striking 
enough ; for example, one cannot help noticing that they record 
a precipitous decline in the rate of interest after a comparatively 
modest increase in capital. Again, according to Table IV, when 
a society’s capital increases there is an almost uninterrupted 
fall in the total capital gains — & circumstance which, in this 
respect, is very discouraging for capitalists. This result is largely 
due to Akerman’s actual choice of the terms of the i-series — 
the additional labour necessary for making a machine last longer. 
If they are to correspond to the facts of the real world, they 
should from the very beginning decline more rapidly than he 
makes them do. It was impossible for convenience of exposition 
to adopt this procedure, for in the author’s view the terms of 
the iseries should be chosen so as not to infringe the principle 
that in general the duration of some capital-goods cannot 
advantageously be extended beyond certain limits. It is, there- 
fore, not sufficient to make the terms of this series stop falling 
at some point or other, but, as the author rightly mamtams 
against Eae (pp. 22 and 118) it is also necessary that their 
average size (per year of life-time) should cease to decline. If he 
had wanted to obtain figures more closely approximating to the 
real world he would, in the first place, have been compelled 
considerably to extend the i-series. In the second place, the 
tables would then have become too full, and it would have 
necessitated the use of higher powers for the rate of interest 
for a moment of time, and the calculations would have become 
extremely tedious and difficult.^ Most of these obstacles might 
be overcome by the use of more powerful mathematical tools, 
but this must be left to the future. As they stand, most of the 
columns of figures in all cases fulfil their function of illuminatmg 
the most significant aspects of the phenomenon. 

In my opinion, the more purely critical sections of the book 
testify to Akerman’s erudition and soundness of judgment.^ 

^ The series employed are all recurrent and can therefore be reduced to a 
few terms — a fact with which the author does not seem to be acquainted, except 
in the case of geometrical series, 

* I may mention m passant that the passages from my Uber Wert and 
Lectures quoted on p. 135 are hardly inconsistent. In the earher passage 
J am dealing with the antithesis between short- and long-term investment. 
Akerman does not make this pomt clear. I maintained that arithmetical 
averages are still of some use in handling short-term investments. 1 did not 
say that this method was exact, for if that were so they would also be applicable 
to long-term investments. I must express my gratitude for an acknowledgment 


I am convinced tliat on the whole the author has made a really 
significant contribution to the theory of capital, and it is with 
great interest that I look forward to the continuation of his work. 
Only I should advise him to remember in his new exposition that 
the contemporary reader, even of scientific works, seldom has 
unlimited time and patience at his disposal. 

of my own work whidi if anything is only too generous. He wishes to 
associate my treatment of the Wage-Fund with Bohm-Bawerk’s well-grounded 
Wage-Fund theory. Actually my more rigorously mathematical analysis of 
Bohm-Bawerk’s arithmetical exposition was much too derivative to have any 
particular merit of its own. 

2. Real Capital and Interest (Contmued) 

(6) A Mathematical Analysis of Dr. Akerman's problem 

In the following pages, we shall attempt a mathematical 
solution of the problem we have just been discussing. 
We start with the assumption that production is continuous 
and that capitalization takes place on the basis of the rate of 
interest for a moment of time. Since machines are in fact discrete 
and are not therefore capable of being divided into infinitesimal 
parts, our result will of course only have an approximate validity. 
But no more can be obtained by any other method of approach. 

Using an amount of labour a, a labourer (or group of 
labourers) produces a capital-good, e.g. an axe, which is instantly 
taken into employment. If used normally the axe can remain 
in use for n years after which it is devoid of any value. We 
assume that the axe is so small (or that the group of labourers 
required so great) that the length of time required for its production 
compared with its actual life-time need not be taken into account. 
Our calculations are thus simplified to a considerable extent 
without, however, losing in force. Naturally it does not follow 
that o is a negligible quantity If, however, a labour-year (or 
else the work of a whole group of labourers for a year) is taken 
as the unit for the services of labour, a becomes quite small 

and its reciprocal ~ quite large. 

The exchange-value of an axe to the man who buys or 
employs it naturally depends on its utility for his purposes. 
We make the additional assumption that this value is known, 
and that it is estimated to be 6 (shillings) per annum ; b is there- 
fore the sum of the undiscounted value of all its uses for one year. 
Let us assume that the axe is applied uniformly throughout the 
year (or years). If is a fraction of time, then the value of 
the axe’s uses for this time is clearly b.At If we relate the 

^ For example, , in modern house-building all the different parts and 
accessories of the house are manufactured at the same time as the foundations 
are laid, so that the whole house, even though actually requirmg an amount of 
labour corresponding to ten labour-years, is in fact completed in the course of 
a few months, perhaps only a few weeks, i e in a negligibly small period of time 
as compared with the house’s own probable duration. 




axe’s employment tkrougli t years to the present moment and 
let r be the rate of interest, we obtain its present value by 
dividing bAt by the binomial expression (l + r) raised to the 
power t. Thus — 


(l + ry 

( 1 ) 

Let 1 4“ ^ where 6 = 2* 718 ... is the base of the natural 
system of logarithms and p is thus the “ natural ” logarithm 
of 1 + r, i.e. the ordinary logarithm divided by * 434 ... It can 
also be expressed in terms of r by means of the logarithmic 

series, p = loge(l+ r) = r -- - + 

. which is convergent for 

r ^ 1. p is the instantaneous rate of interest for a moment of 
time, or what is called in German Verzinsungsenergie p and 
r more or less coincide with sufficiently small values for r; 
otherwise p is always less, if only insignificantly, than r (if r is 
5 per cent, p = 4-88 per cent, and if p is exactly 5 per cent 
f is 5 * 13 per cent, and so on). In each case they stand in a definite 
arithmetical relationship to each other, and it is not very 
incorrect to assume them to be wholly substitutable for 
each other. 

Substituting in this manner, we obtain for the value of 
each of the axe’s uses discoimted to the present — 

b.e-fi^At ( 2 ) 

Since i is to be taken here as continuously variable, we obtain 
the present value of all the axe’s uses and therefore its own 
present value by the summation (integration) of the above 
expression between 0 and n, two points in time 

b^e-P^dt = 


(corresponding to the normal calcnlations for annuity-loans). 
If r, and consequently p also, were so small that in expanding 
the series for the exponential function — 

g-pn =il — pn + 




1.2 1.2.3 



we need only include the first two terms, the above expression 
is reduced to in other words, the present value of the 

axe is equal to the (imdiscounted) value of all its uses. If we 

include the first three terms, we 

J, i.e. the total 

use-value discounted by simple interest on it for half its period 
of use. 

In equilibrium, the value of the axe coincides with its costs 
of production. Let I be wages per head per annum. Then — 

6 . 



= al?- 

( 4 ) 

This equation holds for a, 6, I, p (or r), and n, as they 
are determined in an equilibrium situation. If equilibrium 
is not yet reached, equation (4) describes the following conditions 
instead. Let us assume that not only is b (the value of the 
axe’s use for a year) given, but also p and r, r being taken as 
the usual rate of interest current at the time. Now if n and a, the 
life-time of the axe and the amount of labour needed for its 
production respectively, were also to be technically given (as we 
often take them to be), the E.H.S. of the equation would represent 
the sales-value of an axe (i! the wages per annum multiplied by 
a the unit of labour) which is received by the axe-manufacturers. 
Now although the magnitude of neither n nor a is given, they 
are technically related to each other. By investing more labour 
on an axe we can increase its durability, all other properties 
remaining constant ; n is thus a function of a and a of n, i.e. 
of the period for ^hich it is sought to make the axe last while 
it is being manufactured. Clearly, both increase together, but 
n must increase more than proportionately to a, otherwise, 
however low the rate of interest, labour could not be employed 
in producing axes of longer duration, but it would be employed 
in producing many less durable axes instead. We assume 
therefore that a varies as a fractional power of n, i.e. 

a = kn'' (5) 

where is a constant and v a proper fraction. If, for example, 
V a would grow proportionately to the numbers 1, 2, 3, 

^ K the yearly services of a whole group of labourers — ^say of ten men — 
is taken as the unit, the amount a m terms of this unit falls in proportion as I 
(in terms of shillings) increases. 



4, etc., whilst n grows as the numbers 1, 4, 9, 16, etc. In other 
words, n increases geometrically in relation to a. Of course 
the form of this function is too special to reflect the actual 
relation between a and n when both are undergoing large changes, 
but with smaller variations which, as a rule, are the only ones 
likely to occur in practice, it may be as good an approximation 
formula as any other.^ If we assume, for example, that it held 
for axes lasting for 16 to 36 years, and that v = then the 
constant k represents a quarter of the amount of labour required 
to give the axe in question a life-time of 16 years ; or else, 
and it here comes to much the same thing, a fifth of the labour 
needed to produce an axe which is intended to last 25 years, etc. 

At this stage, we could, of course, eliminate a from equations 
(4) and (5), and then I and b would be the only unknowns 
outstanding. But we prefer to retain both equations in their 
present form. 

For the labourer, or group of labourers, if they themselves 
are the entrepreneurs, the most advantageous value of n is 
that which makes the selling price of the axe a maximum 
in relation to the amount of labour invested, i.e. makes I attain 
its maximum.^ Since a variable magnitude at its maxima (or 
minima) behaves like a constant, we have to differentiate equation 
(4) as though I were a constant, which gives 

be'^P^An = lAa.^ ( 6 ) 

We have again obviously obtained on the L.H.S- an expression 
of the form of equation (2), n and An taking the place of t and 
At, The obvious implication is that at its maximum bAn^ the 
last addition to the value of the axe, when discounted to its 
present value exactly corresponds to lAa^ the last increment 
to the cost of its manufacture. 

We get by logarithmic differentiation of (5) 

Aa ^ An 
a n ' 

1 On the other hand, there is no expression to correspond with Akennan’s 
i-series, which would describe the condition that the durability of some capital- 
goods cannot successfully be increased beyond a certain point. ^ 

* We might also assume that they do not sell their axes but hire thern^ out. 
Here they must themselves borrow at the rate of interest r or (p) for maintainmg 
them — ^the theoretical result is the same in both cases. ^ 

3 That the remaining condition for the maximization of 1, as of p in the 
next case, is here always fulfilled will be shown later. 

Substituting in (6) 

= la (8) 


and combining with (4), we obtain finally 

eP» = 1 + ^ (9) 

Tliis result is rather peculiar. The product pn is here the 
root of an equation, in which v is the only variable. In other 
words once the particular function we have used for extension 
of life-time is taken as given, it follows that the product 
of the rate of interest (with continuously compound interest) 
and the optimal lifetime of the axe is a constant, independently 
of the ske of b, as soon as we regard v as a technical datum. 
Even with the choice of a less simple function, the connection 
between n and p remains independent of b, provided a is a function 
of n. (9) is of course a transcendental equation, but we can 
easily obtain an approximate result for the larger of the real 
roots.^ (The other == 0 for every value of v.) If, for example, 
V pn is roughly 1*27, so that if p is *05 (and the ordinary 
rate of interest therefore a little over 6 per cent) the axe’s 
optimum life-time is always ctrca 25 years, however much the 
value of its uses, calculated per annum, may vary. We shall 
indicate this root by ^(v) with the proviso that it is a constant 
as soon as v is taken as a technical datum. The following 
analysis depends to a great extent on this result. 

We have hitherto regarded the rate of interest (r or p) as 
given. Now if we consider capitalists as entrepreneurs, I must 
be taken as given instead. Those capitalists, who at a given 
wage manufacture axes to be later applied, are confronted 
with the problem of makmg the axes last so long that the capital 
invested in their manufacture receives the maximum rate of 
interest. From a mathematical point of view, this problem 
leads us to exactly the same formula as the first, for when 
p reaches its maximum, it behaves as a constant, and we have 
therefore to differentiate equation (4) as though I and p were 
constants. We obtain precisely the same equation as before, 
and also equation (9) in a similar manner. 

^ This can be solved by expanding according to Lagrange^s theorem, taking 
out the root pn = 0. 



= 1 + -^ (9) 

But it is no longer p but I wMcb is the datum. To find n we 
substitute in (8) the value discovered from (9) for pn = ^(v) (e.g. 
1*27 if V =i), and eliminate a by means of (5). Thus 

wi-” = ^ Ave^fr), (10) 

or wbat comes to the same thing, as <f>{v) is the root of (9). 

^ jfe[v + 4{v)] (10 bis) 

If v ==f and <f>{v) — 1-27, we get 



We are here restating the principle with which we were acquainted 
before, that an increase in wages produces a tendency to increase 
the durability of a capital-good, in this case in geometric 
proportion to the rise in wages.^ This tendency corresponds 
to the extension of the period of production in the case of 
‘‘ variable real capital ’’ (circulating capital). 

Before going any further, we should like to mention an 
interesting fact with reference to the average investment-period 
of capital tied up in a particular capital-good. Under normal 
circumstances, the annual yield of a fixed capital-good will 
afterwards repay as well as yield interest on the costs incurred 
in making it. we ha^^e maintained in our review of Akerman, 
the question of the order in which either the former or latter 
occurs is of merely formal interest. But we should be able to 
represent the average investment-period of this capital as 
a period such that if all the Uses of the capital-good were finally 
turned out at the same time^ they would yield the same interest 
on the capital as the owner actually obtains. Let this period 
be m. Since in our example the total value of all the uses is 
clearly 6.n, with equation (4) we get 

hne^p^ = 6^^ = aX (11) 


1 We shall later try to show that this result is perfectly g^eral, quite 
apart from the function for extension of lifetime. 


if a is here increased, and therefore according to (5) n too, 
m must also be increased.^ Now since w is at its optimal 
value and we can regard Z and p as constants (for one is 
assumed to be an actual constant and the other has attained its 
maximum), we obtain by logarithmic differentiation of (11) the 
equation — ' 

An Aa 

— (12) 

describing the relations between the simultaneous increases in 
TO, m, and a. This result is not difficult to interpret. Since a is 

the amount of labour required to produce one axe, ~ is the 

number of axes produced by one unit of labour * and - the 


number of (potential) yearly uses of ^ axes. Therefore — is 

the value of all their uses. If for the moment we call this 
expression P, and retain our assumption that b is a constant 
we obtam by logarithmic differentiation— 

AP _ An Aa 

th« “ «aortu«tion period ” |. But the W the rate of interest, the more 

closely does it approximate to |. Sinee p the rate of interest varies inversely 

SLps“ve^r^^*X” “t the same time as 

of the fact that compound mterest is^u^nor f n another example 

tion ; for with the ordmary ammitv-loa^lonlAf^-^^ P^poses of computa- 
amortization period sometimes falls short of j.o]f 
times exceeds it, according to l ling loan-period and somt 

If, for example; a man has to S i^^^rest. 

year for the next twenty years the best £50 at the end of every 

whole lot at once after thf do would be to pav the 

not otherwise.) ^ “ above 5 per cent; but 

J Since a is small, ] is large. But to make matters more intelligible we 

axes ca^be prodn^'’rimort*ri^^!^eo^ ^so^Vi^ *7 
be r^arded as a single oapit^ood. together they can 


p= Am . (13) 


We miglit have derived this result directly from (11) ; it holds, 
therefore, even if 6 is not taken as constant, but is allowed to 
vary in some proportion or other to the lifetime of the axe, as 
soon as p or Z attains its maximum. Thus in dealing with fixed 
capital we obtain a counterpart to tlie Jevonian principle that 
interest is “ the rate of increase of the produce divided by the 
whole produce or is the marginal productivity of waiting 
i.e. with reference to average waiting reckoned according to the 
above principle. At this point we must note that the amount 
of labour invested is taken as fixed (=1 unit of labour) so that 
the average period of waiting becomes capital’s only variable 
dimension. It is also worthy of notice that the principle holds 
for the whole duration of the capital-good, and not merely for 
the period for which the stock of machines of different ages 
(= the existing fixed capital) stiU has to last. On the other 
hand, it is fairly clear that our principle is completely independent 
of the assumption we made about the form of the function for 
extension of lifetime. 

We turn now to consider the stock of fixed capital. If 
the labourer (or group of labourers) continues to produce axes, 
1 . n , 

he (or it) will produce - axes in one year and - axes in n years.^ 

Within this period the number of axes in use will obviously 
continually increase, but once we get beyond n, it ceases to do 
so, since the oldest axes are discarded pan fossu with the 
manufacture of new ones. Thus we have got here & fixed capital 
consisting of axes, which is ‘‘ staggered ” in structure and which 

includes ~ axes of various ages, and as a matter of course the 

nurriher of uses availahle is the same cU any rnornent. The total 
(undiscounted) value of all the uses available in one year is 

^ The expression - has thus a double significance ; it is the amount of 

potential uses of the number of axes produced by one unit of labour in the 
first place, and the total number produced by a labourer in n years in the 
second. Because of its second implication it is described in the text as the 
total number of uses available at one and the same time. 


& ^ 

therefore Again, the total value of all the potential uses 


which the fixed capital, consisting of axes and existing at each 
moment, represents, is clearly 

n n 

6— — = Or- 

a 2 2a 

For the time elapsing during the manufacture of an axe 
is assumed to be so short that the age of the axe grows 
continuously from 0 to w years. This proceeds on the assump- 
tion that only a single labourer or group of labourers is employed 

in producing axes. If, however, M labourers or ~ groups 

of labourers with ten men in each group are occupied in 
manufacturing axes, all our quantities will naturally have to 
be multiplied by M ; from now on we take the annual services 
of one labourer as the unit of labour. 

Now in order to find the value of the capital itself we employ 
in our calculations that rate of interest which is attained when 
the best possible line of action is adopted in the use of each 
individual axe for the whole of its life-time. Once equilibrium 
is finally reached this rate must coincide with the current rate. 
According to (3) the value of a new axe with n years to live is 

Ifi L, Therefore the residual value of an axe already 

used for t years must be 



Since At is an infinitesimal period of time we regard the axes 
between the ages t-\- At having the same value. Now since 

one labourer produces ~ axes per xmit of time (one year) and 


M labourers therefore produce — azes ; the number of azes in the 


moment At produced t years ago is 
standing value is according to (14) 


and their total out- 

1 — , 

M At. 

a p 


Summing all these values, we obtain the value of all the fixed 
capital by integrating between < == 0 and « = ». Thus 


Z = M- - I (1 - e-(»-<)p)d« = M- P” - ^ + (15) 

^ pj a 

a ' 

This equation corresponds to the sums of the recurrent series 
in Akerman’s analysis, which he does not however summate. 
It ’can be checked, for if pn is so small that we need 
only consider the first three terms in the exponential series 

e P = 1 — pw + + etc., our equation is then 

reduced to M~ — , corresponding to the undiscounted value of 
a (h 

all the potential uses of the axes, as we have already seen. 
Even if the fourth term is included, we obtain the same expression 

multipUed by the binomial (l --y), i.e. the value of all the 

potential uses minus the simple interest on them for a third, of 
the whole lifetime of each axe — a, new but naturally incomplete 

approximation. The quantity -r is the distance of the centre 


of gravity from the base of a triangle, the height of which is n and 
the base the number of axes in existence. If the potential uses 
of the whole existing stock of axes are discounted back to the 
present, the average period of discounting should in fact be 
n , 

- (cf. review, p. 270), if we use simple interest.^ 

^ If a capital-good lasts altogether jV' wmlca, and if the same number of 
capital-goods are all of various ages, the number of remaining weeks’ uses of 
a good already in existence for T weeks is clearly N—T, and its average period 


of discounting, using simple interest, is — ^ — 'W’eeks. We obtain the average 
period of discounting for the whole stock from the formula : — 



{N - T)^ 

27 (N--T) 


^ 1)« 4. _ . + 9 4, 4 -f- 1) 

N N •• - 

2zV+ 1 


or since N is here a large number, ^ weeks approximately. 

And in the same 

way, still using simple interest, we get the average period of investmeni for a 
“ staggered variable real capital ”. (Of. the relevant passages in my review.) 


We can easHy prove that at any moment the net value of 
the uses of the whole of the axe-capital, i.e. the gross value 
mmus the cost of renewal of capital, is the interest on the total 
value of the capital at the same moment. For it foUows from what 

we have just said that the former is m{^— ^ At, which, using 
(4), becomes 


on — 1 + 

At = pKAL 


(16) is of course bound up with the fact that the residual 
capital-value of the axes already in use is precisely estimated 
accordmg to this rate of interest, and may therefore be called 
a truism. 

We have not yet made any use of our assumption about the 
nature of the Action of “ extension of lifetime ”, i.e. equation 
(5). 0/ice (5) is token into account, K, the amount of capital 
becomes a much simpler expression, for in this case pn is a con- 
stant = ^(y), and so the numerator of our fraction also becomes 
a constant. Further, p and a can be simply expressed in terms 
of n, so that we can express K in terms of M, b, and n. Since 
accordmg to (10) n is proportional to some power of the ratio 

j, we can express K in terms of I and b only, but always with 

the proviso that it is also a multiple of M and includes a constant 
factor, which is solely dependent on the value of r, which is 

techmcally given. The significance of this consideration will 
become apparent later. 

in ac^l tact neither I noi b is given, but the value of 
boto 18 ultimately determined by the co-operation of free labour 
with real capital m the production of commodities. For we 
1^!Z^ wmpetition wages I are the same for all 

flke^? “replacement labour” 

( nnan), which is annually mvested in machines. To obtain 

whnl necessary for solving the 

S aU assumption 

onl! pf the community consists exclusively of 

oT./lH’!q ? capital-good, in this case axes, and that only 
one kmd of product is produced. Since we have previously only 
been occupied with capitolistic production in its simplest fon^ 


we are doubtless justified in making an assumption wHch is 
ratlier fantastic if taken by itself. 

Let X free labourers co-operate with y tmits of capital (axes) 
in a given form. Now with the optimal employment of resources, 
the product, or the value of the product, will clearly be 2i,fun<Aion 
of both X and y. We can decide a jytion that this function 
must be homogeneous and linear, i.e. such that a uniform 
increase in x and y produces exactly the same percentage increase 
in jbhe product. For if two labourers, each having his own axe, 
could together produce more than twice as much as one labourer 
with one axe, or if the product of three labourers and three axes 
was proportionately even more, and so on, then we should 
obviously have to let the labourers co-operate in groups in such 
a way that the maximum efficiency was reached. But once this 
maximum has been attained, a further increase in labourers and 
axes, i.e. an increase in the number of such groups, would only 
produce a proportionate increase in the product. On the> whole 
we can therefore assume that with a constant stock ’’ of axes 
per labourer, the product grows in proportion to the number 
of labourers, but with an increasing or diminishing stock of 
axes, labour remaining constant, the product certainly increases 
or diminishes in some degree, although less than proportionately 
to the change in the number of axes. In other words our 
productivity function, which we represent by F{x, y), must take 
the form, 



where ^ is a function of a single variable, i.e. of the ratio 


It increases or diminishes simultaneously with its variable, 
but to a lesser extent. For if it increased in the same proportion, 


the whole expression could be reduced to cx- = cy, where c is 

a constant ; in other words, we should arrive at the ludicrous 
result that the product was solely dependent on the number 
of axes and not at all on the number of workers. We should 
get a still more ludicrous result if the function 0 increased 
more than proportionately to its variable. 

Since we are chiefly concerned with expressing this relation 



in as convenient a form as possible for our calculations, we 
may simply let tbe 0-function vary as a root of its variable, 
i.e. we may put 

F{x, y) = 

where a and ^ are both positive fractions and their sum = 1. 
P, the value of the product computed for a moment of time,^ 
thus becomes 

P = F{x, y) = cxPy?, (17) 

If this equation 
y, we obtain 

is partially differentiated with respect to x and 

dx ^ 





dy ^ ^ 

Let us postulate a stationary state in which there is perfect 
competition between employers and labourers. Once equilibrium 
has been reached, the first partial derivative must necessarily 
equal or I the wages per head per annum, and the second 6, 
or the payment received for the yearly use of an axe. Thus 

P P 

i = a— and h = j8— , 



from which, among other things, it follows 

^xl + yb ^ {a + P)P = P, since a 4- j3 == 1. 

In other words payments, so determined, made to the labourers 
and the owners of the axes, will together absorb the total value 
of the product ; which is as it should be. Similarly, assuming 
a continuous productivity function, we obtain the simple ratio 
of h to t — 


b ^Px 
1 ay 

Let A be the total number of labourers or the supply of 
labour annually available. If Af is the number of labourers 

^ We might also have calculated it for an infinitesimal period of timef 
i.e. multiplied both sides of the equation by At, But once production is taken 
as stationary, this procedure would make no difierence whatsoever. 


always employed in the manufacture of axes in order to renew 
or maintain the fixed capital consisting of axes, then the amount 
of free labour is plainly A -M. It follows that the number 

of axes in use at the same time is ~ and that in equilibrium 

just this proportion between free labourers and axes employed 
must obtain in each firm, as the result of reciprocal supply and 
demand , otherwise some of the labourers or axes would be 

unemployed. We can therefore substitute A ~M and — for 
, . . a 

a; and y m our previous formulae, and replace P by n, the value 
of the whole social product. Thus we obtain 

n = c(A- M)<^M^Qy (17 })is) 


(18 M 


b p A -- M a 

By making a simple ckange in equation (8) and tken combining 
it witb (9), it follows that if the most profitable lifetime is 
attained for every axe, then 

b a 

^ = veP^ ^ 

I n 


= (y + ^{y))~ (8 bis) 


where <f>{v) is the root of (9). 

We finally obtain — 

( 20 ) 

This result is calculated to create some astonishment. All the 
magnitudes on the E.H,S. are constants irrespective of the 
amount of social capital. These constants reflect the assumptions 



we made (1) for tlie tecbnical conditions under wkich onr 
capitaLgoods are manufactured, and (2) for their co-operation 
with free labour in the production of consumption-goods. Our 
assumptions have thus shown that, however much the amount 
of capital itself changes, the distribution of the existing supply 
of labour between free labour co-operating with capital-goods 
and labour employed in the maintenance or renewal of capital 
itself^ remains unchanged. And yet only within limits, since 
the form of our function is too special to be valid beyond a certain 
field of variation, even if it contains one arbitrary constant.^ 
Within these limits, however, capital, when it does grow, grows 
exclusively in height and not at all in breadth. N,B , — When 
capital first increases and there is a consequent disturbance 
of equilibrium, capital will also — or rather exclusively — ^grow 
in breadth, since in the beginning the additional number of 
new capital-goods will be of the same tj^e as those already 
in use^ If, on the other hand, the amount of labour invested 
per moment of time is temporarily increased and the amount 
of free labour diminished, there will be a rise in wages and a fall 
in the value of the use of capital (axes), more or less in this 
sequence. Further, according to (10), the new capital-goods 
now produced will be manufactured to last longer, as this method 
of investment has become most profitable. But when equilibrium 
is reached once more the amounts of free labour and of labour 
engaged in replacing capital resume their former proportion 
(at the same time the labourers lose part of, but not all, their 
recent increase in wages and the capital-goods regain part of, 
but not all, the value they' have just lost). Employing this 
interesting result, we might regard the prodv..ctivity function 
and the function for “ extension of lifetime ”, which have 
been selected, i.e, 

a ^f{n) == kn?' 

and P == F{x, y) = cxf^yP (a + j8 = 1), 

as typically mrmal functions from which, taking them as the 
simplest elements in the problem, we must start in the analysis 
of the more complicated phenomena of the real world. 

^ In a stationary state these quantities will themselves be constant. 

* The two coefficients h and c refer only to the value of units, and therefore 
leave no room for varying conditions in other respects. 

With these constants, the values of M and A plainly become 

.and^-Ai= + 

Af = 

, (20 bis). 

a(y + <f){y)) + ^ a{v + <f>{p)) + jS 

Let V = I : then (f}{v) =1*27. Further, let a = Then 

M = -^, A-M = —Ia. 

2-77 2-77 

Rather more than a third of the existing supply of labour should 
therefore be engaged in manufacturing axes, and the remainder 
— ^about two-thirds — ^in the application of the existing stock of 
axes for the delivery of saw-logs. This result we achieve without 
taking the amount of axe-capital into account, for, with a small 
supply of capital in the form of axes, as long as our assumptions 
hold, they must necessarily be manufactured so as to last for 
a correspondingly short period, and will therefore need renewal 
all the more often. 

M being determined, the whole problem can be solved 
without any further difficulty. The remaining unknowns are 
(1) the amount of capital expressed in terms of the product 
or of money (for the price of the product is taken as fixed on 
the great staple markets), (2) the product per annum in terms of 
the same unit, (3) the duration or lifetime of the capital-goods 
(axes), (4) wages per annum, (5) the value of the yearly uses of 
an axe, and (6) the rate of interest prevailing in equilibrium 
and current throughout the economy. It does not matter which 
of these is taken as the independent variable, for in any case 
all the other quantities vary as certain powers of this parameter, 
each being multiplied by it^ own constant co-efficient. If we 
choose n as our independent variable, i.e. if we imagine an 
equilibrium situation where the total period for which the 
capital-good lasts is n years, and let C^, Cg, etc., be the constant 
coefficients, we obtain 

K — TT = 

I == h = 

and, as before, 

p = 4>(v)n-^. 

^ It follows from this second, assumption that capital and labour are equally 
important in production, so that a percentage increase in one factor hj^ the 
same effect as an equal increase in the other, which of course is only conceiyable 
in a special situation. 



It follows immediately that the exponentials are solely 
dependent on v and ^(= 1 — a). The coefficients depend on 
k and c, the meaning of which is well understood. In addition, 
Cl and C 2 , the first two coefficients, contain A as a factor ; for 
by dividing by A we had obtained the capital and product per 
head (of labourers) of the population. 

Thus with the simplifying assumptions we selected the 
problem is now solved. But we must of course be very careful 
in drawing general conclusions from the results obtained if only 
because of the above reservation (and quite apart from the fact 
that they are no longer applicable as soon as our quantities 
move in a negative direction, for what is not valid in a special 
case is still less so in the general). But a few observations may 
still be permissible. 

As y is < 1, the capital K clearly increases simultaneously 
with n, and conversely n with K. For the reason mentioned in 
our review, this interrelation must be general. Similarly, tt grows 
when n (and jS”) increase, but much less than the latter, since 
the index is smaller by one whole unit.^ The conclusion that 
an increase in fixed capital also produces an increase in the 
annual product should also be perfectly general, independently 
of our particular assumption, as we shall immediately attempt 
to show. 

Similarly, I increases when n and K increase, but 6 diminishes 
when n and K increase. This conclusion ought also to be general 
in its validity, as we shall soon show. 

Since the expressions for tt and I have the same index, the 

ratio j remains a constant, in other words, with increasing 

capital, wages remain an unvarying part of the increasing product, 
which is a necessary consequence of our assumptions. Given 
our particular productivity function, the sum of the wages of 
free labour in each firm and throughout industry constitutes 
an unvarying portion of the product, which follows from (18) and 
(18 his,) And besides since, according to our function for the 
“ extension of lifetime ”, A -- M, the total number of free 
workers remains constant, every free labourer (and therefore 

V = i and p = I, K becomes proportional to but r only 

to ^n. 



all labourers) receives a constant part of the national dividend 
when capital increases (though of course labour now invested 
is paid in consumption-goods which are ready tiow^ and not in 
the consumption-goods which they themselves help to make). 
Naturally, this conclusion cannot be general. 

If the proportionate share of the labourers in the total 
national dividend is constant, then the capitalists’ share is 
also constant. But, as we have maintained, this result holds 
for the interest on all the capital at the moment of time in 
question, if the rate of interest is p. 




must be a constant. This result is correct, 


K G 

p— = since the powers of n cancel out. 

IT 62 

It may be added that the number of capital-goods (axes) 
in use at the same time, which on the above analysis is 

M- = 
a h 

necessarily increases with n and also with JT, although in a smaller 
proportion than either, since 1 -f- ^8(1 — = 1 — a(l — v) -f 1 — * 

> 1 — V. This result is general and holds as we shall soon 
show, even in the exceptional case when M diminishes with an 
increase in K. 

Let us turn to the transition from one equilibrium to another. 
It is now possible to discover to what extent the closely-related 
proposition originally advanced by von Thiinen that the rate 
of interest corresponds to the marginal productivity” of 
capital is corroborated by our formulas in the modified form put 
forward by Akerman. By logarithmic differentiation we obtain 

AK An , Att ,An 

(1 + )S(1 - v))— and — = ^(1 — v)~ 





Arc /8(1 — v) rr 

iS(l -v)K 

We can easily express the value of the ratio — without needing 

to bother about the rather complicated constants Ci and 
Since the share of capital in the product is equal to the interest 

i;— ! 


on all the capital = pK (cancelling At out), it must clearly 
be TT — Al, or, if we take (18 bis) and (20 bis) into account, it is 

^(v + <^{y) - 1) 

V + j>{v) 

Thus we obtain 

7T V ^(v) 

K~^{v + <f>{v) - 1)^’ 

and finally 

Aw 1-v v + <f>{v) ■ 

AK l + ^{l-v)v + <l>{v) - V' ’ 

Out ratio is therefore proportionate, but not equal, to p. If 

V = h 4^{^) = 1*27, and = a = it becomes *92^ approxi- 
mately, i.e. rather less than p. This discrepancy is only to be 
expected, when the increase in capital is partly absorbed by the 
resulting increase in wages and only part of it is effective in 
raising production. But since this explanation does not hold 
here, we may infer that the principle is not general. If ^ is 
quite small, i.e. if the capital-goods have only a minor significance 
for production as compared with free labour, then as long as 

V = the first fraction approaches 1 — J as closely as 


possible, whilst the other is always — i.e. > 2. Strangely 

enough, this ratio is thus greater than p. 

In these circumstances, it is already obvious a priori that 
von Thiinen's thesis is no longer verified, even in the form in 
which Akerman proposes to recast it. In his analysis on p. 152, 

Akerman starts by replacing the divisor AK by AK K 


and thus subtracts that part of the increase in capital absorbed 
by the rise of wages. This method of approach is perfectly 
justifiable (cf. my review) for Bohm-Bawerk’s thesis, as we can 
see from a simple inspection of the formulae on p. 113 of my 
Tiber Wert, etc.^ But in this particular case, it does not hold good. 

1 If JZ is replaced by dZ - Zj in the equation at the bottom of t^e 
pa^e, p. 113, op. cit., 

Ap'dt __ 2p'dt 2p' 

dK ldt-\-m 

t^p"' disappears from the denominator in the fraction on the extreme right, 
which is reduced to = z (the rate of interest). 



We obtain witbout any difficulty 

Al rAK Al\ 


and if J 77 is divided by this expression, tbe new ratio can be 
written as 


\ 77 

An\ rr 



)K - 

(1 — v)(v 4- (f>{v)) 


The new ratio differs from the old only in this respect, that the 
factor in the denominator depending on ^ drops out. Since this 


is always > 1 as also in this case, the new ratio is always 

greater than the old one, but it is not therefore equal to p. 
On the contrary, we should be in a position to show that it must 
always be greater than p, except in both the limiting cases, 
where either v is very small and np — ^{v) is therefore very 
large, or where v approaches unity and (f>{v) tends to zero. In 
hoik these cases the R.H.S. of the equation is reduced to the 
value of p ; this is self-evident for the first case and can easily 
be proved for the second by the method of limits.^ I cannot 
enter now on the explanation of this very puzzling formula ; 
presumably it belongs to the sphere of “ dynamic theory, 
where we cannot confine ourselves to the comparison of two 
different equilibria, but must also study the transition from 
one to the other. 

Finally, I shall tackle the question which really constitutes 
the starting point for the whole of this fragmentary essay. It is 
the validity of the principle that an increase in capital (measured 
in units of product, or the value of the product remaining 
unaltered) must, as a general rule, always produce an increase 

^ Let V = 1 — € where € is a small positive fraction. The value of ^(v) 
then approximates to 2€, and the value of the denominator thus becomes 4- €. 
The denominator cannot change signs between the limits v = 0 and ^ 
smce it would be at a minimum between these points, which ^ can easily be 
proved to be impossible. Therefore it always remains positive. We can now also 
prove that this quantity v -f ^(v) — 1 always has a sign opposite both to the 
second derivative of I with respect to n, p remaining constant, and to the 
second derivative of p, I remaining constant, when their first deri’s^tive 
becomes = 0 , whence the values of I and p respectively, obtained above, 
always describe a real maximum. This ne^ not hold in the general case 
(vide infra). 



in the volume of production. We have already seen that it is 
valid on our assumptions. 

But even this conclusion now appears more complex to 
me than I had first believed. The proof I shall advance rests 
on the assumption that a rise in wages relatively to the use-value 

of the machine, that is to say an increase in always brings 

about an extension of lifetime whenever such an extension can 
be profitable (in other words if all the data are taken "as 
continuously variable). According to (10) and (10 his) 

but this conclusion follows from a = in*', our function for 
* extension of lifetime If instead we take a more general 
function, a =f(n), of which it is only assumed that it becomes 
zero when n is zero, and increases more slowly than n, then 
the matter is no longer seK-evident. Eor brevity, substitute 

We now obtain the corresponding changes in x and n 

by differentiating (4) and (6), which hold simultaneously 

for a given value of a? when p has reached its maximum. 


Thus — 

I ^pn I 

=t/(«) = (4 bis) 

P 0 

and also 

e-pn == xf\n), (6 bis) 

where/'(n) is the first derivative of /(n). This expression should 
now be differentiated with respect to n, x, and p, for it involves 
a shifting of the maximum points themselves. Let f"{n) be 

the second derivative of f{n) and let = p and = ?• 

Then on eliminating Jp, we obtain 



Clearly, on our assumption {f{n) = 0 wlien n = 0 and 

f'{n) di minis hing when n increases), p must be < ~ and q <z0. 


The expression p is therefore always positive, and in the 

numerator and the denominator of the next fraction q and 
p — — are both Tiegative, But we cannot presume without further 

analysis that they are simultaneously < or simultaneously 
>py It is therefore not a priori impossible for Ax and An 
to have opposite signs. Let us return to our function a =f(n) 

= Then clearly p=z^ and q ~ — Y: Consequently, 

n n 

the numerator and denominator are here identical (if multiplied 
by n they both become pn v — l=v + (j>{y) — 1) and our 
equation is simplified thus — 


= (1 - v)~, 

An n 

which can be directly obtained by logarithmic differentiation 
of (10). Now since /(n), whatever its actual form, has the same 
general form as our special function, we may infer even now 
that X and n vary approximately to the same degree. But it is 
not impossible that they might sometimes vary in different 

^ But it can easily be proved that the denominator p + p — - is always 


> 0. From (6 bis) and (4 bis) we find that it must here always have the vahae 

g— -j- pw — 1 

The denominator of this fraction is certamly > 0, and so is the numerator, 
since its value becomes =0 for pn = 0, but later rises continuously, as 

“ e -f 1 its derivative (with respect to pn) is always > 0. 

It is impossible to get any further without knowing something about 
p + g'. Still we can easily show that the inequality p q > 0 (which for 

f{n) = kn^ becomes ^(v) + v — 1 > 0) constitutes the secomd condition 
necessary for the emergence of a maximum value for I ot pin the general case. 
This condition, however, need not be satisfied throughout. As far as I can see, if 

^18 given and n is increasing, there is nothing to prevent a sequence in which 

there first emerges a maximum value for p, then a minimtim, and then a 
maximum again, and so on. An interesting consequence of this phenomenon 
will soon be mentioned. 



directions, from wMch it plainly follows that x{= and n are 


not uniquely determined by each other but that x may have 
two (or more) values for the same value of n or, conversely, n may 
have different values for the same value of x. 

In actual fact this last possibihty may often be reached, 
but it should not on that account give rise to any serious dilemma. 
The only practical significance it can have is that an increase 
of capital is sometimes distributed between two different 
investments — ^two types of machine of different durability 
(though otherwise identical), both yielding the same maximum 
return on capital. We have confined the number of different 
investments to two^ because for technical reasons it often does 
not pay to manufacture capital-goods lasting for intermediate 

It would have very much more serious effects on the following 

proof, if two different values of x could hold for the same 

value of n. But fortunately this can never haf'pen. If it could, 
the conditions of our equations (4 bis) and (6 bis) could 
simultaneously be satisfied for the same value of n with two 
different a;-values, x^^ and x^, and with concomitantly different 
values for p, and (pi > pa). In other words we should 

1 e 

obtain at the same time first = x^ f(n) and e == 


and secondly = x^fin) and e'^P^^ = x^f^n), 


from which dividing we should obtain 

^ li p has two maxima (as distinguished from a minimum) for smtiU 
values of ~ the manufacturer of machines naturally chooses the larger^ which 
we shall assume corresponds to the smaller value of n. 

Were capital and ~ to increase, the maximum corresponding to the higher 

value of n may become the greater. Now when p has two equal maxima (for 
different values of n), there must be a case in the transition period analogous 
to that described in my Lectures, p. 163. For a time the increase in capital 
IS divided between two different mvestments, in which I and b and their ratio 

- do not undergo any further change ,* for since an ever-growmg part of the 

capital is successively transferred to the longer investment, M is dimimshed 
and A-M increased, so that the proportion between free labour and the available 
uses of the machines remains unchanged. But I have not been able to complete 
any research into this mterestmg question in detail. 


ePi>^ — 1 £p2,n — 2 





Pi- P2 , Pi 

o ' 

, Pi® - Ps®. , . 
— ” + — 24 “ +• 

If the values of n and p are positive, all the terms in the series 
are also positive, and our assumption therefore involves something 

We may, consequently, proceed on the assumption that an 
increase in always produces an extension of the lifetime of 

capital-goods, even if this extension does not always occur 
continuously ; at times it may take place in jumps (or more 
correctly in such a way that capital is distributed among capital- 
goods of the same profitability but of different durations). 
On this hypothesis the proof of the thesis we previously 
advanced takes more or less the following form. 

When real capital increases it must always increase in 
height ‘in so far as an extension of the durability of machines 
is technically possible. For were it only to increase in “ breadth 
so that the only effect would be an increase in the number of 
machines of the old type, the labour permanently engaged 
in maintaining it would clearly have increased, once equilibrium 
had been reached. Hence it follows that the amount of free 
labour would have diminished at the same time as the number 
of capital-goods had increased. This must clearly result in a 

shifting upwards of y in which case we must infer from our 

conclusion, which we have just shown to possess general validity, 
that an extension of the lifetime of the capital-good becomes 
profitable. On the other hand there is no need for an inevitable 
increase in the ‘‘ breadth dimension of capital which follows 
from what we have said above. On our formula, with an increase 
in capital the amount of labour required for renewing capital 
should generally remain unalteired. We may therefore summarily 
assume that an increase in capital may very well occur with an 
accompanying fall in the breadth dimension. None the less 
even in this case the number of capital-goods in existence aJt the 
same time will have increased, for if it had diminished, since 



the amount of free labour has now mcreased, would have 


shifted downwards and we cannot describe the position in which 
n has a new and higher value as an equilibrium one. It therefore 
emerges that there will be a larger number of machines 
simultaneously with a larger supply of free labour, which must 
obviously lead to an increase in the total product.^ 

Let us now take the com m onest instance in which machine- 
capital increases in breadth as well as in height ; then the 
amount of free labour will dimmish. We can conceive of this 
change as occurring in two (or more) stages. Let capital grow 
in breadth to begin with and only later in height also — ^in other 
words, we first increase our M, n remaining constant, and after- 
wards n as well (with M constant). 

The first part of this procedure is soon explained. For since 
the composition of machine-capital remains the same, the whole 
process can be regarded as though M units of labour invested 
m a certain way co-operated with A — M free labour in each 
case. If M is increased, and A —M diminished by one unit, 
then, ignoring infinitesimal quantities of higher orders, the 
total product is increased and there is a difference between 
the marginal productivies of invested and free labour. This 
difference must be positive, for as we have always regarded the 
Productivity Function as being homogeneous and linear (or that 
it has again become so after any change has taken place) the 
marginal productivity of each group necessarily coincides with 
its wages. These must clearly be greater for invested than for 
free labour, as the wages of the former also include sorm interest. 
Now let the lifetime of the same number of capital-goods increase, 
M remaining constant. Then it follows that the number of 
machines in existence must increase (for the number of machines 

per labourer working on machines is - = ) and, i£ the 


amount of free labour is constant, the total product must increase 
still more. If the increase in machine-capital is such that as 
far as the first part of our analysis is concerned the rate of 

^ Similarly, if we abstract from technical discoveries, which change 
f{n) and F{Xf y) the basic functions themselves, wages must always rise with 
a relative increase in the amount of capital. The general character of the 
Productivity Function plainly involves the result that I and b always vary 
inversely ; if I has increased n must also increase. 



interest not only falls but is at the point of becoming zero, we 
simply stop at this point and allow n to grow until the rate of 
interest reaches its maximum (and becomes therefore > 0), and 
using this point as our starting-point we begin again with the 
same procedure. 

Thus the net result is that a growth of capital, as long as 
it is such as to be profitable, is always accompanied by an 
increase in the total product. Consequently the paradox fall 
irk the national dividend resulting from continued saving and 
capital accumulation does not apply to perfectly free competition, 
but the possibility of its holding for a situation in which capitalists 
combine cannot be excluded. 

So far we have treated the lifetime of capital-goods as if 
it were altogether separated from their other property — their 
Automatism as Akerman calls it. Actually, these properties 
are scarcely ever independent, greater durability is normally 
combined with greater efiiciency in other respects. We ought 
to be able to express this mathematically so that the a-fnnction 
does not actually have the simple form f{n), but also contains 
a quantity as a variable which objectively refers to the ej0S.ciency 
of the capital-good in question. Thus if, for example, g increases 
from gi to g^, and ^2 = ceteris paribus we get a machine 
of a new type, which can replace two of the older machines in all 
respects. We need only substitute /(n, < 9 ^) iot f{n) in equation 
(4 bis), and partially differentiate^ with respect to n and g, to 
obtain a new equation corresponding to this variable. However, 
I shall not undertake it here, as I have already taken too 
much space.